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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I'm trying to lose bodyfat, so I can once and for all get to 10%

Is losing 2,5 kg a month too much? I'm 186 cm, started at 86 kg, atm 83.5. I think I'm at around 15% bf now

I'm willing to go down to 76 kg to reach the 10%. I know going below 10% is extremly hard. Should I try? would be nice to be single digit

Roughly 6 pounds a month? Sounds like a bit much. I don't think that's possible without losing a good bit of lean mass as well.


Roughly 6 pounds a month? Sounds like a bit much. I don't think that's possible without losing a good bit of lean mass as well.

I don't think so. It's just over a pound a week. No reason why you couldn't lose fat at that rate as long as you eat high protein and lift. Depends on your BF% of course, there's no one number for everyone. Fat people can lose very quickly while very lean need to take it much slower.

Here's one guideline:

Body fat % Loss /week
30%> ~2-2.5 lbs / 0.9-1.1 kg
20-30% ~1.5-2 lbs / 0.7-0.9 kg
15-20% 1-1.5 lbs / 0.45-0.7 kg
12-15% 0.75-1.25 lbs / 0.35-0.6 kg
9-12% 0.5-1 lbs / 0.2-0.45 kg
7-9% ~0.5 lbs / 0.2 kg
<7% <0.5 lbs / 0.2 kg

If he is at ~15%, then he's currently at the upper limit of the "safe zone". When he gets a bit leaner he should probably tone it down a bit if he wants to be sure.
So Im good? I make sure that I never go below 150g protein a day, I usually end up at 180-200g protein

So far, I havent noticed any strenght loss


I don't think so. It's just over a pound a week. No reason why you couldn't lose fat at that rate as long as you eat high protein and lift. Depends on your BF% of course, there's no one number for everyone. Fat people can lose very quickly while very lean need to take it much slower.

Here's one guideline:

Body fat % Loss /week
30%> ~2-2.5 lbs / 0.9-1.1 kg
20-30% ~1.5-2 lbs / 0.7-0.9 kg
15-20% 1-1.5 lbs / 0.45-0.7 kg
12-15% 0.75-1.25 lbs / 0.35-0.6 kg
9-12% 0.5-1 lbs / 0.2-0.45 kg
7-9% ~0.5 lbs / 0.2 kg
<7% <0.5 lbs / 0.2 kg

If he is at ~15%, then he's currently at the upper limit of the "safe zone". When he gets a bit leaner he should probably tone it down a bit if he wants to be sure.

Hahah you're totally right, for some reason I thought of it as 6 pounds a week, not a month, even tho I typed 6 pounds a month.

That's what I get for responding before having coffee X_X
This is starting to frustrate me a whole lot. I've been stuck at a 200 lbs bench for months. What do I need to do?

Weight: 145 lbs Program: 5/3/1

Switch programs? Recommended accessory lifts?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
This is starting to frustrate me a whole lot. I've been stuck at a 200 lbs bench for months. What do I need to do?

Weight: 145 lbs Program: 5/3/1

Switch programs? Recommended accessory lifts?

Keep plugging at it, experiment with accessories, make sure your form isn't fucked up. Evaluate stressors, program layout, food intake, etc.

If you haven't been on the program for a year or more and you're wanting to switch, you've not given the program enough time or experimentation to see if it works or not.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
This is starting to frustrate me a whole lot. I've been stuck at a 200 lbs bench for months. What do I need to do?

Weight: 145 lbs Program: 5/3/1

Switch programs? Recommended accessory lifts?
Eating more will probably have the biggest impact.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
My first reward for going into the gym when My body's not feeling it is less impressive now, but front desk dude just declared me a regular. Maybe I'll start looking for the other regulars and coordinate power rack scheduling.
Ugh... am absolutely wrecked. Was doing manual work for half of yesterday, then did my weights for an hour and a half (including warmup etc) then at about 1am finished doing two hours on the turbo trainer.... before getting up at 7am to go off and do 6 hours of cycling.

I don't really do baths... but all I want to do right now is slip into one and hope I don't drown. Am taking a rest day tomorrow. I don't think I'm going to have a choice anyway.


I got some really good sleep in, and also hit an all new low of 225.2. All that walking wrecked me I guess. If cardio at the gym wasn't so boring I'd consider it, but I really can't stand how boring it is.


