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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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What's your diet look like? Strict calorie counting or just cleaning things up?


More or less. Change the various meats/poultry/seafood to whatever I might be eating that day. Will eventually remove the bread (gonna finish eating this loaf) and substitute rice noodles in for wheat noodles.



More or less. Change the various meats/poultry/seafood to whatever I might be eating that day. Will eventually remove the bread (gonna finish eating this loaf) and substitute rice noodles in for wheat noodles.

Cool looks really good.

Edit- do you not count cooking oils?


Alright, cut update. Started out at 200 a couple of months ago, now at 189.

I was 198 in these pictures.


The goal is to get to 185, and start clean bulking from there. I'm wondering if I should possibly go lower though. Thoughts? Tips?

Nice job. You're lookin' real good. If I were you, I'd be done when I reached 185...but that's just me.

Is it just me or do pasty white guys have a harder time looking really "jacked" without decent lighting?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Nice job. You're lookin' real good. If I were you, I'd be done when I reached 185...but that's just me.

Is it just me or do pasty white guys have a harder time looking really "jacked" without decent lighting?

Why do you think white body builders get painted brown in competition? It's not just to "look tan."


Sup brehs! Was at GNC the other day, saw a jar of that Craze stuff everyone was talking about, bought it. Tried it today, I was sweating like a pig! But it felt kind of good, I felt all pumped up. Was feeling kind of groggy this morning, one scoop of that stuff woke me right up. And usually black coffee does nothing for me.

Hit a pr on squats today, 170 x 5. Finally seems like my squat is moving along. Squats three days this week, let's do this!


Yeah apple pie is good. I went to GNC near me and they hardly had any flavored.

This place near me called One Stop Nutrition has every flavor except cookie dough, which Quest won't sell them yet


Nice job. You're lookin' real good. If I were you, I'd be done when I reached 185...but that's just me.

Is it just me or do pasty white guys have a harder time looking really "jacked" without decent lighting?

Yep, I'm white as ghost. Going on that melanotan for summer


Sup brehs! Was at GNC the other day, saw a jar of that Craze stuff everyone was talking about, bought it. Tried it today, I was sweating like a pig! But it felt kind of good, I felt all pumped up. Was feeling kind of groggy this morning, one scoop of that stuff woke me right up. And usually black coffee does nothing for me.

Hit a pr on squats today, 170 x 5. Finally seems like my squat is moving along. Squats three days this week, let's do this!

Might try Craze after my Jack3d Micro runs out.


Why has it suddenly become difficult to get a good grip on the bar for deadlifts? I had a deload DL today and it was hard to maintain a good grip for ten reps on BBB.

Any reasons why? I haven't had any difficulty prior to the last two weeks.


Why has it suddenly become difficult to get a good grip on the bar for deadlifts? I had a deload DL today and it was hard to maintain a good grip for ten reps on BBB.

Any reasons why? I haven't had any difficulty prior to the last two weeks.

Forearm fatigue or possibly just stressed muscles in that area. Maybe integrate some farmer walks and kroc rows to help out or switch to straps for a while to give your hands a break.


Back and Bi day last night, and to alleviate my problem of wanting to do bi's first (lagging imo) but not put deadlifts off until later in the workout, I did deadlifts first, then switched to my bicep workout, then finished off my back workout with a few other exercises.


Forearm fatigue or possibly just stressed muscles in that area. Maybe integrate some farmer walks and kroc rows to help out or switch to straps for a while to give your hands a break.

Excactly what I was going to post.

Okay. I'll see what I can do. I think the fatigue may be from restarting my landscaping job four times a week on top of bartending/janitoring at a catering hall 3X/week.

I think my body will gladly welcome a 3 day split when I start my next cycle on Sunday.
Does anyone here use Craze? I just ordered some...kind of scared to use it again. I couldn't sleep for ages the last time I had it.


Does anyone here use Craze? I just ordered some...kind of scared to use it again. I couldn't sleep for ages the last time I had it.

I've used it. Loved the stuff, although I still find preworkouts not worthwhile, unless one is a bit sleepy.

