MJ How could you leave out this quote from that article, shit's funny as hell.
Any significant difference from the standing press vs seated?
Any significant difference from the standing press vs seated?
Are these things any good? Local shop is getting rid of them for about 50 cents a bar, and they normally go for $2 each, so I thought it'd be worth checking.
omega 9 is pointless and omega 6 is detrimental. just get omega 3 and don't take over 3 grams a day.Is this a good Omega 3 supplement?
Are these things any good? Local shop is getting rid of them for about 50 cents a bar, and they normally go for $2 each, so I thought it'd be worth checking.
It doesn't work that way. As you get stronger your body expends more energy and takes more damage than when you're a novice. Thus recovery takes longer.
Squats are as they are in SS because as a novice squats will make gains exceptionally fast, they are also "the best" lower body exercise for strength.
Deadlifting is the most brutal compound movement you will do, especially at higher weight. They take the most time to recover from and take the most out of you. I personally wouldn't deadlift more than once a week, but that's just me. And it's simply because it would probably wreck my progress in other areas.
Cool, thanks for the insight. Once a week, it is.Depends on where you are in your training. When I started out benching I did M/W/F. Then I hit a weight (think 175) where I just couldn't do that high of a volume anymore. So I switched to M/Th. When I get back in the gym I'll probably do M/W/F just to figure out where I am, then switch to twice a week. FYI I wasn't doing SS or the beginner routine, I was doing a split me and some friends threw together that had us doing 3x10. We got bigger and stronger and more cut, but I feel SS would've done the job quicker.
EDIT: and yeah like shogun said, DL's are the hardest and most body destroying exercise. Twice a week, max. I tried 3 times a week for 2 weeks and my hips were so fucked (I was doing 3-4 sets of 5 reps at 300lbs. Terrible idea.)
Are these things any good? Local shop is getting rid of them for about 50 cents a bar, and they normally go for $2 each, so I thought it'd be worth checking.
Alright thank you, I'll head over to the GNC tomorrow and see what they have.omega 9 is pointless and omega 6 is detrimental. just get omega 3 and don't take over 3 grams a day.
Are these things any good? Local shop is getting rid of them for about 50 cents a bar, and they normally go for $2 each, so I thought it'd be worth checking.
I think they taste pretty good but are probably full of things that aren't good for you.
Fitness candy bar
55g of carbs, but maybe useful for post-workout?
55g of carbs, but maybe useful for post-workout?
oh wait, 50 cents? i'd buy out their entire stock.
That's the only reason I gave them a look. The price is pretty damn good.
That's the only reason I gave them a look. The price is pretty damn good.
Looking in the mirror I can already notice a size difference, but I'm still flabby as hell. This bulking phase is really gonna test my patience with putting on even flab, but I'm afraid that if I start out with cutting, I'm gonna be mad at myself later when it's harder to put on muscle cause my body is used to working out again.
Argggg. I'm eating like a mofo, and I'm still hungry. Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, Protein shake, Dinner, Cottage cheese. Is this normal? All my meals have protein, fat, and vegetables.
Guh, I did squats again today after a 5 day lay-off from them, and I couldn't go to parallel. My legs are still super sore and I think not healed (from going to exhaustion the last time I did squats). I went to parallel or at least what felt like parallel for 1 rep and I came really close to not coming back up (same weight I was. Should I just do really low weights til they feel healed, or take more time off?
Guh, I did squats again today after a 5 day lay-off from them, and I couldn't go to parallel. My legs are still super sore and I think not healed (from going to exhaustion the last time I did squats). I went to parallel or at least what felt like parallel for 1 rep and I came really close to not coming back up (same weight I was. Should I just do really low weights til they feel healed, or take more time off?
Hey GAF! I'm just checking in here since I'm about to embark on a bulk-up journey, and the information in the OP has been a real help. This post is mostly just to say hi, but I've got some questions for you as well, and any suggestions on what I could add to the workout routine or diet tips would be excellent.
So I went out and bought ten litres of milk to keep at work, and another four for home (I live 5 mins walk from a supermarket, so I can restock regularly) to try the milk diet. I successfully downed my first four litres yesterday, and look set to finish four today, so I'm keen to keep it up and see how my body handles it over the next 2-3 months.
I've also decided to give the beginner routine in the OP a go, though I've actually never done squats or deadlifts before, so I'm looking forward to feeling self-conscious as I try to correct my form.
