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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Damn, this guy is good...kept his waist line too. Though the left IMO is damn near a perfect physique. I will never get close lol.
I don't see how this a perfect physique..IMO it's too muscled.


the left physique is how I want my upper body to look around age 25 or 26. I don't give a fuck about how my legs look, since they just need to be strong.


Couple questions if you don't mind me asking.

1) What do you guys do for warmup and cooldown? Right now I just do a light jog and whatnot. Is there anything specific I should be doing before a lifting session?

2) A little embarrassing but I have a question about grip strength. I worked as a dishwasher for awhile and it left me with really soft hands. Softer than pretty much anyone I know both male and female. All the scrubbing in the dishpit left them as smooth and as soft as can be. Problem is that I can't seem to build any calluses worth a damn and it is impacting some of my lifts. I have gloves that I use if my hands hurt too much but I was reading that gloves are bad for you and will screw you over in the long run. Are there any good ways to build up calluses or should I just fight through the pain and stop being a pussy.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Think I'm gonna test my 1RMs next week. The I only lift that's continued to go up even though all my bs has been deadlift. Hoping its as close to 600 as I think it is, but my lower back/hip has been feeling a bit off lately. Definitely time for a massage and a good deload. Haven't taken a 1RM in a while so should be good for me. Also need to get more maximal training in anyway.
Couple questions if you don't mind me asking.

1) What do you guys do for warmup and cooldown? Right now I just do a light jog and whatnot. Is there anything specific I should be doing before a lifting session?

2) A little embarrassing but I have a question about grip strength. I worked as a dishwasher for awhile and it left me with really soft hands. Softer than pretty much anyone I know both male and female. All the scrubbing in the dishpit left them as smooth and as soft as can be. Problem is that I can't seem to build any calluses worth a damn and it is impacting some of my lifts. I have gloves that I use if my hands hurt too much but I was reading that gloves are bad for you and will screw you over in the long run. Are there any good ways to build up calluses or should I just fight through the pain and stop being a pussy.

1) I usually walk to get my heart rate about fifteen minutes. Sometimes I jog to get a mile out of my weary legs. Rows, Stair Climber, Bicycle are all good as well.

2) Why do you want calluses? I hate having them. I went out and bought gloves yesterday because my hands are killing me after I work out.

Question of my own for y'all. There's a sauna in my gym that I sometimes use. Should I use it before or after I work out?


What do you guys think of the Les Mills training courses? At my gym they have most (all?) of the Les Mills courses and I've been attending the "Body Attack" (30min version) once a week and I'm enjoying it :) Otherwise I just do normal weight lifting and whatnot, so having something different once a week feels nice.

Also here's a song that is also featured in said class and that I like to listen to while doing training:



To keep up with the theme, man hair edition:


I'm finally back to where I was strength wise before I fractured my wrist.


Your pants are falling down. Clearly need to squat more.

They're from when I weighed a hell of a lot more, and the draw string receded into the shorts so I can't tie them anymore :( Although, even squatting regularly, my ass ain't nothing to write home about. I come from a long line of assless men.


They're from when I weighed a hell of a lot more, and the draw string receded into the shorts so I can't tie them anymore :( Although, even squatting regularly, my ass ain't nothing to write home about. I come from a long line of assless men.

I was going to make a GAF thread about this. I have a couple pair of workout shorts that have suffered same fate. What's the best way to get those strings out?

All I could think of is one of those big crochet needles. Thread it in here and try to hook it.


I was going to make a GAF thread about this. I have a couple pair of workout shorts that have suffered same fate. What's the best way to get those strings out?

All I could think of is one of those big crochet needles. Thread it in here and try to hook it.

Last time I used a paper clip and then proceeded to cut small holes every so often into the draw string part (I did this to get to the head of the draw string as well), and then I just shimmied it through. It's definitely a lazy method but it worked. It took a while though...



Damn, this guy is good...kept his waist line too. Though the left IMO is damn near a perfect physique. I will never get close lol.

Cedric's probably the only modern day pro bodybuilder who I actually don't mind - physique-wise. It's somewhat refreshing to see the more classic v-taper look, given the GUTGUTLOOKATMYGUT look most have nowadays. I wouldn't be surprised to see Cedric blow up down there though in the future, given the nature of the sport and the current 'top' guys' appearances.
I'm taking the ON creatine mono hydrate right now.

