Pretty awesome considering it was at the tail end of a triathlon.
I did a 5k a few years ago and it look me like 35 min (I suck), and the winner did it in 17 and change. lol
Anybody who finishes that type of event gets mad respect.
Pretty awesome considering it was at the tail end of a triathlon.
I did a 5k a few years ago and it look me like 35 min (I suck), and the winner did it in 17 and change. lol
Is it bad then that I get between 5 and 5.5 hours of sleep on weeknights?
If you're working out seriously, then yes it's pretty bad. Sleep is probably the most important part of the entire workout routine, but I know that falls on dead ears most of the time. Today's world is too go-go-go with work or play (tv, games, internet) and telling people to go to bed at 9 or 10 usually gets laughed at. Sometimes I get to bed late too (kids), but I was just commenting on the huge difference I felt waking up today (yesterday was shoulders/tris) than I did a few days back sleeping for 6 hours after my legs day.
He has a point though. You're going to start getting diminishing returns if you're not following some sort of progression. That's why you see most people with notebooks logging everything they do.
I've been doing it in my head but even that is a cop out. I should start logging my progression as well. Goals never hurt. They're vital to success
Every gym has those older fellas who come in constantly and do "whatever" and never see a lick of progress. .
'Diminishing returns' for what? If your goal is not to be bigger and stronger in the fastest amount of time possible ... but instead to actually enjoy the process of being active?
Then go hiking if you want to enjoy being active. I had a long reply typed out but I think you already have your mind made up here.
If they are happy doing it and are being active in the process, why the fuck should you care or even notice? Now if these guys are loudmouth/know-it-alls coming up to you and trying to tell you how to workout (I know these guys!), then you should judge away.
Why is it so antithetical to attempt to enjoy yourself while being in a gym? Why can't doing dumbell flys be as enjoyable as taking a walk in the woods? To me, it is.
I don't have my mind made up. I just have experiences that have shaped my mind, but I am always open to learn new things. That's why I am in the thread.
The sleep thing is something I'm really bad with. I usually get like 6 hours and it kills me. I get started on my iPad and then have trouble settlin down into bed. Need to work on that
Why is it so antithetical to attempt to enjoy yourself while being in a gym? Why can't doing dumbell flys be as enjoyable as taking a walk in the woods? To me, it is.
I don't have my mind made up. I just have experiences that have shaped my mind, but I am always open to learn new things. That's why I am in the thread.
It's hard not to notice when the same guy is at the gym at the same time every day for like a year, and literally hasn't made a bit of progress.
Do you think you would enjoy the gym less if you had a plan as to what you wanted to do? Would it make it seem more like a chore to you?
Why is it so antithetical to attempt to enjoy yourself while being in a gym? Why can't doing dumbell flys be as enjoyable as taking a walk in the woods? To me, it is.
I don't have my mind made up. I just have experiences that have shaped my mind, but I am always open to learn new things. That's why I am in the thread.
I do think that this board may be a little to bb/weighlifter focused, which requires a certain kind of obsession, with macro tracking, logging workouts, etc.
There is a subset here were PRs and building biceps is not a priority, so we need to match the advice for their goals.
I do think that this board may be a little to bb/weighlifter focused, which requires a certain kind of obsession, with macro tracking, logging workouts, etc.
There is a subset here were PRs and building biceps is not a priority, so we need to match the advice for their goals.
Totally agreed, though that subset doesn't post often enough!
This would probably explain why you've been having trouble losing more weight.
Anybody who finishes that type of event gets mad respect.
I do think that this board may be a little to bb/weighlifter focused, which requires a certain kind of obsession, with macro tracking, logging workouts, etc.
There is a subset here were PRs and building biceps is not a priority, so we need to match the advice for their goals.
Hm. I never considered that. I'll make an effort to get 8 hours (at least) every night.
I'm exited to see what my first weigh in will be on this new diet. I'll be keeping track every Friday morning.
Set my alarm last night for 630 PM instead of AM. Missed my first bulk day at the gym :lol
I did have a great breakfast though. Oatmeal with Cinnamon and apple. Along with 3 eggs.
Right, but that's what works for you. Doesn't mean it's universal advice you can give to everyone.
Everyone's body does work in a way where the same amount of effort becomes easier and therefor gives diminishing returns. This isn't something unique to me. If you run a mile every day, eventually your body adjusts and that mile doesn't exert the same effort, or raise your heart rate as much, etc. Hence why progression is important no matter what.
