Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
I'm gonna do 200 pullups/chins today. Who's with me?!?
At what part did I say you have to take protein shakes every 3-4 hours?
Food is always better than shakes.
I just use it as food costs a lot of money and I need 5000 calories a day, which is hard to get from food alone. Its hard for me to gain weight
I disagree about the cost of supplements vs food. With a Costco membership, you can get lbs of beef, nuts, grains, and what have you. A 5 lb bag of whey goes for around $40 or so around here.
I'm gonna do 200 pullups/chins today. Who's with me?!?
I,d lo e to, but I find myself progressing well with chins, but not so much wth pull ups. I think I need rings instead of a bar.
Wish we had a Costco. BJs sucks.
Pullups progress slower. I'm doing a mix of pullup, parallel pullup and chin up to 200 total reps. I'm at 90 now and headed to the gym to do Military press and some assistance. I'll finish the other 110 when I get home. (Probably knock out 2 sets of 10 chins while I'm there to make it better when I get home).
Do it with chins! Lets gooooooo!
How's it taste?I found Muscletech protein at Sam's Club this weekend - 5 lbs for $38.95, if anyone has a membership there.
How's it taste?
The body is not good at storing protein right?
Well it makes sense that the time you need it the most is before and after sleep, when you go so long without it. Including after a workout.
I mean doesn't Jay Cutler wake up at 2am to take a protein shake?
I disagree about the cost of supplements vs food. With a Costco membership, you can get lbs of beef, nuts, grains, and what have you. A 5 lb bag of whey goes for around $40 or so around here.
I gave up on protein shakes when I found out I can eat whole foods so much cheaper. I bake a packet of chicken thighs on Sunday night. 2.5 lbs of chicken thighs. hundreds of grams of protein and I eat it for lunch or dinner over the next few days. Some ground beef and I make burgers. I can buy enough food for 4000-5000 calories every day and spend around 40 bucks. I usually buy about 5 lbs of chicken, 2-3 lbs of ground beef, bunch of vegetables, 12 cans of tuna (2 every day except one day a week), some whole wheat bread and a couple of pounds of different cuts of pork.
I used to do a ton of protein powder to fill the gaps because I figured it was more convenient or easy as well but you just have to develop a system. The gains I make off whole food is night and day compared to when I would rely more on shakes.
Edit: Then again my diet is SUPER bland. I don't mind eating the same thing almost every week cooked the same way every time. Some people can't handle that.
I've never taken creatine or whey in my life and I've put on a hell of a lot of muscle compared to where I was when I started lifting. Supplements really aren't that big a deal.
Goddamnit, fools. Whey is just liquid food. That's all it is. It's not magic, and it's not a drug.
It seems as though I have costochodritis and not a muscle strain. Which explains why I didn't really lose range of motion and didn't have any bruising or swelling. Anyone else deal with this? I have no idea how long I'm supposed to lay off.
How's it taste?
God damn it, I was almost finished installing my whey shower.
You're missing out. It is fantastic.
Nothing compares to my whey bidet though.
So you did finish making the whey shower after all!
You almost made me spray chocolate milk all over my monitor. Well done sir.
Oh yeah. I don't have to worry about other people eating it. haha My daughter won't touch what I eat and my wife rarely will.I guess it is possible then and no one should rely on shakes, I only get 50g per day from 1 shake out of 220-250. When I start bulking, I'll probably have to take 2.
My problem is I make a ton of chicken or fish and my whole family eats it so I just have to cook everything again the next dayso annoying.
Oh yeah. I don't have to worry about other people eating it. haha My daughter won't touch what I eat and my wife rarely will.
I don't see anything wrong with protein shakes. They just don't work very well for me and I see way too many people overusing them. I have friends who aren't as serious about lifting but still think that they need 3 protein shakes a day. Sorry. If you have to drink 3 a day then you can probably tighten up your diet a bit in general (assuming you're just a casual lifter and not a body builder)
Ya, idk, this was like a stabbing pain from all underneath my pic to under my shoulder blade. Now it's just kind of uncomfortable and sore sometimes when I move. I guess it is basically a bad inflammation of the connective tissue around the ribcage, so it is probably similar to the pressure around there from a belt. Except way worse last week.I get a pain in my front rib and back rib, which I contribute to my belt pressing against them during squats/deads. I don't know how serious it can be, but it can be pretty damned uncomfortable when I'm trying to sleep sometimes. I don't know how close that is to what you have, but it seems similar.
Good enough for me!It tastes ok enough to drink and not want to vomit afterwards.
