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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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A true rest would be eating like you're lifting combined with just relaxing.

Oh, I'm assuming this is for really pushing yourself at the weights where you body requires that extra time to recover from the heavy loads?

You are doing a rest week and not a deload week, correct?

*researches deload*

I never knew about this. I would have normally done a variation of this (lighter weights/maintain weights - no pushing any RM) but I guess my questions now is what is a rest week (for you)?

The training plan I'm on didn't specify and just said "rest week, take a break!" I interpreted that as "don't do anything" but that didn't feel right - at all - especially if I want to maintain good habits.

For reference, I'm doing a 3-day week of weights split into:

5 Weeks of:
M: Chest/Back
W: Arms/Abs
F: Legs
S/S: Light cardio (30 min).​

My fault for not providing more detail as I can see now how that affects what you do.
*researches deload*

I never knew about this. I would have normally done a variation of this (lighter weights/maintain weights - no pushing any RM) but I guess my questions now is what is a rest week (for you)?

The training plan I'm on didn't specify and just said "rest week, take a break!" I interpreted that as "don't do anything" but that didn't feel right - at all - especially if I want to maintain good habits.

For reference, I'm doing a 3-day week of weights split into:

5 Weeks of:
M: Chest/Back
W: Arms/Abs
F: Legs
S/S: Light cardio (30 min).​

My fault for not providing more detail as I can see now how that affects what you do.

I don't have a rest week unless I'm going on a vacation or out of town without gym access. If this happens then I literally don't do any lifting and do a lot of stretching in the morning/night and probably do more walking than normal. For me I do my normal workout routine on a deload but only go to 50%-70% of my 1 rep max. Hit some more accessory work than normal.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Training is absolutely on point. Everything is going well. Today's front squat log and video. Oh and broke my chain ez loaders in.

Front squat: 135x5, 160x5, 195x3, 240x5, 270x3, 305x5, 320, 335, 355.

SSB w/chains (90lbs): 165x5, 255x5, 345x3.

355, 305x5 and 345+90lbs chains on the video.


I don't have a rest week unless I'm going on a vacation or out of town without gym access. If this happens then I literally don't do any lifting and do a lot of stretching in the morning/night and probably do more walking than normal. For me I do my normal workout routine on a deload but only go to 50%-70% of my 1 rep max. Hit some more accessory work than normal.

I see. So just continue as normal but don't push? I'll think I stick with that.


Just watched Thrall's vid on the Romanian deadlift. I'd never been able to really get the stretch going on in my hamstrings until I watched it... and I have no idea what it is about the vid that did it, but I can repeat it easily now. Awesome.

Enjoyed the video also. Need to engage glutes more for sure.


Training is absolutely on point. Everything is going well. Today's front squat log and video. Oh and broke my chain ez loaders in.

Front squat: 135x5, 160x5, 195x3, 240x5, 270x3, 305x5, 320, 335, 355.

SSB w/chains (90lbs): 165x5, 255x5, 345x3.

355, 305x5 and 345+90lbs chains on the video.

Impressive as always and so glad training is going so well. Have you set your next goal (e.g. competition, strength besides 300 OHP, etc.)
Ok this might be the dumbest question in existence but how am I supposed to log my weights?

Let's say I'm doing a bench press...
Do I just put in the total weight including the bar...? Because I'm not really sure how much the bar weighs, I'm just assuming it's 40 lbs from Googling...
Ok this might be the dumbest question in existence but how am I supposed to log my weights?

Let's say I'm doing a bench press...
Do I just put in the total weight including the bar...? Because I'm not really sure how much the bar weighs, I'm just assuming it's 40 lbs from Googling...

The bar is 45lbs. And log the total including the bar.


Haven't posted here before, but I started exercising more because I really need to lose some weight.

Started at about 222lb at 5ft 7.8", and after a week or so of 1500 calories, a ton of walking and a good amount of light jogging and proper hydration, I'm actually already down to 215.8lbs. Is that about right? I'm assuming most of it is water weight. I completely cut out any types of soda, only had a lemonade with 2g of sugar this week and constant water.

