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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Age: 20
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 140lbs
Goal: lose 4-5% body fat (10.8% now) while gaining muscle
Current Training Schedule: Every other day weight training with cardio sometimes
Current Training Equipment Available: free-weights, kettle bells, iron gym pull-up bar
Comments: I'm trying to lose body fat and gain muscle weight as well as build overall strength.

I'm sure some others might say the same thing. But I really don't think that losing 4-5% body fat is a solid goal, especially when starting out at 140 lbs. When I was wrestling I would clock in at around 7-8% body fat or so, and I looked scary skinny. Personally I'd just try to keep that steady around where you are at while looking at putting on some more muscle.

Just eat more. Don't worry about it too much. You should still progress nicely as long as you're eating enough. Don't let weight training get in the way of other fun physical activities.

I'm gonna be cycling more come better weather. Gonna be a nice excuse to up my calories lol.

Yeah, I'm finally hitting what will probably be my max weight before pushing into summer running season. Up to 175lbs (at 5'7"). Weather is finally getting warm here and I'm loving my trail runs. I'd never be able to ditch them for strength training, though I try my best to keep my strength and size up. Good for the cardiovascular system long term as well.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yup. When I first started lifting, I wanted to get visible abs so badly. It really was a terrible idea. Should have just ate and lifted heavy instead, I tried to do both. I wish I could start over again haha.

That's the last thing I'm after, heh. I want to be able to throw a house, THEN I'll cut weight.


Question- The program I'm doing (IMHO) lacks core/back work because of some modifications I made to it.

Currently, all I'm doing that hits those are pullups and rows.

I don't want to do squats or deadlifts- what do I sub in?



Even if you don't want any more lower body hypertrophy you should still do squats / deadlifts at least once a week. Do them heavy with low rep ranges. That should be enough to keep you strong without getting you much bigger.


Even if you don't want any more lower body hypertrophy you should still do squats / deadlifts at least once a week. Do them heavy with low rep ranges. That should be enough to keep you strong without getting you much bigger.

I've got this answer a lot, but what if I actually want to reduce their current size?


No one is gonna make fun of you in here. We're all cool peeps as far as I know.

Alright if you posted a pic then I can't chicken out lol.

Age: 23
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 163lbs
Goal: Get to 175lbs
Current Training Schedule: 100 pushups, situps, squats every day
Current Training Equipment Available: Nothing suckers!
Comments: Yeah I really want to go to a gym but my current transportation issue has me stuck exercising at home until it's taken care of. Also, I'm an ectomorph as you are about to see from my picture (excuse the dirty mirror!) so I burn food like a furnace.



I've got this answer a lot, but what if I actually want to reduce their current size?

Are your legs big because they're fat or because you've done so much leg training they're big and veiny like the hulk?

If it's weight, than diet and training will fix that. Yes, that includes squats. Just because you're gaining muscle in X area doesn't mean that X area will stay the size it is.

If it's because you're a monster, then just eat less.


Are your legs big because they're fat or because you've done so much leg training they're big and veiny like the hulk?

If it's weight, than diet and training will fix that. Yes, that includes squats. Just because you're gaining muscle in X area doesn't mean that X area will stay the size it is.

If it's because you're a monster, then just eat less.

I wouldn't say monster, but I was squatting >400x5. I would say that either my programming was off or I'm just genetically predisposed to this, but my bottom half was WAAAAY bigger than my top half.


I wouldn't say monster, but I was squatting >400x5. I would say that either my programming was off or I'm just genetically predisposed to this, but my bottom half was WAAAAY bigger than my top half.

Keep the squats and the deads. Heavy triples/fives sets, but once a week. The goal here is to keep your lower half trained, CNS speaking, without causing too much hypertrophy. Keep your upper body training like any other standard program. If I was in your position, I'd do, like, 5/3/1 but on the squat/dead days, I'd do the lift but only the min reps. I wouldn't go for max reps. Then, on the accessory movements, I'd do lifts related to, but not directly benefiting, those lifts. Calve raises, one arm dumbbell rows, power cleans, heavier push presses, etc. or I'd just do some really intense short metcon, like the Crossfit template I posted a few pages ago (I'll dig for it if you want me to).

