Looks like you've identified most of the issues that are contributing to your current physical self.
Kill the beer, drop the sodas, pick up a water bottle, cut out fast food, start cooking at home more and eat lean. What I mean by lean: chicken, turkey, low-fat beef should be okay in moderation, greens (salads, etc, not too much dressing), fruits and vegetables. If you're feeling hungry, instead of grabbing for some fries, grab a banana or apple instead. Ditto if you got a sweet tooth.
As far as what you can do beyond that? Get out and run. Run 1 mile today, take a day or two off, then run 1.25 miles, take a day or two off, then run for 1.5 miles, and keep going. Once you get your body acclimated to some level of fitness, you can do to more advanced cardio-based workouts.