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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Went to the gym today, my groin was so tight I couldn't squat heavy. :/

Squatted 85kg on SS on Monday and was supposed to do 90kg today but warming up, my abductors were the tightest I've ever felt and I didn't feel comfortable putting that much weight on the bar.
Just stayed light and once I got near parallel it was a struggle and couldn't go any further.

What's some good groin stretches or solutions? The only thing I know is that stretch where you sit down with your legs bent, heels together and sorta push your legs down. Besides that and just squatting a lot I had no idea how to go about reducing my groin tightness.

Hmm, if I had insurance, I'd be interested in getting my testosterone levels checked out. I hit everything on the checklist aside from the sexual dysfunctions (although my drive is pretty blah). Could just be depression symptoms, too... That's been a serious issue for me going on twenty years.

depression can also cause low t I'm pretty sure.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So, yeah, I realize I'm strong, but ripping the velcro off of my wrist wraps was not expected, wtf.


not sure if serious.

I was gonna say something too, but when I thought about it my best gains were/are when I hit ANYTHING twice or more a week in some capacity.


So, yeah, I realize I'm strong, but ripping the velcro off of my wrist wraps was not expected, wtf.

I was gonna say something too, but when I thought about it my best gains were/are when I hit ANYTHING twice or more a week in some capacity.

my issue is with the word 'need' in this instance.

you can make great strength and size gains hitting chest once a week.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
my issue is with the word 'need' in this instance.

you can make great strength and size gains hitting chest once a week.

I NEED some beefaroni, that's what I need, and there's none in the house.


Also, why the fuck are you awake?


I NEED some beefaroni, that's what I need, and there's none in the house.


Also, why the fuck are you awake?

Woke up at 2am shaky cause my blood glucose was low, happens occasionally if I misjudge carbs/insulin ratio. Couldn't fall right back asleep, so just finished up Spec Ops: The Line instead. Was very interesting.

Today's sleep schedule is fucked!

*debates going to store for beefaroni*

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Woke up at 2am shaky cause my blood glucose was low, happens occasionally if I misjudge carbs/insulin ratio. Couldn't fall right back asleep, so just finished up Spec Ops: The Line instead. Was very interesting.

Today's sleep schedule is fucked!

*debates going to store for beefaroni*

Well that sucks, and yeah, that game was good. I really liked the presentation. Some of the set pieces/scenarios were poorly executed though.


Well that sucks, and yeah, that game was good. I really liked the presentation. Some of the set pieces/scenarios were poorly executed though.

Having read up more now, I wish I'd played it on a higher difficulty so I would've seen more of the load screens and such. They definitely add to the overall experience.

Feel you on the set pieces and such though.

And now that I've gone way off topic, sorry Fitgaf!
going out tonight (it's 9pm here in Ausland) and drinking alcohol of the high caloric vaiety. Was planning to not drink but then I undid that plan lol. My precious gains have all already disappeared. Fak

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
going out tonight (it's 9pm here in Ausland) and drinking alcohol of the high caloric vaiety. Was planning to not drink but then I undid that plan lol. My precious gains have all already disappeared. Fak

Gains? Or losses? If you're bulking don't worry about it too much. One of the more interesting (read: potentially stupid) things I did when putting on weight was restrict most of my drinking to things like Bailey's with extra milk added. It meant that I couldn't drink much when going out or much at all really because the milk bloat often got to me before the alcohol did. It also carried a much higher risk of throwing up. I don't really regret it that much though; I was in Canberra at the time so often finding a bush to throw up in before running to a service station to buy more milk was more entertaining than actually going to the clubs.
Apparently I've been cutting without even knowing it. Lost 5 freaking lbs. I'm down to 170 @ 12% BF

The only real change is that I went from an office job where I sat all day, now a Personal Trainer where I'm on my feet all day, and constantly demoing exercises. I guess general activity level really does make a huge difference (even it it's just standing vs sitting).

Oh well, I won't complain, I was going to start my summer cut anyways.


So, yeah, I realize I'm strong, but ripping the velcro off of my wrist wraps was not expected, wtf.

I was gonna say something too, but when I thought about it my best gains were/are when I hit ANYTHING twice or more a week in some capacity.

It makes sense. According to Layne you should hit things 2x per week because anabolic response to lifting only lasts like 48 hours.

