cuevas. PhD.
I dropped 4 pounds in the first two weeks of Leangains.
It's too fast for my taste so I upped all my macro count and in the past week I have stayed at the same weight.
Could you feel it in the gym?
I dropped 4 pounds in the first two weeks of Leangains.
It's too fast for my taste so I upped all my macro count and in the past week I have stayed at the same weight.
So what's considered the definitive bodybuilding magazine/website right now?
Also, anyone think going grain-less and bodybuilding is actually feasible? The hunger kiillllss.
xuchu - Protein shakes are great for getting those extra calories and protein. Right now, I'm doing casein protein shakes at night - with milk/avocado/greek yogurt/banana - lots of calories and maybe too much sugar but it's really tasty. Adding a glass of milk or two with every meal will help you a lot. Just drink water in between meals. At your height and weight, it shouldn't be too hard to gain some muscle if you keep at it. And don't worry about people judging you at the gym, nobody really cares unless they want to help you.
you blend the avocado? and do you use plain greek yogurt? they have those big tubs of chobani. your shake sounds amazing, just not sure about the avocado. are you using just straight up, non flavored casein?
Usually most people have trouble with intermittent fasting for mental - rather than physical - reasons, hunger pangs aside. For the first week or two it takes a level of adaptation and discipline to ignore those first hunger pangs, which for me could be alleviated with some diet soda or black coffee. The body gets used to a certain eating schedule, and for me I won't feel hungry unless I really, really screw up my last meal of the night before (i.e. finishing the night off with simple carbs rather than fat and protein).
But stuff like LeanGains and Cheat Mode aren't for everyone. I like that Martin Berkhan doesn't trumpet IF or LG as the Holy Grail of fitness nutrition, but simply as another viable option. Some people need six squares, others can do with one to three.
I think it's a pretty advanced fitness lifestyle too. That's why I worry when people in the weight loss thread recommend it to people who are just starting to get in shape. You need to build up some self discipline and break through those mental barriers before you try and some sort of IF.
Could you feel it in the gym?
Could you feel it in the gym?
Nothing wrong with avocado. I've been using it for years. It makes the shake creamy. I use ice, milk, banana, strawberries, sliced avocados, almond butter, and vanilla whey protein.
BTW, my DL form was better today. Didn't cut my shins. Just left like a redmark and that's it.
The only problem with DLs, whether I have shitty form or bad form, my nut sack always feels it. It only lasts for a day, but still, lol.
I tried LeanGains for a couple of days but it wasn't for me. I felt awful not eating in the morning and got stomach and chest pains.
Why not just start your fast at night instead of skipping breakfast?
Best time to fast is when you're most active.
The only problem with DLs, whether I have shitty form or bad form, my nut sack always feels it. It only lasts for a day, but still, lol.
Nothing wrong with avocado. I've been using it for years. It makes the shake creamy. I use ice, milk, banana, strawberries, sliced avocados, almond butter, and vanilla whey protein.
BTW, my DL form was better today. Didn't cut my shins. Just left like a redmark and that's it.
The only problem with DLs, whether I have shitty form or bad form, my nut sack always feels it. It only lasts for a day, but still, lol.
Start wearing a cup.
Am I the only one wondering how the fuck his nuts are getting hurt?!?
Last thing I expected was advice on it!
Dude must have giant pendulum nuts.
lol big nutsacks
Today I benched again, with even less sleep than before (3am-9am) and managed 155x5x5. Main difference was I started with incline, and I warmed up on incline as well. I wonder what will happen with proper fuel and rest.
I'm loving the lying tricep extensions, except for the bloody nipples afterward. I was thinking of doubling up on the sweaters.
I'm about ready to order more whey protein powder. Up until now I've been using the EAS Whey (chocolate) mixed with water:
I know a couple of people here use the optimum nutrition whey. How do the chocolate/double chocolate taste when mixed with water? The price doesn't seem significantly different and the nutrition doesn't seem too much different either (to my untrained eye).
What. The. Fuck.
You guys are blowing my fucking mind today.
I'm really hoping you took what happened with the nuts thing earlier and are running with it.
Gym was packed today with newbies huffing and puffing on the cardio machines.
It seems New Years has already begun o_o
I havn't been in a couple of weeks but yep, it is going to be PACKED for a couple of weeks at the gym before they drop off.
Gym was packed today with newbies huffing and puffing on the cardio machines.
It seems New Years has already begun o_o
When I meant my nuts hurt, I meant as in when you sometimes lift something up, you feel a bit of straining.
I'm not even sore going back to DLs. It's funny, because I'm doing 225 5x5 routine, and I'm huffing and puffing and sweating.
I did a test run of a typical LeanGains workout day.
Stopped eating yesterday at 9 PM and at around 12:30 PM today I took 30g of whey protein and went to the gym. I felt fine all day, and felt fine throughout the gym as well. Just got back home now and downed a big protein shake and about 10 sugar cookies the parents made.Taking a shower than going to down half dozen eggs and my sweet potato hash browns.
I am not sure if it's just placebo, but I felt very good in the gym. No digestion issues conflicting with my workout always makes it better. I felt more energetic, and smashed through my exercises achieving the weights I set out to get with no problems.
I know this is just 1 day and I'm sure if I do this for real I might not feel as good to start off but it's good to know I can at least do it sporadically.
All I need to do is write down a few sample meals to eat for LG and I think I might start after Xmas.
I have experienced no issues on an empty stomach while doing Leangains. Although, I will leave the caveat that you probably shouldn't go much longer than 16 hours on an empty stomach before working out. I'm thinking one would experiencing diminishing returns at that point.
When I meant my nuts hurt, I meant as in when you sometimes lift something up, you feel a bit of straining.
I'm not even sore going back to DLs. It's funny, because I'm doing 225 5x5 routine, and I'm huffing and puffing and sweating.
Yeah, maybe I'll stop DL'ing then.
Hey, I have dabbled in weight training off and on over years with minimal results. I recently started a gym membership a couple weeks ago and feel so weak compared to everyone else. I am a skinny frame guy but I also have a bit of a gut (not huge, but i'm not skinny like a rail either).
I have thin arms, can't bench much, and have been practicing form and using the routine called max OT (this employs doing a lot of compound movements with 2-3 minute breaks inbetween sets, reps 4-6, etc). My diet has consisted of eating 4-5 times a day, somewhere near 2000-2300 calories a day, as well as using creatine, optimums 2:1:1 recovery shake post work out (this seems really helpful) as well as optimums weight gainer.
Today, I weigh myself and I seem to be about 5 pounds heavier than I was 2 weeks ago, however, I notice no strength gains and fear I might just be gaining fat rather than muscle. So i'm reaching out to people here, what should I be doing from a workout routine stand point, should I be trying to cut my body fat down, what kind of numbers should I be aiming for? I was trying to gain muscle in hopes that when I gain a good bit, I can cut and have an easier time cutting from a more muscular build, yet I don't feel any change in strength and feel bloated more in the gut than prior -_-
I'm in no way an expert on this, and it's why i'm using these months to try and learn what I should be doing, I mean, i'm skinny but not quite that twig guy, I weigh 160 as of today and am 5'10 in height, yet looking at myself I think I could healthily lose 20 pounds and still not have defined abs.
I'm definitely not in the worst shape or anything, but I have a fear of not only wasting my time but also making myself fatter with no other gain, any advice? I'm trying to devote the year of 2012 to really getting my act together with weight training. Thanks!
Step 1: change this mentality. It's not a 1 year thing.I'm trying to devote the year of 2012 to really getting my act together with weight training. Thanks!