Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
Feels good to be back in south Carolina. Can't wait to hit up the golds in folly beach. So many hotties up in there. But now, time for a run in this humidity, blech.
Try Pike Pushups for a great bodyweight exercise.
Pike Pushups You can also elevate your feet up on a bench or something too to make it even a bit harder.
Might as well just do handstand pushups.
Might as well just do handstand pushups.
that's like saying "why bother squatting light weights? Might as well do 2-plate or more." Not everyone has the strength to do a handstand pushup; I'd figure it's a small minority.
Completed my triathlon this morning. 1k swim, 20k swim, and a 5k run. Office time is 1:38. So tired!
Completed my triathlon this morning. 1k swim, 20k swim, and a 5k run. Office time is 1:38. So tired!
Made you do a 1k warmup swim before the real swim huh?
Seriously though, great job man!
Completed my triathlon this morning. 1k swim, 20k swim, and a 5k run. Office time is 1:38. So tired!
For those of you finding it hard to eat enough, here's Michael Phelps daily 10-12000 calorie diet the last few years:
From BBC:
For breakfast: three fried egg sandwiches, with cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, fried onions and mayonnaise, followed by three chocolate-chip pancakes; a five-egg omelette; three sugar-coated slices of French toast and a bowl of grits (a maize-based porridge), washed down with two cups of coffee.
For lunch: half a kilogram (one pound) of enriched pasta; two large ham and cheese sandwiches on white bread smothered with mayonnaise, washed down by energy drinks.
For dinner: Another half-kilogram of pasta, perhaps with a carbonara sauce, followed by a large pizza and more energy drinks.
Christ almighty. So he basically doesn't even need to diet.
Theres no way the guy burns even atleast 8,000 calories a day... is there?! hes eating so much thats going to take a lot time, then factor in the time he needs to digest it, then add sleep and shit he does when not training. I don't see how he could burn so many calories in one day ?!!
Thanks! It was awesome and the competition was amazing. The people in the best shape were all over 40 which is really inspiring. My friend, who is 41, did it in less than 1 hour!Good shit man!
Man I need to refocus on my cut. I have been lazy this summer, and I have not lost the weight I have wanted. How do you guys regain your focus?
That depends entirely on what equipment you DO have access to... If your current gym doesn't have any stands or benches or free weights at all I'd strongly recommend you change it. Why is that not an option?
My gf is almost ready for intermediate programming but not sure which program for her to do. We were thinking of Texas Method or Madcow 5x5?
Any of gaf done them?
She is still interested in strength but also wanting to do boxing and possibly another sport when I go back to college. Would Texas Method be too much volume to recover (5 sets across) rather than Madcows ramped up sets?
what routine do you guys recommend to a noob that doesn't have access to the proper equipment to follow SS. Going to another gym isn't an option atm.
Is there a "standard" 3-day split routine for someone having this problem?
My week looks something like this:
Sun - back
Mon - chest/abs
Tues - legs/traps
Thur- Bi's/tris
Fri- off
Sat - Shoulders/abs
C'mon, guys. This give us no real clue what your programming is like. It doesn't include exercises used, reps and set schemes, or anything else useful other than what you could maybe be doing that day.
That post was in response to a question on whether I was getting enough rest between workouts.
I think you might be overtraining in the beginning. Go walk for 30 minutes in the morning and do your swimming at evening. During 1h you should swim more than 1km if you don't take many breaks.So I was at the pool in my local gym for the first time today and swum for an hour in a 25 metre lane. My plan is to do this twice a day every weekday (once 6.30 AM and then again 21.30 PM). Is this dumb? Too much or too little? Definitely felt an hour in my body so I thought it could be a good idea to split 2 hours into two 1 hour sessions. It would also help ensure that I get up in the morning and get some fresh air + excersise at least some time before I go to bed.
Yeah, once a day might not be such a bad idea for now. I timed my runs and did the 25 metres in about 1 min barely took any pauses so I guess I should have done between 1-1,5 km in that hour if my math is right (more likely closer to a kilometre though). Hopefully I'll get faster with time since I was by far the slowest swimmer in the poolI think you might be overtraining in the beginning. Go walk for 30 minutes in the morning and do your swimming at evening. During 1h you should swim more than 1km if you don't take many breaks.
If you won't feel tired by the end of 1st month you can add something else there (or replace walking with split jogging/walking).
The thing I try to say it's better to start to low and build up your routine, than to start to heavy and scale back.
He's still correct in that we can't know if you're getting enough rest without more specifics on what you're doing.
That would be impossible for me, because every workout is radically different. I'm familiar with 7-12 exercises for each body part and mix them all up and do varying degrees of difficulty with each. With as little rest as possible in between sets/exercises. Sometimes I'll even break it up and do 20 minutes with weights, go do my 60 minutes of cardio and then come back and finish up with 20 more of weights.
It's just all by feel. It keeps it fresh and exciting and I don't burn out. That's my biggest fear and what kept my out of a gym for over 10 years.
Ate like a jerk all weekend, but had a great workout this morning. Not sure if it was from re-carbing up or whatever.
Anyway, I took the training wheels off of my weight assisted pull-ups and decided to do them with no assistance at full extension (starting at the bottom). Was very excited to see I could do 4 full (with chin above bar and fully extending to the bottom) wide grip pullups (then another set of 3 and another set of 2).
Did some chin ups as well fully...very exciting for me.
6'2 190...
Can definitely feel it in my back.
Just a reminder to get at least 8 hours of sleep on every day if you can (if not, the workout days). The difference in recovery is really huge when I compare it to an earlier day this week I woke up after about 6 hours of sleep.
Well, it's also what's going to stop you from seeing measurable progress.
That's okay. I left agonizing and worrying about 'bigger, stronger, faster' in my twenties. I just want a body that looks better than my peers (I'm a few years shy of 40 now).
Just a reminder to get at least 8 hours of sleep on every day if you can (if not, the workout days). The difference in recovery is really huge when I compare it to an earlier day this week I woke up after about 6 hours of sleep.
Yes.Is it bad then that I get between 5 and 5.5 hours of sleep on weeknights?
As far as a typical 4 day split, your routine looks fine.
Long, solid, relaxing weekend. On the quest to get bigger, one must eat and of course, I enjoy my eating. Still hate the bloated feeling that I get though. Doesn't matter as food is so good! Friend had a bbq and there is so much pulled pork that I got to take home an entire container. I'm talking one of the big tubs too. And now that the gf lives with me, I come home and there is a meal ready. It is fantastic haha.
I don't want to fall back into too many bad habits. Still don't want any soda or juices and trying to eat as little wheat as possible. But everything else is fair game.
That's okay. I left agonizing and worrying about 'bigger, stronger, faster' in my twenties. I just want a body that looks better than my peers (I'm a few years shy of 40 now).
Regardless, just doing "whatever" in the gym isn't going to get you very far. Spinning your wheels and all that.
I guess I just don't see the logic of going to the gym with no real plan for progress.
I make pulled pork often on my smoker...left overs are awesome.
Pulled pork can be used in so much stuff...
With rice
In an ommelette
In tacos/burritos, etc
By itself
Heh. Okay dude.
Heh. Okay dude.
Feels good to be back in south Carolina. Can't wait to hit up the golds in folly beach. So many hotties up in there. But now, time for a run in this humidity, blech.
You get used to it! I ran a 31min 5K yesterday after the swim and bike of the triathlon and it wasn't too bad. The winning times were insane though. 20 minutes for the 5K!