Haven't noticed a huge difference, just feel like I can push out a few more reps.

That's all it does. Gives you a bit more ATP to help with short high intensity anaerobic activities.

Most of the weight that comes from using creatine is water weight that will come off in 1-2 weeks after you stop taking creatine but it can also add help a little bit of lean mass also.

I've only bought one lot of protein powder so far so I'm not well versed on the subject.
This is what I got. I didn't really do any research, got it because it was 80 bucks at the time. Took a little while to arrive but it's decent.

Maybe somewhere like this or this could work. Postage pricing is a pain in the ass though.


the piano man
so I've reached a plateau with the pull-ups.

I am stuck with the following:

A) 4 sets of 5 reps


B) Pyramid form (1, 1-2, 1-2-3, etc..) starting from 1 up to 6 reps and back to 1 rep

in A), doing 4 sets with 6 reps seems impossible... and in B) I definitely can't go up to 7, which would mean adding 7 more reps to the whole exercise, no way.

is there any way to improve on this move?? maybe go back to doing them assisted and do more reps?

any suggestion regarding how I should approach this exercise in order to keep getting stronger and be able to do more?


so I've reached a plateau with the pull-ups.

I am stuck with the following:

A) 4 sets of 5 reps


B) Pyramid form (1, 1-2, 1-2-3, etc..) starting from 1 up to 6 reps and back to 1 rep

in A), doing 4 sets with 6 reps seems impossible... and in B) I definitely can't go up to 7, which would mean adding 7 more reps to the whole exercise, no way.

is there any way to improve on this move?? maybe go back to doing them assisted and do more reps?

any suggestion regarding how I should approach this exercise in order to keep getting stronger and be able to do more?

You can try doing your normal 4 set of 5 and then, towards the end of the workout go do pullups again on the pullup assist machine. Obviously you won't be doing your fullbody weight and the form feels a bit different since your legs are on a stand but you'll still be getting in more work on the Lats which will help with their endurance. You can also try doing some curls to increase bicep strength. I still sometimes find that the limiting factor with my pullups is not that my back gets tired, its that my biceps give out so I can't pull anymore. This especially happens when I'm doing super wide grip.

And while I don't know anything about you're body type, if you have weight to lose, lose it. The fewer pounds will of course increase your rep count since you will be pulling less weight.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
So I have a bit of an injury right now and was hoping someone might know something about it since it was likely workout related.

My foot was fine this morning, about halfway through the day it felt slightly bruised, and now it is awkward to walk on. The entire left side of the top of my left foot hurts, I notice that any initial action like pointing my foot up or down, walking, or rolling my foot, is painful, but after a few seconds the pain goes away, only coming back after relaxing my foot and then trying the motion again. I have to assume this is workout related since I haven't done anything else physical this week. I'll go to the doctor if this is something serious, but I'd rather save myself the trip if this is just a fairly common injury that will go away with some basic care.

Some more background : I do 30 minute cardio/light strength training 4-5 days a week, high intensity but low impact stuff. I recently switched from working barefoot back to wearing sneakers though, could that have something to do with it? I didn't feel anything occur my last workout that would indicate I injured myself at all. And this started today (wed) while my last workout was on monday.

Anyways, appreciate any feedback.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
so I've reached a plateau with the pull-ups.

I am stuck with the following:

A) 4 sets of 5 reps


B) Pyramid form (1, 1-2, 1-2-3, etc..) starting from 1 up to 6 reps and back to 1 rep

in A), doing 4 sets with 6 reps seems impossible... and in B) I definitely can't go up to 7, which would mean adding 7 more reps to the whole exercise, no way.

is there any way to improve on this move?? maybe go back to doing them assisted and do more reps?

any suggestion regarding how I should approach this exercise in order to keep getting stronger and be able to do more?

Throw in singles/doubles throughout the day, all day. If you get to the point you can't do anymore at all pull up and hang there. As you get stronger add a rep to each set you do through the day, even if there is drop off in later sets. If my big ass can knock out 5+ sets of 13+ each you sure as shit can keep progressing.


