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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Bull on a Donut
Getting back to the gym after a few months of laziness. First time around I bulked up from 140 pounds to 175ish. Think I'm sitting near 155-160ish now, and probably going to cut this time around. I'm sitting at around 20% bodyfat and I'd like to bring that down to 12%. I'm 5'11" btw.

Was thinking of doing the standard Starting Strength weight training stuff Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; then doing cardio (treadmill) on Tuesdays/Thursdays. What do you guys think? How many Calories should I aim for a day? Only meats/greens?

My goal is to actually be able to do 10 pullups in a row this time around lol. I made huge improvements in the 6 months I worked out last year (I had never lifted before), but the one thing that I was never able to do was pullups. Guess my back/lats are just insanely weak. Lots of lat pulldowns this time around?


Everyone here is so damn big. Bigger than me. Must work harder!


While working harder is always a good thing, you're bigger than me.

I'm under 6' (5'10) and less than 200 (183).


can anyone tell me if steel cut oats really have a lower GI index rate than old fashion oats?

please proof if possible

Yes they do. The Internet is full of sies giving GI, but as a type 1 diabetic I can tell you with certainty they do. If I wasn't mobile I'd post proof. They case far less of an insulin spike. The processing on your old fashioned makes them digest faster and spike levels.
Yes they do. The Internet is full of sies giving GI, but as a type 1 diabetic I can tell you with certainty they do. If I wasn't mobile I'd post proof. They case far less of an insulin spike. The processing on your old fashioned makes them digest faster and spike levels.
well then i hope you can provide a link when you get onto a computer

i have been googling like crazy and some people say it's a myth and others say its true with nothing factual

i would think so, however since they are the entire grain.. just chopped up

The GI value of old-fashioned oat flakes is low, at 55, while the value for steel cut oats ranges between 52 to 57, making it a low to medium GI food. Instant oatmeal has a GI of 69 and 83, which falls in the high GI category. The smaller the flakes, the higher the GI.

head scratch


Finally got back to the gym on Monday after an almost 9 month "hiatus" (more like I got lazy and rediscovered my love of junk food), and unfortunately had to go back to bar-only squats. :(

My thighs are still killing me, which I expected, but for today's squats I'm wondering if I should add weight and do a full 3x5, or stick with an empty bar and do a 3x5 that way.


Finally got back to the gym on Monday after an almost 9 month "hiatus" (more like I got lazy and rediscovered my love of junk food), and unfortunately had to go back to bar-only squats. :(

My thighs are still killing me, which I expected, but for today's squats I'm wondering if I should add weight and do a full 3x5, or stick with an empty bar and do a 3x5 that way.

as long as you maintain form, add dat weight


well then i hope you can provide a link when you get onto a computer

i have been googling like crazy and some people say it's a myth and others say its true with nothing factual

i would think so, however since they are the entire grain.. just chopped up


head scratch

Maybe I'm mistaken, but I can tell from my own results that steel cut spike my glucose levels much less than regular quick and old-fashioned style oats.

Though apparently reading a bit more, these things tend to be different for diabetics to a degree, so YMMV.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Backs lookin' strong fellas!

So whats the best way to about increasing strenghth? As in should I just stay on the same weight doing reps, and and until I can do more reps then I move up the weight? Or should I do some pyramid type thing?
I always felt if I do a high weight, even for less reps, it will help as eventually my body will get use to the weight and I'll be doing that heavier weight for the same reps I did the lower weight. As in for my chest training I primarily to hypertrophy rep range, but I'll do pyramid up, and eeventually at the end do weights where I only get 5-6 reps. Wondering if I should continue pyramid or just stay same weight throughout the workout.
Or is it all down to personal preference?

Get on a program/routine. Also, read more literature.

Read the entire OP, but basically the best way to gain strength is to always add more weight to the bar every time you come in until that stops working, then do something else.

It's entirely too much to type, but the OP has your answer covered.

This too, although you've posted enough in here you should have already done it.

Welcome to the club. Nice work.

There's a picture of your back in the picture of your back.


Hell heres another to add to the back pics...I`m really unhappy with the development of my back. I`ve gone from being unable to do one pull up to 100pounds weighted pull ups. As well I do sets of ten chin ups, pull ups, natural grip. During my rest periods of my other lifts.
Heavy rows, standing, bent over, machine. I just can`t seem to get any definition no matter how much weight I`m able to add. Since I`ve lost a 100 pounds my skin just seems...thick for lack of a better word doesn`t allow any of the muscles to pop.
Any suggestions would be very appreciated.

High rep everything, especially deads.
stress fracture! or maybe a tendon issue. rest it, quit squatting for a few days/weeks and see if it gets better.

Be pretty bad to get a Ware style break while squatting, lol.

ACE 1991

Hey guys, so I have some minor lower back back pain from squats and deadlifts. Does anyone have any form tips for these two lifts to rectify this? I'm squatting 80kg and pulling 100kg, so I want to nip this in the bud before I get to really heavy weights.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
10-15k calories a day?!