Gonna start weight exercises soon, but there's no real constant gym near me, only a leisure center that is very weird with their times, and a super expensive fitness center that charges more than I can afford, so it'll be body weight only for now. I've been keeping my protein level up, tried some protein bar from Sci-mx, but it was pretty horrible and hard to eat.

Myfitnesspal is a godsend.


Haven't posted here before, but I started exercising more because I really need to lose some weight.

Started at about 222lb at 5ft 7.8", and after a week or so of 1500 calories, a ton of walking and a good amount of light jogging and proper hydration, I'm actually already down to 215.8lbs. Is that about right? I'm assuming most of it is water weight. I completely cut out any types of soda, only had a lemonade with 2g of sugar this week and constant water.

Gonna start weight exercises soon, but there's no real constant gym near me, only a leisure center that is very weird with their times, and a super expensive fitness center that charges more than I can afford, so it'll be body weight only for now. I've been keeping my protein level up, tried some protein bar from Sci-mx, but it was pretty horrible and hard to eat.

Myfitnesspal is a godsend.
Just be sure to set your parameters on MyFitnessPal properly.

  1. Buy a food scale
  2. Even though you're working out, set your activity level to "sedentary."
  3. If you're doing any kind of weight training, make sure you only log active time, e.g.: time actually worked out excluding rest/down time (supersets are great in avoiding that while adding a bit of cardio to your routine). The Jefit app does a good job letting you know your actual active time when it displays your workout summary.
  4. Cardio machines often overestimate your caloric burn with the treadmill being the most accurate but even so, underestimate your calorie burn (round down); overestimate your calorie intake (round up).
  5. Set your macros properly (carbs/proteins/fats)
    [*]Buy a food scale!
  6. Sustainable change is slow, but worth it in developing good, long-term habits!

There are a lot of knowledgable people here, so take advantage of that.
OHP is killing me on my 5X5 program. I couldn't completely do it at only 105lbs. Its probably light for you guys, but shit that lift is hard. Is there an accessory lift of some sort that could help with my OHP?


Really enjoying my new diet. I've been only eating 1800-1850kcal per day but most of the time I'm stuffed after a meal. Most of this is down to eating only two meals a day, which obviously mean my meals are pretty big. Or the first one is at least. The second one is smaller in calories but eating 400g of cottage cheese plus other stuff ain't easy.

Just now I ate a huge meal consisting of salmon, potatoes and green beans and it was good. Was pretty hungry after finishing my 6km walk. Aiming to burn around 400kcal with cardio every off day.


I definitely recommend: High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) at a track.
Look into someone conducting outdoor "Bootcamp" type classes or HIIT YouTube Videos

The intensity is completely self gauged, some of those video are very intense. Don't get discouraged, do them at your pace. Again, I recommend finding a personal trainer for assistance with HIIT if it's your first time.
Thanks a lot for this, currently looking at trying to get 3 weekly sessions (hopefully around 1 hour each on Tue/Thu/Sat) of exercise. Unfortunately not currently in a position to have personal trainers and will mainly be doing the workout indoors (Saturdays is mainly the day I can go for outdoor workouts).

So currently been looking on Youtube trying to find a video that has a balanced setup of stuff I can do but there is plenty to go through, I also looked at 'Insanity' as a option according to a friends advice, is that stuff just too far on the other end of the spectrum?


OHP is killing me on my 5X5 program. I couldn't completely do it at only 105lbs. Its probably light for you guys, but shit that lift is hard. Is there an accessory lift of some sort that could help with my OHP?

It's not an easy lift at all. A couple things:

- I do quite a bit of shoulder assistance work (shrugs, lateral raises, front raises, upright row, etc. etc. etc.) and I would suggest adding at least one to your push days on top of what the program is telling you to do.

- You may have weak wrists / forearms which can have a surprising impact on your OHP. DL without straps, do farmers walks, etc.