Lol I need to. I know that. But its hard for me because 1) everything I eat just goes through me. 2) I'm very picky with my food. 3)I have a small appetite.

Force feed. Make yourself eat every 2 hours or so.

Unless you have some kind of medical condition, you should be able to gain as long as you eat more than your maintenance. (You probably already know this :p )


What do you guys think of the Les Mills training courses? At my gym they have most (all?) of the Les Mills courses and I've been attending the "Body Attack" (30min version) once a week and I'm enjoying it :) Otherwise I just do normal weight lifting and whatnot, so having something different once a week feels nice.

Also here's a song that is also featured in said class and that I like to listen to while doing training:


I do Pump 2 or 3 times a week, time permitting, and CXWorx once a week following one of those Pump classes. I like it because it hits the parts I don't normally get with my lifting (arms and calves). That said, I really only view it as cardio, so I haven't budged on any of the weights in over a year. I must say though it does get pretty frustrating when you've got someone in your field of view who either does exercises wrong (half the class on clean and presses) or is completely off beat doing their own thing.

I used to do Step, but I kinda have a fear of getting on and off the step... Jam is fun if you can get over the embarrassment :lol As far as the pure cardio goes, I only did Attack once or twice, but I preferred Combat. With regards to Flow, I'd rather just do pure yoga.


Force feed. Make yourself eat every 2 hours or so.

Unless you have some kind of medical condition, you should be able to gain as long as you eat more than your maintenance. (You probably already know this :p )

I find this to be poor advice since it is not practical for most. I have shit to do and classes to do but I can still plan my meals and snacks in advance which help a ton in my situation. That way you can keep a healthy diet and keep up your intake.

I am lactose intolerant which makes it challenging to do many of the weight gain recipes here but I have works around to make my shakes.


Lol I need to. I know that. But its hard for me because 1) everything I eat just goes through me. 2) I'm very picky with my food. 3)I have a small appetite.

Quit being so picky and just down shit. I hate plain greek yogurt and broccoli, but it's all important to my goals, so I choke it down every day. All food doesn't need to be about enjoyment, it's about having a goal.


I find this to be poor advice since it is not practical for most. I have shit to do and classes to do but I can still plan my meals and snacks in advance which help a ton in my situation. That way you can keep a healthy diet and keep up your intake.

There's no reason why you can't carry around nuts or trail mix everywhere you go. They are the perfect portable snack.

When I was dirt poor and working two jobs + college, I would cook up a huge batch of pasta on Sunday night. Dump some cooked protein into it (usually drained tuna). Then diivy the portions into little plastic containers. I had 7-8 little meals I could carry around with me anywhere I went. All for less than 10 bucks.


I find this to be poor advice since it is not practical for most. I have shit to do and classes to do but I can still plan my meals and snacks in advance which help a ton in my situation. That way you can keep a healthy diet and keep up your intake.

I am lactose intolerant which makes it challenging to do many of the weight gain recipes here but I have works around to make my shakes.

You hear that? Whats that noise?

CHOO CHOO! It's the excuse train pulling up to Raxus station!


Besides Squats, what other lifts do romaleos benefit? I know you shouldn't dead in them, I'm guessing OHP would just be a wash? What about power cleans? I want to incorporate them soon.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Besides Squats, what other lifts do romaleos benefit? I know you shouldn't dead in them, I'm guessing OHP would just be a wash? What about power cleans? I want to incorporate them soon.

From what I've read/heard from some others OHP and any other Olympic lift. But I don't know about oly lifts.

I'm mostly getting them to get the most out of my squat though.


From what I've read/heard from some others OHP and any other Olympic lift. But I don't know about oly lifts.

I'm mostly getting them to get the most out of my squat though.

I'll have to research it then...I want to get them after my wedding and I have some more money in my pocket.


Yeah, I'm either gonna order some or go to dicks and have a look.

BTW, it may be about time to abandon that thread.

Was thinking the same thing. Not worth getting banned over people fucking stuck in their ways. Oh boo hoo I don't have enough time to not put crap in my mouth ;_____;

So dicks sells them? I had no idea. I'll have to check them out in person and ohp a clothing rack or something.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Was thinking the same thing. Not worth getting banned over people fucking stuck in their ways. Oh boo hoo I don't have enough time to not put crap in my mouth ;_____;

So dicks sells them? I had no idea. I'll have to check them out in person and ohp a clothing rack or something.