Forever bulk brah.

Hey guys, so I have some minor lower back back pain from squats and deadlifts. Does anyone have any form tips for these two lifts to rectify this? I'm squatting 80kg and pulling 100kg, so I want to nip this in the bud before I get to really heavy weights.

Only thing I can recommend is drop the weight, watch some form videos and make sure you're not on the bullet train to snap city.

That's what I did for myself.
I don't ever post pics because I have nothing to brag about thanks to my huge spare tire but I feel this is still quite a transformation.



40 long minutes of pure HARD WORK


been doing a lot of resistance training lately to recover from tendinosis. it's pretty fun but painful. chronic tendon

Resistance training has done nothing good for my medial epicondilitis, care to explain what exactly you mean? Some sort of mobility training or something?


I don't ever post pics because I have nothing to brag about thanks to my huge spare tire but I feel this is still quite a transformation.



40 long minutes of pure HARD WORK

I don't get it. What took 40 mins?

In the first pic, you're wearing a T-shirt.

In the next pic, you're not.

I don't see the transformation.


Oh, okay.


i have subscapularis tendonosis. best treatment is rubberband resistance training, vitamin e and nitric oxide patches.

Resistance training has done nothing good for my medial epicondilitis, care to explain what exactly you mean? Some sort of mobility training or something?

yeah i guess it's mobility training, i don't know a lot about it. i pull on a stretchy band like you would a slingshot.

*edit* i'm a little drunk, apologies.


its only a matter of time before those kids snap some shit up in their body dont u think?

Those kids have better form than most of the "bros" at my gym.

I'd say it's fine as long as they aren't on steroids like that one dude did to his little kid..and these kids are definitely not on any steroids. They look like normal kids.
So you never got hurt as a kid? Kids snap shit up anyway. Altletes get hurt anyway. It's all a part of te lifestyle. Better this than obese lazy kids.

some adults permanently injure their backs doing deadlifts

iirc i don't think bones fully develop until early 20s

if nothing happens and all goes well then thats great but they are kids its kinda risky business imo

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
some adults permanently injure their backs doing deadlifts

iirc i don't think bones fully develop until early 20s

if nothing happens and all goes well then thats great but they are kids its kinda risky business imo

Some adults die eating dinner.

Live your life in fear if you must.


Brian Burke punched my mom

Ate a medium pizza and drank a whole cow of milk now I just finished off half a strawberry cake. My broceps exploded like im injecting synthol from the calorie erection they got, wtf i dont even train them...


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun

Ate a medium pizza and drank a whole cow of milk now I just finished off half a strawberry cake. My broceps exploded like im injecting synthol from the calorie erection they got, wtf i dont even train them...


Haha in that boat. Last night 2 pizzas and today a premium mc wrap, mc double medium fry and I just drank 2 20iz glasses of milk and ate a bowel if moose tracks ice cream. *bulkfist*



I knew it, this picture was wrong.



Ate a medium pizza and drank a whole cow of milk now I just finished off half a strawberry cake. My broceps exploded like im injecting synthol from the calorie erection they got, wtf i dont even train them...


I had (what I like to think) a mrtoughpants dinner last night. 12oz of salmon, 3 servings of brussel sprouts, 4 pieces of bacon and 4 eggs. I hadn't eaten much all day and was starving after dead lifting :-x


My back is probably the best defined part of my body and its my favorite part to workout. I can't wait to get back into a gym again because while my back looks fit and looks well rounded, I'm in serious need of mass. No flex, except slightly for my right arm because of the camera pose.


Again, I'm in serious need of building mass. I'm lean because I've been running approximately 15 miles give or take per week in addition to walking a few miles to and from class in addition to working as a food runner in a high volume restaurant. My endurance is progressing at a quicker pace than I thought possible and that is what is most important to me.


Height: 5'11
Weight: 138lbs
Gym: Currently no
1.5 mile: 10 minutes

Once I get inside a gym again I plan on building 20-25lbs of lean mass. However, I need to completely rethink the way I workout because I'm essentially training to become an athlete. So I need to incorporate functional moves that are dynamic, strenuous with a lot of mobility. I will supplement those exercises with moves that focus purely on strength like powerlifts, squats, bench press, etc.

Does anyone have any recommendations?



I knew it, this picture was wrong.

Hmmm, the picture is only wrong because the baby doesn't have a proper arch and his hands are too narrow. Plus, his father isn't spotting him correctly, other than that I don't see anything wrong with it.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Hmmm, the picture is only wrong because the baby doesn't have a proper arch and his hands are too narrow. Plus, his father isn't spotting him correctly, other than that I don't see anything wrong with it.

It's a floor press bruh. The father is just giving encouragement.


Looking at all these back pics made me think of something. Out of curiosity GAF, what do you think your genetic strengths and weaknesses are? Obviously everybody is different and therefore things will grow easier for some than others but I was just wondering.

I guess I'll go first:



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