Question about squats (low-bar) and grip. As some of you may know I've complained about my wrists/hands when doing squats. Some days it's okay, other days I just can't do it. I don't know if it's a flexibility issue or what.
Yesterday I did my highest weight yet on squats (180, 5x5) and for the most part was fine aside from a bit of discomfort in my wrists that lasted for a couple minutes after I was done. It seems what works best for me is having a kind of wide grip, and resting my hands on the bar in such a way that the hands themselves are at an angle (bar is at bottom of index finger through middle of pinkie finger), and I'm not really gripping the bar so much as I'm just using my hands to stabilize the bar. Is there any problem with doing it this way?
I don't really get what you're trying to describe visually, but stabilizing the bar is all your hands are really supposed to do when squatting- keep it level and stop it from rolling down your back. You don't wrap your thumb around the bar and you don't hold up the weight with your wrists.