Then, you keep that training, but hopefully not focusing on it so much will help the size decrease.

There's also the harsher, albeit guaranteed to work, option of a hard fucking cut. Sub 10% body fat. Find out what's fat and muscle, go from there. You won't like it, but it'll work.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
If having a littler extra weight on you absolutely destroys your joints, then they're already absolutely destroying their joints by being professional powerlifters, at least the heavy guys.

To a degree that's true (high impact plyometrics aren't always a good idea for overweight people, for example), but heavy weighted vests have a different impact on your joints than increased bodyweight, especially increased non-fat mass which often supports the joints. They aren't a part of you, and stress and impact upon your joints and tendons in ways that your sense of proprioception can't fully compensate for. Wearing them for extended periods of time is a bad idea.


Keep the squats and the deads. Heavy triples/fives sets, but once a week. The goal here is to keep your lower half trained, CNS speaking, without causing too much hypertrophy. Keep your upper body training like any other standard program. If I was in your position, I'd do, like, 5/3/1 but on the squat/dead days, I'd do the lift but only the min reps. I wouldn't go for max reps. Then, on the accessory movements, I'd do lifts related to, but not directly benefiting, those lifts. Calve raises, one arm dumbbell rows, power cleans, heavier push presses, etc. or I'd just do some really intense short metcon, like the Crossfit template I posted a few pages ago (I'll dig for it if you want me to).

Then, you keep that training, but hopefully not focusing on it so much will help the size decrease.

There's also the harsher, albeit guaranteed to work, option of a hard fucking cut. Sub 10% body fat. Find out what's fat and muscle, go from there. You won't like it, but it'll work.
You mind posting that X fit business?
Hey guys, officially wrapping up my first bulk that many of you helped me start (my original post) and I thought I'd share my final results. Went from 185 to 205 in just over 3 months, surpassing my goal of 200. I feel like I gained a pretty good amount of mass and strength. I'm extremely happy with the results. Any comments/critiques/advice going forward are greatly appreciated.

Here's my starting point at 185 (12/12):

Here I am at 205 (3/26):

I'm going to start my first cut at some point this week. Still need to do some more research on that front but I'm looking forward to it. Thanks in advance for any tips those of you may have.


the piano man
I wouldn't say monster, but I was squatting >400x5. I would say that either my programming was off or I'm just genetically predisposed to this, but my bottom half was WAAAAY bigger than my top half.

any pics of that bottom half? :)

(yes, I am a curious guy who likes to watch strong, trained legs, lol)
You guys were right about Creatine. What the hell does it actually do cuz I've seen more gains in three weeks than ever before. And is it true it actually doesn't kick in until 4-5 weeks?


Since I started my cut I've been feeling really lethargic in the gym. Today was my lower body day, and I was feeling pretty out of it as my squat seemed to be taking a noticeable hit. I kind of slept walk through the beginning of my deadlifts, and as I loaded up 425, I thought "Christ this looks heavy. No way I'm going to be able to move this, especially since my squat sucks now."

Then a guy I hate walked into the gym. He's not a bad guy or anything, but he's incredibly talkative, and doesn't know how to take a hint that you'd rather lift then discuss his problems at work. I really didn't want to talk to him, especially right before my last set, so I decided to hammer out the lift as fast as possible before he came to me. I did 5 reps, a new PR. It felt incredible. I need to start harnessing my hate more often while lifting.


Damn, I checked the half rack squat cage today and the safety bars aren't removable.

I'm going to have to walk the bar about 4 ft. out of the cage before I squat if I'm going to hit low depth without hitting the bars; fuck commercial gyms.

I also feel like I'm the only one who likes having a squat booty ITT.


Then a guy I hate walked into the gym. He's not a bad guy or anything, but he's incredibly talkative, and doesn't know how to take a hint that you'd rather lift then discuss his problems at work. I really didn't want to talk to him, especially right before my last set, so I decided to hammer out the lift as fast as possible before he came to me. I did 5 reps, a new PR. It felt incredible. I need to start harnessing my hate more often while lifting.

