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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Damn, it sounded like it was going to be your dream job.

Question everyone.

So I started my cut a little over three weeks ago. I was 200, and I'm now 192.8. Does that sound like I'm losing weight too fast?

Eh...I mean I'm sure there some water weight loss there. I wouldn't worry about it.


Well im starting to get back into a routine again and work out more. I have also been watching my diet more (I type this as I drink a beer...)

I should take some before and after pictures. I tend to be able to get defined pretty fast, I am guessing this is used to my body being used to taking time off during the winter and killed afterwards.

Never managed the ab definition though...maybe this will be the season!


The real shock to me is that you were only 200. From your pics, I thought you weighed a lot more.

My last picture was actually at 198. We'll see what happens with this cut. I'm trying to get down to 185, but I'm paranoid about losing too much of my gainnnnnnnnnz.



I want to know everything about farts - why do they happen? Is there a way to avoid them or to fart less? I'm eating lots of salads, tuna, some light chicken breast and drink protein shakes from Gold Standard Whey - it's getting annoying sometimes

I want to know everything about farts - why do they happen? Is there a way to avoid them or to fart less? I'm eating lots of salads, tuna, some light chicken breast and drink protein shakes from Gold Standard Whey - it's getting annoying sometimes

Farts are carbon dioxide being produced by intestinal bacteria. The microbes utilize a decarboxylation reaction to "free" a single molecule of carbon dioxide; this is important for the microbe's metabolism and allows to to 1) produce ATP 2) maintain a redox-balanced system. Generally, the more bacteria, and the more available substrate (e.g., food, or for most bacteria, various fibers) for them to consume, the more carbon dioxide that will be produced.


Tried it today, couldn't lift more than 1 plate when previously I could rep 4 each side, so I just did a ton of reps.

My right shoulder is shot.

See a god damned physical therapist mang! If you have that much of a reduction in your strength in a movement there could be something seriously wrong. At the very least, talk to a DR about a possible x-ray/MRI (should your insurance pay for it).


On diet programming, which will definitely be me worrying about the shit that doesn't matter because I'm bored at work...

I took the principles from the Berardi GSD (minus the supplement whoring) and tuned them to my own experiences (more protein, less fat, similar carbs). Going well so far, physically adjusted nicely. No hunger pangs. Mentally I am dying for my cheat day, but I have an inner fat kid.

Right now I'm eating ~2100 calories with a 45/15/40 split on protein/carbs/fats, which has proven easier for my daily life at the moment. He recommended 35/10/55, so I'm thinking of switching closer to that. Knocking out some carbs, adding in some fats (macadamia nuts... mmmmmmmm).

That 10% carbs though is like 50g. At ~208 pounds, 50g of carbs seems insane.

Is that insane? Or am I the crazy one for thinking that that's crazy/


On diet programming, which will definitely be me worrying about the shit that doesn't matter because I'm bored at work...

I took the principles from the Berardi GSD (minus the supplement whoring) and tuned them to my own experiences (more protein, less fat, similar carbs). Going well so far, physically adjusted nicely. No hunger pangs. Mentally I am dying for my cheat day, but I have an inner fat kid.

Right now I'm eating ~2100 calories with a 45/15/40 split on protein/carbs/fats, which has proven easier for my daily life at the moment. He recommended 35/10/55, so I'm thinking of switching closer to that. Knocking out some carbs, adding in some fats (macadamia nuts... mmmmmmmm).

That 10% carbs though is like 50g. At ~208 pounds, 50g of carbs seems insane.

Is that insane? Or am I the crazy one for thinking that that's crazy/

I usually do around this if I stick to broccoli, spinach, green beans as my carb source.


When did you guys make the switch from a linear progression strength program like SS/GSLP to 5/3/1?

Usually it's done after you've reset a lift 3 times. So say you've reset your squat for a 3 time, then you start a 5/3/1 cycle on squats but keep your other lifts on linear progression until each of them has been reset 3 times.
Im all about clean eating. I tried the bulking diet before and i'd just feel like shit. Tired, fatigued and the feeling of being bloated all the time. My body just looked a bit off. When I eat clean I just feel better/healthier and have more energy. My body also responds better. I have more of a leaner build naturally.


I usually do around this if I stick to broccoli, spinach, green beans as my carb source.

