Help me Fitness Gaf.
In total I've lost 120lbs in under 2 years (slow and steady, but enjoyable (really big factor)). I'm 210 right now. Over the summer I was biking to and from work (26km total daily) and sticking to a Primal Diet. My goal is a 200 toned. I'll settle on lower if it comes naturally, I'm 6'2.
I'm now at a plateau since I've stopped biking because of the onset of winter, I'm also not enjoying Primal anymore, maybe due to results, but it's also pretty expensive. I don't mind it but, I would like more variety, while also maintaining "easy to make/prep" foods.
Anyway, I'm looking for suggestions. Diet and workout routines. I don't like the gym, I was never a big gym goer. I'd rather play sports but, still feel I have to condition my body more before get serious about sports again.
I was looking at and the variation of
I like the idea of compound movements for shorter effective workouts and these sites appealed a lot to my tastes but, really have no idea what I should pursue. 3 days a week for weights, and 2 in between for cardio sound good to me.
Anyway I'll just finish the post here hoping its enough to get a response, I'll answer any additional questions if needed.