How do you do that? Like do I eat three pistachios and then say "I'm done." I just, I.....ahhhhh.
How do you do that? Like do I eat three pistachios and then say "I'm done." I just, I.....ahhhhh.
Thx. I actually got it up pretty easily but didn't have enough for 360 after. I usually don't max either but I'm making an effort to every chest day now. Two times body weight is my ultimate goal!
I do agree with this. Seems like you switched to a more advanced program too soon Mully.
What should I do? Continue with 5/3/1, go back to SS, or follow something like GSLP?
I think it also increases your max by getting your body used to handling that heavy of weight.I may give this a try, I suppose it would be a good way to guage strengh loss/gain while cutting.
What should I do? Continue with 5/3/1, go back to SS, or follow something like GSLP?
What should I do? Continue with 5/3/1, go back to SS, or follow something like GSLP?
I honestly don't feel qualified to answer this. I'm not sure what the best course of action is at this point. Hopefully someone who knows more can answer though.
What was your progress like towards the end of SS? (Imo) it depends if you stopped seeing gains or felt like you were plateauing and -needed- to switch.
What are your numbers and goals? Also how much time do you have?
Are my weights too low? Reps too high? Disproportionate lifts? Etc?
I guess I can answer a few of those questions by saying I decided to start light, and really light on deadlifts. I tore my hamstring last November and I didn't want to re-injure it. Adding to that, about a year ago I was "benching" and "squatting" 300lbs and 400lbs respectively. However, my form wasn't that great and I knew if I dropped the weight I could see a lot more out of my lifts.
I certainly know I could put up more which is why I've been thinking a lot about doubling the prescribed weight after this cycle.
Frankly, I didn't follow SS for a while. I thought I was better than that because I was an athlete. I was on a poor routine created for incoming freshman red shirts. I'd squat 5 times a week and do a ton of iso exercises that did little for me. We'd also have to run between 3-5 miles a day as well as practice. Suffice to say I was burnt out by the time I hit 10AM class.
I started incorporating SS into my lifts last April and saw my numbers explode, but fucked up big time by saying I wanted to "cut" and followed a six day cutting routine and added HIIT. I did see slight gains in this routine, but like the other routine, it burnt me out by July.
By September of 2012, I decided to add Deadlifts and OHP to a new routine that strictly followed SS. I was adding weight weekly and seeing my DL go from 135 to 260 in 10 week period. By that point, my lifts were doing great, I had these numbers by November:
DL: 260 X 2
Squat: 340 X 4
OHP: 120 X 3
Bench: 215 X 2
Then I tore my hamstring and decided to give 5/3/1 a shot when my leg finally healed up in late December '12.
Numbers after third cycle of 5/3/1
OHP: 120 X 8
DL: 240 X 9
Squat: 255 X 8
Bench: 200 X 5
I have loads of time. I enjoy going to the gym and now that I'm not being lead down a path of broscience that my gym teacher best friend was feeding me, I feel confident that I can do 5/3/1 even with adding weight to my routine.
Having said that, if you guys have a different opinion, I'll follow your advice. You guys have more experience and are more qualified than anyone I know.
How does he get banned so much?
How does he get banned so much?
Not sure how to properly link videos from Facebook but this happened at the end of the lifting meet I was at Saturday.¬if_t=like
This guy is like 20 years old.
It says content is currently unavailable.
How does he get banned so much?
Hey guys, So I started Strong Lifts 5x5 on December 17th and haven't missed a workout through February 13th, but took a two week break to get settled in Australia where I'm spending my semester abroad. As of last week I'm back on the wagon again, but by the end of March I'll have finished 12 weeks of Strong Lifts. I enjoy the program a lot and have seen some real motivating changes in my body; although I don't look like a lifter yet, I've put on a solid 10-15 pounds and generally feel and look less scrawny than I did before I began the program. Is it safe to move to a hypertrophy program after the 12 weeks or do I need to hit certain milestones before this (1.5x bw squat, 1x bw bench, 2x bodyweight DL)? My numbers two months in: 65kg squat, 35kg OHP, 82.5kg DL, 40kg Pendlay Row, and 55kg Bench Press.
