Beast of a workout today.
This morning I knocked out 7 sets of 15 pullups, which I would have been content with as a new PR, but I also knocked out 330x5 for a new rep PR in bench press and still finished out with some heavy singles. And the tricep/curl superset worked fantastically.
Glad I did that swapping.
Beast of a workout today.
This morning I knocked out 7 sets of 15 pullups, which I would have been content with as a new PR, but I also knocked out 330x5 for a new rep PR in bench press and still finished out with some heavy singles. And the tricep/curl superset worked fantastically.
Glad I did that swapping.
If you're curious, here's what it looks like.
How long does it take you to do all of this? Geez.
I'm very jealous. You did 7 sets of 15 pullups. I did a 6 pullup set for the first time ever today, lol.
I guess I just feel like I'm not making as much progress as I could if I put more time into it. I go into the gym on my "off" days to do some cardio, and see the same guys that are there when I'm lifting and they're there lifting five days a week.
I have the time, I just wondered if I could keep the same core compound workouts on a MWF basis and supplement some shoulder, arm and ab work on two of the off days.
I agree that you should post your progress. If you are still making progress, stick with Starting Strength.
Personally, I transitioned to 5/3/1 after I had deloaded 3 times on squats. The constant squatting became unbearable. 5/3/1 has you going four days a week but the intensity is lower.
Don't be jealous man, you're gonna get there.
Would you mind posting your progress? Need to know how much weight you have gained since you started and how your lifts have progressed. SS gets HARD, very hard, as the weight increases and rest days become a must.
I think I can scrounge up my progress from spreadsheets at home. I'll check tonight and post then.
Keep at it man! You can only get better!Eventually. To think, I was using weight assisted pullups starting at 55 pounds...since March I've whittled that down and can pull myself up. A mix of losing 20 pounds and I guess building some muscle.
Just gotta keep putting in the work.
I remember seeing a post describing how someone built a power rack with plywood and 2X4s.
Great day today. I got in a killer set of skullcrushers, and my triceps felt pumped for hours afterward.
Again I wasn't able to do squats because all the racks were being used for literally the entire hour I was there.
My favorite is either squat rack curls or squat rack bench presses.
SERIOUSLY? You're going to bench in the SQUAT RACK? *yells at clouds*
On a different note, does anyone have any experience lifting with a broken/fractured toe? I injured my left big toe a few days ago and it seems to be more than a bad sprain. Reading around it seems that deads/presses are ok but squatting becomes a bit more difficult depending on how you hold the weight on your foot. I've tried a few bodyweight squats and it doesn't seem to bad, but I imagine it could be quite different if I tried to load it up.
Amusing story.A guy walked up to me during squats and told me I should use the foam roller otherwise the bar will crush my bones (108kg), I was like it's ok bro I got this.
He was squatting in the cage next to me, 40kg, high bar, quarter squats with the foam.
On that schedule you will be:
Squatting 3x week
Deadlifting 3x week
Benching 3x week
Pressing 2x week
It is overkill. What do you want to improve that you feel the regular SS program is not doing for you?
You can do anything you want. The body is not some fragile egg. You can train it.
I have 1 rule:
Every workout starts with squats. Bench or Pressing or deadlifting is all accessory work in my workouts. I squat 7 days a week.
You build up to it. You will go through phases, but you train yourself into it. I have never ever in all my life made such dramatic gains so quickly. I do more squatting and overhead pressing than anything else. Very very very rarely will I bench. maybe 1 / week I will deadlift, and sometimes chins, perhaps 2-3 / week. Essentially, if ain't squattin i'm overhead pressin. My jeans went from loose, to so tight around my thighs that I have trouble biking to work now. No joke. This is since May 25th, this year.
My squats are ass to grass, hams touch calves. Sometimes I'll just sit there and hold it for a second or 3 and explode up as fast as possible. I am using weights just months ago I could barely move, not even ass to grass. I do high bar squats exclusively. I hate with rage the rip/low bar. Sometimes I front squat, but only after squat.
You're either A not not squatting shit for weight or reps or both B on steroids or C are using incredibly light weight squats and a generic warm up for whatever type of plan you're doing.You can do anything you want. The body is not some fragile egg. You can train it.
I have 1 rule:
Every workout starts with squats. Bench or Pressing or deadlifting is all accessory work in my workouts. I squat 7 days a week.
You build up to it. You will go through phases, but you train yourself into it. I have never ever in all my life made such dramatic gains so quickly. I do more squatting and overhead pressing than anything else. Very very very rarely will I bench. maybe 1 / week I will deadlift, and sometimes chins, perhaps 2-3 / week. Essentially, if ain't squattin i'm overhead pressin. My jeans went from loose, to so tight around my thighs that I have trouble biking to work now. No joke. This is since May 25th, this year.
My squats are ass to grass, hams touch calves. Sometimes I'll just sit there and hold it for a second or 3 and explode up as fast as possible. I am using weights just months ago I could barely move, not even ass to grass. I do high bar squats exclusively. I hate with rage the rip/low bar. Sometimes I front squat, but only after squat.
Amusing story.
Recently though I have added foam to the bar and I got to say I enjoy having it now. Over the last couple of months working my way from 70 to 95KG (beginner) I didn't use it just to build up the base familiarisation. It is more comfy squatting with that thing even if the bar was rested comfortably without it.
You can do anything you want. The body is not some fragile egg. You can train it.
I have 1 rule:
Every workout starts with squats. Bench or Pressing or deadlifting is all accessory work in my workouts. I squat 7 days a week.
Given the *intensity of my squat/leg days, doing that shit 7 days a week would be CNS shock/snap city. This shit is a horrible idea.
*I go hard in the fucking paint, my workouts kill lesser men.
I'd be interested in how things go over time and what your program looks like. I mean, ya you're a nut but that doesn't mean others can't learn from you.Sorry, didn't mean to spark up any debate or controversy. I will shut up now. I guess I'm the nut in here now. I'll leave you guys a lone then.
Again, nothing amazing but I'm proud of myself for what I've been able to do on this cut and I'm freaking excited to see these gainzzzz on my bulk. Thanks for being so inspiring and motivating, guys. Thanks for all the tips, information, and articles you share, and thank you for being so receptive to us new guys. I wouldn't be here without you.
Sorry, didn't mean to spark up any debate or controversy. I will shut up now. I guess I'm the nut in here now. I'll leave you guys a lone then.
Is there anything I can do about the burn the day after I work out?
Not really. You're going to get DOMS, just make sure you give yourself a day of rest or take it easier on the particular muscles you worked out the day before.
BTW, I wanted to show all of you this earlier. I was changing in the locker room after working legs, and I found this contusion on my right quad. I didn't notice it until I was changing, but it was extremely tender to touch. It's not a rash, it feels like there's some type of fluid trapped in there. Any ideas?
Ah man. My arms hurt like hell! I should be fine in the gym tomorrow since ill be working lower body right? What's DOMS? Sorry for all the questions.
Soreness. I wanted to sound like Shogun for a second.
Ah man. My arms hurt like hell! I should be fine in the gym tomorrow since ill be working lower body right? What's DOMS? Sorry for all the questions.
Is there anything I can do about the burn the day after I work out?
Is there anything I can do about the burn the day after I work out?