If your goal is to get strong (and big) then you should be able to do the following - according to Martin Berkhan (although it's generally the same wherever you look):
Generally this should be achieved within two years starting from no training but certain people can achieve this in less time, especially if they are more active than the general population. In addition, the shorter you are, it will generally be easier to get a higher multiple of your bodyweight than it is for taller people although it shouldn't matter too much at intermediate levels.
Have to say, on a solid weight training program with a proper diet, you should be able to achieve that in well under two years if you're a healthy male under 40.
Haha damn that's dangerous. Why not just put something underneath that step instead of metal plates on top?
It's called being a beginner. Which is cool, these things don't happen overnight.If that's a solid base, then I'm a pile of mush.
Martin Berkhan said:Within two years of consistent training on a decent routine, the average male should be able to progress to the following levels of strength (1RM):
Strength Goals: Intermediate
Bench press: body weight x 1.2
Chin-ups or pull-ups: body weight x 1.2 or 8 reps with body weight.
Squat: body weight x 1.6
Deadlift: body weight x 2
These numbers are for a raw (no straps, belt or knee wraps) single repetition.
The progress towards the intermediate strength goals should be fairly linear, meaning that there should be no plateaus that cannot be solved in an uncomplicated manner. By "consistent" training I do not mean never missing a training day, nor do I consider taking 2-3 months off from training consistent.
I find 55lb db curl impressive and I too lift pretty much solely for aesthetics. I like being strong and well rounded, but if I had to choose between big and weak or strong and thin I'd choose big.
I lift weights cause I want to feel good, look good and get laid.
I find 55lb db curl impressive and I too lift pretty much solely for aesthetics. I like being strong and well rounded, but if I had to choose between big and weak or strong and thin I'd choose big.
I lift weights cause I want to feel good, look good and get laid.
It is impressive but it shouldn't be the first thing you throw out there to prove you are no beginner.
My goal is to be way stronger than I look. I'm pretty sure I am there now. I was 185 this morning and I can put up bigger numbers than most people at my gym regardless of weight. With a baggy t-shirt on I look like a pretty normal guy. Oh, and I too can DB curl 55 pounds. Suck it haters!
I was just giving an example, and the one I was most proud of.
Also, good for you! It feels good when I get to rep 8 on each arm, and I finally put those suckers down and think, "holy shit, that was great." There's no rush like it.
Make sure you don't rock. Ever try sitting on an incline and doing them. Much better and almost impossible to cheat. I usually BB curl but I will throw in DBs every 3 or 4 weeks.
I have tried that in the past and enjoyed it. Might actually incorporate that into my biceps/back day tomorrow now that I think of it.
As much as I love DB curls, if I were to boast about what I'm most proud about, it would have to be my BB cable curls. I feel like I can put up weight that matches anybody at my gym.
When I first started lifting, I was all about looks. Didn't care about how much I lifted, as long as I look good, that's all that mattered. Problem was, I didn't have enough muscle so I tried losing the skinny fat and just looked weird. As I swallowed my pride and went to eat more so I can lift more, I become more focused on strength. I say, right now, I want to be stronger and worry about my looks later.
But then again, I am on a cut. But I'm blaming that on my finger. And Evo in July.
lol I have no idea what I want.
Wrestling always gave me the idea "I can look (close) like that if I work hard enough" and that's always been one of my inspirations for lifting.
What is a BB cable curl? Just a curl on cables with a straight bar?
On the note of curls, be careful. It's easy to overtrain/injure your bicep/elbow doing too much. Props on being able to do 55lbs strict, I'm not even sure I could do a perfect rep with 55lb dumbbell to be honest.
Also, if you're going for arm mass, focus more on your triceps, it makes up the majority of your arm size.
I need to work on incorporating more bicep isolation myself. At this point I mainly just hit it with my rows and chins.
On the note of curls, be careful. It's easy to overtrain/injure your bicep/elbow doing too much. Props on being able to do 55lbs strict, I'm not even sure I could do a perfect rep with 55lb dumbbell to be honest.
Also, if you're going for arm mass, focus more on your triceps, it makes up the majority of your arm size.
I need to work on incorporating more bicep isolation myself. At this point I mainly just hit it with my rows and chins.
As long as you are hitting all your compounds the isolate away my friend!
