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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Ranvier, thanks. I am going to check that with the biceps. No overweight problem here.

Alien, I don't have a bar to keep doing singles/doubles all day but I think I can try alternating those singles/doubles with just about everything I do in the gym so I am going to give it a try, thanks you too.

get a bar. pretty cheap.

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
So I'm getting a 90 minute professional massage this Saturday that I'm pretty pumped about. Would it be a bad idea to lift the same day (before the massage)?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So I'm getting a 90 minute professional massage this Saturday that I'm pretty pumped about. Would it be a bad idea to lift the same day (before the massage)?

You'll probably really have a better massage if you lift the day before. However I'm just saying from a pleasure perspective. Ask for the happy ending.

As far as its effectiveness, I don't know anything about if it's ACTUALLY better for you then or not.


I don't think I mentioned it here but my fiancé put up a 135lb deadlift weighing in at 115. Pretty damn proud of her strength gains.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So I'm getting a 90 minute professional massage this Saturday that I'm pretty pumped about. Would it be a bad idea to lift the same day (before the massage)?

I'd not lift before or after getting a massage. And if it's a good massage drink a shit load of water when it's over and keep drinking it, especially after a 90 minute one. And get deep tissue.

I'm calling to schedule mine right now on my deload week on which I won't even be doing deload weights. I'll be doing NOTHING but resting.

I don't think I mentioned it here but my fiancé put up a 135lb deadlift weighing in at 115. Pretty damn proud of her strength gains.

That's awesome man, she should be proud.
So I'm getting a 90 minute professional massage this Saturday that I'm pretty pumped about. Would it be a bad idea to lift the same day (before the massage)?
I wouldn't lift after a massage but I've lifted before and was fine. I figure I do a foam roller after lifting, and it's the same idea. But usually I go in pretty cold, cuz I tend to schedule it on weekend mornings.


I don't think I mentioned it here but my fiancé put up a 135lb deadlift weighing in at 115. Pretty damn proud of her strength gains.

Cool, Sean. Pound for pound, your fiance is going to be (if not already) stronger than most of us.

I got my wife to do squats with a 15 lbs (3x15) workout bar. And OHP with a 20 lbs (3x10) bar.

I'm pretty proud of her. She's never done any weight training until she met me, so these milestones are quite significant.


Yeah I've really been good at encouraging her lately. I usually drop frequent comments about how strong or good she looks and how she's only just started. It's tough to find that balance of encouragement mixed with enough push so she keeps making gains.

Szu this will be the hardest part


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
so I've reached a plateau with the pull-ups.

I am stuck with the following:

A) 4 sets of 5 reps


B) Pyramid form (1, 1-2, 1-2-3, etc..) starting from 1 up to 6 reps and back to 1 rep

in A), doing 4 sets with 6 reps seems impossible... and in B) I definitely can't go up to 7, which would mean adding 7 more reps to the whole exercise, no way.

is there any way to improve on this move?? maybe go back to doing them assisted and do more reps?

any suggestion regarding how I should approach this exercise in order to keep getting stronger and be able to do more?

Wanna improve your pull-ups?

Do weighted sets. Also, if you have a smart phone, download this excellent app:

Do weighted pull-ups while following the program and before you know it you'll be pumping out more bodyweight pull-ups than before. It's the only way to really overcome a pull-up plateau.


I read the OP and am looking to get started with lifting. My only hang up is that I've never done any "real" weight training in my life. I've benched maybe twice but I am very intimidated by the prospect of squats, presses, deadlifts. I don't know anyone that could go with me and I don't want to look like a total idiot, or fuck myself up. Anyone else here do Starting Strength with no experience?

I started SS with absolutely no experience and starting from zero. After about a month I had form down, but I definitely benefited from asking others to check my form and spot me in the beginning.

Most important things I would say are:
- Both don't underestimate or overestimate your strength (sorry to be contradictory. You don't want to hurt anything so safety is first, but you don't want to stay comfortable and safe, make sure to progress.)
- Form is key. Pay attention to it and make it a priority while lifting. Look for videos of Mark Rippletoe describing lifts and balances involved etc.
- Eat a lot. Your muscles are gonna need it.
Yeah I've really been good at encouraging her lately. I usually drop frequent comments about how strong or good she looks and how she's only just started. It's tough to find that balance of encouragement mixed with enough push so she keeps making gains.

Szu this will be the hardest part
That's the hardest part of trying to motivate someone to lift. If you compliment them too much they might get complacent. I try saying something like "come on, this will be easy, you did fifteen of these last week you just need to do five for now with what? five pounds extra? you got this, etc." Positive reinforcement like this does a good job motivating me, but I'm not sure it'll work for everyone.


So, you know how I've ALWAYS said NEVER date your clients and NEVER train your partner? And NEVER dip your pin in the company ink? And NEVER date your best friend's wife's best friend?



I mean.


