Just received this:
and these:
Time to assemble!
Actually you're right, didn't know that about them. Damn.
I don't need music, as I'm running in serene countryside with my dog. Just want to nerd out on data.GAF, what is the best digital pedometer/metric device that I can use on my runs? I want to nerd out on data.
My only requirement is that it needs to be lax on requiring a data connection *while* running. I live in Rainier, WA, and do most of my running on a trail that goes through the forest, some cattle ranches, and an equestrian center. Not exactly 4G territory. Sometimes not even G territory.
Posting this again, got a recommendation for the MotoActv, wanted to see if anyone else had any suggestions.
I don't need music, as I'm running in serene countryside with my dog. Just want to nerd out on data.
Do you squat that bench or something?
Are there any potassium rich foods that aren't bananas?
Just received this:
and these:
Time to assemble!
it's all carbs, mang.The super food: Sananab. High in protein, potassium and vitamin K.
Posting this again, got a recommendation for the MotoActv, wanted to see if anyone else had any suggestions.
I don't need music, as I'm running in serene countryside with my dog. Just want to nerd out on data.
it's all carbs, mang.
Congrats. I have those. Good stuff. I need to get the 120 lbs extension.
That's the best bench and dumbbells I've ever used. I wish the bench was a bit lower to the ground though. It kinda screws me up when I bench press at home then go to the gym and the benches are much lower to the ground.
Was expensive but worth it imo. I cringed at the shipping cost.
The super food: Sananab. High in protein, potassium and vitamin K.
Last night, I wanted to finish off my back workout with a few sets of leg-raised chin-ups.
The closes chin-up bar was an Icarian Stretch Center that had three guys on it. I actually like to use it because I can stretch my legs between sets.
So, one guy is trying to show his buddies how to do chin-ups. He correctly holds the bar, but then he steps up on the supports. He starts off with his chin above the bar. He doesn't completely lower his body. His forehead barely clears the bar on his way down.
He does about 6 reps and he brags to buddies that he did the most. His friends each take a turn. One guy did 2 reps and the other guy just fell off the bar.
I really can't stand this mentality that some people think of the gym as a hangout.
Yeah I need to get the 120lb extensions too. I'm gonna have to go very high rep on flat bench with only 75lb dumbbells. I think it might work for most other things.
I originally bought some Bowflex dumbells but sent them back cause the weight plates were wobbly and unevenly weight distributed. I originally skipped over these cause they only go up to 75 lbs, but then I noticed the upgrades to 120 and 165lbs per dumbbell. If I ever get to the point where I need more than 120 I just need to stop working out. I don't want to look like a freak.
I bought the combo of the bench and dumbbells on their website, so I saved like 60 bucks, which effectively took care of half the shipping price.
I don't like bananas.
Yeah that's how I bought it. I use the bench for my flat barbell bench press but only use the dumbbells for incline so it's not so bad. Lately I've had to do 15 reps on incline for 4 sets at 75 but I usually go to the gym these days anyways so it's not that bad. It's great though when I don't feel like dragging my butt to the gym because I have the dumbbells, squat rack, barbell, bench, and 500 lbs of olympic plates.
We eat for nutrition, not for taste!
What kind of rack did you get and how much was it?
Also, if you have all that why even go to the gym at all?
So, among carbs, where do raw oats stand, health-wise? I avoid as many processed carbs as possible, but fuck do I love oats. 1 cup of dry oats (the kind from the big tub, aka, no added sugar or anything stupid like that), 1 cup of whole milk, microwave for 4 minutes on medium, 1/2 tbsp of cinnamon, 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder, some blueberries, mix it all in, top with 6-8 oz of the lowest-added sugar I can find Greek yogurt, BOOM. Amazing. Wash it down with a glass or two of water.
It's my go-to breakfast when I don't feel like making eggs.
Oats are excellent. Oats, brown rice, sweet potatoes, broccoli, spinach. That's all I need.
