J Tourettes
Built my scaffold squat cage at the weekend, not bad for £126, even if I do say so myself.

Thanks man, I will check that out and try adding it to my workout.X-Frame said:Here is a good video of Dave Tate talking about pull throughs.
But look how buff she was!Para bailar La Bomba said:That's what Sarah Connor said!
cuevas said:I don't get how people can read and shit on cardio machines. I was doing my hiit on a bike with some guy reading a book on the one next to me. The thing that bothered me was that he kept looking at my screen. Motherfucker you're reading a book and not breaking a sweat don't be looking at my shit.
I try to keep my HR at like 185-190 (I seem to max out at 190) for at least the last 8 minutes of my session.
Haha, ya, when there's a long wait for the cardio machines, that irritates me more than squat rack hogs. I need the elliptical to get a regular HIIT session, since my body can't handle sprinting on solid ground regularly. They'd get a better workout just walking on the ground, since the elliptical's momentum is doing a lot of the work for them.cuevas said:I don't get how people can read and shit on cardio machines. I was doing my hiit on a bike with some guy reading a book on the one next to me. The thing that bothered me was that he kept looking at my screen. Motherfucker you're reading a book and not breaking a sweat don't be looking at my shit.
I try to keep my HR at like 185-190 (I seem to max out at 190) for at least the last 8 minutes of my session.
That sounds awesome, and worth every penny for an individual one-on-one assessment and advice. I wish I was close to someone like that. I work in NYC but it seems all the coaches, trainers and therapists I follow on T-Nation, blogs, videos, etc are elsewhere.Price Dalton said:I had a one-on-one session with KStarr yesterday at SF Crossfit. He fixed my squat (which I haven't been able to do without significant knee pain for weeks) and spent twenty minutes working my shoulder/hip internal rotation range of motion, of which I had nearly zero.
I highly recommend seeing him if you're ever in the area, even if you think you don't need it. It was $125 for an hour.
Chinese Electric Batman said:Son of Zeus.
Master of juice.Chinese Electric Batman said:Son of Zeus.
Carbonox_Ratchet said:Depressing doing 3 sets of 8 Bench Press at 80kg, knowing you were able to do around 90 or so a couple of months back and then went through a lazy no-gym streak.
I've asked before but I'll ask again, my diet is high in calories but ideally I'd like some opinions on if it's OK. I try to eat these every day in the same order with some additional stuff thrown in if I feel like it. Most days though, this is the core of my daily diet:
Tuna pasta (with veg) - 900+ kcal
Hungarian sausage with 3 slices of white bread - 600+ kcal
Chicken & bacon pasta - 1100+ kcal
Greek honey yoghurt - (dependent on what is available) 550+ kcal/700 kcal
Thoughts? I'm bulking so figured I'm on a good road.
Decado said:Any point going on a "bulk" for two weeks? I'm currently experiencing tension headaches so it looks like I'll have to take a couple weeks off to recover ("taking it easy" just seems to be prolonging the problem) *then* I'll be going to Europe for two weeks (during which I probably won't be doing weights).
What do you suggest I do during the two-week period in between the breaks to prep myself for when I return from my holiday? The last month or so has been such a flop :\
As stated, I'm not sure there's such think as a two week bulking session.Decado said:Any point going on a "bulk" for two weeks? I'm currently experiencing tension headaches so it looks like I'll have to take a couple weeks off to recover ("taking it easy" just seems to be prolonging the problem) *then* I'll be going to Europe for two weeks (during which I probably won't be doing weights).
What do you suggest I do during the two-week period in between the breaks to prep myself for when I return from my holiday? The last month or so has been such a flop :\
Sample Daily Diet:
Meal 1 6 boiled Eggs, 2 cups of Oatmeal and a Protein Shake
Meal 2 300g Chicken Breast (boiled) Broccoli and Brown Rice
Meal 3 200g Tuna chunks in spring water, mixed with Spinach Leaves, and Wholemeal Pasta
Have your workout. Immediately post workout, consume your Whey Protein
Meal 4 Stir fry Beef/Kangaroo Mince with some vegetables
Meal 5 Steak or Kangaroo and Brussels Sprouts
Meal 6 4 scrambled Eggs and some Salmon
Meal 7 One cup of no fat Cottage Cheese 10m before bed
Jason's Ultimatum said:Reading Zyzz's diet:
I don't get this: He ate 300g of protein from the chicken and 200g of protein from tuna chunks?
