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Fitness |OT3| BroScience, Protein Dysentery, XXL Calf Implants, and Squat Rack Hogs

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Got the spud Inc belt deadbeef recommended for Xmas. Not sure how I feel about it. It rides up my back when I squat down :(

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
600 lb deadlift
315 lb bench


I thought you were benching more than that already.

That's definitely my goal for DL too though.

Got the spud Inc belt deadbeef recommended for Xmas. Not sure how I feel about it. It rides up my back when I squat down :(

I tried with my FTS belt the other day. Had to take it off, couldn't get in the right position with it on.

Told my wife I want to get a spud belt.

Are you tightening it enough?

Yes, Merry Christmas. I wish you all the best in finding hot fit chicks over the next year. Except Shogun cause that dude is already whipped! ;)


lol, yeah, but my wife is awesome. Cooks, cleans, etc etc.

lol, thanks for that.
Merry xmas, fitness gaf!

I tweaked my back getting pounded in rough surf yesterday. Luckily (I think) it went into hyperextension when I hit the bottom. And at least it wasn't my neck.


Merry Christmas all. After sorting out a nasty shoulder, i'm going to start training again when i get back to Uni next week. Stats are:
Height 6'
Weight 76ish kg

Squat 100kgx5 (probably 95 now)
Deads 110x5
Bench 62.5x5 (so bad)
Press 45x5
PC working on technique still

Obviously going to start eating a shitload (4500kcal) along with training, but i see a lot of talk about this leangains method. Would it be a silly idea to attempt IF on a SS style program? If I was getting 4/5k calories of good food in the 8 hours is there any reason why I wouldn't be able to recover in time? Or is IF mainly for people trying to cut fat?


Funnily enough I'm seeing huge improvements in my body size wise, but I'm not really going up in weight too much. Is this normal for some of you?


Funnily enough I'm seeing huge improvements in my body size wise, but I'm not really going up in weight too much. Is this normal for some of you?

Yeah I've gotten bigger since May (when I started lifting) and a lot stronger but I weigh pretty close to the same. It actually ranges from 169-173 whereas before it was 165-170.


Oh are we posting goals in here.

Bench: 315x5
Incline: 280x5
Deadlift: 405x5

Aaaaand that's pretty much it for compound lifts. I think that those are "realistic" but will definitely take the whole year.


I'm currently planning a strict dietary regime for when I return to the gym. One thing that's making it hard is the recommended 40/40/20 for protein, carbs and fat.

For example, this:

2x Chicken Breasts
1x Pot of Italian Pasta

Nutritional values:

Calories - ~ 820
Protein - ~55.2g
Carbohydrates - ~116.2g
Fat - ~12.4g

This is an idea I have but will it be detrimental to have so much carbs? Or would this be more ideal for a pre-workout meal?


I've edited this by adding a typical protein shake (2 scoops of whey) to the meal. This changes the values to:

Calories - ~ 1,070
Protein - ~97.2g
Carbohydrates - ~127.4g
Fat - ~13.6g

Now this is far more suitable.

Would it be recommended to throw in a protein shake with every meal (or at least the big meals), to help balance the values out?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
This shit is like night and day.

Yesterday my fat brother inlaw calls me fat. Today my skinny as hell cousins comment on how much weight I must be lifting because I'm 'swole' and we get into a weightlifting discussion.


Hope everyone had a great Christmas.

Yeah it's good for deadlifts (allows for a little more mobility) and would probably be good for bench (though I don't bench with a belt) and press

The FTS belt we both have is excellent for press actually.

I didn't expect it to be, but it was a nice surprise.

Yeah let's get some goals going.

Goal for 2012.

Bench 455
Press 315
DL 600
Squat 405x5


i'll be trying the beginner routine in the OP tomorrow, is there a particular style of warm up I should be aiming for? Also, for someone who hates the taste of milk, is there a 0 calorie way to flavor it? (ovaltine seems bad here and i'm not sure what flavor packets would entail)

Also, merry belated Christmas :)


i'll be trying the beginner routine in the OP tomorrow, is there a particular style of warm up I should be aiming for? Also, for someone who hates the taste of milk, is there a 0 calorie way to flavor it? (ovaltine seems bad here and i'm not sure what flavor packets would entail)

Also, merry belated Christmas :)

I dunno about 0 cal, but you can add whey to it, will change the flavor and add a ton of protein.


Goals? Hrmm..... I'd like to be able to bench and row 100lb DBs, and shoulder press 65lb dumbbells by my birthday (late June). It'll be tough.

i'll be trying the beginner routine in the OP tomorrow, is there a particular style of warm up I should be aiming for? Also, for someone who hates the taste of milk, is there a 0 calorie way to flavor it? (ovaltine seems bad here and i'm not sure what flavor packets would entail)

Also, merry belated Christmas :)

I only have one critical suggestion for warmup - cuban rotations. I do them Dorian Yates style - one at a time with my arm being supported by something - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y86TYYpaMoA&t=0m44s

Really helps keep shoulders healthy. I do them before every session. Also before I do my first major lift of the day I'll always do a set or two of lighter weight to get blood flowing.

