I'm back!
So while I was away, I decided to further expand my fitness horizons, and decided to join my local Crossfit Box.
It's incredible! Just after two weeks, I've managed to go from a 1-3-4-3-1 pull up pyramid to doing reps of 20-30 as fast as humanly possible! Once they told me that form doesn't matter, it becomes way easier.
That's especially true on deadlifts too, we did speed deadlifts and once you don't worry about resetting grip and footing for proper form, you can just blow through tons of reps no problem.
I can't believe people are stuck in gyms doing low reps on similar lifts multiple times a week! Gawd.
In all seriousness though, I've been sticking to my previous routine, with some slight changes here and there. Rather than a 5/3/1, more like a 10/5/5/3 type routine, which my body seems to really appreciate. Thanks to all the grip/form advice from you guys, I'm now deadlifting 3 plates for 5 reps. Also got my squat up to 295 for 5 reps.
post-deadlift progress pic: