Awesome thread! I had a newbie question about muscle soreness. I know that muscle soreness is not always an indicator of how hard you work, but what about muscle activation? The reason I ask is I've been on the SS program for the last two weeks and I don't notice any soreness in my butt after doing squats. I feel it in my hip flexors, my quads, but not my glutes. Do you think it is because I am not lifting with my ass enough as instructed by Ripp? I've done different exercises like lunges, and I definitely feel soreness in my glutes after it. I know the best way to troubleshoot whether my form is an issue is to have it checked or to get a video, and I plan to do this next week . But do you guys think my form is the problem?
Yeah I have this problem too. I'm never sore after my squat workouts. Do it 3 times a week. I actually wish I'd feel soreness so I'd mentally think it is working.