Fitness |OT4| Squat Booty, Summer Cuts, and Super Swoletrophy

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I always complain about how huge my legs are compared to my upper body, plus not even completing 1 year of lifting yet, and so I've just measured them: Thighs 26" Calves 18.5". This is considered big no?

Hopefully the low volume of SS will not contribute to any size gains.

In other news:

405... I'm going for 3x5 155lbs tomorrow.



Took some shitty pics, all of them ended up blurry except posing skills are as awesome as my camera skills.

195lbs 100% bf

Two questions:

1. What's your program/current top end numbers?
2. You planning on cutting carbs? I hear they'll make you a fat fuck?

Looking swole, sir!!


Brian Burke punched my mom
Two questions:

1. What's your program/current top end numbers?
2. You planning on cutting carbs? I hear they'll make you a fat fuck?

Looking swole, sir!!

1. No program

I don't have numbers since I haven't gone heavy at all in a long time with my LB/SI joint. I did ~400 for two doubles today for regular DL and it felt ok so I'll see where I go from there. I really need to stretch my hip flexors but I'm just too lazy with work.

2. I had like 8 slices of pizza and a protein shake for supper tonight.


new in this thread but i have a question:

i have been training in the gym since 9 months now and i realised yesterday that i dont breathe right during 3 exercises. its only the exercises where i pull the weight towards me (bicep curl for example, 40-45 kg). i inhale when i pull the weight towards me and exhale when i lower it.

since i have a lung disease, i am now worried that i might have "damaged" something. could this be true or do i worry too much?


Took some shitty pics, all of them ended up blurry except posing skills are as awesome as my camera skills.

195lbs 100% bf

the fact that I weight 20 pounds more than you and i don't even compare to how you look is tripping me out. I need to go on a cut holy shit. looks great btw.


Yesterday I wrapped up my third week of weight-training. So far I've added 30 lbs to my bench press, 40 lbs to my squats, and 20 lbs to my overhead press. I only added 5 lbs on each arm to my curls, but my arms do look a lot better.


since i have a lung disease, i am now worried that i might have "damaged" something. could this be true or do i worry too much?
While doubtful that you could have damaged something (and are probably worrying too much), we don't know anything about your lung disease. What's going on?

And if it's important enough to you, please see a doctor who is knowledgeable of your lung disease and of strength training. His answer will almost certainly be more informed than ours.


While doubtful that you could have damaged something (and are probably worrying too much), we don't know anything about your lung disease. What's going on?

And if it's important enough to you, please see a doctor who is knowledgeable of your lung disease and of strength training. His answer will almost certainly be more informed than ours.

small emphysemia (i think that the english name). its a bubble of air in the left lung (i was born with it).i was at a lung doctor 3 weeks ago and everything was fine (i have better test results than some "healthy" people). the only thing i need to worry about is that the bubble bursts. which can only happen if you lift some heavy stuff (which i dont), so i am forbidden to do heavy lifting/training. thats the only advice my doctor gave me.

i was breathing correctly during the exercises, just in reverse ;)


Yesterday I wrapped up my third week of weight-training. So far I've added 30 lbs to my bench press, 40 lbs to my squats, and 20 lbs to my overhead press. I only added 5 lbs on each arm to my curls, but my arms do look a lot better.

Enjoy those days while you still can.
Only thing I dislike about being buff is when people ask you to help move shit. My back is sore, my legs are sore, my arms are sore, shoulders. WTF do you expect me to do?

GG girl who just moved in next door.


Only thing I dislike about being buff is when people ask you to help move shit. My back is sore, my legs are sore, my arms are sore, shoulders. WTF do you expect me to do?

GG girl who just moved in next door.

my favorite is "Well now you don't have to go to the gym!"

yeah because when I go to the gym I move filing cabinets around
Took some shitty pics, all of them ended up blurry except posing skills are as awesome as my camera skills.

195lbs 100% bf

Big and meaty, as the way it should be.


Deload week next week and I need it. Body is fucking sore. BBB does not fuck around. Throw in a grip ton of other accessory exercises and ggs.
Whats the consensus on weight gainers vs protein?

I've been using Serious Mass, but the OP says go with protein instead of weight gainers. Serious Mass is a lot of cals per serving, which is really helpful for me, being an ectomorph. Currently 150 lbs and 5'9".

