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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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How weird am I that I really enjoy doing squats? I need to find a good hamstring exercise to obsess over. I'm sure that would also help out with my deadlifts.

Nelo Ice

Note to self bring more than 1 water bottle now. I usually run out of water during squat sets and I feel burnt after each one. Takes me forever to rest in between sets. Just went to get some more water at the fountain and feel so much better.

Nelo Ice

K I feel like I need to up my conditioning for squats. Anything over 200 lbs owns me even If I can do 3x5 just fine. Last set for 205 I was so exhausted I struggled reracking lol. Also took me like 15 mins rest to get done. Besides that I've been getting props on my squats so that always feels good.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Note to self bring more than 1 water bottle now. I usually run out of water during squat sets and I feel burnt after each one. Takes me forever to rest in between sets. Just went to get some more water at the fountain and feel so much better.

Bring reusable bottles.

I'd totally do this and with bands, but the closes things I have to this at my gym is the leg curl machine which I'm not really a fan of. I might have to settle for stiff leg deads and lunges maybe.

Snatch grip Romanian deads are awesome and nail your upper back real good as well.


So I advanced in pretty much every other area. The program in the op doesn't say anything about increasing the amount of pull ups or whatever. What am I supposed to do when they start getting too easy?

Add weight (or decrease assistance) when you can do 15 for all sets.


Can I squat with runners knee?

Depends how you feel. Part of the rehab for runners knee is to strengthen your quads. I found that the squat was too uncomfortable at first, but I was able to do leg presses and leg raises without discomfort so I went with those until my knee felt good enough to do squats.

That said, IANAD, and when my knee hurt I went to the doctor before doing serious exercise with my knee.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Rare footage of FallingEdge cooking during his bulk:



Question re bulking via milk. Not talking gomad levels here, but around 1.2 litres of full fat a day along with my meals.

What kind of mass will I put on?
I hope so, dang it!

So I went to the gym again. Mixed results yet again. :/

Squats: 100 lbs.

The pain in my legs (which is a sharp pain, btw) didn't subside very much. My previous successful set was at 110, and I was supposed to advance to 120, but sadly I couldn't go beyond 100. It's starting to annoy me.

On the plus side:

bench press: 85 lbs.
dead lifts: 80 lbs.
Pull ups: again 3 sets of 10 without any fuss

So I advanced in pretty much every other area. The program in the op doesn't say anything about increasing the amount of pull ups or whatever. What am I supposed to do when they start getting too easy?

a true beginner then

please stick with us, can't wait to see your progress


I hope so, dang it!

So I went to the gym again. Mixed results yet again. :/

Squats: 100 lbs.

The pain in my legs (which is a sharp pain, btw) didn't subside very much. My previous successful set was at 110, and I was supposed to advance to 120, but sadly I couldn't go beyond 100. It's starting to annoy me.

On the plus side:

bench press: 85 lbs.
dead lifts: 80 lbs.
Pull ups: again 3 sets of 10 without any fuss

So I advanced in pretty much every other area. The program in the op doesn't say anything about increasing the amount of pull ups or whatever. What am I supposed to do when they start getting too easy?

Where is this sharp pain? Need more details


The milk talk made me think;

I am cutting, and I absolutely love milk. I enjoy having a cold glass of milk a day. I only drink the nonfat stuff. Will it affect my cut in any way?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The milk talk made me think;

I am cutting, and I absolutely love milk. I enjoy having a cold glass of milk a day. I only drink the nonfat stuff. Will it affect my cut in any way?

Sure. I love it too but I waved goodbye to it and switched to unsweetened almond milk. Far better nutritional makeup.

If you can make normal milk fit in your macros then you're fine. It's a good spot to eliminate though, if you're having issues hitting your macros.


Sure. I love it too but I waved goodbye to it and switched to unsweetened almond milk. Far better nutritional makeup.

If you can make normal milk fit in your macros then you're fine. It's a good spot to eliminate though, if you're having issues hitting your macros.

Makes sense. I love Almond Milk too. I guess I will switch exclusively to that and see how it works/affects me for a few days.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Makes sense. I love Almond Milk too. I guess I will switch exclusively to that and see how it works/affects me for a few days.


If you check the label also, and really want to stick with milk, I recommend going all the way with the whole milk. The nonfat stuff still has all the negative shit in it that whole milk has and I like fats in my diet. But hey if you can dig almondo milku, then do it up. It isn't nearly as satisfying for me, so I just go without ;(


Anyone here ever attempted working out twice a day or is doing so currently?

I just joined a boxing gym. It is a pure boxing gym and they also have lifting equipment.

I would be doing most of my boxing early morning with a little lifting, and I was thinking of doing cardio when I go home at night after work. I mainly want to do this to get cut faster/lose body fat percentage.

Is this too much or no? Will it have any negative effects, such as diminishing returns etc?

I work out twice a day. Mornings I run and afternoons I lift. I've never noticed any negative side effects. If you aren't feeling it thought skip the cardio though. Sometimes I will wake up and I am just out of it so I don't run or I lightly jog.

This is just M-F though. Sat & Sun I just lift.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Barley? Sounds like horse food or something haha j/k

Gonna give you barley, carrots and potatoes

pasture for the cattle

spinach and tomatoes

Flowers on the prairie where the June bugs zoom

Plenty of aaaair and plenty of room

plenty of room to swing a ROPE

plenty of heart and plenty of hope!

I'm from Oklahoma, don't mind me. Saw this ish probably 500 times as a kid.


Lifted yesterday. So freaking weak. Only got 315x1 on bench. Had 345 easy a few months ago but I guess that's what a cut will do followed by and injury and 3 weeks off. It'll be back soon.

