It's debatable, as not a lot of people openly discuss their illegal drug use these days. However, I have a bit of insider knowledge, back when I helped run the events, and I can compare that with the openness of your old school guys. Short answer, todays guy uses a whole lot more assistance than Arnold did. Bit of text below, but I feel it's worth it. This is just my opinion, btw. Feel free to voice your disagreement.X-Frame said:Veezy, how much were the doses when Arnold was "supplementing" compared to what BB'ers are "supplementing" with now?
Don't know if this is true, but I remember hearing Arnold & Co. just used enough to give them what any genetically-gifted 18 year old football player would be experiencing, whereas today it's on a whole other level.
First, let's get it out of the way. Arnold was a freak. Before he did BB he competed in power lifting. You know all the shit power lifters talk about the ripped guys? They're wrong, you can do both. However, he did take dianabol. If I recall correctly, dianabol, or d-bol, was actually created to help the US Olympic lifters compete with the Russians and their use of drugs. Dr. Ziegler, I believe created the formula in the late 60s.
Anyways, D-Bol hadn't been out too long, was proven to work by your strength athletes, and was relatively easy to get a hold of. Remember, in 70s this shit wasn't an illegal. It was a pill that people said didn't work, cause they either didn't use it or didn't want their record to have an asterisk. Despite that, it was pretty popular at the time. Still is.
Regardless, while Arnold would use D-Bol with his morning coffee (or however it took it), he was still training. Hard. He had to eat even harder. Old school guys had it rough, or better depending on how you look at it. Steroids were a supplement, a natural part of the sport. Arnold stated he used it to keep on his weight while he couldn't diet as he liked. I don't believe it 100%, but it makes sense. I tend to believe the comment more as they didn't exactly have the amount of options we have today. Sure, there were other chemicals and products back then, but there weren't a ton of proven options.
Today, it's completely different! We have protein powder that's not just a lot of bad fat and shitty protein. We have nitric oxide pills, pre work outs, creatine pills, etc. There's also been over 40 years of cancer and AIDS research. There's all sorts of injectable test, anti wasting pills, growth pills for recovery patients, companies trying to make pro hormones that work but haven't been banned yet, etc. It's crazy. You'll have a guy go on anadrol and an HGH, get disgustingly huge, cut with winstrol, go on a three day water loss diet, and end up with roid gut. Then, that guy wins. He doesn't look natural, he looks inhumanly huge. Which, he will be.
See, the sports changed. Back then, it was about balance. These guys weren't sponsored to look like freaks to advertise some bull shit product in Men's Health. They were there to look their best among other people. It was a different sort of passion. I mean, there were sponsors, but they guys had to have jobs. Arnold acted and trained, he wasn't in a gym twice a day seven days a week in between photo shoots. Today, the sport is fucked by your sponsors. I've met some of the BSN business people and their models. You have this guy who's obviously on shit, walks around in a BSN shirt, pushes N.O. explode as the reason he's got great vascularity to some poor sap, and turn around and never use the product. If you're sponsored, you're set, but you have to look a certain way to sell a product. Plus, bold face lie that you use the product and aren't on steroids.
If you really want to know the difference between the 70s body builders and today, look at the guys competing for Mr. Olympia back in the 70s. Compare them to your folks are the Arnold over the past decade. Freaks win, physique only places.