Yeah, that's never an issue with me.
I just don't really know where I would add them.
I may just mess about with my power blocks on saturday sometimes (off day), just to stimulate.
It is impressive but it shouldn't be the first thing you throw out there to prove you are no beginner.
My goal is to be way stronger than I look. I'm pretty sure I am there now. I was 185 this morning and I can put up bigger numbers than most people at my gym regardless of weight. With a baggy t-shirt on I look like a pretty normal guy. Oh, and I too can DB curl 55 pounds. Suck it haters!
I'd find a day far away from back and do them then.
Yeah. My friend at work is cutting right now. He's got those stridations going on. He's going on a cruise next month, and he wants to bulk back up. I asked him why he doesn't like being lean and cut, and he said it's because he doesn't look big in clothes. It's hard to tell.
Personally, I don't care. I just wear a tight polo shirt.
And this thread has gone to shit........again, as usual.
I've always wanted to look like the people who worked with that guy in your avatarn and him of course. (Macho Man for those that don't know)
Wrestling always gave me the idea "I can look (close) like that if I work hard enough" and that's always been one of my inspirations for lifting.
Hell, the majority of the time I lift, I'm listening to wrestling intros on my iPod. Gets my blood pumping!
Yup! I've always used wrestlers as motivation as well.
My ideal look. For now anyway haha.
Okay, so I did the second day of the new routine I'm thinking of doing, and it was legs and shoulder day.
This was obviously a lot easier to adjust to, since they have no correlation, and everything went well I feel.
My main question is: What muscle group should I be doing first though on these days? Should it be the primary first (chest, back, legs) and then secondary (triceps, biceps, shoulders)? I'm doing 3 sets for each muscle, so should I mix up the sets (example: back, biceps, back, biceps, back, biceps), or just do each muscle group's full workout, then on to the next one (example: back, back, back, biceps, biceps, biceps)?
Thanks for the help.
I would rather have both the physique/insane functional strength and performance of a gymnast over that wrestler/powerlifter/bodybuilder look any day/month/year of my life.
I think I can do that. I believe my gym has rings downstairs. Maybe I'll start messing around on them.
LOL you can prop yourself up on the rings like that, then bend your torso back 90 degrees, and do a split? Please send me your routine so I can do that someday as well....
LOL you can prop yourself up on the rings like that, then bend your torso back 90 degrees, and do a split? Please send me your routine so I can do that someday as well....
You know him then? Maybe he can. He didn't say that he was certain he could, just that he thinks he might be able to.
There is no reason to get snarky and mean about it though.
I should be able to as well, but I could never hold it for as long as a well-trained gymnast can. Not that it's not incredible, but it's also not as impossible as you're making it out to be.
It is just hard to believe that any person that hasn't been training specifically in gymnastics and these types of movements since early childhood can do something like that. Maybe 1 or 2 people on all of neogaf at most....
Even though the other guy came off kind of rude, I think you guys are severely underestimating the difficulty of a movement like that
Rings are insane. The Victorian cross is probably the single most impressive bodyweight exercise on the planet. The Victorian is different from other rings exercises... it's a front lever where your body is parallel to the rings.
That's not quite a perfect Victorian, and it may not look like much, but that's about as close as any human being has ever come to pulling it off. Seriously.
I would rather have both the physique/insane functional strength and performance of a gymnast over that wrestler/powerlifter/bodybuilder look any day/month/year of my life.
I find 55lb db curl impressive and I too lift pretty much solely for aesthetics. I like being strong and well rounded, but if I had to choose between big and weak or strong and thin I'd choose big.
I lift weights cause I want to feel good, look good and get laid.
Oh good, this again.
While impressive, I'm not sure the "insane functional strength" part unless you're training to be Spider-Man.
Finally broke the 100kg mark in squats this week. I've been at it for years, and I'm not kidding. Got up to 100, then got sick or sloppy and had to deload, before slowly getting up there again. This week, I first did 102,5kgs, and today I did 105. No problem. It's all in the head.
Had the same hang-up with deadlifts a few years back. Got up to 100kgs, but struggled for a LONG time before I could add anything at all. So silly. Now, if I could just break through 45kgs on the overhead press... I've been able to do 3x5 only once. Every time since then I've done 5, 4 and 3. 42,5kgs is no problem at all.