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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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230x7 squat today. Not sure I believe the 1RM calculators, but at least I'm finally putting some distance between my bench and squat numbers.

Feels good. Also ripped a second pair of pajama pants that were a little tight around my thighs lol


What's up chaps.

I'm on a business trip for a week. No gym access.

I've literally never done a bodyweight routine. What's some stuff I can do in a hotel?

Are you there already? I bring resistance tubes/bands with me on every business trip. If there is a Dicks, walmart, etc, grab one and toss it in your bag
Stay away from he holiday cakes guys it just seems like people go out of their way to make you fat on he holidays
All the more reason to hit the gym. I tend to give no fucks around the holidays. Just means a few more pounds to cut come cutting season. Forces you to go that extra mile. I'm not against a dirty bulk around the holidays, tbh.

Plus, there's more of me to love :*
Yeah, I think I damaged my right pec muscle. I tried to open something to my chest and applied all the pressure I could, suddenly it sounded and felt as if I broke something (like it caved in). It doesn't hurt a lot but if I move in certain positions it does hurt a bit. Also, it looks as if there's a little dent in my chest there. This is bumming me out. How long might it take for it to recover? Will the dent stay there? It's not so noticeable because I don't have big muscles, but I can notice it.
Yeah, I think I damaged my right pec muscle. I tried to open something to my chest and applied all the pressure I could, suddenly it sounded and felt as if I broke something (like it caved in. It doesn't hurt a lot but if I move in certain positions it does hurt a bit. Also, it looks as if there's a little dent in my chest there. This is bumming me out. How long might it take for it to recover? Will the dent stay there?
Doctor. My advice.
Well, I don't know if it requires medical attention. I don't even know how to explain it properly. But I understand the advise.
If there's visible damage and pain I would say a doc. We've all pulled stuff, had knots, etc. You could have pulled something and have mild inflammation causing you to see what looks like a dent in the muscle where the inflammation meets the non-injured area. Beats me but if it persists I would ring up a doc.


Junior Member
Down to ~190lbs. Not sure if I'm going to cut much more because I think I'm starting to lose some good size but pretty happy with my progress in the past couple months.



Reached goal of 20lbs before years end already
From 176 to 155. Feels good. Diet helped alot and not eating any junk.


Junior Member
Nice job man, you look great, what's your diet been like?

Went from eating pretty much whatever I wanted (mostly clean with lot of fat from whole eggs and red meat) to eating 180protein, 290carb, and 70fat a day. Swapping red meat for chicken and whole eggs for whites was the biggest change I think.


Went from eating pretty much whatever I wanted (mostly clean with lot of fat from whole eggs and red meat) to eating 180protein, 290carb, and 70fat a day. Swapping red meat for chicken and whole eggs for whites was the biggest change I think.

Well you're looking great. We look very different at the same weight 🙃😭
Well that was...uhh... interesting.

Have been dealing with disaster recovery all over the weekend and worked until 7am this morning. Got a few hours sleep, got up and got back to work. Just went and did weights, tweaked my shoulder in the warmup... then set new deadlift and OHP PRs, and then totally destroyed my shoulder doing a light shoulder workout.

Somewhat of a confusing mixed bag.


Wow, you all look great, abs or no abs. There's some great progress going on in this thread.

Today's workout went alright barring OHP. Missed the last set on that one.

SQ: 5x5, 160 lbs
OHP: 5x4, 75 lbs
Deadlift: 1x5, 155 lbs
Current weight: 158.6 lbs

It doesn't hurt a lot but if I move in certain positions it does hurt a bit. Also, it looks as if there's a little dent in my chest there. This is bumming me out. It's not so noticeable because I don't have big muscles, but I can notice it.

I would see a doctor. If it still hurts the next time you hit the gym, give it a rest for a bit and do something else. My shoulder was acting up last week and I skipped my Friday workout just in case. No need to make things worse than they already are.
If you're me, about two years.

(In reality, that entirely depends on your progress so far, and what you're incrementing the weight with.)

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Officially back in the 300lb club for bench. Paused. Like butter. 163lbs bodyweight. Next stop: state record 320lbs

Awesome, Matugi.

A 200% body weight bench press is damn impressive.
My bench sucks ass. My DB presses is good, but I dunno. I went weighing from 170lbs to 180lbs this year, and my bench is exactly the same.

Now my deadlifts, I'm warming up with 225lbs. One of my callouses popped off today, and I was bleeeeeding.

Not sure what to do about my bench. I usually warm up with 135, then 185 for 8 reps, 205 for 6 reps, and 225 like 2 reps, which is pathetic.
If there's visible damage and pain I would say a doc. We've all pulled stuff, had knots, etc. You could have pulled something and have mild inflammation causing you to see what looks like a dent in the muscle where the inflammation meets the non-injured area. Beats me but if it persists I would ring up a doc.