Edit: Just realized that 10 lbs of whey is 149 servings. where as 12 lbs of Serious mass is only 16. That changes things. O_O


Yesterday I wrapped up my third week of weight-training. So far I've added 30 lbs to my bench press, 40 lbs to my squats, and 20 lbs to my overhead press. I only added 5 lbs on each arm to my curls, but my arms do look a lot better.

What kind of jumps you making on squats, 5lb, 10lb?


N00b gains, right? I'll take them. Hopefully I can n00b gain all the way to benching my own body weight. I'm still 50 lbs away from that.

Eat, rest and train diligently and you can really squeeze the hell out of your novice gainZ.

GainZ, brah.


Help me Fitness Gaf.

In total I've lost 120lbs in under 2 years (slow and steady, but enjoyable (really big factor)). I'm 210 right now. Over the summer I was biking to and from work (26km total daily) and sticking to a Primal Diet. My goal is a 200 toned. I'll settle on lower if it comes naturally, I'm 6'2.

I'm now at a plateau since I've stopped biking because of the onset of winter, I'm also not enjoying Primal anymore, maybe due to results, but it's also pretty expensive. I don't mind it but, I would like more variety, while also maintaining "easy to make/prep" foods.

Anyway, I'm looking for suggestions. Diet and workout routines. I don't like the gym, I was never a big gym goer. I'd rather play sports but, still feel I have to condition my body more before get serious about sports again.

I was looking at and the variation of

I like the idea of compound movements for shorter effective workouts and these sites appealed a lot to my tastes but, really have no idea what I should pursue. 3 days a week for weights, and 2 in between for cardio sound good to me.

Anyway I'll just finish the post here hoping its enough to get a response, I'll answer any additional questions if needed.

In all honesty these aren't noob gains. Seems more like you (intelligently) started way too low on your starting weights.

What? Screw that brah, D00DS will look at me like I'm qw33r if I'm squatting anything less than 2 plates right from the start! (Slightly NSFW lyrics)

Almost nobody at my gym does squats properly. They either have good form but only go like 1/4th of the way to parallel, or have awful form and are going to fuck up the back and knees. And it's usually because they're just doing entirely too much weight. If you're 6 feet tall and 120lbs you should not be squatting 225.
I was done with my bench and squats when this dude approached me to train together since the gym was practically void of people, he was doing chest and arms, I was delighted with my PR in bench so I said fuck it why not.

We are at the same age (24), but he has been lifting for 7 years (and it shows), plus he competes locally and is a personal trainer. He complemented me for my strength for an 8 months trainee, said he knew people training more than a year on juice who are weaker. Felt good man.

After he destroyed my chest and arms, we finally parted ways, he said he'll come back later to do shoulders, I was like wtf dude, he said yeah I usually train daily but this week I'm doing it twice a day, he said brah I know what you're thinking but believe me I tried everything and this shit works for me.

Fun, amusing day.
He said he'll come back later to do shoulders, I was like wtf dude, he said yeah I usually train daily but this week I'm doing it twice a day, he said brah I know what you're thinking but believe me I tried everything and this shit works for me..
Lots of people do two-a-days, it all depends on your schedule and what you have time for.
Does anyone here eat a ton of brown rice? I'm considering switching from bread to rice to get most of my daily carbs.

Bread is too expensive, and it goes bad too fast. Like $3 a loaf, and if you don't eat it all in under 5 days the shit is moldy.

Meanwhile I can buy 10 lbs of rice for around $20 and the shit lasts for months (years, if stored properly).
Does anyone here eat a ton of brown rice? I'm considering switching from bread to rice to get most of my daily carbs.

Bread is too expensive, and it goes bad too fast. Like $3 a loaf, and if you don't eat it all in under 5 days the shit is moldy.

Meanwhile I can buy 10 lbs of rice for around $20 and the shit lasts for months (years, if stored properly).
Brown rice and oatmeal are pretty much my only source of carbs next to a couple of pieces of fruit. I can't eat it plain though, it's far too rough and dry (in comparison to white rice), so I always put chicken and veggies in it. Good stuff though.

I occasionally do sweet potatoes or air popped popcorn at times.


Does anyone here eat a ton of brown rice? I'm considering switching from bread to rice to get most of my daily carbs.

Bread is too expensive, and it goes bad too fast. Like $3 a loaf, and if you don't eat it all in under 5 days the shit is moldy.

Meanwhile I can buy 10 lbs of rice for around $20 and the shit lasts for months (years, if stored properly).

I love rice. I lived in asia for 18 months and I got used to eating 3-4 bowls of the stuff every day - it doesn't feel right when I don't eat rice nowadays.