If she wasn't so god damn hot it wouldn't be a problem. I just have to get her out of the Planet Fitness into a better gym so I can her under fucking rack. She already has squat form down she just needs more weight.

I'm going to pay for this. I already know it. Hopefully the City job will come through so I can strike one of those "are you a fucking moron do this" check list.

On a more fitnessey note, I've finally started getting enough cash flow in to dedicate to eating like I need to. Lots of eggs, lots of whole milk whey shakes, burgers, and rotisserie chickens. 167 at 11% is fine, but I'd rather be 200 and get all the weight I lost back.

OG Kush

So whats the best way to about increasing strenghth? As in should I just stay on the same weight doing reps, and and until I can do more reps then I move up the weight? Or should I do some pyramid type thing?
I always felt if I do a high weight, even for less reps, it will help as eventually my body will get use to the weight and I'll be doing that heavier weight for the same reps I did the lower weight. As in for my chest training I primarily to hypertrophy rep range, but I'll do pyramid up, and eeventually at the end do weights where I only get 5-6 reps. Wondering if I should continue pyramid or just stay same weight throughout the workout.
Or is it all down to personal preference?


So whats the best way to about increasing strenghth? As in should I just stay on the same weight doing reps, and and until I can do more reps then I move up the weight? Or should I do some pyramid type thing?
I always felt if I do a high weight, even for less reps, it will help as eventually my body will get use to the weight and I'll be doing that heavier weight for the same reps I did the lower weight. As in for my chest training I primarily to hypertrophy rep range, but I'll do pyramid up, and eeventually at the end do weights where I only get 5-6 reps. Wondering if I should continue pyramid or just stay same weight throughout the workout.
Or is it all down to personal preference?

Read the entire OP, but basically the best way to gain strength is to always add more weight to the bar every time you come in until that stops working, then do something else.

It's entirely too much to type, but the OP has your answer covered.


Adding to the backathon. Seriously not impressed with these pictures but whatever, it's what I looked like 2 days ago. I'm depleted so that's probably why.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Adding to the backathon. Seriously not impressed with these pictures but whatever, it's what I looked like 2 days ago. I'm depleted so that's probably why.

Don't be not impressed, you can tell there's explosive power there. You're gettin it brah! CRUSHER STYLE.


Don't be not impressed, you can tell there's explosive power there. You're gettin it brah! CRUSHER STYLE.

Yeah I just had no carbs for a couple weeks. I'll take another one in a couple weeks after a glycogen load or something. Also gotta drop that bodyfat...Still at like 20%. Dunno why it's so hard for me
What do you guys think of P90? I haven't worked out in about 15 years (although I can pass for being relatively in-shape . . . 6'4", 200 lbs.), and I'm on day 9 of the program so far. I'm loving it. It's fun to 'hear' your body 'talk back' to you.

My plan is to use P90 for about two rounds, and then graduate to P90x, and then hopefully join a gym. I tried jumping right into P90x and it kicked my ass, but at this point I'm finding P90 to be a good workout. I still can't go as hard as they do in Phase I, but I do feel like I'm working.
Hell heres another to add to the back pics...I`m really unhappy with the development of my back. I`ve gone from being unable to do one pull up to 100pounds weighted pull ups. As well I do sets of ten chin ups, pull ups, natural grip. During my rest periods of my other lifts.
Heavy rows, standing, bent over, machine. I just can`t seem to get any definition no matter how much weight I`m able to add. Since I`ve lost a 100 pounds my skin just seems...thick for lack of a better word doesn`t allow any of the muscles to pop.
Any suggestions would be very appreciated.



What do you guys think of P90? I haven't worked out in about 15 years (although I can pass for being relatively in-shape . . . 6'4", 200 lbs.), and I'm on day 9 of the program so far. I'm loving it. It's fun to 'hear' your body 'talk back' to you.

My plan is to use P90 for about two rounds, and then graduate to P90x, and then hopefully join a gym. I tried jumping right into P90x and it kicked my ass, but at this point I'm finding P90 to be a good workout. I still can't go as hard as they do in Phase I, but I do feel like I'm working.

I've never tried P90. I played around with P90X, mainly for the Ab Ripper. I can actually get through the whole Ab Ripper routine without any issues.

Personally, it's a mixed bag for me at this point of my fitness life, since I'm so used to weight training and core-oriented BW workouts. It's a good alternative way to get your body to develop stamina and to retrain itself.


Hell heres another to add to the back pics...I`m really unhappy with the development of my back. I`ve gone from being unable to do one pull up to 100pounds weighted pull ups. As well I do sets of ten chin ups, pull ups, natural grip. During my rest periods of my other lifts.
Heavy rows, standing, bent over, machine. I just can`t seem to get any definition no matter how much weight I`m able to add. Since I`ve lost a 100 pounds my skin just seems...thick for lack of a better word doesn`t allow any of the muscles to pop.
Any suggestions would be very appreciated.


