Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
Where are you finding EAS for that price? Could you shoot me a link?
Where are you finding EAS for that price? Could you shoot me a link?
Slightly OT, but good for me.
Just got back from getting fingerprinted (FBI background check) at my summer internship police department. The deputy chief seems dead set on having me work there full time after the internship. I hope it turns out that way.
Time to get back into PD testing shape. More cardio and *uhg* situps.
Think I'll still just focus on HIIT and add in some situps at home every now and then.
Also means I need to work on my lower back/hamstring flexibility again for the sit and reach. I fucking hate that shit.
I have a somewhat abstract question. After say, a relatively productive early evening lifting session, how damaging would relatively insufficient eating and less hours slept be? Assuming the next day I catch up on meals, how much of the productivity from the work out would (could) be set back?
I know I'm being somewhat vague, but this is because my metabolism is somewhat high. After my workout last night I had a protein shake, two chicken breasts, a small plate of beef and broccoli, and about a quarter gallon of chocolate milk, all of which I would have thought to be at least sufficient. However, I didn't get to bed until about 2 and felt hungry by the time I slept. While I ended up getting about 6 hours of sleep and ate a big breakfast and lunch, my paranoid side is perpetually concerned that my workouts are being completely undermined by insufficient eating.
Opinion from those knowledgeable about metabolic science would be greatly appreciated.
Ok, so would stretching by rounding your back and flexing or pulling on something heavy/stationary be a bad idea? Sometimes that helps me a lot when I have a sore back.
Lyle McDonald's website has a wealth of info about that. However, it just sounds like you need to eat more if you're getting hungry, and yes, it's not optimal for recovery if you're not sleeping and eating enough. Sleep more, eat more.
And for Shogun:
Does anyone have the Wendler 5/3/1 book?
Is it worth buying?
I think I'm actually going to scrap what I'm doing now, and go 5/3/1 full on.
Next week and the rest of this week will be 1rm week.
I'm not a big fan of his 2nd edtion since it just seems like a rehash for the 1st edition. There's the powerlifting version as well, however that might not be for you. The book describes the program, some variations on it, and some tips for not getting stuck.
Lyle McDonald's website has a wealth of info about that. However, it just sounds like you need to eat more if you're getting hungry, and yes, it's not optimal for recovery if you're not sleeping and eating enough. Sleep more, eat more.
I have the 1st edition and the powerlifting edition of Jim Wendler's 5/3/1.
My suggestion would be to start the program with what's available on the internet (90% of these books are available online, piecemeal by Wendler himself) and buy the basic 5/3/1 book if you plan on sticking with it past the first couple cycles.
5/3/1 is a very long term program, though, so keep that in mind. It's a strength routine built around baby steps. Rep records and incremental increases from month-to-month.
So yeah, go with that article and stuff like The 52 Most Common 5/3/1 Questions when you need more info.
When should you start doing weighted dips? Im 250lbs and I can do 3x10 without much trouble now, should I start adding weights?
I think now is fine.
Just be sure you're doing dips correctly by keeping your shoulders back and tight throughout each rep. If you're loose and your shoulders drop to far forward (rising to your ears) it means you lack the shoulder extension to do it safely. That places a lot of stress on your labrum and will only be worse with weight.
So I bought the online version of 5/3/1, even though I probably shouldn't have. But I haven't bought any lifting literature yet, so I figured what the hell.
Holy shit I like this book. I'm currently 54 pages in and I've already learned a lot. He's really into pullups and static stretching/foam rolling.
The part "Moving north of VAG" has me rolling because a guy mentions puking in his mouth and nearly blacking out and that's happened to me so many times I thought I was odd. lol.
Great book if anyone is even remotely interested, and it's completely sold me on the concept of 5/3/1
The best thing it did was alleviate my fear of needing a spotter. Since I know my body well enough I will know when to stop, and Wendler even advises leaving 1 or more reps "in the tank."
Fucking great read.
This is going to have my workouts laser focused and in turn, refocus me to other things that I've been neglecting.
That's going to be tough. I would suggest hitting up the local buffet and get all the fish and chicken you can get in the day but even that would go over 40 a week. I think I ate for around 10 for all you can eat at a nearby Hometown Buffet.Is it at all feasible to maintain a high calorie, high protein diet with the goal of weight gain and muscle accumulation on a budget of 150/month? ~40 bucks a week seems a little low to get 3500-5000 calories of healthy shit into my body on a daily basis.
Good to hear that you like it. 5/3/1 is on the top of my list to do as soon as I stall out on 5x5 or when I reach my goals for this year.
Is it at all feasible to maintain a high calorie, high protein diet with the goal of weight gain and muscle accumulation on a budget of 150/month? ~40 bucks a week seems a little low to get 3500-5000 calories of healthy shit into my body on a daily basis.