With all that stuff, be careful of your portions. Half a scoop might do ya better.
So I started my cut on Monday, so far so good. Bought 10lbs of Chicken Breast, Tuna, some Wheat Flatbread wraps, avocado, pesto, apples, bananas, green beans, cheese, milk, eggs, oatmeal.

4 Eggs and a pack of oatmeal, and a cup of coffee for breakfast.
An apple and a can of Tuna for a snack.
A turkey wrap (turkey, pesto, avocado, baby spinach, light provolone cheese, low carb wheat flatbread) for lunch.
Grilled chicken and green beans for dinner.
1 & 1/2 scoops of protein, 1 raw egg, 1 small banana, 8oz 2% milk - PWO shake.


Anyone have Versa gripps or Haulin Hooks? I was just about to order the Gripps last week when someone told me Hooks were better.

I'm leaning more towards the gripps, since you never really have to take them off. My gym doesn't allow chalk, and the handles on the dumbbells are hell on hands during DB rows. My hands give out long before my lats do.


To the guys who cut. Do you measure your cooking oils or just eyeball it?

Let the seafood days continue. Had scallops tonight cooked on the grill.


To the guys who cut. Do you measure your cooking oils or just eyeball it?

Let the seafood days continue. Had scallops tonight cooked on the grill.

I measure everything. I actually weigh it because its more accurate than a tablespoon. I get obsessive but I don't think it's helped.


To the guys who cut. Do you measure your cooking oils or just eyeball it?

Let the seafood days continue. Had scallops tonight cooked on the grill.

Unless I know that I am getting an exact amount, nope.

For example, if I fry some floured chicken or veal in a pan with olive oil, I don't count it.

If I put balsamic vinegar and olive oil on salad as a dressing, I don't count it.


Anyone have Versa gripps or Haulin Hooks? I was just about to order the Gripps last week when someone told me Hooks were better.

I'm leaning more towards the gripps, since you never really have to take them off. My gym doesn't allow chalk, and the handles on the dumbbells are hell on hands during DB rows. My hands give out long before my lats do.

I've used Versa Grips in the past. They work incredibly well as a nice glove/strap replacement.

While not as good as straps, they're a solution for anything bar/dumbbell related that you can do. Expensive, but effective.
To the guys who cut. Do you measure your cooking oils or just eyeball it?

Let the seafood days continue. Had scallops tonight cooked on the grill.
I generally don't measure but I do try to count by eyeballing. I found it doesn't really make a difference in my weight loss. I used to measure ot OCD style.
Gains? Or losses? If you're bulking don't worry about it too much. One of the more interesting (read: potentially stupid) things I did when putting on weight was restrict most of my drinking to things like Bailey's with extra milk added. It meant that I couldn't drink much when going out or much at all really because the milk bloat often got to me before the alcohol did. It also carried a much higher risk of throwing up. I don't really regret it that much though; I was in Canberra at the time so often finding a bush to throw up in before running to a service station to buy more milk was more entertaining than actually going to the clubs.

Was just joking anyway heh
It was some quality goon and vodka for me last night. (separately of course)

Finding a bush to chunder in at Civic isn't hard haha
One fine night I found myself doing so near Cube.

I've had the same issue. First comes a lengthy warmup on the rowing machine, say 5-10 minutes of light rowing. Then comes 20 leg swings. Then comes a squat stretch, 20 air squats and then another squat stretch. Then you start by warming up with the bar, two sets of five then ramp up slowly. On really bad days I'd do some direct hamstring and abductor/adductor stretching too.

I found a really good stretch was to widen your stance until your feet are about twice your shoulder width apart, facing forward or slightly outwards, then touch the ground in front of you and stretch into that. Loosens up the hips and adductors nicely. There's another one where you lay on your back with your knees at 90 degrees, put one ankle on top of the other thigh and then push the bent knee down. Also, foam rolling.

Cheers grumble! Will definitely try them out.
Think I'll have to buy a foam roller eventually as my gym doesn't have any.