Oh yeah. I don't have to worry about other people eating it. haha My daughter won't touch what I eat and my wife rarely will.
I don't see anything wrong with protein shakes. They just don't work very well for me and I see way too many people overusing them. I have friends who aren't as serious about lifting but still think that they need 3 protein shakes a day. Sorry. If you have to drink 3 a day then you can probably tighten up your diet a bit in general (assuming you're just a casual lifter and not a body builder)
Drinking 3 a day probably is tightening up their diet.
Ya, idk, this was like a stabbing pain from all underneath my pic to under my shoulder blade. Now it's just kind of uncomfortable and sore sometimes when I move. I guess it is basically a bad inflammation of the connective tissue around the ribcage, so it is probably similar to the pressure around there from a belt. Except way worse last week.
The dr didn't think it was a heart attack, but everything he tested for was to rule that out. So it's just a hypothesis that it is costochondritis, but from what I'm reading it sounds right.
Good enough for me!
That's what they usually tell me =\Drinking 3 a day probably is tightening up their diet.
I'd love to, but I find myself progressing well with chins, but not so much wth pull ups. I think I need rings instead of a bar.
Wish we had a Costco. BJs sucks.
Parallel-Grip Pull-Up:
10 reps (+119 pts)
10 reps (+119 pts)
10 reps (+119 pts)
10 reps (+119 pts)
10 reps (+119 pts)
10 reps (+119 pts)
10 reps (+119 pts)
10 reps (+119 pts)
10 reps (+96 pts)
10 reps (+96 pts)
10 reps (+96 pts)
10 reps (+96 pts)
10 reps (+96 pts)
10 reps (+96 pts)
10 reps (+102 pts)
10 reps (+102 pts)
10 reps (+102 pts)
10 reps (+102 pts)
10 reps (+102 pts)
10 reps (+102 pts)
Fuck yeah! 200 pullup/chins. Last 30 got sloppy as hell, but fuck it.
Standing Military Press:
45 lb x 15 reps (+39 pts)
95 lb x 5 reps (+44 pts)
135 lb x 3 reps (+46 pts)
185 lb x 5 reps (+81 pts)
210 lb x 3 reps (+76 pts)
235 lb x 2 reps (+76 pts)
Felt strong today.
Barbell Shrug:
225 lb x 25 reps (+62 pts)
275 lb x 20 reps (+83 pts)
315 lb x 20 reps (+109 pts)
315 lb x 20 reps (+109 pts)
225 lb x 30 reps (+65 pts)
My back is becoming a boulder.
Dumbbell Bench Press:
100 lb x 10 reps (+153 pts)
100 lb x 10 reps (+153 pts)
100 lb x 10 reps (+153 pts)
100 lb x 10 reps (+153 pts)
100 lb x 10 reps (+153 pts)
Dips - Chest Version:
20 reps (+141 pts)
20 reps (+141 pts)
20 reps (+141 pts)
11 reps (+68 pts)
10 reps (+61 pts)
Reverse Flyes:
15 lb x 20 reps (+17 pts)
15 lb x 20 reps (+17 pts)
15 lb x 20 reps (+17 pts)
Aren't rings more difficult than a bar? I would think they require more horizontal stabilization.
Aren't rings more difficult than a bar? I would think they require more horizontal stabilization.
Hi fitness pros (and fellow novices), I am looking for general critique and advice regarding my current workout routine and diet. I'll get to that in a sec. About a week ago I read through the OP and cooked up a starting workout routine based on my goal to lose some weight and shape up. Here's some background info:
age: 23
height: 5' 11 3/4"
weight: 160
Basically, I am a thin blob, and I'm pretty physically weak. I live a very sedentary lifestyle; about 90% of my day is spent sitting in class or at home. My goal is broad: I want to lose the extra fat around my midsection, especially the gut I developed. I don't want to look ripped, just toned if possible. I also want to strengthen my arms. I am a complete beginner, having never done a workout routine before. The only equipment I have right now is a jumprope. After reading the OP I decided to just concentrate on bodyweights. At my level of fitness-- that is, ZERO-- any shred of activity will help immensely.
Don't worry; you won't get jecked overnight
Here is my general workout routine. It's sloppy, but it's something. I've been doing it once every day for the past six days about 20 minutes before I eat dinner:
jumprope: about 2 minutes as warm-up.
squats: 20
lunges: 15
crunches: 65
jumprope: 1 minute 30 seconds
planks: i just do one. hold for about 40 seconds, alternating raising legs
pushups: 6 is my record, but I can usually only do about 4 or 5.
jumprope: 1 minute
For me, it's a vigorous workout in that I'm always breathless and sweating afterwards with soreness-- bot not so bad I can't workout the next day.