This is starting to frustrate me a whole lot. I've been stuck at a 200 lbs bench for months. What do I need to do?

Weight: 145 lbs Program: 5/3/1

Switch programs? Recommended accessory lifts?

Switch to a program that has you benching at a minimum 2x a week, if not 3x a week.


I have learned to watch netflix on my phone, makes it so much easier.

The other issue is, i go to the gym during my lunch break at work, and its 7 minutes away each way. So i need to get my entire stuff done in 45 or so minutes. Which is why i keep it at main compound + 2 accessories, 3 if its stuff i can knock out quicker (like bench days). Back when i used to work out at 1am, i would have been able to do that, but not anymore.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Gym went pretty bad from a strength perspective, guessing that hangovers sap it for me. I'm still glad that I went, as I feel much better now and got work in.

Squats: 2x2x240lbs (eh PR) 1x2x225lbs
DB Press: 1x1x65s (sapped), 1x5x57.5s, 1x6x57.5s (last rep paused)
Power Cleans: 1x2x150lbs, 3x3x135lbs, 1x5x135lbs (PR)

Watching this video helped a lot for power cleans:

Bar was just flying up now that I'm confident on technique. Unfortunately I was discouraged that explosiveness can't be trained to the same extent as strength. I no longer see a point in switching to Olympic weightlifting in the future, besides fun factor.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I hate crushing people's dreams but when a young kid who is 6'1 tells me his goal is to be 250 at 10% and natural it's my obligation to temper his expectations right?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thanks guys. I agree and tried to be as encouraging as possible while basically telling him those are stats achieved only with extra help.


For squats I have been building to high weight then lifting all the way back down to minimum, which means a ton of reps. No idea if that's good/bad, but it looks something like this:

90lb x10, 140lb x10, 190lb x10, 210lb x10, 230lb x10, 190 lb x10, 140lb x10, 90lb x20

Would I be better off just skipping straight ahead to 230 and maybe getting slightly extra weight on?


Today, forever bulk with home made poutine:

Tomorrow, Jiu Jitsu + deadlifts and regrets!


Weighing in tomorrow after my fun weekend. Let's see what damage has been done and how long it takes me to bounce back.

I believe in weekends like that just from a sanity perspective. Even if it takes you an extra week or two to get back (it won't), it's still a benefit in my eyes. Glad you had a good time, bud.


I believe in weekends like that just from a sanity perspective. Even if it takes you an extra week or two to get back (it won't), it's still a benefit in my eyes. Glad you had a good time, bud.

Yeah not too stressed since this was technically my vacation for the summer (doing so many home repairs we didn't want to spend money on anything big) and I beat my goal of wanting to be 200 at this point. I just didn't even feel good eating junk food. Felt super empty to me. I guess that's what happens when you eat a certain way for 6 months.

Vegas is November for a conference my wife has. 185-189 or bust!!!
Thanks for the advice guys. I'll check up on eating and training volume and mess around with them for a bit and see what happens. I'm going to try Smolov Jr on bench for the volume part.


Ok fitness GAF. Foimg to start the routine in the OP for beginners his week since the semester is starting. I have a question about running. My job is 4.2 miles away from home and I only work three days for total of 25 hours. Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. I was thinking about running to work, but taking the bus back home. Would that have any negative effects for building muscle?


Ok fitness GAF. Foimg to start the routine in the OP for beginners his week since the semester is starting. I have a question about running. My job is 4.2 miles away from home and I only work three days for total of 25 hours. Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. I was thinking about running to work, but taking the bus back home. Would that have any negative effects for building muscle?

Not really, as long as you eat the proper amount of calories, but can you shower at work?
A couple days ago I did barbell rows and now there is this sharp pain in the area where my shoulder and arm meet whenever I try to pull something. Is there anything I can do to prevent that or strengthen whatever that is that is hurting? It's happened twice before and the last time I took a break from lifting anything until it went away.


Yep. I work on campus and I can hit the showers before work.

Then that's an excellent source of cardio. I'd advocate more HIIT and sprints as steady state isnt as effective, but nothing wrong with running 12 miles a week on top of a solid weight routine (which program in the OP did you choose)? Remember to make sure you keep your calories up from clean sources, especially on those cardio days where you'll burn a few hundred extra.


been tracking my calories this weekend which is typically when i cheat and eat a lot of crap, turns out even then im only doing about 2200ish calories.