Hey it's my first time posting here. I need some guidance, I will give you a short time frame of my life (training wise) from 2007 until present. I weighed in at 330 lbs back in 2007, I did a shit load of cardio and barely ate anything, very bad way to lose weight and fat but the lowest I got to was 195, and it was a skinny fat, with my mid section still looking like shit. (i have a very side mid section, love handles galore.) I have been "bulking" lately, my strength has gone up but so has my weight, I'm up to 260 and my numbers sure should be higher. (315 benchx3, 405 deadx1, 315 squatx5*i fucked a disc up in my lower back so I've had to lower the weight.)
I'm not happy with the way I look, I tell myself every day that I'm fine and i want to become stronger and do power lifting but I hate looking myself in the mirror. I have very low self esteem, I never even took my shirt off in front of my GF for a whole year. It's embarrassing. I want to get thinner, but my ego is too high in the gym to do higher reps lower weights. I am 24 years old and 5'11. I'm not sure what to do, my bodyfat is up there, probably mid 20s. I just need some guidance or some wisdom from someone as to what they believe the right path for me to take is. In my heart I want to be lean, thin and confidant but in my mind I just dont give a fuck, eat anything in sight and lazy as fuck when it comes to Cardio. Sorry for the ranting, I have no one to talk to about this, I'm a lone wolf in the gym and it's time for a change!


Hey it's my first time posting here. I need some guidance, I will give you a short time frame of my life (training wise) from 2007 until present. I weighed in at 330 lbs back in 2007, I did a shit load of cardio and barely ate anything, very bad way to lose weight and fat but the lowest I got to was 195, and it was a skinny fat, with my mid section still looking like shit. (i have a very side mid section, love handles galore.) I have been "bulking" lately, my strength has gone up but so has my weight, I'm up to 260 and my numbers sure should be higher. (315 benchx3, 405 deadx1, 315 squatx5*i fucked a disc up in my lower back so I've had to lower the weight.)
I'm not happy with the way I look, I tell myself every day that I'm fine and i want to become stronger and do power lifting but I hate looking myself in the mirror. I have very low self esteem, I never even took my shirt off in front of my GF for a whole year. It's embarrassing. I want to get thinner, but my ego is too high in the gym to do higher reps lower weights. I am 24 years old and 5'11. I'm not sure what to do, my bodyfat is up there, probably mid 20s. I just need some guidance or some wisdom from someone as to what they believe the right path for me to take is. In my heart I want to be lean, thin and confidant but in my mind I just dont give a fuck, eat anything in sight and lazy as fuck when it comes to Cardio. Sorry for the ranting, I have no one to talk to about this, I'm a lone wolf in the gym and it's time for a change!

so, start cutting, but do it slowly and keep lifting?


Hey it's my first time posting here. I need some guidance, I will give you a short time frame of my life (training wise) from 2007 until present. I weighed in at 330 lbs back in 2007, I did a shit load of cardio and barely ate anything, very bad way to lose weight and fat but the lowest I got to was 195, and it was a skinny fat, with my mid section still looking like shit. (i have a very side mid section, love handles galore.) I have been "bulking" lately, my strength has gone up but so has my weight, I'm up to 260 and my numbers sure should be higher. (315 benchx3, 405 deadx1, 315 squatx5*i fucked a disc up in my lower back so I've had to lower the weight.)
I'm not happy with the way I look, I tell myself every day that I'm fine and i want to become stronger and do power lifting but I hate looking myself in the mirror. I have very low self esteem, I never even took my shirt off in front of my GF for a whole year. It's embarrassing. I want to get thinner, but my ego is too high in the gym to do higher reps lower weights. I am 24 years old and 5'11. I'm not sure what to do, my bodyfat is up there, probably mid 20s. I just need some guidance or some wisdom from someone as to what they believe the right path for me to take is. In my heart I want to be lean, thin and confidant but in my mind I just dont give a fuck, eat anything in sight and lazy as fuck when it comes to Cardio. Sorry for the ranting, I have no one to talk to about this, I'm a lone wolf in the gym and it's time for a change!