Sounds like ToxicAdam is just wanting to maintain his health. As we don't have pictures to judge by, if he's happy with where he's at and wants to stay there, I don't think that can be begrudged. This thread is very focused on gains and increases, so I can understand why some might not understand/relate to that.
But who does that? It's natural human instinct to lift more, run more, do more reps and bike further as your body becomes stronger and adapts. Even if you don't meticulously write it down or plan it out.
That's okay. I left agonizing and worrying about 'bigger, stronger, faster' in my twenties. I just want a body that looks better than my peers (I'm a few years shy of 40 now).
I do think that this board may be a little to bb/weighlifter focused, which requires a certain kind of obsession, with macro tracking, logging workouts, etc.
There is a subset here were PRs and building biceps is not a priority, so we need to match the advice for their goals.
Everyone's body does work in a way where the same amount of effort becomes easier and therefor gives diminishing returns. This isn't something unique to me. If you run a mile every day, eventually your body adjusts and that mile doesn't exert the same effort, or raise your heart rate as much, etc. Hence why progression is important no matter what, even if his only goal is a conatant increased heart rate.
Poor/inadequate sleep causes leptin to tank.
Leptin is the master energy hormone that tells your brain (it binds to specific neurons that regulate appeite and energy expenditure) if you're getting adequate nutrition. Consequently, less leptin signaling in the brain due to less serum leptin can cause your metabolism to slow down.
Then I should sleep less to gain weight, you're saying![]()
Then I should sleep less to gain weight, you're saying![]()
I don't feel like going much further with this since talking with you is sometimes like trying to talk with a textbook. People can progress in their own way that isn't similar to your way or pace. I respect your opinion and generally agree with what you say, but the way you dispense your thoughts is sometimes so rough that it's no surprise a poster like Adam will get defensive. Dude is happy with what he's doing, that's all. If he's losing 1lb a year instead of the 10 he "should" be and he's still proud of himself, I see no issue.
I'm sure there are tons of things you do wrong or not to perfect, optimal standards during your workouts - we all do. Giving advice on how to improve is great, but comparing Adam to "that guy in the gym who is just wasting his time" is a bit condescending.
Anyway, enough of that, to the gym!
Pulled a groin muscle over the weekend. I'm on the starting strength program as outlined in the OP. Do I need to skip any of the exercises because of the pulled muscle? I'm most concerned about the squat, but after trying a few unweighted, it didn't seem to be an issue. But I don't want to make things worse.
And I would argue that 75% of people going to the gym have absolutely no idea what the hell they're doing, or how to accomplish their goals. I would say a good number of them don't even have goals.
A lot of people have been mis-informed or lead to believe things that couldn't be further from the truth.
Everyone who fails in the gym fails for the same reasons: They don't have a plan, they don't know how to accomplish their plan, or they don't want it bad enough. Getting healthy, losing weight, bulking up, all this things require a LIFESTYLE change, not just lifting a few weights here and there or running a couple miles now and then.
Oh definitely. But that's were you want to look at your goals. It seems that Toxic Adam has those squared away and has been progressing nicely.
However, when someone comes in this thread and ask why they're squat is stalling, I can understand the more specific question to get more info in terms of routine, diet, rest, etc.
Yea, and that's my bad. Like I said, I can become too focused on the science and eeking out that extra 10%. Sometimes that human element is lost to me when it comes to this subject. Too much of a textbook indeed.
This I can agree with. I do tend to at times focus too much on the science and "ideals" without taking into account the homan part of the entire thing. I tend to be a stats guy, etc, and can definitely lose touch with the fact that sometimes sanity takes precendence over an extra 10% gain or what have you. I will try and work on that delivery a bit in the thread in the future though, as I can 100% see your point.
My apologies folks.
But you have to write things down if you want to reiterate exactly what you did and for what amount.Again, nobody said you had to write things down and such. When you say you can't tell us what your workouts involve, that shows that even in your head there's not a logical plan for progression. I don't have to write anything down to make sure that if I run twice a week, I run a bit farther each time, but the plan for progression is still there, even in its simplest form.
And I don't know what human instinct your talking about because since the dawn of man, we have looked for ways to make things easier and for them to take less work. Those pushing themselves the way you describe are the exception, not the norm.
I use an app on my phone named JEFIT. I was going to do the notebook but I forget that kind of thing all the time, but I always have my phone.
I do think that isn't a human instinct though, that's a learned behavior.
It's a learned behavior because you have a biochemical machine inside your head that is constantly peppering you with drugs everytime you make some progress.
RPG's aren't popular because they are fun.