Same here. My carbs all come from veggies. I'm 200 lbs and I eat between 30 and 50 grams of carbs a day.

Guess I'll wean myself of a preworkout banana. I was giving myself two weeks to under the total calorie restrictions to get close to the target macros anyway, so this will be a good test week.

Then 6 more weeks of torture. Cheat day Saturday. Berardi's "don't go hog wild, limit yourself to only 3x more your diet intake" instructions. Saturday pls. SATURDAY PLS.


Guess I'll wean myself of a preworkout banana. I was giving myself two weeks to under the total calorie restrictions to get close to the target macros anyway, so this will be a good test week.

Then 6 more weeks of torture. Cheat day Saturday. Berardi's "don't go hog wild, limit yourself to only 3x more your diet intake" instructions. Saturday pls. SATURDAY PLS.

To be honest, everyone is different, you know? To some guys calories don't matter as much as the macros. For me, calories obviously matter because like I said I was gaining weight on low carb.

My lifting partner is helping me put together a cutting plan for the next 3 months. Will post when I'm done.


Wait wait WAIT..

Is it recommended to take 1g of protein per pound of body weight, or 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass?

Just saw a few sites claiming it's the latter. I've always thought it was overall weight.


Wait wait WAIT..

Is it recommended to take 1g of protein per pound of body weight, or 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass?

Just saw a few sites claiming it's the latter. I've always thought it was overall weight.
Lean body mass, if it was the other way, fat people will be OD'ing on protein shakes.


Wait wait WAIT..

Is it recommended to take 1g of protein per pound of body weight, or 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass?

Just saw a few sites claiming it's the latter. I've always thought it was overall weight.

It's LBM, but for most guys it's easier just to do 1 per pound since a lot don't know their LBM.


See a god damned physical therapist mang! If you have that much of a reduction in your strength in a movement there could be something seriously wrong. At the very least, talk to a DR about a possible x-ray/MRI (should your insurance pay for it).

I'm not covered for an MRI, but I've seen two different people and both said it was strained. From what I could gather playing google MD I have shoulder impingement syndrome, which is why I can lift really heavy on a flat bench, but on incline I get some pain trying it. The area between my chest/shoulder is too tight and is pulling my shoulders too far forward. So, I've been doing a lot of rehab work and it's getting better, but taking a really long time. Three weeks ago my shoulder would make a popping sound, that's gone completely and I have much better range of motion.


Ok so here's the plan. Starting Thursday....

- either brisk walk or light jog (more often probably a brisk walk) everyday. No exception, no excuses.

- cut calories down to 2000 on lifting days, 1800 on rest days.

- 1 cheat meal...every two weeks. And not a binge cheat meal. Something sensible I wouldn't normally eat.

- no junk. No candy. No fast food. No processed crap

- 180-200g of protein a day. I'll have more carbs on lifting days (sweet potatos) but I'm not set on an exact macro amount for those.

It's going to be real tough but I will do it until my wedding (may 24th). The thought of looking good for that and the honey moon being the prize at the end will keep me going.

Wish me luck.


Seems like a lot of this is based on barbell routines. I was hoping more for dumb bells. Barbells frighten me! Is it safe to go into a gym--just learning--without a friend who can help me? I don't really have any exercise friends. I was gonna lone-ranger this shit. But I'm exercise dumb :p


Seems like a lot of this is based on barbell routines. I was hoping more for dumb bells. Barbells frighten me! Is it safe to go into a gym--just learning--without a friend who can help me? I don't really have any exercise friends. I was gonna lone-ranger this shit. But I'm exercise dumb :p

You shouldn't need a spotter for anything in the beginning unless you want a visual form spot.


It's LBM, but for most guys it's easier just to do 1 per pound since a lot don't know their LBM.

Seems like a lot of this is based on barbell routines. I was hoping more for dumb bells. Barbells frighten me! Is it safe to go into a gym--just learning--without a friend who can help me? I don't really have any exercise friends. I was gonna lone-ranger this shit. But I'm exercise dumb :p

It's perfectly fine to get accustomed to barbells on your own. We all have at one point or another. The only thing is making sure you use correct form, because if you learn a certain movement with bad form, the longer you do it that way, the harder it becomes to break that habit in the future and use the correct form.