I would see a doctor. If it still hurts the next time you hit the gym, give it a rest for a bit and do something else. My shoulder was acting up last week and I skipped my Friday workout just in case. No need to make things worse than they already are.

Yeah, if it doesn't get better I'll go to a doctor. It's just a bit of pain. I'll see how it goes. I'll do other stuff or rest in the meantime.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
My bench sucks ass. My DB presses is good, but I dunno. I went weighing from 170lbs to 180lbs this year, and my bench is exactly the same.

Now my deadlifts, I'm warming up with 225lbs. One of my callouses popped off today, and I was bleeeeeding.

Not sure what to do about my bench. I usually warm up with 135, then 185 for 8 reps, 205 for 6 reps, and 225 like 2 reps, which is pathetic.

200+ isn't pathetic at all at 180 lbs.

How long have you been lifting?


One of the most insane weekends of my life. 2015 is officially the best year of my life by a country mile. Big bear this weekend was batshit insane fun. Tons of food, drinks, music, hookah, dancing and a lot more. First night no one went to sleep till 5:30am. I'm so in love with my girl, at one point she just came up to me and started crying, telling me how shes never been so happy in her entire life. Its still blowing my mind that i found my soulmate out of effing nowhere.

I'm done eating everything for a good while i think. Might be a meal here or there i will have to go with, but otherwise, should be strict keto for the next 2+ weeks. Next time i know for sure i'll be off is christmas.

I'm going to take brolic's advice and do a 5 forward, 3 back setup with 5/3/1. I just finished 5 strait sessions completed fully, so will go back 3 starting this week. Its 3am and i'm finally getting to bed, so not sure if i'll go today or not to the gym, or start fresh wednesday.


I miss feeling hungry, so I'm giving IF another shot today (only this time I'm on a bulk). 11-7 feeding window. Here goes!

The Enchanter

Neo Member
Just discovered this thread, will be really useful as I'm about to change up my routine.

So went to the gym today for the first time in a while as I've been travelling - and got to the third set of reps on the benchpress before my arms kind of gave out. This guy who was a bit away from me came running over and caught it before it fell onto my chest. It would have done a bit of damage if it fell on me.

I thought it was incredibly nice of him for even noticing I was having issues. I'm often amongst the few women in the weights room, many of my friends generally won't go in there for various reasons...but will be sharing this story with them :)


Just discovered this thread, will be really useful as I'm about to change up my routine.

So went to the gym today for the first time in a while as I've been travelling - and got to the third set of reps on the benchpress before my arms kind of gave out. This guy who was a bit away from me came running over and caught it before it fell onto my chest. It would have done a bit of damage if it fell on me.

I thought it was incredibly nice of him for even noticing I was having issues. I'm often amongst the few women in the weights room, many of my friends generally won't go in there for various reasons...but will be sharing this story with them :)

Welcome! Most guys in the free weight section have a bad reputation with people but (generally speaking) it's not true.

Moving forward, if you're doing heavier weights, try to secure a spot ahead of time (simply ask and 99.9% of people will gladly help). You'd be surprised what that assurance can do for your confidence / lifts.


Yikes, be careful. I've been there before and it's scary. Always had a spotter for the final sets after that. Just having that extra person there gives you much needed bravery when you're tackling a new max weight.

But anyways, welcome. :)
Regarding the issue I commented earlier, I'm pretty sure the doctors at the local clinic here will probably tell me jack shit. Will try going later anyways.
"Rest". Probably won't get much info unless it's a scan. Still, best course of action is to avoid doing further damage until pain subsides. You'd rather take a week or two off than tear something important and be out for months. Been there more than once. It sucks and you'll feel a bit flat when you get back to it but its better than the latter.

Just discovered this thread, will be really useful as I'm about to change up my routine.

So went to the gym today for the first time in a while as I've been travelling - and got to the third set of reps on the benchpress before my arms kind of gave out. This guy who was a bit away from me came running over and caught it before it fell onto my chest. It would have done a bit of damage if it fell on me.

I thought it was incredibly nice of him for even noticing I was having issues. I'm often amongst the few women in the weights room, many of my friends generally won't go in there for various reasons...but will be sharing this story with them :)
Welcome and play safe! Glad someone was there to spot on a rush!
200+ isn't pathetic at all at 180 lbs.

How long have you been lifting?

Since 2004, but when did I start doing research on the goals I wanted and followed a diet plan? Probably 2010? I Yeah, that's a pretty big gap, but I would just go to the gym and do exercises that probably didn't benefit me much. I saw decent gains, but nothing like 2011 when I looked my best. I was 170 and benching 275.

The Enchanter

Neo Member
Thanks everyone :) The bar was about 35% of my bodyweight in total, so whilst it wasn't huge I would have been pretty sore...

I have heard that most people would be happy to be a spotter for a random in the gym, so its nice to hear that again. I should probably make use of it until my strength recovers a bit !
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