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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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How are you supposed to drink green tea? I dont really like the taste but I'm told it has a lot of beneficial properties. can you add a little sugar for taste without making it sweet tea?

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Bummer (I'm in Australia)

EDIT: Will not having those smaller plates really screw with GSLP progress?

That's why I brought it up. You probably won't need them straight away, but they do make things easier. I'm fortunate to have some 10lb plates and some moderately weighty collars; with clever use I can increase the weight in reasonable increments. What city in Aus are you in? It might be worth looking on gumtree for some microplates.
I brew a cup. I can't stand cold coffee or tea being the reasoning there.

I use it to help with insulin resistance since I'm diabetic, but the benefits aren't exclusive to my people!

I guess I'll make a pitcher tomorrow. I hate fixing a cup every time I'm thirsty. I even have some splenda from the holidays (for my brother).
As someone with a similar looking bodytype I say keep adding weight, my current goal is reaching 200lbs but if I end up looking similar to you at that weight I'm going to try for 215 I think. Don't get me wrong I think your progress is rad just that I would personally keep going.
Yeah, man. Between you and Shogun suggesting I should keep going and my mind thinking about it as well, I think I'm going to keep up the bulk and shoot for another 10. I'll start my cut around May. Good luck on your progress as well!


Schattenjäger;51773775 said:
Ugh just had a great shoulder tricep workout little cardio come home and have a good whey shake and then

Proceed to eat a bowl of tortilla chips and salsa :(

My sister bought some sweet potato/yellow corn mixed tortilla chips with mango salsa. Go to hell sis :(

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Finally a good training session, not as heavy as I would have liked, but good none the less.

CT is the truth!

Yeah, I could do without his beating a dead horse though (the youtube comment stuff).

Also, that skinny white kid was bothering the shit out of me. Bolo is fucking huge though.

Yeah, man. Between you and Shogun suggesting I should keep going and my mind thinking about it as well, I think I'm going to keep up the bulk and shoot for another 10. I'll start my cut around May. Good luck on your progress as well!

I don't mean this to be offensive at all, but IMO you should push cutting completely out of your head. I'm not saying to bulk, just to not worry about cutting. IMO you should simply eat as your normally do, if not a little more and continue to build muscle/strength. You definitely don't need to cut IMO unless you're going for the thin board short look (not saying this negatively, I know some people like/want that).


I guess I'll make a pitcher tomorrow. I hate fixing a cup every time I'm thirsty. I even have some splenda from the holidays (for my brother).

If you get the green mint tea, you can use it in a chocolate protein shake to make a really fantastic mint chocolate shake.

With your mouth and gravity, and the assistance of peristalsis.

Also, wrong thread.

How is it the wrong thread? So people can talk about about their jobs, women, families, fitness guru hero-worship, but definitely not green tea? Good grief!


One day I was trying to Power Clean 155lb after failing to do so for several sessions at that point; I was ready for a reset and I was convinced I was going to fail again. After warming up, I loaded up the bar and took a pair of collars. Tried my first set and nope. Completely denied. Couldn't rack it.

Soon after, while resting between sets, one dude walked up to me and asked me if I was using the collars. I said I was and he left, seemingly pissed. I walked to the water fountain for a quick sip before my last set and I saw that same dude actually taking the collars off my bar.. He said he was taking them "because I wasn't really using them". I was so pissed 155lb literally flew off the ground and I racked it perfectly.

I'm going to try to get pissed for my next squat day. Shout out, "I do this in the name of hate!" so loudly it would make Machine Gun Joe Viterbo proud.


First problem is that they don't seem to understand that SS and GSLP are programs, not routines. There's a reason SS has so few exercises: novices don't need more, and more stuff will probably hinder progress.

SS and GSLP are short-term programs anyway. If they are done for more than 6-7 months you are probably doing them wrong, or not at all. There's a time for everything. And the first order of business for a novice should be to get strong. Hypertrophy and pump can come later.
Yeup. A lot of people don't get why both programs ask for 1.25 plates. Starting January, your bench will go (numerically, not actually) from 135 (should you start there) up, with no reset, one hundred and eighty pounds. Benching 315 for three sets of five in a year isn't exactly gonna happen for most people, hence tiny jumps. (Also, due to squatting 3x per week, why SS is a good bare bones never trained program while GSLP is best after a month or so of fundamental basics, while Stronglifts is shit due to 5x5 with the consistent jumps due to sooner stalling).