That's going to be tough. I would suggest hitting up the local buffet and get all the fish and chicken you can get in the day but even that would go over 40 a week. I think I ate for around 10 for all you can eat at a nearby Hometown Buffet.
I stopped doing this a couple of weeks ago. It was like a full-time job, and I got tired of stuffing myself.
I am gonna start frequenting this thread. In about six months I am gonna have my 3rd Muay Thai Fight. My first one was with 1.5 years training and I dropped from 185 to 155 and cut the ten lbs to fight at 145. I was in shape, but more on the skinny side. Not really a six pack and low body fat percentage. Mostly just kickboxing training.
Second fight I implemented weights alot more on the days I wasnt kickboxing. But I didn't get down to 145 in a comofortable manner the second time.
Its been 3 years since then, my gym started having bootcamp classes in the mornings which has helped tremendously. So over the summer, I would do bootcamp in the mornings, boxing at night, tuesdays id either do bootcamp or weight lift, wednesdays bootcamp morning with kickboxing at night, thursday bootcamp or weight lifting and friday was just kickboxing. Saturdays is more for running or yoga. I was riding my bike to work during all of this also. I lasted about 2 months of doing this and got to a solid 155. I'd say I had a great 4 pack but not quite a six.
I was taking supplments during this, just GNC type stuff. Mulitvitamin, protiend powder, i did one month of creatine, fish oil, calcium, and I ate semi healthy.
So this time, i want to make sure im taking high quality vitamins, I get super strict with my diet, and I keep pushing through doing doubles(bootcamp with kickboxing).
Is six months enough to drop from 165-145 and be ripped?
I stopped doing this a couple of weeks ago. It was like a full-time job, and I got tired of stuffing myself.
Who the fuck eats 12 chickens a day?
I was only eating a sixth of that, lmao.
A few months old, but still great.
So that's where the Justice League works out.
Guys I have a Q, it's a little embarrassing. For a variety of reasons I stopped working out as hard as I used to in August. I started trying to get back into it now that my schedule has cleared up. Started running, doing corework etc. My only problem is that aside from my back, I'm having ridiculous DOMS.
I did corework on Saturday, not even as tough as whatever I used to do, but the DOMS on my abs made me shorten my workout Monday and totally cancel Tuesday. Monday I was trying to bench and had a painful time trying to stabilize the weight. Tuesday I couldn't even get a pullup in without crumpling in pain. From Monday, my pecs are so sore I am having trouble putting on shirts and jackets.
I just don't understand why it's so brutal. I warm up by either running or cycling, if that helps. And I always do warm up sets (tho I can't do warm up situps of course).
Any help? Is it that I'm just not stretched out and back into form? I'm in so much pain.
Don't do situps, find a better way to work your core. Situps are shit.Guys I have a Q, it's a little embarrassing. For a variety of reasons I stopped working out as hard as I used to in August. I started trying to get back into it now that my schedule has cleared up. Started running, doing corework etc. My only problem is that aside from my back, I'm having ridiculous DOMS.
I did corework on Saturday, not even as tough as whatever I used to do, but the DOMS on my abs made me shorten my workout Monday and totally cancel Tuesday. Monday I was trying to bench and had a painful time trying to stabilize the weight. Tuesday I couldn't even get a pullup in without crumpling in pain. From Monday, my pecs are so sore I am having trouble putting on shirts and jackets.
I just don't understand why it's so brutal. I warm up by either running or cycling, if that helps. And I always do warm up sets (tho I can't do warm up situps of course).
Any help? Is it that I'm just not stretched out and back into form? I'm in so much pain.
dammit gaf, ok im in a acceptable shape but what the hell should i do to reduce my belly fatand those love handles.... its hard!
Are there any good video on the bench press form regarding the verticality of the forearms during bench press? SS pretty clearly shows that your forearms should be orthogonal to the floor at all times, but I'm having a hard time doing that. It seems my elbows flare out at the bottom of the press.
Not thinking you are in acceptable shape, because the belly fat and love handles dont lie.dammit gaf, ok im in a acceptable shape but what the hell should i do to reduce my belly fatand those love handles.... its hard!
Is it at all feasible to maintain a high calorie, high protein diet with the goal of weight gain and muscle accumulation on a budget of 150/month? ~40 bucks a week seems a little low to get 3500-5000 calories of healthy shit into my body on a daily basis.
Any advice on weight lifting shoes? Having read parts of SS Rip recommends lifting shoes as #1 equipment, what brands etc? I'm assuming online will be much cheaper than local AU, but would need to try on for feel / size, not sure where to go though.
This is pretty decent:
I was struggling with my squats, and was wondering why it was. Came home, filled in my log and welp, i accidently added 10 pounds compared to 2 days ago (when i had already added 5 pounds). Should pay a bit more attention next time. :lol