Also, I've been having a little bit of trouble keeping a good diet as I am now on a university meal plan that is pretty limited in options. I've been trying to have oats and whole milk with each meal in addition to whatever is being served. They serve chicken and vegetables pretty frequently so I should be able to at least hit my daily caloric intake (about 2900 cals) even if the food is not as all around healthy as what I can buy from a store. I do make my own breakfast each morning though, which consists of an English muffin loaded with peanut butter, 2-3 cooked eggs, 2 servings of cottage cheese and one serving of greek yogurt in addition to one protein shake each day. My diet here is not ideal for sure, but I'm hoping I am able to at least eat enough to continue making gains.
Is it safe to move to a hypertrophy program after the 12 weeks
Goal: I have a bit of fat around my stomach that I want to get rid of. Basically I want some kind of abs (if that counts as a goal here).
This would be my advice. I ran SS for two whole years, but that's just me- either way 3 months seems too short, but you know ur body better than we do.My opinion is that you should exhaust the gains from your linear progression before switching to another program. You haven't even reached a 100kg DL yet.
Okay, so I joined a gym on Friday. Been in twice so far, but have felt pretty overwhelmed and lost with everything there...
I'm having crazy good success right now with this Kelei routine which you can google- but A- I'm not sure it fits what your goals are as it does seem focused on pure BB aesthetics over everything, and B- I think it might be rough on your body if you're overcoming injury.Are my weights too low? Reps too high? Disproportionate lifts? Etc?
I guess I can answer a few of those questions by saying I decided to start light, and really light on deadlifts. I tore my hamstring last November and I didn't want to re-injure it. Adding to that, about a year ago I was "benching" and "squatting" 300lbs and 400lbs respectively. However, my form wasn't that great and I knew if I dropped the weight I could see a lot more out of my lifts.
I certainly know I could put up more which is why I've been thinking a lot about doubling the prescribed weight after this cycle.
Frankly, I didn't follow SS for a while. I thought I was better than that because I was an athlete. I was on a poor routine created for incoming freshman red shirts. I'd squat 5 times a week and do a ton of iso exercises that did little for me. We'd also have to run between 3-5 miles a day as well as practice. Suffice to say I was burnt out by the time I hit 10AM class.
I started incorporating SS into my lifts last April and saw my numbers explode, but fucked up big time by saying I wanted to "cut" and followed a six day cutting routine and added HIIT. I did see slight gains in this routine, but like the other routine, it burnt me out by July.
By September of 2012, I decided to add Deadlifts and OHP to a new routine that strictly followed SS. I was adding weight weekly and seeing my DL go from 135 to 260 in 10 week period. By that point, my lifts were doing great, I had these numbers by November:
DL: 260 X 2
Squat: 340 X 4
OHP: 120 X 3
Bench: 215 X 2
Then I tore my hamstring and decided to give 5/3/1 a shot when my leg finally healed up in late December '12.
Numbers after third cycle of 5/3/1
OHP: 120 X 8
DL: 240 X 9
Squat: 255 X 8
Bench: 200 X 5
I have loads of time. I enjoy going to the gym and now that I'm not being lead down a path of broscience that my gym teacher best friend was feeding me, I feel confident that I can do 5/3/1 even with adding weight to my routine.
Having said that, if you guys have a different opinion, I'll follow your advice. You guys have more experience and are more qualified than anyone I know.
My opinion is that you should exhaust the gains from your linear progression before switching to another program. You haven't even reached a 100kg DL yet. I'd also switch to 3x5 instead of 5x5 on the main lifts (except the deadlift, of course. That stays 1x5).In other words, stop doing Stronglifts
This would be my advice. I ran SS for two whole years, but that's just me- either way 3 months seems too short, but you know ur body better than we do.
Lastly, just made a protein cake (again, based off POG's video). Simple as hell, and only takes 2 minutes. 1 Egg whipped in bowl, 1 scoop of whey, mix that shit into batter, in microwave for 1 minute and done. Real easy way to get your protein and give yourself a break from chugging down shake after shake.
hows the taste??