- obviously, since it's 5x5, you know you're supposed to deload when you fail 3 times. With OHP if that still doesn't bust the plateau I'd stay on that lower weight but try to get 8 reps. Then 10. Etc. Then work your way back up.
I wear wrist straps for OHP. No way in hell my tiny little wrists can handle the weight I'm putting up there, and obviously no way to do anything about strengthening them (forearms are another story).

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
I wear wrist straps for OHP. No way in hell my tiny little wrists can handle the weight I'm putting up there, and obviously no way to do anything about strengthening them (forearms are another story).

Another alternative is dumbbell OHP. I feel nothing in my wrists, and you can load in 2.5 lb increments using wrist weights.


OHP is killing me on my 5X5 program. I couldn't completely do it at only 105lbs. Its probably light for you guys, but shit that lift is hard. Is there an accessory lift of some sort that could help with my OHP?

Rippetoe had an instructional video on OHP which is the variation I use. Basically instead of pushing the weight up from a stop, you're kind of pushing your hips forward, head back, bar goes up, hips go back and you drive up. I believe that's the order off the top of my head, but it all happens fast. The video I watched on it was different than this one, but this is the same technique he's teaching. It helps me, but I know most probably don't do this method. I had a hard time breaking the 100 lb mark on OHP as well. I'm doing 120 for reps now, but it's still a very challenging exercise, IMO.

That series of his with Art of Manliness is actually pretty good for refreshers on basic exercises, watching through it now. LOL at Rippetoe calling people that drop deadlifts at the top pussies, disrespectful to other people in the gym and to the equipment. I forgot how grumpy he is.



Got a great nights sleep, back on schedule and weigh'd in at 225.2 again. So back to the grind we go.

OHP is my favorite of the big lifts, but genetically i have really broad shoulders. That lift always feels great for me. I hate bench the most.
My missus is going to kill me, but I can't live without a squat rack of sorts any more, it's getting too dangerous (I'm having to lift in the living room as my garage is out of action). So I've just bought myself this:


I'm really hoping it doesn't take up too much room when it's collapsed as much as possible, or I'm a dead man.


My missus is going to kill me, but I can't live without a squat rack of sorts any more, it's getting too dangerous (I'm having to lift in the living room as my garage is out of action). So I've just bought myself this:


I'm really hoping it doesn't take up too much room when it's collapsed as much as possible, or I'm a dead man.

Very nice. Does it double as a dip stand or is it too wide?
Yeah, it's a dip stand too (width is adjustable). Supposedly it can be used for benching as well, but it depends on how wide you are (elbows could hit on wider peeps). I only really want it for squatting though, I'll live with dumbell benching for the moment.


So I started swimming.... any swimmers here? I'm open to suggestions on how to start working out properly.
Any tips FitnessGAF?


So I started swimming.... any swimmers here? I'm open to suggestions on how to start working out properly.
Any tips FitnessGAF?

Gonna need more to go on here. This is like saying, "hey guys, I cooked a grilled cheese sandwich. Tips on cooking please?"

Not trying to be an asshole, but what are your goals? What equipment do you have? Did you read the OP and try one of the programs contained therein? What's your height and weight? What's your diet? Etc


Gonna need more to go on here. This is like saying, "hey guys, I cooked a grilled cheese sandwich. Tips on cooking please?"

Not trying to be an asshole, but what are your goals? What equipment do you have? Did you read the OP and try one of the programs contained therein? What's your height and weight? What's your diet? Etc

lol, can we just combine our posts?


Well the OP has nothing about swimming programs...

I took it to mean that he a) started swimming and b) now wants to learn more about fitness in general, not swimming.

I mean what tips could we give him on swimming...um, don't drown?


Well the OP has nothing about swimming programs...

I thought they were asking about workouts in general, but could be mistaken. I'd still have some questions if they were asking about swimming being their sole source of exercise. Are they trying to lose weight? What's their diet like? Are they doing any weight training currently? Are they training for a swim competition/just for fun/to lose weight?

I did swim quite a bit when I was a teenager, it's a great workout. Only advice I would give that like anything, you start small and gradually ramp up.