Buy a rice cooker, if you can. Those things are amazing. You put in rice and water, leave it for 30 minutes and when you come back you'll have perfectly cooked rice.

There's no need to buy an expensive one - I bought a cheap £7.50 rice cooker from my local supermarket and it has served me well over the last year.

Brown rice and oatmeal are pretty much my only source of carbs next to a couple of pieces of fruit. I can't eat it plain though, it's far too rough and dry (in comparison to white rice), so I always put chicken and veggies in it. Good stuff though.

I occasionally do sweet potatoes or air popped popcorn at times.

Have you tried brown basmati rice? Nutritionally, it's very similar to brown rice, but it tastes WAY better.
Does anyone here eat a ton of brown rice? I'm considering switching from bread to rice to get most of my daily carbs.

Bread is too expensive, and it goes bad too fast. Like $3 a loaf, and if you don't eat it all in under 5 days the shit is moldy.

Meanwhile I can buy 10 lbs of rice for around $20 and the shit lasts for months (years, if stored properly).

Freeze/refrigerate your bread. Of course you still have the price issue to think about. Bread goes so well with so many foods though.
Does anyone here eat a ton of brown rice? I'm considering switching from bread to rice to get most of my daily carbs.

Bread is too expensive, and it goes bad too fast. Like $3 a loaf, and if you don't eat it all in under 5 days the shit is moldy.

Meanwhile I can buy 10 lbs of rice for around $20 and the shit lasts for months (years, if stored properly).

Poptarts for carbs for me. Eat them everyday.

Don't like brown rice at all so I eat white instead.
Help me Fitness Gaf.

In total I've lost 120lbs in under 2 years (slow and steady, but enjoyable (really big factor)). I'm 210 right now. Over the summer I was biking to and from work (26km total daily) and sticking to a Primal Diet. My goal is a 200 toned. I'll settle on lower if it comes naturally, I'm 6'2.

I'm now at a plateau since I've stopped biking because of the onset of winter, I'm also not enjoying Primal anymore, maybe due to results, but it's also pretty expensive. I don't mind it but, I would like more variety, while also maintaining "easy to make/prep" foods.

Anyway, I'm looking for suggestions. Diet and workout routines. I don't like the gym, I was never a big gym goer. I'd rather play sports but, still feel I have to condition my body more before get serious about sports again.

I was looking at and the variation of

I like the idea of compound movements for shorter effective workouts and these sites appealed a lot to my tastes but, really have no idea what I should pursue. 3 days a week for weights, and 2 in between for cardio sound good to me.

Anyway I'll just finish the post here hoping its enough to get a response, I'll answer any additional questions if needed.


When I first started, I did stronglifts, which really is just a variation of Starting Strength (which is explained in the OP). You can't go wrong with either. I'm a huge fan of compound lifts for training and those programs are perfect for beginners. Do it up sir!


the piano man
well, since I am new to gym life (was doing bodyweight stuff outdoors), I would like fitness gaf to tell me if this is how it goes.

the gym is separated in three parts:

Cardio stuff: threadmills, bikes, eliptic etc..
Bodyweight stuff: benches for abs, stretching area, pull-up bars, equipment to push weight one way or another.
Barbell, dumbbell, weight discs,etc. (what I call the hardcore area, lol)

now my questions are

1.- Can anyone step up into the "hardcore" area?? cause not only it's really intimidating with everyone knowing their stuff by heart for like 5 years, but I really have no idea how to properly hold a barbell, as I am mostly an outdoors/cross fit kind of guy. There are trainers there who will help me but, is it really for anyone wanting to?? I am guessing the bodyweight area is like "year 1 for beginners" and whenever my body is ready and fit enough, then it's time to get into that. I am supposing that if my body gets stronger with bodyweight machines and stuff, I'll avoid arm/wrist/back injury later on when I get into that. maybe it's isn't like that at all, that's why I am asking.

2.- the big guys NEVER, ever wander in any other area besides the hardcore area... how do they warm-up?? are they supposed to go cold into lifting? I've seen seen some conflicting info regarding cardio, some suggest avoiding it becuase it takes muscle resources. Is that the reason why they go straight to the barbell?

thanks for any impressions.

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
Two things:

1. Are there any bodyweight exercises I can do to strengthen my back that require no equipment? I'm looking for stuff I can do in my hotel room, so that rules out pull-ups/chin-ups.