That's what I've been told. I just need to get the hell off of midnights (this sunday thank god) and get my ass down there to have a look.


Anybody know any good exercises for strengthening the knee? Sometimes when I squat my knees bend inwards, which is really bad from what I've read. It's only been happening recently because I took maybe 8 months off lifting (bad I know) and have just returned to it now, so I'm thinking my knees have just weakened a lot.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Anybody know any good exercises for strengthening the knee? Sometimes when I squat my knees bend inwards, which is really bad from what I've read. It's only been happening recently because I took maybe 8 months off lifting (bad I know) and have just returned to it now, so I'm thinking my knees have just weakened a lot.

Lower the weight.

I used to have chronic knee problems from the army, now I don't Squat IMO is one of the best for them.
I read the OP and am looking to get started with lifting. My only hang up is that I've never done any "real" weight training in my life. I've benched maybe twice but I am very intimidated by the prospect of squats, presses, deadlifts. I don't know anyone that could go with me and I don't want to look like a total idiot, or fuck myself up. Anyone else here do Starting Strength with no experience?


I read the OP and am looking to get started with lifting. My only hang up is that I've never done any "real" weight training in my life. I've benched maybe twice but I am very intimidated by the prospect of squats, presses, deadlifts. I don't know anyone that could go with me and I don't want to look like a total idiot, or fuck myself up. Anyone else here do Starting Strength with no experience?

I pretty much had no expierence. I never did an OHP, I used to do romanian deadlifts with like....a 50 pound pre set bar, I quarter squatted like an idiot (135) and my bench form probably looked pathetic.

Start everything with the bar. Get form down. Feel like your form is crappy? Ask someone to tape you, and post it here.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I read the OP and am looking to get started with lifting. My only hang up is that I've never done any "real" weight training in my life. I've benched maybe twice but I am very intimidated by the prospect of squats, presses, deadlifts. I don't know anyone that could go with me and I don't want to look like a total idiot, or fuck myself up. Anyone else here do Starting Strength with no experience?

Youtube "Mark Rippetoe"

Also, if you're baller go to amazon and buy starting strength.
I read the OP and am looking to get started with lifting. My only hang up is that I've never done any "real" weight training in my life. I've benched maybe twice but I am very intimidated by the prospect of squats, presses, deadlifts. I don't know anyone that could go with me and I don't want to look like a total idiot, or fuck myself up. Anyone else here do Starting Strength with no experience?

You're fine starting out with no experience. My only experience was with machines before i did my first squat and im sure more people started out the same.


the piano man
You can try doing your normal 4 set of 5 and then, towards the end of the workout go do pullups again on the pullup assist machine. Obviously you won't be doing your fullbody weight and the form feels a bit different since your legs are on a stand but you'll still be getting in more work on the Lats which will help with their endurance. You can also try doing some curls to increase bicep strength. I still sometimes find that the limiting factor with my pullups is not that my back gets tired, its that my biceps give out so I can't pull anymore. This especially happens when I'm doing super wide grip.

And while I don't know anything about you're body type, if you have weight to lose, lose it. The fewer pounds will of course increase your rep count since you will be pulling less weight.

Throw in singles/doubles throughout the day, all day. If you get to the point you can't do anymore at all pull up and hang there. As you get stronger add a rep to each set you do through the day, even if there is drop off in later sets. If my big ass can knock out 5+ sets of 13+ each you sure as shit can keep progressing.

Ranvier, thanks. I am going to check that with the biceps. No overweight problem here.

Alien, I don't have a bar to keep doing singles/doubles all day but I think I can try alternating those singles/doubles with just about everything I do in the gym so I am going to give it a try, thanks you too.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Ranvier, thanks. I am going to check that with the biceps. No overweight problem here.

Alien, I don't have a bar to keep doing singles/doubles all day but I think I can try alternating those singles/doubles with just about everything I do in the gym so I am going to give it a try, thanks you too.

Any chance you can get one? That's gonna help you immensely.
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