And this is?

dunno :(


Does anybody own the EliteFTS Blast Straps?

I want to do something like them for my home and they're much cheaper than the TRX stuff.
I'm trying to decide what weight set to get. I currently am using standard weights (1" diameter hole) and am upgrading to an olympic set. The two sets I have narrowed it down to are these:



What would you guys recommend out of the two? The tri-grip set is slightly cheaper (and seems more convenient to me) but I wasn't sure if tri-grip had any disadvantages.



Oh are we posting goals in here.

Bench: 315x5
Incline: 280x5
Deadlift: 405x5

Aaaaand that's pretty much it for compound lifts. I think that those are "realistic" but will definitely take the whole year.
I was under the impression deadlift should only be 1x5?


Let's see, goals for the year:

Bench - 300x5
OHP - 225x5
Squat - 405x5
Deadlift - 450x5

Squat is the most realistic of the bunch, deads always lag behind a bit for me, and bench we shall see, OHP is the wild-card of the bunch. Otherwise the true goal is tokeep working on my APT and have visible abs by Summer 2012.


I'm trying to decide what weight set to get. I currently am using standard weights (1" diameter hole) and am upgrading to an olympic set. The two sets I have narrowed it down to are these:



What would you guys recommend out of the two? The tri-grip set is slightly cheaper (and seems more convenient to me) but I wasn't sure if tri-grip had any disadvantages.


I can't think of any disadvantages of either. The tri grip seems more convenient. Just stay away from those awful hexagonal shaped plates


Goals for me (weight training edition)

10-15% bf ( the range is there because I plan to bulk and cut between the two; bulk when at 10% and cut at 15%. This way the goal is more about discipline rather than bf or weight on the scale)

SQ: 365x5 (the best I squatted on TM was 355x5. As I get my act together and focus on training without getting fat or overtraining, I want to come back to that)

DL: 405x5
OHP: 200x1
BP: 275x5/ 315x1
PC: 225x1

Conditioning: 6 minute mile


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
It's time for me to go on a cleanse, aka not drinking alcohol for a while.


One more quick question, when doing the beginner setup, about what time of breaks should you take between sets? If you're maxing weight on 5 reps as example.



One more quick question, when doing the beginner setup, about what time of breaks should you take between sets? If you're maxing weight on 5 reps as example.


I think 3 minutes is a good start. Of course if you feel you need an extra minute or so then by all means take the extra rest. I wouldn't really go beyond 5 minutes for beginner/intermediate programs though.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Gonna take the day off. Spend one more day eating like a fatass, play some skyrim. Then tomorrow it's game on again.

One more quick question, when doing the beginner setup, about what time of breaks should you take between sets? If you're maxing weight on 5 reps as example.


With some of my heavier sets I have to wait 4-5 minutes, that's not the norm though.

I think 3 minutes is a good start. Of course if you feel you need an extra minute or so then by all means take the extra rest. I wouldn't really go beyond 5 minutes for beginner/intermediate programs though.

Yeah, that's about right IMO.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I've dropped various bad habits over time, and each time I drop an additional bad habit, I notice a positive effect in the gym. Good luck

I rarely drink these days and when I do it's for social reasons. Last night, just a little too much Glenlevit, but it was a good time and a special time.
One more quick question, when doing the beginner setup, about what time of breaks should you take between sets? If you're maxing weight on 5 reps as example.


The findings of the present study indicate that large squat strength gains can be achieved with a minimum of 2 minutes' rest between sets, and little additional gains are derived from resting 4 minutes between sets. Therefore, athletes attempting to achieve specific volume goals may need longer rest intervals initially but may later adapt so that shorter rest intervals can be utilized without excessive fatigue, leaving additional time to focus on other conditioning priorities.


For someone who has been doing SS since May, but is now home visiting for 2 weeks with minimal gym access, what would you recommend doing in order to have minimal losses in that timeframe? I should be able to hit Planet Fitness a few times with my brother, but not on my regular schedule. Thoughts?


Alright guys I have a problem.

I am back home from college, so I have no gym. All I have is a bench at home, that goes up to 90 lbs in weight, so I can't do the major exercises like squats, deadlifts and bench press. I mean I can do high rep, low weight, but that isn't what starting strength is about.

I am at home until January 15, do you guys have any suggestions on bodyweight/low weight exercises I can do? I mean I guess I can work out for "size" instead of strength like bodybuilders, but I don't know how it would effect my gains.

Btw, 90 lbs is enough for me to do Shoulder Press (for now), barbell curls....that's about it.

Edit: Ha, didn't see Petrie's above post, it's basically the same as mine.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination

Check out this guy who I've seen working out in the streets of Manhattan a shit-ton of times. Cool dude and an inspiration to me considering I take calisthenics workouts almost as seriously as he does (been at it every week for seven straight months now, able to do most of the exercises you see in that video).

Really fun video that I think most of you will enjoy.
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