Just snagged the GSLP second edition. Damn, my gym definitely doesn't have 1.25lb plates.

Most gyms don't. They are a sound investment for anyone wanting to improve their press / bench though. I suggest you buy your own.
Noe is correct. Be wise and invest. Do you have twenty dollars? Here ya go.


I'd be tempted but I have an Undertaker level streak now damnit!

I think it might be time to invest for the sake of my OHP. So much $$ for so little weight though!

Haha go for 2 years now ;)

It wears you down after awhile...I stopped using it and the weight started coming off again. Go figure.

That's my idea. I'm getting too obsessed with it. Want to listen to my body more than a calculator. Plus I can easily figure out if I'm hitting my protein macros.


Ehh, didn't feel comfortable leaving my face in on the shirtless ones for some reason. Plus my avatar is a little bit more discreet.

I wanted to get my body ready for summer, and I figured I'd give myself an equal amount of time (3 months) for that to happen. Is that too much time you think? If I did forego the cut, I probably wouldn't want to put on too much more weight for the time being, maybe another 10lbs at most. I was actually toying with that idea still.

That's a bulk done right. You done good.


I just have to post this video for inspiration.

This is a friend of mine. Granted, he's short, but he's also 69 years old. He actually shares my same birthday. I hope I'm still able to do these pull-ups 30 years from now.

65 years young

Edit: Damn, forgot about FB privacy.


good credit (by proxy)
To a degree that's true (high impact plyometrics aren't always a good idea for overweight people, for example), but heavy weighted vests have a different impact on your joints than increased bodyweight, especially increased non-fat mass which often supports the joints. They aren't a part of you, and stress and impact upon your joints and tendons in ways that your sense of proprioception can't fully compensate for. Wearing them for extended periods of time is a bad idea.

I said a full body suit because have to find a way to distribute weight naturally vs just a weight vest. Still, it's just a hair-brained idea that probably wouldn't work.


24 days in. 208.9 to 201.7. I told myself 8 weeks, but I'm already getting those nasty cutting thoughts. Dat "you're not lean but you are tiny now brah, consume everything LEAVE NOTHING UNEATEN" body dysmorphia.
24 days in. 208.9 to 201.7. I told myself 8 weeks, but I'm already getting those nasty cutting thoughts. Dat "you're not lean but you are tiny now brah, consume everything LEAVE NOTHING UNEATEN" body dysmorphia.

terrible terrible feeling.

Do you honestly look that different? Any idea on bf%?


terrible terrible feeling.

Do you honestly look that different? Any idea on bf%?

I'm taking some pics on Saturday. I don't think there's much of a difference, but I'm a pretty mean critic of myself. I do feel a difference in my work pants fitting nicely again, which is awesome. That has to mean something re: slimming a bit.

Never buy work pants when you know you're gonna bulk. Fitted dress shirts will make you look like boss though.


24 days in. 208.9 to 201.7. I told myself 8 weeks, but I'm already getting those nasty cutting thoughts. Dat "you're not lean but you are tiny now brah, consume everything LEAVE NOTHING UNEATEN" body dysmorphia.

Hahaha, the same thoughts are running through my head. I've lost close to 10 pounds since starting my cut, but I've been hovering around 191 for almost two weeks now. I have to stay the course though.


24 days in. 208.9 to 201.7. I told myself 8 weeks, but I'm already getting those nasty cutting thoughts. Dat "you're not lean but you are tiny now brah, consume everything LEAVE NOTHING UNEATEN" body dysmorphia.

I just hit week two. 5 pounds down but I was 5 pounds down the first week so nothing changed.

Better be less next week or I'm gonna raaaaage

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm taking some pics on Saturday. I don't think there's much of a difference, but I'm a pretty mean critic of myself. I do feel a difference in my work pants fitting nicely again, which is awesome. That has to mean something re: slimming a bit.