So, among carbs, where do raw oats stand, health-wise? I avoid as many processed carbs as possible, but fuck do I love oats. 1 cup of dry oats (the kind from the big tub, aka, no added sugar or anything stupid like that), 1 cup of whole milk, microwave for 4 minutes on medium, 1/2 tbsp of cinnamon, 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder, some blueberries, mix it all in, top with 6-8 oz of the lowest-added sugar I can find Greek yogurt, BOOM. Amazing. Wash it down with a glass or two of water.
It's my go-to breakfast when I don't feel like making eggs.
3: Look at general population and realize that you're a monster compared to them: Stop comparing yourself to world class athletes you see on YouTube. Understand that to the general population a 200lb deadlift is so far beyond their capabilities they don't even understand it. How many people do you know that are so weak they can't even lift a bag of dog food? Here you are lifting the equivalent of 10 bags of dog food and not even breaking a sweat! You're the one your friends call when they need help moving something, you're the person that gets introduced as "this is that guy/lady I was telling you about", weak people don't fit that bill.
Steel cut oats are better because of their low GI, but they aren't bad.
I wonder how coach's oats compare to steel cut. Seems like an in between thing but damn they taste so much better than regular oats and are quicker than steel cut.
It's what I get at Costco
Worth a read.
I especially like this part.
Worth a read.
I especially like this part.
Deadlift day and I went nuts on em. Busted through 225x8 and 230x8 no problem. I also tried to exercise what you guys told me last time about not bending your knees on the way down until the bar gets past them.
Felt really good man. I could probably start my set with 225 and do 12 rather than ending with them and doing 8.
So at what point do I need to get a belt? Hurt my lower back a week ago, took a week off and was feeling better. Lifted again today and now my back is sore again. I'm not even lifting that much weight. My deadlift is at 205x5. This blows.
I know nothing about belts. Are they for safety or just to help your abs push against something or what?
Worth a read.
I especially like this part.
Didn't mean to rain on the parade, but that's why they can be so cheap. Sucks.
Squats are not even going to cross my mind for awhile. My knees already went to shit when I was doing squats because of a very common patella tracking problem that I didn't know I had, that was not noticeable until squats exacerbated the issue. I would caution anyone to make sure their bodies are functionally working correctly before even attempting such a movement.
At some point I'll probably get a power rack if money/space/any roommate considerations permit. Although I don't know, there's few good reasons for me to be stronger than I am even right now.
A belt is not meant for safety or to prevent injury. It allows the core to be tightened more assisting with lifts. I'd drop the weight and do a form check.
A belt is not meant for safety or to prevent injury. It allows the core to be tightened more assisting with lifts. I'd drop the weight and do a form check.
Okay, that's what I thought but needed to ask. I did drop the weight down 20 lbs from 225. Perhaps I should drop more?
Yeah I need to get the 120lb extensions too. I'm gonna have to go very high rep on flat bench with only 75lb dumbbells. I think it might work for most other things.
I originally bought some Bowflex dumbells but sent them back cause the weight plates were wobbly and unevenly weight distributed. I originally skipped over these cause they only go up to 75 lbs, but then I noticed the upgrades to 120 and 165lbs per dumbbell. If I ever get to the point where I need more than 120 I just need to stop working out. I don't want to look like a freak.
I bought the combo of the bench and dumbbells on their website, so I saved like 60 bucks, which effectively took care of half the shipping price.
So it turns out that my gym is being "modernized" which of course means that they are getting rid of most of the free weights (including the power rack) and replacing everything with shiny new useless piece of shit machines. They are only keeping one flat bench, one incline, and of course they are keeping the fucking smith machine and the pice of shit useless waste of space Hammer Strength Glute machine.
I'm so fucking pissed right now.
Offer to buy the power rack, bar, and weights. Then leave the gym and never go back.
So it turns out that my gym is being "modernized" which of course means that they are getting rid of most of the free weights (including the power rack) and replacing everything with shiny new useless piece of shit machines. They are only keeping one flat bench, one incline, and of course they are keeping the fucking smith machine and the pice of shit useless waste of space Hammer Strength Glute machine.
I'm so fucking pissed right now.