The OP has good beginner options, both in Starting Strength or bodyweight.
Are you stuck on 30-60 mins a day or can you load up on gym time every other day?
Even though your primary goal is weight loss, I really think Starting Strength is a great program for beginners. Rippetoe says it's not for powerlifters, and the forms he teaches are to get the most of the exercise without injury, not the forms that some use for lifting competitions. It's designed to give people a basic strength foundation. Although originally written for coaches of young athletes, the book keeps older, previously untrained people in consideration. Highly recommend the book, forum, and the many videos you can find on youtube.
I'd pick a program without the power cleans (subbing rows or other back work) if you have no weight training background, as that's a complex movement difficult to learn on your own. Everything else (squats, deadlifts, press, row, bench) can be learned pretty well from reading and watching videos, and then if needed (mainly for squatting but maybe for deads and rows) posting a video of yourself online for tune up critiques.
SS or variations like Stronglifts 5x5 are also great for beginners because they are simple and written specifically for beginners. You have the schedule set, there's only 5-6 lifts to learn, and you just keep alternating every other day, while increasing the weights by 5 lbs each session. So you don't have to write down what you are doing that day cuz it's easy to remember. You should write down what you did later though to help you remember, track progress, and make note of anything that feels different so you can learn how your body responds and watch for injuries.