Never buy work pants when you know you're gonna bulk. Fitted dress shirts will make you look like boss though.

Brah I am so ready to put on muscle again. I'm tired of cutting. I'm ready to do some Hulk shorts but I'll have a ways to go when it's time, being out of it for SO long means I get to do SS for 6 months.


24 days in. 208.9 to 201.7. I told myself 8 weeks, but I'm already getting those nasty cutting thoughts. Dat "you're not lean but you are tiny now brah, consume everything LEAVE NOTHING UNEATEN" body dysmorphia.

Yeah, I'm about 18 days into my cut. I went from about 188 down to 184. I'm starting to notice some more definition in my shoulders, abs and obliques.

Though, I blame the abs and obliques on the dragon flags and standing ab wheels that I've brought back into my workout.



I have the 2nd one and I think it works good.

Unbfortunately I'm taking like 2 months off from squats and deads cuz I have a herniated disk. I never let it rest enough in the past so it would always flare back up. Gonna try and wait awhile and see if TB-500 injections help at all.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Next week is when I plan to start my "cut"

Try to get down from 238 down to 228/230. Just want to be a little bit more lean.

brah lemme tell you I'm excited as fuck to eat legit bbq again. I'm gonna drown in bbq sauce and shakes.


Blows man, gotta prep for summer I guess. It just happened that way with me. I miss lots of food. I love to eat.

I have this ungodly fear of stalling (although I'm glad I didn't go up this week, it's a bummer I didn't go down).

Pants are definitely looser on me. So that's a plus.

My belt went on really easy when I deadlifed yesterday. I normally have to suck in more.

I have to admit ill probably eat a piece of pie and ice cream on Easter. First "junk" I'll have had in 2 weeks.


Next week is when I plan to start my "cut"

Try to get down from 238 down to 228/230. Just want to be a little bit more lean.

Nice, I got down to 229 then blew up to 260, mostly not fat. Now I'm trying to cut back down cuz I was still like 19% when I blew up. Before I started cut last a week and a half ago I was like 20%. Need to get as low as possible by June. I was 251 yesterday.


Seems like everyone is cut cut cutting.

I have the 2nd one and I think it works good.

Unbfortunately I'm taking like 2 months off from squats and deads cuz I have a herniated disk. I never let it rest enough in the past so it would always flare back up. Gonna try and wait awhile and see if TB-500 injections help at all.

noted. Thanks!

And I haven't had a dedicated leg or back day in a month. I really can't wait to go back to that for the next few months.

brah lemme tell you I'm excited as fuck to eat legit bbq again. I'm gonna drown in bbq sauce and shakes.

rofl. Imma save my cheat days to Sunday. And even then it will just be a meal. BBQ, Taco Bell, KBBQ, etc.



For my money, I'd like to get one of these soon. I guess their support is really good and they are double prong which will spread the stress out over a longer portion which should give you a longer time of use.

That one that you posted looked nice though though and I'm sure you couldn't go wrong with either.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I have this ungodly fear of stalling (although I'm glad I didn't go up this week, it's a bummer I didn't go down).

Pants are definitely looser on me. So that's a plus.

My belt went on really easy when I deadlifed yesterday. I normally have to suck in more.

I have to admit ill probably eat a piece of pie and ice cream on Easter. First "junk" I'll have had in 2 weeks.

I've managed to do 0 cheat days in a few months which is nice. I'm scared to try a badass cake again because I'm currently going without sugar and I think it'd make me a cake-hater which ain't right!

The obvious loss happened about a month in, but now everything is fitting better and I know beneath the surface, it's working. So I gotta keep the faith and stick to my May 1st deadline and continue on this cutting train. It feels good though, wearing a shirt at work that would come untucked (it's made of some weird fabric that's really tight) and it doesn't untuck at all anymore and it is loose in some spots. So I know progress is there.

I am a believer in absolutely 0 cheat days though. Between that and the "don't wait for a certain day to change your diet" that infuriates my friends, I've got my mind on right.
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