If the pain is shooting down your leg it might be your sciatica. Also, if you're gonna do that much chest work, you need to be doing at least the same amount of back work.
I thought it was just soreness from back and legs because I've had soreness from a big workout before, so instead of remaining stagnant for so long, I thought I'd just swap back, legs and biceps day with chest, shoulders and triceps to give myself an extra day or two of rest. It was obviously the wrong decision, but that was my thought process.
I typically do:
Legs- Squats, Hamstring Press; Leg Extensions, Leg Curls and Leg Press (I'm just recently adding Squats)
Back- Deadlifts, Lat Pulldown, Bentover Barbell Rows, Seated Row Cable Machine and Pullups
Biceps - Dumbell Curls, Barbell Curls and Hammer Curls.
Chest- Flat Bench, Inclined Bench and Decline Bench. Dumbell Flys
Tricep- Tricep Pulldown on cable, Reverse Pulldown on cable, and Skull Crushers.
Shoulders- Seated Barbell Press, Side Laterals, rear lateral raise and shoulder shrugs.
Wednesday: Break
And then I rinse and repeat.