I took it to mean that he a) started swimming and b) now wants to learn more about fitness in general, not swimming.

I mean what tips could we give him on swimming...um, don't drown?

What kind of distances, reps, time targets, strokes, equipment, etc.

Unfortunately I haven't swum in a team setting in over 15 years now, so I've forgotten what kind of workouts we used to do.

Edit: Here's an example from a Master's team:

Over Achievers (3,000 yards)
Warm up Three times through
100 Swim no rest
100 Kick no rest
100 IM Stroke Drill 1 min rest
8 x 25 15 sec rest
1) Breath to Right
2) Breath to Left
3) Breath every third stroke
4) Breath every forth stroke
5) Breath every fifth stroke
6) twice to right twice to left
7) breath every stroke
8) relax and try to make it without breathing
8 x 100 with 50 kick to rest between straight through, 1 mile race pace on 100’s
Sunday 1 mile swimmers warm down.
500 choice
8 x 50 Odd Swim Even Kick 15 sec rest.
200 Warm Down

Medium 2,600 yards
Warm up Three times through
100 Swim no rest
100 Kick no rest
100 IM Stroke Drill 1 min rest
8 x 25 15 sec rest
1) Breath to Right
2) Breath to Left
3) Breath every third stroke
4) Breath every forth stroke
5) Breath every fifth stroke
6) twice to right twice to left
7) breath every stroke
8) relax and try to make it without breathing
6 x 100 with 50 kick to rest between straight through, 1 mile race pace on 100’s
Sunday 1 mile swimmers warm down.
400 choice
6 x 50 Odd Swim Even Kick 15 sec rest.
200 Warm Down
Improving 2,300 yards
Warm up two times through
100 Swim no rest
100 Kick no rest
100 IM Stroke Drill 1 min rest
8 x 25 15 sec rest
1) Breath to Right
2) Breath to Left
3) Breath every third stroke
4) Breath every forth stroke
5) Breath every fifth stroke
6) twice to right twice to left
7) breath every stroke
8) relax and try to make it without breathing
6 x 100 with 50 kick to rest between straight through, 1 mile race pace on 100’s
Sunday 1 mile swimmers warm down.
400 choice
6 x 50 Odd Swim Even Kick 15 sec rest.
200 Warm Down


What kind of distances, reps, time targets, strokes, equipment, etc.

Unfortunately I haven't swum in a team setting in over 15 years now, so I've forgotten what kind of workouts we used to do.

Edit: Here's an example from a Master's team:

Swimming Routine

Very detailed...nice work. If he was looking for swimming advice, hopefully this helps.


Hi, I have been losing weight the last weeks and I need some advice.

I have been overweight the last 5 years and 6 weeks ago I was 80kg (176 pounds) and 1.71m (5′7″ ) tall and I was diagnosed with fatty liver, since I was really scared i went to a nutritionist and started a new diet and exercise. I tried losing 5-6 kg in 4 weeks with a 1700kcal diet and walking fast (I tried running last summer and after a few weeks I had to stop because being overweight and running with really old sneakers injured my leg :( ), so i started walking , since is a low impact exercise I could do it everyday and I shouldn't get injured.
BUT I overdid it and lost 8 kg (17.5 pounds) in those 4 weeks probably losing a lot of muscle mass. Now, 2 weeks later I'm eating more and walking less and lost just 1.5 kg in two weeks.
TL;DR version: I lost weight too fast.

Since I probably lost muscle (and I'm pretty sure I never had a decent amount of muscle to begin with) I'm thinking about starting some muscle training on my college gym to avoid losing even more muscle mass but I'm not sure if I should start now or if I should wait until I finish my diet (since I'm still on a low calorie diet and I need to lose like 4 kg more in the next month). I did read the OP but I'm not sure if my situation fits in the cutting category right now.

Also, should I keep walking 90 minutes? or should I reduce it a little and doing it more often?, I know you shouldn't run that much, but since walking is a lighter aerobic exercise I tough it was ok.
On the first 4 weeks I was walking around 13 km (8 miles) in 90 minutes and sometimes I did it twice a day now I'm doing it only once every other day.
I've tried to replace walking for running on the last days now but I'm still not used to run a decent amount of time. and I'll need a couple of weeks more (since the last time I had problems because I increased my time too fast).

