I have a question about injury management.
I'm on SS and on Wednesday tweaked my right neck/shoulder area when completing my sets for the overhead press. The culprit could be bad form or tight lats or just chance, but that's neither here nor there. Point is, while I completed my workout for the day I ended up getting significant pain in that area during that night and heading into the next day. Difficulty sleeping, compromised range-of-motion on my neck, etc.
Fortunately, it seems to only be minor issue, as after some stretching and flexibility exercise the pain has improved considerably in just the one day heading into today, but it hasn't disappeared, just lessened. It seems I'll be good as new before too long, but the issue I'm mulling over is whether to continue my workout plan today. I had only missed days due to sickness up to this point. I'm willing to perform my workout through some pain/discomfort if it didn't lead to any issues, but at the same time I don't want to aggravate that area while there's still a level of pain involved and potentially make things worse.
Am I overthinking this? Is it better to be cautious in this situation? Is it just a 'feel' thing where I simply need to act based on how I know my own body? I dunno, I guess it might seem like common sense to some people but I'm having trouble deciding how to go about this.