2. Has anyone else gone through physical therapy for a back injury (like a herniated disk), and if so do you remember what stretches and exercises you were given? I lost the sheet I that I used and it's been so long that I don't really remember most of what I did.


well, since I am new to gym life (was doing bodyweight stuff outdoors), I would like fitness gaf to tell me if this is how it goes.

the gym is separated in three parts:

Cardio stuff: threadmills, bikes, eliptic etc..
Bodyweight stuff: benches for abs, stretching area, pull-up bars, equipment to push weight one way or another.
Barbell, dumbbell, weight discs,etc. (what I call the hardcore area, lol)

now my questions are

1.- Can anyone step up into the "hardcore" area?? cause not only it's really intimidating with everyone knowing their stuff by heart for like 5 years, but I really have no idea how to properly hold a barbell, as I am mostly an outdoors/cross fit kind of guy. There are trainers there who will help me but, is it really for anyone wanting to?? I am guessing the bodyweight area is like "year 1 for beginners" and whenever my body is ready and fit enough, then it's time to get into that. I am supposing that if my body gets stronger with bodyweight machines and stuff, I'll avoid arm/wrist/back injury later on when I get into that. maybe it's isn't like that at all, that's why I am asking.

2.- the big guys NEVER, ever wander in any other area besides the hardcore area... how do they warm-up?? are they supposed to go cold into lifting? I've seen seen some conflicting info regarding cardio, some suggest avoiding it becuase it takes muscle resources. Is that the reason why they go straight to the barbell?

thanks for any impressions.
1. Dude, this isn't meaning to sound dickish, but it doesn't fucking matter. You can workout wherever you want to in the gym. Shit, a lot of people just fucking hang around. So, just go. Find a basic program, Grayskull LP is fantastic, and hit it up. You won't injure your body any more with that stuff than you will flailing around doing CF so long as you do things safe.

2. It depends. For me, not that I'm big anymore, but I got so sick of not having a gym to train at that i just started walking over a mile there and back. So, ya know, that's my warm up, lol. Most of the time, they go in cold and just do light weight sets. Bar x 10, 40% and 50% x 5, then 60% x 3. When I can drive, I normally walk or, preferably, row for 5 minutes. Cardio takes "resources," but if you're only warming up for five minutes or so it doesn't matter.

Two things:

1. Are there any bodyweight exercises I can do to strengthen my back that require no equipment? I'm looking for stuff I can do in my hotel room, so that rules out pull-ups/chin-ups.

2. Has anyone else gone through physical therapy for a back injury (like a herniated disk), and if so do you remember what stretches and exercises you were given? I lost the sheet I that I used and it's been so long that I don't really remember most of what I did.

1. Not really. You can grab a towel and do, like, standing rows with your torso up right while stretching the towel, but unfortunately the "push-up for the back" if you will is the pull up.

2. Unfortunately, I know of nothing. I know working upstream/downstream from the area (upper back on foam roll, hip stretches to relieve tension on the lower back, psoas) helps to avoid excessive curvature of the spine. Perhaps you can of your PT a call?


the piano man
1. Dude, this isn't meaning to sound dickish, but it doesn't fucking matter. You can workout wherever you want to in the gym. Shit, a lot of people just fucking hang around. So, just go. Find a basic program, Grayskull LP is fantastic, and hit it up. You won't injure your body any more with that stuff than you will flailing around doing CF so long as you do things safe.

2. It depends. For me, not that I'm big anymore, but I got so sick of not having a gym to train at that i just started walking over a mile there and back. So, ya know, that's my warm up, lol. Most of the time, they go in cold and just do light weight sets. Bar x 10, 40% and 50% x 5, then 60% x 3. When I can drive, I normally walk or, preferably, row for 5 minutes. Cardio takes "resources," but if you're only warming up for five minutes or so it doesn't matter.

for point one, jeez, why do you get so worked up over that? I was just asking if there was some kind of ability development going from bodyweight exercises to using weights. you answered the question but you sound pissed... and really, over nothing. had a bad day maybe?

for point two, thanks.

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
Unfortunately, I know of nothing. I know working upstream/downstream from the area (upper back on foam roll, hip stretches to relieve tension on the lower back, psoas) helps to avoid excessive curvature of the spine. Perhaps you can of your PT a call?

Yeah I'm going to as soon as I get back to the US, just hoping to find something to work with for now for the next couple of weeks.


I've seen some people doing barbell squats differently than me. Some of these people are doing squats where their ass touches their calves or something, but I can't do that.

I also can't get my feet to be flat on the ground. If I keep my feet absolutely flat, I can't go all the way down. If I don't I can go down farther. However I can't lean back as much because I quite literally fall backwards.