Even if he was juicing, which he body would suggest he was but he says he wasn't (I'll withold judgement), that wouldn't cause cardiac arrest. Hell, that diet is super clean. The man looked quite fit.Jason's Ultimatum said:Ah. 22 years old, too and had a cardiac arrest. Supposedly his friends were telling him a few before he died to "take it easy". Whatever that means.
Veezy said:Even if he was juicing, which he body would suggest he was but he says he wasn't (I'll withold judgement), that wouldn't cause cardiac arrest. Hell, that diet is super clean. The man looked quite fit.
However, attractive guy that likes to party, I'm pretty confident we can think of a list of recreational substances that can cause your heart to go a bit too fast.
With just a dash of that white girl to keep the party going.Jason's Ultimatum said:Valtrex mixed with redbull?
White floodBumRush said:GAF,
I've been taking pre-workout drinks with creatine and wanted to switch to one without (history of kidney failure in my family and my doctor said i should stop). Any recommendations for good pre-workouts that don't contain creatine?
Veezy said:Even if he was juicing, which he body would suggest he was but he says he wasn't (I'll withold judgement), that wouldn't cause cardiac arrest. Hell, that diet is super clean. The man looked quite fit.
However, attractive guy that likes to party, I'm pretty confident we can think of a list of recreational substances that can cause your heart to go a bit too fast.
Crikey.Meal 5 Steak or Kangaroo and Brussels Sprouts
Petrie said:Seems way too carb heavy, especially all the pasta and white bread. My goodness.
The Lamp said:Got my new bloodwork results back.
Less than 2 weeks ago my ALT was at 196 (normal level below 50) and my AST was 56 (normal level below 40 I think)
Now my ALT is at 123 and my AST is at 53, so it declined quite a bit just stopping the diet. I think I'll be back to normal soon. I had had some tylenol over the weekend anyway due to a minor operation and having a cold.
Lost more weight again, too. Down to 168.
All in all the GOMAD diet was interesting. I guess it was worth it because of the strength gains and getting some fat where I was previously bone and skin.
I don't think I'll be doing it again though. But I'm going to be eating a lot while I work-out so I keep results (which I'll start again in about a week).
Saadster said:Damn you're losing weight fast like that...make sure it's mostly fat too, keep eating protein and stimulating your muscles. Otherwise you'll lose the muscle and be near square one.
So you gained like 20 lbs really fast and are now losing weight while not working out but hoping its not muscle? Tbh you probably lost all the muscle you gained.The Lamp said:I'd love to but I couldn't work out the past two weeks because my doctor wanted me to be off of protein and fat for at least a week for the bloodwork, and I'm going to be a counselor at a week-long camp this Thursday, so I can only do it when I get back
I'm anxious to work out again, though. Hopefully I didn't backslide in strength two much in two weeks.
http://tinyurl.com/4y6x78jJason's Ultimatum said:So 300g is roughly over half a pound, correct?
cuevas said:So you gained like 20 lbs really fast and are now losing weight while not working out but hoping its not muscle? Tbh you probably lost all the muscle you gained.
And people with anime avatars wonder why no one takes them seriously.K701 said:ZYZZ IS DEEEEEAD
Jason's Ultimatum said:Ah. 22 years old, too and had a cardiac arrest. Supposedly his friends were telling him a few before he died to "take it easy". Whatever that means.
twofold said:There's a lot of crazy drugs you can buy in Thailand, and the Red Bull is scarily potent too. I'd wake up with heart palpitations after a night of drinking Sangsom (Thai Whisky/Rum) with Red Bull. Scary shit.
abuC said:Great success, did 120lbs per hand on incline bench for the first time since starting Layne Nortons program. I'm on my 3rd week and I'm starting to see increases now, was able to do it 7 times.
cuevas said:Why is that bodybuilding.com thread full of people calling it a "troll"?