One day I was trying to Power Clean 155lb after failing to do so for several sessions at that point; I was ready for a reset and I was convinced I was going to fail again. After warming up, I loaded up the bar and took a pair of collars. Tried my first set and nope. Completely denied. Couldn't rack it.

Soon after, while resting between sets, one dude walked up to me and asked me if I was using the collars. I said I was and he left, seemingly pissed. I walked to the water fountain for a quick sip before my last set and I saw that same dude actually taking the collars off my bar.. He said he was taking them "because I wasn't really using them". I was so pissed 155lb literally flew off the ground and I racked it perfectly.

ACE 1991

Wall of text incoming, I copy and pasted a post I made on reddit.com/r/fitness since I would love your input:

After next week I will have completed 12 weeks of Strong Lifts and I have for the most part been pretty satisfied with the changes in my body. I've gained about 15 pounds (145-160) and have a generally more filled out look than before I started lifting and eating 3000 calories/150g of protein everyday. All in all these past few months have really awakened a love of lifting within me; I look forward to each and every workout. However, my lifts themselves are rather disheartening in comparison with the progress that most males seem to make during this 12 week linear progression program. Here are my current stats: 72.5kg Squat (I switched to 3x5 for this exercise after stalling and deloading at 62.5kg a few weeks ago and I've been stuck at 72.5kg for 3 lifting days now) 40kg OHP 95kg Deadlift 60kg Bench Press 47.5kg Barbell Row
I should note that I took about two weeks off in mid-February to get settled in to my host destination as a study abroad student in Australia. At this point I'm starting to think the limiting factor here is perhaps my diet over the past month and a half, as I'm stuck on a university meal plan with generally terrible food, but at least the meals frequently consist of some beef or chicken dish so I can hit my daily protein intake. I also have been supplementing the meal plan food by drinking one protein shake a day and by making my own breakfast of 3 eggs + cottage cheese + greek yogurt + 2 pieces of toast with peanut butter which gives me around 50g of protein and 550-600 calories. Do I really just need to start cramming more food in my mouth to increase my numbers? I get 8 hours of sleep most days. (I can't wait until I'm home for the summer where I will have complete control over diet, and I'm living in a house with a full kitchen for my senior year of college) It's a little frustrating that it seems like I have to pay attention so religiously to my diet when pretty much every other guy I look at who lifts drinks their protein shake and doesn't give a shit about what they eat and still gets big.
While I could obviously take this program farther, I started Strong Lifts to get a good understanding of basic barbell lifts and to get my body used to lifting heavy week in and week out, but my goals (like the majority of guys who get into lifting) are to put on muscle and not strength, so I'm hoping to switch to a hypertrophy-focused program as SL does not meet my fitness goals in the long run. Sorry for the wall of text!

Given where I'm at, is there a specific hypertrophy program that I should move to next? My arms and calves are getting disproportionately skinny to the rest of my body so I really want to give them some real attention, as Strong Lifts does not.

Sorry the bump, but I would really love some guidance. I feel like I'm always bombarding this thread with questions, but you guys haven't steered me wrong yet.


Applying for a fitness advisor job at a gym currently.

One question on the application is: List 5 benefits of regular exercise.


what would you guys put?


Hey guys, officially wrapping up my first bulk that many of you helped me start (my original post) and I thought I'd share my final results. Went from 185 to 205 in just over 3 months, surpassing my goal of 200. I feel like I gained a pretty good amount of mass and strength. I'm extremely happy with the results. Any comments/critiques/advice going forward are greatly appreciated.

Here's my starting point at 185 (12/12):

Here I am at 205 (3/26):

I'm going to start my first cut at some point this week. Still need to do some more research on that front but I'm looking forward to it. Thanks in advance for any tips those of you may have.
you're too sexy.

I have to ask though. why did you blur your face out when your avatar is your face?


Trying to gain more mass is creatine a good start? And do you know how to get more reps out of your bench press

I'm not an expert but I don't think creatine is involved with mass gaining. Just eat more.

To get more reps you need to get stronger. Just eat more.


Sorry the bump, but I would really love some guidance. I feel like I'm always bombarding this thread with questions, but you guys haven't steered me wrong yet.