What should I do?

edit: it fact the only way I seem to be able to keep my feet flat while going lower is placing my feet wider than my shoulders.


I also can't get my feet to be flat on the ground. If I keep my feet absolutely flat, I can't go all the way down. If I don't I can go down farther. However I can't lean back as much because I quite literally fall backwards.

What should I do?

Take your shoes off.


for point one, jeez, why do you get so worked up over that? I was just asking if there was some kind of ability development going from bodyweight exercises to using weights. you answered the question but you sound pissed... and really, over nothing. had a bad day maybe?

for point two, thanks.

I don't mean to sound like I had a bad day.

What I'm saying is you have to have a certain type of mentality for when you work out at the gym when you're uncomfortable and it, quite literally, has to be "it doesn't fucking matter." I started training seven years ago weight 130 at 5'10. I couldn't curl 10lb weights for more than a few reps. It was embarrassing and I hated it. I was surrounded by people much larger than me all time. But, I pushed through.

It's not the hardcore area. It's just a gym. Train where you want. Shit, I've seen people do dumbbell curls in the leg press machine. Just pick your weights when your done. :)

That's with my shoes off

Get some Chucks if you can. It's better than barefoot, not as good as lifting shoes (but those are 100+).

Okay, how's your positioning on your air squat? Are you sticking your knees out when you descend or letting them cave in?


Okay, how's your positioning on your air squat? Are you sticking your knees out when you descend or letting them cave in?
with keeping my feet flat, i'd say the angle of my foot to shin is like maybe 60~ degrees. That's my limit. After that I have to swing my ass down, but to keep my balance I have to start to lean forward.

it's harder when you don't have weights because I feel like it forces me to keep a balance, and having that weight counteracts my own, lol

last time I did squats I was doing about 160~ and I think I weigh 220 at 5'8"


with keeping my feet flat, i'd say the angle of my foot to shin is like maybe 60~ degrees. That's my limit. After that I have to swing my ass down, but to keep my balance I have to start to lean forward.

it's harder when you don't have weights because I feel like it forces me to keep a balance, and having that weight counteracts my own, lol

last time I did squats I was doing about 160~ and I think I weigh 220 at 5'8"

Your feet are going to need to be at or a little wider than your shoulders. As long as you're not being excessive, you can go a bit wider than shoulder width. Mechanically, and I can't see your body, but you may just be stuck doing wider squats. Also, mobility (your flexibility regarding movement) looks to be an issue. when you're not working out work on your hips.

Make sure that your toes are pointed out a bit, 30 to 45 degrees. Down the road you'll want them more forward than outward, but that can help with the descent in getting depth. When pointing the toes out you want your knees to track your toes. If your knees don't go out then your hip bone can't clear your femurs.

There's more I could suggest, but 1. i don't want to overload you and 2. i can't see you, so I don't exactly know the problem.


the piano man
I don't mean to sound like I had a bad day.

What I'm saying is you have to have a certain type of mentality for when you work out at the gym when you're uncomfortable and it, quite literally, has to be "it doesn't fucking matter." I started training seven years ago weight 130 at 5'10. I couldn't curl 10lb weights for more than a few reps. It was embarrassing and I hated it. I was surrounded by people much larger than me all time. But, I pushed through.

It's not the hardcore area. It's just a gym. Train where you want. Shit, I've seen people do dumbbell curls in the leg press machine. Just pick your weights when your done. :)?

I knew you weren't having a bad day so I wanted to see what exactly annoyed you in my post and yep, that's there the bolded.

after two weeks going to the gym and seeing huge guys hanging around that area and nowhere else and seeing how mostly everybody else in the other areas aren't really into working out seriously, then I do get to call that area the hardcore area, I don't know what's so wrong with that.

maybe you don't like the term because it sounds like I am making fun of guys doing serious bodyuilding and working for years for that, but hell no, I am not, I could have used another, better sounding term like "advanced area" or "high impact bodybuilding zone" or whatever... maybe it's some insecurity on your part or maybe me not using the right terms.

the question was also meant to clarify whether weightlifting gives faster/better results than bodyweight, but I guess I know the answer to that.

but you are right on everything! thanks.

I also can't get my feet to be flat on the ground. If I keep my feet absolutely flat, I can't go all the way down. If I don't I can go down farther. However I can't lean back as much because I quite literally fall backwards.

What should I do?

grab 2 chairs, put them to your side and help yourself with your forearms as you go down.
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