Start with just the bar on everything.


From my experience barbells are safer than dumbbells. And they're absolutely required if you want to get everything out of certain exercises. (OHP, Squat, Deadlift)

As Cuddler says, form is the most important thing so start with just the bar if you have to.

Ok so here's the plan. Starting Thursday....

- either brisk walk or light jog (more often probably a brisk walk) everyday. No exception, no excuses.

- cut calories down to 2000 on lifting days, 1800 on rest days.

- 1 cheat meal...every two weeks. And not a binge cheat meal. Something sensible I wouldn't normally eat.

- no junk. No candy. No fast food. No processed crap

- 180-200g of protein a day. I'll have more carbs on lifting days (sweet potatos) but I'm not set on an exact macro amount for those.

It's going to be real tough but I will do it until my wedding (may 24th). The thought of looking good for that and the honey moon being the prize at the end will keep me going.

Wish me luck.

Good luck! You'll make it.


good credit (by proxy)
So I just found out that my school has a good gym and it's only 12 bucks gym fee per quarter. I should actually be able to get in some barbell workouts once in awhile now. Cool beans.


Usually it's done after you've reset a lift 3 times. So say you've reset your squat for a 3 time, then you start a 5/3/1 cycle on squats but keep your other lifts on linear progression until each of them has been reset 3 times.

Ah, right. Thanks. I've still got a while away to get to 3 times resets. Progress has been a little slow recently due to bad sleep and eating.


Ah, right. Thanks. I've still got a while away to get to 3 times resets. Progress has been a little slow recently due to bad sleep and eating.

You've got to milk that linear progression dry before moving to intermediate. If you are doing SS, switch your squats to Mondays / Fridays only after your second reset, and do 2x5 with very light weights (like 60% of your 5RM) on Wednesday.

Seems like a lot of this is based on barbell routines. I was hoping more for dumb bells. Barbells frighten me! Is it safe to go into a gym--just learning--without a friend who can help me? I don't really have any exercise friends. I was gonna lone-ranger this shit. But I'm exercise dumb :p

Most of us in this thread are self taught.

You are in luck though, because there are excellent resources to help you learn the lifts. This one's the best: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B006XJR5ZA/?tag=neogaf0e-20

Kindle version is only $10.


Goal:fat loss

Current Training Schedule:M-W-F gym with some HIIT sprints in the end, regular jog tues/thurs and sometimes saturday

Current Training Equipment Available: Member at a local gym

Comments: So I've been going regularly to the gym for some time now. Just recently read about people choosing not to do ab work until they get their fat% down because it simply pushes the fat layer out farther (lol). I usually do abwork on Fridays, but now I'm going to try to do some kind of fat burning routine on Fridays that doesn't necessarily involve weights (more of cardio?). Anyone have any suggestions? There's a room at my gym that resembles a dance studio where I do 8 counts and whatnot. Can someone post a routine that perhaps you personally do or have tried?


Deadlift/upperbody pull day, my cns is fried. x_x

Wait wait WAIT..

Is it recommended to take 1g of protein per pound of body weight, or 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass?

Just saw a few sites claiming it's the latter. I've always thought it was overall weight.



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Well.... More personal bests!

Finished flat DB press with 150s six times! Also finished BB incline press with 255 five times! Great day!


Ok FitGAf. Consider myself a beginner what should I do to have a body like your ex gar member Mccoy? Obviously I can try to do better but yeah.

I am prepared to do front & back squats plus deadlifts


Ok FitGAf. Consider myself a beginner what should I do to have a body like your ex gar member Mccoy? Obviously I can try to do better but yeah.

I am prepared to do front & back squats plus deadlifts
Bodies like that happen so fast only cuz of genetics. It's going to be a long journey, read the OP. And do SS.


Ok FitGAf. Consider myself a beginner what should I do to have a body like your ex gar member Mccoy? Obviously I can try to do better but yeah.

I am prepared to do front & back squats plus deadlifts

Hey, think of it as a multi stage process. First off, you want to get strong and build a base of muscle. Second, apply that strength to put on a little more mass. Third, cut down to show it and evaluate. Once you're cut down you'll look good, but then you can gauge if you have areas you want to focus on, in which case you gain a few more pounds and then cut again. Repeat forever and look better all the time.
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