WOW. that dude's funny as hell. *checks out his other videos*
Go get szechuan Chinese.
Got me some sliced fish last night. Oh man. So good.
Everyone here note how in addition to muscular gains, massive manly beard gains are also made through training. Just imagine the possibilities.
There is a definite change in your body. Looking thicker and a bit more definition. Keep it up good sir!
Burritos cure hunger. Haven't eaten since 6AM. Grabbed this luscious and sexy burrito from one of the local stands near campus. I'm in love. I love you burrito. I love you.
I have shoulders tonight, followed by using said shoulders to lift 54 eight foot wooden tables above my head.
Is it bad if I feel slightly nauseous after eating raw eggs (stared last week)? Only lasts half an hour, so it's not a big deal as long as it's normal.
Popped my right groin today doing a2g squats. No squats for at least three weeks is what I'm reading. :/ :/
I guess it'll force me to incorporate more upper body since I'm lagging there anyway. But now driving stick is tough lol. Fuck.
"GAF" told me to.![]()
Forget that, man. Cook em up, add some vegetables and enjoy a delicious omelet instead. Drinking raw eggs sounds so unnecessary.
ill just wait and get chipotle this weekend.
I'll probably have 2 turkey burger patties with two eggs and cheese on top instead.
Or I'll use the turkey patties as "bread" and have a custom double down.
looking good dood. And first place is no joke. Damn impressive.
We really do need to get a collection of these pics and organize them for motivation and whatnot
This is me three days out from my IRONMAN competition. Ignore the goofy face lol
That's what I had for lunch. Double chicken bowl. I fucking crushed it.
...Careful, people are going to jump on you for not getting beef.
Last week I got a barbacoa bowl and the meat wasn't normal...I got the bottom of the basket so it was all small and too juicy. So I vowed to make up for that by getting chicken.
Their steak sucks.
I eat tons of beef/bacon throughout the week to make up for it.
I'm contemplating going back to SS. I like 5/3/1 but my squat is getting weaker. Other lifts are progressing nicely though.
Has anyone experienced this? SS is 3x a week squatting, so it makes sense. can get double meat?
Question for you all. I think I'm in skinny fat range and get conflicting answers at every turn.
Some yt guys I watch say bulk from skinny fat. Some say get lean and then bulk.
I'm guessing I'm at like 30% body fat? (warning - man gut below
Pics aren't great quality so here are measurements:
Arms: 14.25
Around belly : 37-38ish
Below belly: about the same, closer to 38
From Oct-late dec I was doing keto and eating about 1400 cals. Doing starting strength type workout and cardio during this time.
From Jan 1 - now I have been doing a plan with a friend that is pretty much starting strength and some other lifts added on top. Lift days are Mon/Thurs/Fri with some combo of these lifts: squats, cleans, snatches, bench, incline bench, seated row, overhead press, calf raises.
Cardio 2-3 days a week (except this week - none this week). Cardio is either a good pace jog for 3 miles or 30 mins on treadmill burning about 200-250 cals.
I eat around 2200-2300 cals right now. Still doing keto (65/30/5) ratios - not a fan of keto at all tho. Tired of cooking bacon, always feel like I'm eating bullshit (bacon, pepperoni, heavy cream, etc)
Most sites spit out 2700ish as a maintenance ammount for me. Stats I input to the calculators are:
29 years old
200ish lb (201-203 depends on day)
Moderate activity level / 4 workouts a week
If I go with bulk, I was thinking about 3000 cals/day?
If I go with more cutting, stick with this 2200/day?
Any input is appreciated, have gotten good advice in this thread before.
I'm just giving you shit, since I got it for not eating beef on my bulk.![]() can get double meat?
LOL, I'm on a cut.
The weird thing is, on my last cut I ate at 1900 cals and was hardly hungry.
My wife and I had a baby 3 months ago so I put back on like 15 pounds. Now that we're settled in I'm on the same cut and defecit and I'm fucking ravenous all the time, doing the same workout routine.
I crushed the fuck out of that bowl, but I'm already down 6 pounds in about 2 weeks.
My cut macros are different this time was 40p/40c/20f but I changed it around to 40p/30c/30f ... could that be the difference maker? Going gluten free this time around.
I'm just giving you shit, since I got it for not eating beef on my bulk.![]()
Yeah, but Cranky isn't bulking, so why would anyone give him shit?
You can usually ask for extra beans and rice with no charge.
Did a single rep 315 deadlift today. will try for 2 next week.
also: workout belts
I am pretty new to them. I've worn them in the past but very rarely, because I always stuck with weight I could do in the 8-12 rep ranges. I got one for Christmas and have been using it for my deadlifts and squats, I'm just not sure what I should "feel" when I wear it? I put it on pretty tight, I guess you just put it on and go? dont worry about it?
Because I'm acting like people do in this thread, criticizing without any context. Except I wasn't serious.
...Also, I thought it was you because your avatars are so similar, actually, since you stood up for people being doofuses about me not eating yolks.
Too many layers and mistaken identity - oh well, I tried.
Yeah, I think they'll give you extras of any non-meat material free.
Hello mates!
We really do need to get a collection of these pics and organize them for motivation and whatnot.
Totally not creepy.
Looking good, man.
welcome! it's cool to have new guys around![]()
thread's on a roll, must say, it' nice to see different guys at different stages, different goals, different backgrounds, all with this in common.
hey maybe this will sound awkward, but do you remember your one pic from the "Post pic of yourself 2013"? that was pretty cool, very aesthetic! Congrats, you look great.
They're almost a de-motivation for me, wishing I was anywhere close to that, ha.We really do need to get a collection of these pics and organize them for motivation and whatnot.
They're almost a de-motivation for me, wishing I was anywhere close to that, ha.
We all started somewhere.
Here is my candy ass when I first began.
Sorry Petrie, I'll be changing my avatar soon!
Wish I would have taken pics before I started. Might make me feel better about where I am now.
I'm 18.How old are you? Just wondering.
Wish I would have taken pics before I started. Might make me feel better about where I am now.