I have a question : My gym buddy is my brother, and he's not super keen on doing bench presses. He'd prefer to do a dumbbell press instead. Is there much of a difference?
Another question : I've heard a lot about the optimal number of reps and sets. The OT mentions 3 sets of 5, there's the 5x5 program, and I've previously been doing 3 sets of 10. For the majority of exercises, which is best for me, and why?
Age: 24
Height: 5'9
Weight: 70kg
Goal: Me, upscaled by 10-20%. The OT says pick a major and a minor goal, so I'll pick a physical size increase as most important, and strength as secondary.
Current Training Schedule: Haven't put it into practice, but I intend to do the beginner's routine in the OT, at least for the first three months while I'm on the milk diet.
Current Training Equipment Available: Gym membership. I'm pretty sure I'll have access to all the required equipment.
Comments: I'm definitely a skinny dude, but for a skinny dude I feel like I've got an alright starting point. I'd really like to put on a lot of size in my arms and increase the bulk in my chest though, as my arms are pretty damn skinny, and I don't have much of a chest
I've done a lot of running through sport so I've already got comparatively large legs. I don't want to focus exclusively on upper body, but I feel like my legs already get a decent workout.
How many capsules of omega-3 should I intake a day? The bottle says three. Should I play it safe and just take two a day?
Guh, I did squats again today after a 5 day lay-off from them, and I couldn't go to parallel. My legs are still super sore and I think not healed (from going to exhaustion the last time I did squats). I went to parallel or at least what felt like parallel for 1 rep and I came really close to not coming back up (same weight I did last session going fully down). Should I just do really low weights til they feel healed, or take more time off?
Hey GAF! I'm just checking in here since I'm about to embark on a bulk-up journey, and the information in the OP has been a real help. This post is mostly just to say hi, but I've got some questions for you as well, and any suggestions on what I could add to the workout routine or diet tips would be excellent.
So I went out and bought ten litres of milk to keep at work, and another four for home (I live 5 mins walk from a supermarket, so I can restock regularly) to try the milk diet. I successfully downed my first four litres yesterday, and look set to finish four today, so I'm keen to keep it up and see how my body handles it over the next 2-3 months.
I've also decided to give the beginner routine in the OP a go, though I've actually never done squats or deadlifts before, so I'm looking forward to feeling self-conscious as I try to correct my form.
I have a question : My gym buddy is my brother, and he's not super keen on doing bench presses. He'd prefer to do a dumbbell press instead. Is there much of a difference?
Another question : I've heard a lot about the optimal number of reps and sets. The OT mentions 3 sets of 5, there's the 5x5 program, and I've previously been doing 3 sets of 10. For the majority of exercises, which is best for me, and why?
Age: 24
Height: 5'9
Weight: 70kg
Goal: Me, upscaled by 10-20%. The OT says pick a major and a minor goal, so I'll pick a physical size increase as most important, and strength as secondary.
Current Training Schedule: Haven't put it into practice, but I intend to do the beginner's routine in the OT, at least for the first three months while I'm on the milk diet.
Current Training Equipment Available: Gym membership. I'm pretty sure I'll have access to all the required equipment.
Comments: I'm definitely a skinny dude, but for a skinny dude I feel like I've got an alright starting point. I'd really like to put on a lot of size in my arms and increase the bulk in my chest though, as my arms are pretty damn skinny, and I don't have much of a chest
I've done a lot of running through sport so I've already got comparatively large legs. I don't want to focus exclusively on upper body, but I feel like my legs already get a decent workout.
You may wish to come up with some programming and a distinct purpose for each movement. Resistance training all abides by the same principles whether that resistance is a barbell, a kettlebell, or just your bodyweight.So Oogie and whoever else does bodyweight (MJ?) what are some routines you do? Right now all I do is lots of sets of pushups, pullups, and squats throughout the day. Should I be doing more circuits? More at once?
I'm considering taking up BJJ soon but the classes mainly seem to be M/W/F evenings. Would it be too much of a stretch to do two of these a week after my SS workout? I probably wouldn't be starting until about July.
Do you guys drink coffee to curb hunger when fasting?
Urban Scholar said:Do you guys drink coffee to curb hunger when fasting?
Are you doing low carb? I was feeling the same way and took Cuevas advice to add more fat. Its helped ever since.
What the shit. Gross.