Congrats, I lost 100 lbs too! Ever try deadlifts? I'm sure that's what helped me. None of the other back exercises quite work my back the same way. I don't really think there's a good substitute.

Unfortunately, I am having to take a break from them for a few months.


What do you guys think of P90? I haven't worked out in about 15 years (although I can pass for being relatively in-shape . . . 6'4", 200 lbs.), and I'm on day 9 of the program so far. I'm loving it. It's fun to 'hear' your body 'talk back' to you.

My plan is to use P90 for about two rounds, and then graduate to P90x, and then hopefully join a gym. I tried jumping right into P90x and it kicked my ass, but at this point I'm finding P90 to be a good workout. I still can't go as hard as they do in Phase I, but I do feel like I'm working.

I did P90X followed by Insanity. I wish I'd done neither of them and just done Starting Strength earlier.


Hell heres another to add to the back pics...I`m really unhappy with the development of my back. I`ve gone from being unable to do one pull up to 100pounds weighted pull ups. As well I do sets of ten chin ups, pull ups, natural grip. During my rest periods of my other lifts.
Heavy rows, standing, bent over, machine. I just can`t seem to get any definition no matter how much weight I`m able to add. Since I`ve lost a 100 pounds my skin just seems...thick for lack of a better word doesn`t allow any of the muscles to pop.
Any suggestions would be very appreciated.


Nice work, man. Don't worry, keep it up.


Congrats, I lost 100 lbs too! Ever try deadlifts? I'm sure that's what helped me. None of the other back exercises quite work my back the same way. I don't really think there's a good substitute.

Unfortunately, I am having to take a break from them for a few months.

Yup, deadlifts are a must. Make sure to get the form down though. It's pretty easy to injure your back doing them.


Yep, this is the exact purpose I'm using it for. I figure you need to learn to walk before you can run.

200 at 6'4 isn't too bad. Do you have the range of motion to do SS? Build up a baseline there then transition after a few months into a LP program with some endurance work built in. Would probably do you better, IMO.
Congrats, I lost 100 lbs too! Ever try deadlifts? I'm sure that's what helped me. None of the other back exercises quite work my back the same way. I don't really think there's a good substitute.

Unfortunately, I am having to take a break from them for a few months.

Yup I do dead lifts as well I useally do reps of 340, I have a personal best of 400 but I was shaking so violently getting it up I probably wont try that one again for a little while lol.
200 at 6'4 isn't too bad. Do you have the range of motion to do SS? Build up a baseline there then transition after a few months into a LP program with some endurance work built in. Would probably do you better, IMO.

I have no idea was SS or LP is :) To be honest, i'm a desk jockey that really hasn't been active in a looooong time. That's why I feel I should do P90 to warm my body up.


Need to find myself a GNC gold card since with that and ShopDiscover the quest bars are $17 a box. Anybody from fitGAF have a spare one around? I know normally they give the damn things out like candy.


So I have a bit of an injury right now and was hoping someone might know something about it since it was likely workout related.

My foot was fine this morning, about halfway through the day it felt slightly bruised, and now it is awkward to walk on. The entire left side of the top of my left foot hurts, I notice that any initial action like pointing my foot up or down, walking, or rolling my foot, is painful, but after a few seconds the pain goes away, only coming back after relaxing my foot and then trying the motion again. I have to assume this is workout related since I haven't done anything else physical this week. I'll go to the doctor if this is something serious, but I'd rather save myself the trip if this is just a fairly common injury that will go away with some basic care.

Some more background : I do 30 minute cardio/light strength training 4-5 days a week, high intensity but low impact stuff. I recently switched from working barefoot back to wearing sneakers though, could that have something to do with it? I didn't feel anything occur my last workout that would indicate I injured myself at all. And this started today (wed) while my last workout was on monday.

Anyways, appreciate any feedback.
stress fracture! or maybe a tendon issue. rest it, quit squatting for a few days/weeks and see if it gets better.


Everyone here is so damn big. Bigger than me. Must work harder!


I'm not bigger than you.

*goes off depressed knowing he has low testosterone or something*

Oh well. Managing blood sugar and such on top of bulking and such makes me ok with slower progress size-wise. The strength keeps coming.


What do you guys think of P90? I haven't worked out in about 15 years (although I can pass for being relatively in-shape . . . 6'4", 200 lbs.), and I'm on day 9 of the program so far. I'm loving it. It's fun to 'hear' your body 'talk back' to you.

My plan is to use P90 for about two rounds, and then graduate to P90x, and then hopefully join a gym. I tried jumping right into P90x and it kicked my ass, but at this point I'm finding P90 to be a good workout. I still can't go as hard as they do in Phase I, but I do feel like I'm working.
Waste of time. I did it, I could see how it might work depending on your goals, but I hate it as a beginners program. I see it as a gateway to fuckarounditis
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