Gold Member
How old are you?
You mentioned you have no real experience with the big lifts so as a novice you can expect to see some good gains for the first 3 or 4 months before stalling, but progress will depend on factors like age, diet (and trying to lose fat while adding weight to the bar usually complicates things a bit), rest, mobility, anthropometry, coaching and motivation.
I'm 32. Did deadlift yesterday, managed to do a clean 3 with 209lbs, think I could have managed more so almost bodyweight. Doing bench today for the first time for real, gave it a go during the weekend alone and managed a clean 5 with 154lbs, but didn't push it because I did't have a spotter. Also, damn these slippery sweaty hands when deadlifting.
Thanks for the link snoopen, that's great!