Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
He is 6'5 and 290lbs.
Those numbers aren't just mediocre, they are pitiful for 2 years of effort.
Let that sink in. This guy weighs 290lbs, and in 2 years squats 315. I've been lifting for 6 months, and squat nearly the same. And you're benching your body weight after 2 years. Impressive *eyeroll* Yeah, that no program thing is working out great.
I was not expecting this turn of events.
With the numbers he posted I was expecting another "skinny guy average guy."
2 years, those numbers are indeed "not good" and that's putting it nicely.
I wasn't going to be "a dick" about him, but when you posted those stats, well, that really shocked me.
Any lurkers here, or people who seldom post. This guy is an example of what not to do if you're looking to make progress in a timely manner.
My point wasn't that I'm the fucking badass be all end all when I first posted in this thread. It was to say that you could make very good gains comparable to those of people who do follow strict regimented sets/reps as long as you know the core lifts, do them with strict form, eat right, and stick with it. But I guess I'm a chump. I'm done here. God forbid someone advocates doing something besides the Rippetoe starting strength program or the zealots will jump down your throat telling you how wrong you are
Your point was to completely discredit programs designed by people who know a great deal about the human body, and how to accomplish great things in the field of lifting.
In the process you made it clear that you think you know better than they/we do.
Now that your stats are out, we can see what a joke this is.
Shifting to a new topic -- any Intermittent Fasting followers use the Two Pre-Workout Meal protocol?
I leave my house every work day at 6:30 AM and don't walk into the door until 6 PM -- so the above protocol seems to be the best choice. 1:30 PM I break my fast, then around 6 PM I have my pre-workout meal and then at 8-9 PM when I get back from the gym I have my largest meal.
Currently I am hovering around 190 after I peaked at 193 around Thanksgiving. I am looking to Recomp although in the LeanGains Guide it doesn't say anything specific regarding over calories for Recomp as opposed to Fat-Loss or Clean Bulk -- he says that will be in his book eventually.
Anybody know more about what LG Recomp entails? I assume the +20% workout day calories with 75% carbs/25% fats and then -20% on rest days with 50% carbs/50% fats is similar for Recomp, Fat-Loss, or Clean Bulk but only calories are manipulated.
I guess Recomp just = Maintenance calories but just incase .. want to be sure.
I don't know how you guys do that stuff, my hat is off to you. I like to eat when I feel like eating, haha.