My opinion is that you should do GSLP for 2 or 3 months (or until you stall at every lift at least twice) and then switch to something like 5/3/1 for Bodybuilding. GSLP has more direct arm work than Stronglifts (curls on Bench day, plus weighted chinups), so that should even you out. You can also add LTEs or Triceps Pulldowns on Press days if you like. And eat until food starts seeping out your ears.

To be perfectly frank, 12 weeks of linear progression is nothing, specially on a program like Stronglifts that has you start with such low weights. It should be in your interest to get stronger, even if your goal is hypertrophy. Being stronger means being able to move more weight for more reps, which will lead to swoletrophy. If you notice, the biggest guys in this thread (AlienShogun and DarthWufei) are also really goddamned strong.

You can still milk quite a bit of progress out of your lifts.


Applying for a fitness advisor job at a gym currently.

One question on the application is: List 5 benefits of regular exercise.


what would you guys put?

Decreased risk of disease
Increased general strength
Improved appearance
Increased general stamina
Improved athletic ability


I'm not an expert but I don't think creatine is involved with mass gaining. Just eat more.

To get more reps you need to get stronger. Just eat more.

Well it will cause a little water retention in the muscle, which gives the appearance of more muscle. It also increases endurance for low rep movements, which will allow you to do more work at a given weight which would cause more muscle trauma which would cause an adaption and more muscle is grown.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Applying for a fitness advisor job at a gym currently.

One question on the application is: List 5 benefits of regular exercise.


what would you guys put?

Stress relief.
Self Confidence.
Improved health.
Improved quality of life.
Improved life planning (goal setting/achieving).

Hey guys, officially wrapping up my first bulk that many of you helped me start (my original post) and I thought I'd share my final results. Went from 185 to 205 in just over 3 months, surpassing my goal of 200. I feel like I gained a pretty good amount of mass and strength. I'm extremely happy with the results. Any comments/critiques/advice going forward are greatly appreciated.

Here's my starting point at 185 (12/12):

Here I am at 205 (3/26):

I'm going to start my first cut at some point this week. Still need to do some more research on that front but I'm looking forward to it. Thanks in advance for any tips those of you may have.

You're going to cut? Why? IMO you need to forego the cut and keep progressing.

ACE 1991

My opinion is that you should do GSLP for 2 or 3 months (or until you stall at every lift at least twice) and then switch to something like 5/3/1 for Bodybuilding. GSLP has more direct arm work than Stronglifts (curls on Bench day, plus weighted chinups), so that should even you out. You can also add LTEs or Triceps Pulldowns on Press days if you like. And eat until food starts seeping out your ears.

To be perfectly frank, 12 weeks of linear progression is nothing, specially on a program like Stronglifts that has you start with such low weights. It should be in your interest to get stronger, even if your goal is hypertrophy. Being stronger means being able to move more weight for more reps, which will lead to swoletrophy. If you notice, the biggest guys in this thread (AlienShogun and DarthWufei) are also really goddamned strong.

You can still milk quite a bit of progress out of your lifts.

Thanks for the response as always, Noema. I understand that 12 weeks of linear progression strength training isn't a whole lot, and I could definitely stick with it and continue making gains for another 12 weeks at least. However, if my ultimate fitness goals are more hypertrophy-focused than strength doesn't make more sense to switch to a new program that meets my goals now that I have an understanding of barbell lifts and my body is used to lifting week in and week out? I also get that strength/hypertrophy are not mutually exclusive; I've recently started seriously playing ultimate frisbee and rock climbing each week, so I certainly have a desire to get stronger as well. Thanks again, I will look into GSLP.


Gabriel Knight
Ugh just had a great shoulder tricep workout little cardio come home and have a good whey shake and then

Proceed to eat a bowl of tortilla chips and salsa :(


Thanks for the response as always, Noema. I understand that 12 weeks of linear progression strength training isn't a whole lot, and I could definitely stick with it and continue making gains for another 12 weeks at least. However, if my ultimate fitness goals are more hypertrophy-focused than strength doesn't make more sense to switch to a new program that meets my goals now that I have an understanding of barbell lifts and my body is used to lifting week in and week out? I also get that strength/hypertrophy are not mutually exclusive; I've recently started seriously playing ultimate frisbee and rock climbing each week, so I certainly have a desire to get stronger as well. Thanks again, I will look into GSLP.