Good, a steady progression in volume is always a good foundation for bodyweight stuff
The following meals are representative of my general diet. I'm consciously trying to eat less. I'm vegetarian (for the most part) and I don't eat snacks:
Breakfast: small bowl of granola, 8oz glass of juice.
Lunch: veggie burger with whole wheat flatbread. apple with natural peanut butter (literally just mashed up peanuts and oil). glass of 1% milk or water.
Dinner: a bean/rice dish of some sort with 2 vegetable servings and a fruit. glass of 1% milk or water.
The lack of meat (protein) is going to be rough. A lot of these meals are just carbs with very little fat or protein. Protein has been the building blocks for all hardbodies out there. You may wish to consider other vegetarian sources of protein
Am I on the right track? Anything blatantly wrong with my workout and diet based on my goal to lose weight? What are the most fundamental things you would suggest to help me achieve my goal? I would greatly appreciate any feedback. Thanks.
Hi fitness pros (and fellow novices), I am looking for general critique and advice regarding my current workout routine and diet. I'll get to that in a sec. About a week ago I read through the OP and cooked up a starting workout routine based on my goal to lose some weight and shape up. Here's some background info:
age: 23
height: 5' 11 3/4"
weight: 160
Basically, I am a thin blob, and I'm pretty physically weak. I live a very sedentary lifestyle; about 90% of my day is spent sitting in class or at home. My goal is broad: I want to lose the extra fat around my midsection, especially the gut I developed. I don't want to look ripped, just toned if possible. I also want to strengthen my arms. I am a complete beginner, having never done a workout routine before. The only equipment I have right now is a jumprope. After reading the OP I decided to just concentrate on bodyweights. At my level of fitness-- that is, ZERO-- any shred of activity will help immensely.
Here is my general workout routine. It's sloppy, but it's something. I've been doing it once every day for the past six days about 20 minutes before I eat dinner:
jumprope: about 2 minutes as warm-up.
squats: 20
lunges: 15
crunches: 65
jumprope: 1 minute 30 seconds
planks: i just do one. hold for about 40 seconds, alternating raising legs
pushups: 6 is my record, but I can usually only do about 4 or 5.
jumprope: 1 minute
For me, it's a vigorous workout in that I'm always breathless and sweating afterwards with soreness-- bot not so bad I can't workout the next day.
The following meals are representative of my general diet. I'm consciously trying to eat less. I'm vegetarian (for the most part) and I don't eat snacks:
Breakfast: small bowl of granola, 8oz glass of juice.
Lunch: veggie burger with whole wheat flatbread. apple with natural peanut butter (literally just mashed up peanuts and oil). glass of 1% milk or water.
Dinner: a bean/rice dish of some sort with 2 vegetable servings and a fruit. glass of 1% milk or water.
Am I on the right track? Anything blatantly wrong with my workout and diet based on my goal to lose weight? What are the most fundamental things you would suggest to help me achieve my goal? I would greatly appreciate any feedback. Thanks.
Can someone recommend some protein powder. I've always Optimum Nutrition but they are charging 53 dollars now. It was about 32 dollars last time I bought it. So hopefully something cheaper and it has to taste good.
And gym day todaaaaaaaaaaaaay. I love it. My finger is pretty much healed so I'm ready to start doing chins/pullups and rows. I have missed you so much.
Can someone recommend some protein powder. I've always Optimum Nutrition but they are charging 53 dollars now. It was about 32 dollars last time I bought it. So hopefully something cheaper and it has to taste good.
Can someone recommend some protein powder. I've always Optimum Nutrition but they are charging 53 dollars now. It was about 32 dollars last time I bought it. So hopefully something cheaper and it has to taste good.
Hey Everyone,
First off: Thank everyone for the continued awesome advice in this thread. Its really invaluable!
I have question that someone hopefully has the answer for. At the moment I dont have a gym but I've been doing a steady set of squats with a heavy bag and pushups-pullups-dips in a rotation that has been working alright.
Now my real question. Whenever I do dips or pushups ( rarely when i do pullups) i get an odd soreness / slight pain in the space at the lower part mid area where my shoulderblades would meet. It always happens when Im doing pushups, and it never happened before. It begain occurring probably a few weeks ago and it doesnt last, it almost feels like a muscle cramp and goes away fairly quickly but was wondering if anyone could clue me in on what it may be?
A quick search online says that there could be a tightness in that muscle group and some of the suggestions include some vague stretches. Anyone have experience with this? Thank you in advanced!