(Sorry for my english, I haven't practiced in a couple of years)

Deleted member 529084

Unconfirmed Member
Ultimate getting fit set back...

Dumped and found out my girl was cheating like I suspected the whole time. Hes rich, famous, and built....

Gonna be a day or two...maybe more of insomnia and loss of appetite.


Thanks to the people who suggested I use straps to help with my wrists on bench. Helped keep them straight when I tried with the just the bar. I'm going to forget my old max and try to build up from the bar using better form.


Hi, I have been losing weight the last weeks and I need some advice.

I have been overweight the last 5 years and 6 weeks ago I was 80kg (176 pounds) and 1.71m (5′7″ ) tall and I was diagnosed with fatty liver, since I was really scared i went to a nutritionist and started a new diet and exercise. I tried losing 5-6 kg in 4 weeks with a 1700kcal diet and walking fast (I tried running last summer and after a few weeks I had to stop because being overweight and running with really old sneakers injured my leg :( ), so i started walking , since is a low impact exercise I could do it everyday and I shouldn't get injured.
BUT I overdid it and lost 8 kg (17.5 pounds) in those 4 weeks probably losing a lot of muscle mass. Now, 2 weeks later I'm eating more and walking less and lost just 1.5 kg in two weeks.

TL;DR: I lost weight too fast.

Since I probably lost muscle (and I'm pretty sure I never had a decent amount of muscle to begin with) I'm thinking about starting some muscle training on my college gym to avoid losing even more muscle mass but I'm not sure if I should start now or if I should wait until I finish my diet (since I'm still on a low calorie diet and I need to lose like 4 kg more in the next month). I did read the OP but I'm not sure if my situation fits in the cutting category right now.

Also, should I keep walking 90 minutes? or should I reduce it a little and doing it more often?, I know you shouldn't run that much, but since walking is a lighter aerobic exercise I tough it was ok.
On the first 4 weeks I was walking around 13 km (8 miles) in 90 minutes and sometimes I did it twice a day now I'm doing it only once every other day.
I've tried to replace walking for running on the last days now but I'm still not used to run a decent amount of time. and I'll need a couple of weeks more (since the last time I had problems because I increased my time too fast).

(Sorry for my english, I haven't practiced in a couple of years)

Your English was fine! First and foremost, great to hear you wanted to do something about it and took action. There's definitely nothing wrong with weight lifting (hell, everybody here lives by it) but your goals should obviously be health above everything else...which for you involves cardiovascular activity.

Since you've lost weight, I'd suggest trimming out some walking and replacing it with light jogging (then jogging, then running, eventually). Try to accomplish the same amount of distance in 3/4 or 2/3 of the time. If you're able to do that, I would say let's add some lifting into your day.

Make sense?

Ultimate getting fit set back...

Dumped and found out my girl was cheating like I suspected the whole time. Hes rich, famous, and built....

Gonna be a day or two...maybe more of insomnia and loss of appetite.

Sorry to hear that, man. Use it positively and spend your time getting healthier, stronger, more confident.


Your English was fine! First and foremost, great to hear you wanted to do something about it and took action. There's definitely nothing wrong with weight lifting (hell, everybody here lives by it) but your goals should obviously be health above everything else...which for you involves cardiovascular activity.

Since you've lost weight, I'd suggest trimming out some walking and replacing it with light jogging (then jogging, then running, eventually). Try to accomplish the same amount of distance in 3/4 or 2/3 of the time. If you're able to do that, I would say let's add some lifting into your day.

Make sense?

Thanks, I'll try that then (specially since part of my walking route uses a "earth lane" in a park so I'll start by running there.


Working out properly in addition to your swimming routine?

Height / Weight?

Sorry filling everything below, thanks!

Gonna need more to go on here. This is like saying, "hey guys, I cooked a grilled cheese sandwich. Tips on cooking please?"