I eat really clean throughout the week, how am i supposed to get my calories up to the 2500 mark? typically during the week i have,
Porridge with spoon of honey
Protein shake (20g of protein, no carbs)

Snack - Banana

2 chicken salad wraps

Snack - apple

Snack - Danio yoghurt (14g protein)

Dinner -
Meat with Veg/Rice/Potatoes, pretty much always healthy stuff

Protein shake

It feels like im eating a lot, but obviously not enough for me to gain weight while dropping fat %

Any tips on foods i could eat to help do this, or do i need a different shake maybe?
It feels like im eating a lot, but obviously not enough for me to gain weight while dropping fat %

Any tips on foods i could eat to help do this, or do i need a different shake maybe?

There are things out there that will let you gain weight whilst dropping fat... but they're not foods. Gaining muscle whilst dropping fat is extremely difficult to do.
Here are my scales results for the past 4 mondays:

172.6lbs @ 13.3%bf
170.8 lbs @ 13.4%bf
173.2lbs @ 14.4%bf <- I was somewhy heavier on this day than the rest of the week.
171.0lbs @ 12.7%bf

Does this appear to be a normal progress?
To be honest, I wouldn't put a lot of confidence in what those scales tell you. The accuracy is so bad that they're not even any good for trending with.


Here are my scales results for the past 4 mondays:

172.6lbs @ 13.3%bf
170.8 lbs @ 13.4%bf
173.2lbs @ 14.4%bf <- I was somewhy heavier on this day than the rest of the week.
171.0lbs @ 12.7%bf

Does this appear to be a normal progress?

Weigh yourself more than once a week. 3 days is the sweet spot. Or you can do every day but be ready to see all the fluctuations both good and bad.


Only up 1 pound from my mini vacation. I have to say, Im pretty impressed/surprised.

The wife is up 4. I'm avoiding her right now.
I remember going on a 2-week vacation in the middle of a bulk. And before it thinking: "this is going to be so amazing, I'm going to gain so much weight, there's going to be a 24hr buffet, I'm going to stuff my face senseless..."

But when I weighed myself at the end of the trip, I think I had ended up actually losing a few pounds.


been tracking my calories this weekend which is typically when i cheat and eat a lot of crap, turns out even then im only doing about 2200ish calories.

I eat really clean throughout the week, how am i supposed to get my calories up to the 2500 mark? typically during the week i have,
Porridge with spoon of honey
Protein shake (20g of protein, no carbs)

Snack - Banana

2 chicken salad wraps

Snack - apple

Snack - Danio yoghurt (14g protein)

Dinner -
Meat with Veg/Rice/Potatoes, pretty much always healthy stuff

Protein shake

It feels like im eating a lot, but obviously not enough for me to gain weight while dropping fat %

Any tips on foods i could eat to help do this, or do i need a different shake maybe?

This might help.


been tracking my calories this weekend which is typically when i cheat and eat a lot of crap, turns out even then im only doing about 2200ish calories.

I eat really clean throughout the week, how am i supposed to get my calories up to the 2500 mark? typically during the week i have,
Porridge with spoon of honey
Protein shake (20g of protein, no carbs)

Snack - Banana

2 chicken salad wraps

Snack - apple

Snack - Danio yoghurt (14g protein)

Dinner -
Meat with Veg/Rice/Potatoes, pretty much always healthy stuff

Protein shake

It feels like im eating a lot, but obviously not enough for me to gain weight while dropping fat %

Any tips on foods i could eat to help do this, or do i need a different shake maybe?

Bruh, if you're hitting your macros on protein, carbs, fat and under your calories still, you're in the enviable position of being able to eat whatever the heck you want. If you can fit some junk food in your macros, go for it. Get a scoop of one of the Ben and Jerry's core ice creams that Cooter posted about some pages back, do something for your sanity.

Deleted member 529084

Unconfirmed Member
I'm trying so hard to gain weight and it's seems impossible unless I give up on everything in life and live to eat.

I can go a whole day and have my 3 meals with snacks in between but eating 6 to 7 giant meals, which I did for a week, consumed my life. It's like I sat at home waiting for a timer to go off to tell me to eat.
Then feeling nauseous for stuffing myself and being hardly able to move.

Worse part is I can't cook, like I terribld at it. Tried to cook some chicken breast for the week...tasted like SHIT.

I don't know what to do...
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