The first thing I realized is I need to eat more. Still eating at cutting levels (2,500). So I upped it to 3k. That may not be enough to even regain my strength but I wanna take it slow. Not really planning on dat bulk until November.

Back day today or I'll do shoulders if I feel like my back is in pain. Taking it real easy coming back with my back and legs.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Lifted yesterday. So freaking weak. Only got 315x1 on bench. Had 345 easy a few months ago but I guess that's what a cut will do followed by and injury and 3 weeks off. It'll be back soon.

The first thing I realized is I need to eat more. Still eating at cutting levels (2,500). So I upped it to 3k. That may not be enough to even regain my strength but I wanna take it slow. Not really planning on dat bulk until November.

Back day today or I'll do shoulders if I feel like my back is in pain. Taking it real easy coming back with my back and legs.

You'll get stronk before you know it brah. Take your time, but I know you know this! Looking forward to you humbling the shit out of us.
Boogie can weigh in also but I'll tell you what helped me. Pull ups and lots of them with an emphasis on exploding up as high as possible. Over and over and over. Then add weight to them and continue to focus on exploding up as high as you can. Eventually you will be getting so high with such force that you will know that transitioning to the dip is the next logical step. A little knee bend is natural. Just make sure you minimize the swinging. Hope that helped. Good luck!

Thanks! Right now that is how my muscle ups look, bringing the knees up for the assist. So I can knock out about 8-10 in a single set as demonstrated in the video, but should I focus now on doing like 1-2 muscle ups with strict form (no knee bend) or try to work more reps instead?


Sitting here at my desktop, I stretched my leg out and started mirin' my vastus medialis. I let out an audible "ooooh".

Also, I can't walk past a reflective surface without flexing. Halp


what bout lifting in morning and running at late afternoon/night?

Nothing wrong with that, I think it's good this way. If you're trying to train like strength athlete, resistance training comes first and endurance shit later. One doesn't have to come directly after the other. In fact some would argue that knowing you have to go for a run immediately after a workout would make you hold back during your lifting session so it may not be as efficient.


Lifted yesterday. So freaking weak. Only got 315x1 on bench. Had 345 easy a few months ago but I guess that's what a cut will do followed by and injury and 3 weeks off. It'll be back soon.

The first thing I realized is I need to eat more. Still eating at cutting levels (2,500). So I upped it to 3k. That may not be enough to even regain my strength but I wanna take it slow. Not really planning on dat bulk until November.

Back day today or I'll do shoulders if I feel like my back is in pain. Taking it real easy coming back with my back and legs.

It's nice to hear that you're back in action.

J. Bravo

Skipping deadlifts because I'm playing basketball later tonight has never felt so wrong. Extra rest day will probably do me good though, 390 is going to be a lot of weight.


the piano man
Sitting here at my desktop, I stretched my leg out and started mirin' my vastus medialis. I let out an audible "ooooh".

Also, I can't walk past a reflective surface without flexing. Halp

haha, if I were at your level, I'd be addicted to mirrors and would give my piano lessons shirtless and pretend I am at the beach at all times.

I can just imagine the faces of my students' parents. I'd tell them " you mad? I can teach you kids the squat and the deadlift for a couple more bucks"

hahaha XD

So excited to have a proper leg day today. Squats! Snatch grip DLs! Leg press and leg curl!

legs days are amazing, I LOVE the feeling after Squat/leg extension, I have to hold myself on to something while I go down the stairs.
How weird am I that I really enjoy doing squats? I need to find a good hamstring exercise to obsess over. I'm sure that would also help out with my deadlifts.

Good Mornings hit hamstrings nicely & have great carry over to deads & even squats.

Good day at the gym, I was able to rep 285lb on bench, which is pretty cool since i'm some 15lbs lighter than i was last time I attempted the lift.

There was even a young guy doing SS - which always stuns me.


Screwed up rows a bit today, thought my weights were at 60 kg, but I remembered it wrong -- it was 60 kg plates and 80 kg with the bar. Ended up doing two sets with 70 kg and last one with 80 kg. Atleast the lower weights allowed me to get a nice flex at the top.

Passed 45 kg (100 lbs) OHP and gave the rear delt destroyers a try, definitely liked those. Another great workout and the sauna afterwards was godly.

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
How much flexibility is there for workout scheduling within a 5/3/1 cycle?

For example, if for Week 1 I workout M/Tu/Th/F, but the next week I can't get to the gym on Tuesday for some reason, can I shift it to Su/M/W/Th for Week 2? I would guess that's OK, because it's still been 6 days since the last workout of that type, and everything in general is spaced out well. I ask because I imagine this will happen to me a lot, given that I often randomly go out of town on weekends to see friends, etc.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I think people need to take a good long watch/listen to this. I'm tired of people acting like they aren't on shit and idolizing those who are on shit acting like they aren't on shit. You can't do the shit they do and you won't get the results they get unless you get on gear too.

This video says everything I've been thinking about this recent CT Fletcher bullshit going on. I've gone from liking the man to absolutely despising him over the last few months.

Also I always "knew" that "veiny" look was a tell tale sign of gear (legal or otherwise), it's good to hear this guy say the same thing.


This is this man in his prime.



I think people need to take a good long watch/listen to this. I'm tired of people acting like they aren't on shit and idolizing those who are on shit acting like they aren't on shit. You can't do the shit they do and you won't get the results they get unless you get on gear too.

This video says everything I've been thinking about this recent CT Fletcher bullshit going on. I've gone from liking the man to absolutely despising him over the last few months.

Also I always "knew" that "veiny" look was a tell tale sign of gear, it's good to hear this guy say the same thing.


This is this man in his prime.


Don't hate me :(!

Although I just think his videos are hilarious.

I'll watch that video with my dinner tonight
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