Ain't nobody got time for that.
Anyone have experience using a rowing machine? I tried one yesterday and thought it was really fun. I'd like to add it to my routine as a form of cardio during the winter time. Normally, I'd use a stationary bike for 10-15 minutes doing HIIT. Seems like I should be able to do 10-15 minutes of HIIT with a rowing machine too, but I'm just wondering if there are any tips/tricks/suggestions in regards to using one? I looked up form for it, seems like the major risk is if you bend your back during the "going forward" motion.

My overall goals are muscle gain, maybe a bit of fat loss but not too worried about that, and general aesthetics.
Yeah, that's pretty much the goal. I'd like to come near 10%. For the wrasslegaffers, BF% wise, Fandango would be the ultimate goal.


Time to post wrestlers who I admire, physique wise.






OK, it's been 22 days since the start of my cut. I'm hovering at about 183-184. I was capped off at about 188 at the start of my cut.

I decided to take a progress pic. I really wanted to do a monthly update, but I figured I try to take a pic at the start of every month.

Looking good man! Can most definitely see progress. I'm ready for the end game.

Take me.

How often are you lifting?

If you want your chest to grow and get stronger you need to hit it twice a week.

As my other brother who does decline, I am gonna do 5/3/1 with decline. Do you think that after my 5/3/1 set, that I should do more decline (BBB style) or should I just go with incline? Or do both!


not sure if serious.

For me, my chest gains were credited to doing chest 3 times a week. I really think that if there is something that is lagging, you need to do more to catch up which is why I'm going to be doing trap work twice a week.

Why am I cutting when I'm already lean? Incoming me being skinny as shit in 2 months.

Weren't you just posting about how you were bulking a few weeks ago?


It makes sense. According to Layne you should hit things 2x per week because anabolic response to lifting only lasts like 48 hours.

Ain't nobody got time for that.

This a big reason I went back to full body over 5/3/1. My lifts are much better now and I'm gaining some decent muscle.
How would you even hit everything twice a week outside of a starting strength type program?

A popular program is Layne Norton's PHAT - http://www.simplyshredded.com/mega-...ll-powerhypertrophy-routine-updated-2011.html

And I wouldn't say hit everything twice a week. More like what you think is lagging. Or if you really want, do a specialized program for just chest. Or legs. Or back. Or....

Holy shit at the 3rd pic, that I'm super jealous of those traps. My traps suck... wonder what kind of lifts he does to get them looking like that?

Brian Cage.

He's a bodybuilder and wrestler.



Why am I cutting when I'm already lean? Incoming me being skinny as shit in 2 months.

You probably have a very distorted view of your own looks, like everyone else :) Don't worry, you can not go wrong as long as you put in the effort, one way or the other.


How would you even hit everything twice a week outside of a starting strength type program?


that's what I did when I did it for a short period of time, it was too much volume for me though, i just hit everything once a week.


I was so excited to deadlift yesterday that I forgot my chalk -_-

Did 505lbs glute bridges though. That shit had me sweating.


Hey guys I got this tub of mass gainer called quick mass by allmax nutrition as I'm a hardgainer. Doing SS, so my workout days are Mon, Wed, Fri, and cardio Sundays. On the tub it says to take it twice, once as a mid-morning snack and once immediately after I workout. Question is should I only be taking it on the days I workout or on rest days as well?

You may be overthinking it. It's essentially a caloric supplement made up of starch with some protein and generally a little creatine and vitamins. Take it to meet your caloric needs.

I do have a couple of comments. First, I doubt you're a 'hardgainer'. The term refers to a pretty unusual genetic background, so what you are most likely is an undereater.

Second, instead of the weight gainer you may want to consider whole milk, say a half gallon a day in addition to your normal diet. Weight gainers are usually a bunch of cheap sugar which can hammer your body and are overpriced. Buying cheaper milk or whole food sources is usually a better choice.


Went to the gym today, my groin was so tight I couldn't squat heavy. :/

Squatted 85kg on SS on Monday and was supposed to do 90kg today but warming up, my abductors were the tightest I've ever felt and I didn't feel comfortable putting that much weight on the bar.
Just stayed light and once I got near parallel it was a struggle and couldn't go any further.

What's some good groin stretches or solutions? The only thing I know is that stretch where you sit down with your legs bent, heels together and sorta push your legs down. Besides that and just squatting a lot I had no idea how to go about reducing my groin tightness.

depression can also cause low t I'm pretty sure.