My go to if you're tired of shakes is mixing a scoop of whey with almond butter and just a tiny bit of almond milk. It turns into a peanut butter like mixture. Then I eat it with a spoon.
Okay. I remember reading that a lot of people recommended switching to 3x5 after a while. Am I at the stage where I should do this? My numbers are still really low. The squats are indeed getting pretty tough, but I'm a little discouraged because 65kg isn't really all that much weight; it seems most people don't switch to 3x5 until they can squat 200lb. Also, can I start incorporating some other exercises? My arms are starting to look disproportionately small to the rest of my body, should pull ups and dips help this? Thank you for the response, I've gained a ton of knowledge from this thread over the past couple of months. Also, any input about my diet would be helpful as well.
SS/SL aren't programs for mass gain though, correct? Like many guys, I'm lifting primarily for aesthetics rather than strength. I decided to go with a strength program to build a solid foundation and learn core lifts as a total beginner.
There is no reason to not do a hypertrophy program if that is what you want to do. You will still make strength gains, although at a slower rate compared to a pure strength based program.Hey guys, So I started Strong Lifts 5x5 on December 17th and haven't missed a workout through February 13th, but took a two week break to get settled in Australia where I'm spending my semester abroad. As of last week I'm back on the wagon again, but by the end of March I'll have finished 12 weeks of Strong Lifts. I enjoy the program a lot and have seen some real motivating changes in my body; although I don't look like a lifter yet, I've put on a solid 10-15 pounds and generally feel and look less scrawny than I did before I began the program. Is it safe to move to a hypertrophy program after the 12 weeks or do I need to hit certain milestones before this (1.5x bw squat, 1x bw bench, 2x bodyweight DL)? My numbers two months in: 65kg squat, 35kg OHP, 82.5kg DL, 40kg Pendlay Row, and 55kg Bench Press.
So in December of last year I slipped on something and fell backwards, and tried to stop my fall with my right hand. Needless to say, that was a dumb idea as most of my weight went onto my wrist. Since then I haven't been able to do a normal push-up because it hurts my wrist. But it's only that specific position; otherwise I can press weights or do push-ups on those perfect push-up bars, which take a lot of the weight off my wrists.
Basically, I'm nervous I haven't broken anything since the pain has persisted over several months now. I never went to the doctor since I thought my wrist would have healed by now, but I don't know anymore. Thoughts?
There is no reason to not do a hypertrophy program if that is what you want to do. You will still make strength gains, although at a slower rate compared to a pure strength based program.
Or, if you got the time and your body recovers quickly, you can look into something like the PHAT program, which has 2 days of strength and 3 days of hypertrophy workouts.
But in the end what matters most is not what kind of program you do, but whether or not you stick to lifting consistently.
Speaking of hypertrophy bodybuilding programs, anyone know any good ones? I know peterb0y has been saying positive stuff about the Kelei workout, which I'll check out later. Anything else out there?
I've only just started the SS program but will eventually start doing some pure bodybuilding once I'm happy with my strength.
Okay, thank you! I think I'll finish out the 12 weeks of SL and jump on a new program after March.
I was thinking troll. I can't believe this is real. 6-8 meals a day. It's like broscience from the 80s. 1000 calories per this real life? 145 goal thanks Jeff.
So say like my daily calorie requirements are 2600-2800 cals a day, can I eat that split in to three meals? So it won't induce a huge surge in insulin/fat gain?
Good to hear. 90% of my diet is clean anyway. I don't eat any processed or packaged foods.You can split it however you want. Even one 2600 kcal meal a day is fine. Fat gain/insulin arent based on the number of meals but are a result of what you eat.
Wendler's 5/3/1 with the bodybuilding template. Gives you the much needed strength progression as well as hypertrophy.
May guys here doing it. I just started on sunday as well.
I don't see anything wrong with continuing on 5/3/1. Even Wendler says that 5/3/1 isn't strictly an advanced program. As long as you're making progress and you're satisfied it doesn't really matter.What should I do? Continue with 5/3/1, go back to SS, or follow something like GSLP?
Which uni in Aus you at ACE? And what's your height/weight if you don't mind me asking