First of all, welcome. Based on your numbers, you can easily get stronger and still be at a lower bodyweight. Continue doing your lifting program - which I assume is high weights low rep but eat at a small caloric deficit with focus on getting enough protein and then fill out the rest of your diet with fats/small amount of carbs. But if you don't give a fuck and eat anything in sight then it might be hard as something has to give. There was a post by grumble I think regarding losing bodyfat while continuing the lift heavy weights. Basically, just start eating at a caloric deficit and continue lifting hard.



He did that on purpose. He was trying to turn himself black. I read his log before.

As for side effects, never heard of anyone having anything serious and clinical trials didnt show it either. Just boners, mild nausea at higher doses, lower appetite, darkening of moles and freckles, new moles.

Either way, I'm already dead. Just gotta be careful. Just trying to tan, not get really dark.
Hit 130x5 (3x) on OHP today. Felt damn good.

If you guys want to try a pre workout that actually works, check out AdreNOlyn. Shit is good mang.


To the guys who cut. Do you measure your cooking oils or just eyeball it?

Let the seafood days continue. Had scallops tonight cooked on the grill.
I measure everything. I add fish oil to my macros, not srs. I actually prefer nonstick cooking spray as of late but I measure pretty much everything but I have to sometime eyeball the meats as I don't have a food scale.


I've used Versa Grips in the past. They work incredibly well as a nice glove/strap replacement.

While not as good as straps, they're a solution for anything bar/dumbbell related that you can do. Expensive, but effective.

I've tried the gripps also, really liked them, leaning more towards them over hooks/straps because I do farmers walk and the hooks kind of defeat the purpose of doing them.


To the guys who cut. Do you measure your cooking oils or just eyeball it?

Let the seafood days continue. Had scallops tonight cooked on the grill.

I use grapeseed for everything and just eyeball it. Never found it to throw me off my game.

got gloves on in the gym today and easily rep'd much higher than I was on monday. Should have known better. 220lb on the deadlift. 170lb on bench. Legs were still sore as all hell so I couldn't manage squats today, but I'll squash those on fri. Felt good, but I need to go higher from here.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I've tried the gripps also, really liked them, leaning more towards them over hooks/straps because I do farmers walk and the hooks kind of defeat the purpose of doing them.

I may be misunderstanding you, so correct me if I'm off base, but straps also defeat the purpose of farmer carries unless you're not doing them to work on grip.

got gloves on in the gym today and easily rep'd much higher than I was on monday. Should have known better. 220lb on the deadlift. 170lb on bench. Legs were still sore as all hell so I couldn't manage squats today, but I'll squash those on fri. Felt good, but I need to go higher from here.

Preservin' them bitch hands eh? ;)

You ain't a man unless the callouses on your hands rub knurling off of the barbell.


I may be misunderstanding you, so correct me if I'm off base, but straps also defeat the purpose of farmer carries unless you're not doing them to work on grip.

The gripps are pretty cool, for the farmers walk I'd just use the padded surface to hold them in place, basically they'd just be like gloves for that. I do farmers walk for forearms since I'm trying to be a hand model like the great J.P. Prewett -



I may be misunderstanding you, so correct me if I'm off base, but straps also defeat the purpose of farmer carries unless you're not doing them to work on grip.
For something like farmer carries/walks, yeah I don't why somebody would use a grip assisting tool when doing a grip specific lift. For other movements involving hands, straps can only do so much. If your grip is shit, your grip is shit. Getting stronger with straps, (straps, mind you, not hooks) will still translate into being stronger without them, so long as the weight justifies the usage of the tool.

If pulling 225, for example, is light weight for you and you throw on straps, then you're not doing shit.


It goes on your hands, then eventually on the bar and a little bit on the floor. And probably all over the inside of your bag.

Last time I was deadlifting with my friend he accidentally kicked his container and it flew all over the floor. Damp paper towels kind of just smeared it into the floor, it was pretty funny. An employee walked by and laughed too.
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