Not trying to be an asshole, but what are your goals? What equipment do you have? Did you read the OP and try one of the programs contained therein? What's your height and weight? What's your diet? Etc

Sorry! I just wanted the conversation to flow since I was running late and had.. no idea of what else to put in here.
My goal at the moment is get in shape, I have never been fat but I want to make this right...

Height : 5'7 Weight: 158 pounds. Age: 24
Goal: Get in good shape, build out muscle if possible
Diet: I don't eat a lot of junk food, nor I have a particular diet at the moment.

What kind of distances, reps, time targets, strokes, equipment, etc.

Yesterday was my first day, I went over with some friends but it's just a public pool, we have some equipment there like kickboards and that's basically it.

I usually tried to hit 1 hour of swimming since I'm not in good shape I could only swim for about 45 minutes and rest for about 15 not in that order.
What I would like to know is different type of swim styles? routines? the one below really helps a lot.

There are some trainers there but.. no of them where able to help at least during the "Free swimming hour" which is the time where we were told by the people there.



Thanks, I'll try that then (specially since part of my walking route uses a "earth lane" in a park so I'll start by running there.

The first day you try it, just run for 30 seconds to 60 seconds every 10 minutes or so. Trust me, you'll feel it.

When I go on walks with my wife and baby, I do pushups every half mile or so. I probably look like an idiot
(an idiot with chiseled features)
but who cares...


Hi. I have sort of a weird...question. Or something. I'm doing one arm dead hangs in the rings in my gym (as part of training for rock climbing as well). We have multiple sets of rings, and when the gym is empty I like to swing from set to set. TodayI was just joking around with one of the girls there, about how there's nothing more manly than swinging from ring to ring. With a girl around your neck. I said I'd try to go for that because, why not? It's cool as hell. But probably also hard as hell. So I've hit up google for a bit to see if anyone in real life has ever done this. And so far I've found nothing. Has anybody here ever seen something like this? Online, or at a circus or something? Does anybody know if it's possible? I know it's quite a bit different from the (excellent) stuff usually talked about in here, but seems like a decent enough place to ask.

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
Fitness Gaf! Anybody know some good sprint workouts or conditioning programs? I recently got back into boxing and I am running 5 miles 3 times a week. I still feel that I need more conditioning and my trainer told me to sprint!

I was looking at kettlebell conditioning as well but got confused since there is so much information out there.
It's not an easy lift at all. A couple things:

- I do quite a bit of shoulder assistance work (shrugs, lateral raises, front raises, upright row, etc. etc. etc.) and I would suggest adding at least one to your push days on top of what the program is telling you to do.

- You may have weak wrists / forearms which can have a surprising impact on your OHP. DL without straps, do farmers walks, etc.

- obviously, since it's 5x5, you know you're supposed to deload when you fail 3 times. With OHP if that still doesn't bust the plateau I'd stay on that lower weight but try to get 8 reps. Then 10. Etc. Then work your way back up.

I remember when I was starting to lift without a program, I would do those shoulder exercises, I think I'll be adding them back in. Lol, the whole reason I did Stronglifts 5X5 was because it was the shortest program, I've since added a bunch of accessory lifts and stretches and now my gym time is like 90+ minutes.

andycapps said:
Rippetoe had an instructional video on OHP which is the variation I use. Basically instead of pushing the weight up from a stop, you're kind of pushing your hips forward, head back, bar goes up, hips go back and you drive up. I believe that's the order off the top of my head, but it all happens fast. The video I watched on it was different than this one, but this is the same technique he's teaching. It helps me, but I know most probably don't do this method. I had a hard time breaking the 100 lb mark on OHP as well. I'm doing 120 for reps now, but it's still a very challenging exercise, IMO.

That series of his with Art of Manliness is actually pretty good for refreshers on basic exercises, watching through it now. LOL at Rippetoe calling people that drop deadlifts at the top pussies, disrespectful to other people in the gym and to the equipment. I forgot how grumpy he is.


thanks for the vid, I'll definitely look into it.
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