I've had the same issue. First comes a lengthy warmup on the rowing machine, say 5-10 minutes of light rowing. Then comes 20 leg swings. Then comes a squat stretch, 20 air squats and then another squat stretch. Then you start by warming up with the bar, two sets of five then ramp up slowly. On really bad days I'd do some direct hamstring and abductor/adductor stretching too.

I found a really good stretch was to widen your stance until your feet are about twice your shoulder width apart, facing forward or slightly outwards, then touch the ground in front of you and stretch into that. Loosens up the hips and adductors nicely. There's another one where you lay on your back with your knees at 90 degrees, put one ankle on top of the other thigh and then push the bent knee down. Also, foam rolling.



not sure if serious.

Very serious, I made my best progress when I was doing chest two times a week, I'd go heavy on both days and it worked out well. I went from repping 50lbs DBs to repping 120lbs DBs in around a year. I did most body parts twice a week, sometimes even 3 times a week if I felt I was lagging in one area.

As my other brother who does decline, I am gonna do 5/3/1 with decline. Do you think that after my 5/3/1 set, that I should do more decline (BBB style) or should I just go with incline? Or do both!

I'd do both and alternate week to week, one week do all decline, the next do all incline. I can't do heavy incline right now because of my shoulder, but if I could I'd just alternate between the two. I currently do 10 sets of 10 on decline, then 3 sets of heavy DB flat bench, and 2-3 sets of really light incline.


So I knew this would happen, but I went to the gym anyway because fuck it. After spending a week taking on the flu, eating (pretty much) nothing except saltines and coke, I went to the gym. After doing the warm up sets for squats I couldn't even hit 5 reps at 80 percent. I was too crestfallen to continue so I just did some bicep curls and abs and went home. In retrospect I shouldn't have gone in the first place cuz I feel a headache coming on.


Very serious, I made my best progress when I was doing chest two times a week, I'd go heavy on both days and it worked out well. I went from repping 50lbs DBs to repping 120lbs DBs in around a year. I did most body parts twice a week, sometimes even 3 times a week if I felt I was lagging in one area.

Yep, it's the basic Priority Principle but applied to volume. At it's best its applied to weak points (my chest), though we often tend to apply it unintentionally to our strengths because it's more enjoyable to work out a strong suit (legs, back in college for me anyway).

That douche in the gym working arms 3x a week with the big guns out of proportion with the rest of his body? Well, that's what he's prioritizing. It works.


The bloated syntholceps look like a cartoon where someone swallows a comically oversized pill and it gets lodged in their skinny throat.


The bloated syntholceps look like a cartoon where someone swallows a comically oversized pill and it gets lodged in their skinny throat.

It's also worth pointing out that's he's wearing a Batman shirt and the outline of his arms kinda forms the Batman symbol.


Alright, cut update. Started out at 200 a couple of months ago, now at 189.

I was 198 in these pictures.


The goal is to get to 185, and start clean bulking from there. I'm wondering if I should possibly go lower though. Thoughts? Tips?

Looking good.

My advice? Fuckascale, and just live based on pictures.

Once you're happy with what's in the mirror, be done. Not happy? Find out what needs fixing and move in that direction. Trying to figure out what weight+BF percentage is right for your height and is going to make you happy takes a lot of work.

Just my suggestion, though.


Looking good! I notice a difference as well. I like the built look with the combination of abs.

Veezy said:
Looking good.

My advice? Fuckascale, and just live based on pictures.

Once you're happy with what's in the mirror, be done.
Not happy? Find out what needs fixing and move in that direction. Trying to figure out what weight+BF percentage is right for your height and is going to make you happy takes a lot of work.

Just my suggestion, though.

Agreed. Also, my PT says she doesn't use the scale. Scale numbers just stress you out and such. If you're "mirror happy" and think you look/feel good, don't worry about the scale numbers.
Alright, cut update. Started out at 200 a couple of months ago, now at 189.

I was 198 in these pictures.


The goal is to get to 185, and start clean bulking from there. I'm wondering if I should possibly go lower though. Thoughts? Tips?

You look great. Still hard to believe that you only weighed 200 lbs in the before. You look so much bigger.


Went to GNC to buy more quest bars and the girl let me have a bar for free. She was cute too. Is this the equivalent of a girl getting a drink at the bar :p

I tried apple pie. I really liked it.
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