I saw this routine mentioned on Reddit recently - http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=148036063

It's a linear progression with more volume than SS/GSLP. I'd be surprised if it's any better than GSLP/SS, though.


I saw this routine mentioned on Reddit recently - http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=148036063

It's a linear progression with more volume than SS/GSLP. I'd be surprised if it's any better than GSLP/SS, though.

First problem is that they don't seem to understand that SS and GSLP are programs, not routines. There's a reason SS has so few exercises: novices don't need more, and more stuff will probably hinder progress.

SS and GSLP are short-term programs anyway. If they are done for more than 6-7 months you are probably doing them wrong, or not at all. There's a time for everything. And the first order of business for a novice should be to get strong. Hypertrophy and pump can come later.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
LOL, my callouses are destroying the grip on my pull up bar. Time to break out the duct tape.

Schattenjäger;51773775 said:
Ugh just had a great shoulder tricep workout little cardio come home and have a good whey shake and then

Proceed to eat a bowl of tortilla chips and salsa :(

Whelp, may as well give up now.
you're too sexy.

I have to ask though. why did you blur your face out when your avatar is your face?
Ehh, didn't feel comfortable leaving my face in on the shirtless ones for some reason. Plus my avatar is a little bit more discreet.

You're going to cut? Why? IMO you need to forego the cut and keep progressing.
I wanted to get my body ready for summer, and I figured I'd give myself an equal amount of time (3 months) for that to happen. Is that too much time you think? If I did forego the cut, I probably wouldn't want to put on too much more weight for the time being, maybe another 10lbs at most. I was actually toying with that idea still.


Ehh, didn't feel comfortable leaving my face in on the shirtless ones for some reason. Plus my avatar is a little bit more discreet.

I wanted to get my body ready for summer, and I figured I'd give myself an equal amount of time (3 months) for that to happen. Is that too much time you think? If I did forego the cut, I probably wouldn't want to put on too much more weight for the time being, maybe another 10lbs at most. I was actually toying with that idea still.

As someone with a similar looking bodytype I say keep adding weight, my current goal is reaching 200lbs but if I end up looking similar to you at that weight I'm going to try for 215 I think. Don't get me wrong I think your progress is rad just that I would personally keep going.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Just snagged the GSLP second edition. Damn, my gym definitely doesn't have 1.25lb plates.
Most gyms don't. They are a sound investment for anyone wanting to improve their press / bench though. I suggest you buy your own.

In Australia, plates less than 1.25kg are... rare. Weights in general are expensive.


I need some ideas for deadlift accessory work. Currently doing glute bridges, stiff leg deads. Looking to probably try rack pulls again, but not sure if they're too cns intensive. I hit back twice a week and would never consider deadlifting both days, but is deadlifting one day and rack pulling the other day reasonable? Only other things I can think of are giving sumo deadlifts a try and going back to doing some weighted hyper extensions.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I need some ideas for deadlift accessory work. Currently doing glute bridges, stiff leg deads. Looking to probably try rack pulls again, but not sure if they're too cns intensive. I hit back twice a week and would never consider deadlifting both days, but is deadlifting one day and rack pulling the other day reasonable? Only other things I can think of are giving sumo deadlifts a try and going back to doing some weighted hyper extensions.

I'd skip rack pulls unless you're having an issue with lock out.

Do ab work, good mornings and romanian deads. Also I found deep front squats help both my squat and my deadlift.

GHR is an option if your gym has one, but I've never done them, and when I get my gym it's one of the first purchases I'm going to make.


I'd skip rack pulls unless you're having an issue with lock out.

Do ab work, good mornings and romanian deads. Also I found deep front squats help both my squat and my deadlift.

GHR is an option if your gym has one, but I've never done them, and when I get my gym it's one of the first purchases I'm going to make.

thanks, I'll give these a try.
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