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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Good luck to you man!

Best to you, Wulfric!

No worries buddy. Good luck with the next step. :)

Good luck Wulfric!

It'll be interesting to see what kind of gains you get during basic.

I'm optimistic about that as well. Cardio will probably go through the roof. I'm not one to care about being lean, but eating at a deficit every day and the stress is probably gonna burn fat off real quick. I'll take a picture. :)

I know you were the one giving me advice, but I'm proud of you. Keep up the progress when you can, and never give up. Also, stay safe and check in from time to time. I know you and I will both eventually be beasts.

Aww, no problem. I'm still a beginner tbh. I might be able to sneak in some GAF posts during AIT, don't count on it though. You keep training too Grizz, let's see how much swole we can pack on within 6 months, shall we?


^ My feelings right now. It really means a lot, thanks guys.


I've read the full OP, so I think I qualify....

Age: 31
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 175
Goal: Overall strength.....and health
Current Training Schedule: Just beginning and I've been going once or twice per week, but I'll aim to go 3 times per once I've got a routine
Current Training Equipment Available: Full gym
Comments: Big thing for me is going to be learning more about calories and nutrition, and eating more in general. Right now I don't pay much attention to how much protein or calories I eat per day. And I'm not sure I have the discipline to record everything in an app. I definitely want to find some good snacks and easy to make meals, though.... I'm concerned that if I don't, and only rely on protein shakes, that my gains will be seriously compromised.

As for routine... I figure the Full Body workout in the OP would be best and I'll definitely continue to read The Program FAQ

Also, the Full Body workout requires the kind of equipment that's hard to come by and pretty popular. I've got access to several gyms with my pass so I guess I'll be checking out which is the least busy. Shame that the most convenient gym for me is always full of people using the squat/deadlift areas


I've read the full OP, so I think I qualify....

Age: 31
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 175
Goal: Overall strength.....and health
Current Training Schedule: Just beginning and I've been going once or twice per week, but I'll aim to go 3 times per once I've got a routine
Current Training Equipment Available: Full gym
Comments: Big thing for me is going to be learning more about calories and nutrition, and eating more in general. Right now I don't pay much attention to how much protein or calories I eat per day. And I'm not sure I have the discipline to record everything in an app. I definitely want to find some good snacks and easy to make meals, though.... I'm concerned that if I don't, and only rely on protein shakes, that my gains will be seriously compromised.

As for routine... I figure the Full Body workout in the OP would be best and I'll definitely continue to read The Program FAQ

Also, the Full Body workout requires the kind of equipment that's hard to come by and pretty popular. I've got access to several gyms with my pass so I guess I'll be checking out which is the least busy. Shame that the most convenient gym for me is always full of people using the squat/deadlift areas

You and I have the same height and weight. Looking forward to seeing what you can do, and hopefully with this community as a resource you won't make the same mistakes starting out that I did.


You and I have the same height and weight. Looking forward to seeing what you can do, and hopefully with this community as a resource you won't make the same mistakes starting out that I did.
That's kind and motivating, thanks.

I'm actually not really starting out. And I'm sure I've made a series of mistakes in my time. Been working out off and on for years: off to the point that I've remained thin and not as strong as I'd like, but on to the point where I have decent upper body and lower body strength.

One thing I've neglected is biceps. So I can bench a decent weight but I struggle with curls. Hoping doing a lot of squats and deadlifts etc will balance everything out over time.

I'm excited about doing this 'right'. Right routine, right nutrition. Like you, I never had a resource like this community at my disposal. Or rather, I chose not to look for it.


Passed the 24 hour mark easily fasted. Will break the fast after work tomorrow, going to eat with my fiance then hit the beach for 10+k steps going pier to pier.

Am I the only one still trying to decipher this? :)

I have really short rugby shorts, and my note 4 barely fits in there. Coupled with the headphones, they compress against me when I'm squatting deep, and so the plug broke on my headphones. I ordered a sansa clip, so won't use my phone for music anymore.


Hey Gaf, has your running ever gotten worse?

It feels like last week and today my running has just gotten worse for some reason. Like I get some form of shin splint or feel more tense in my lower legs. My time has gotten slower and I feel more winded for some reason. And this is after I made some progress with my run. Two weeks ago I was feeling awesome about running but last week and today just sucked.

I can't figure out why because I haven't changed anything in my running technique.

I run 1 lap and then walk 1.5 laps until I get 12 running laps. I'm trying to be able to run a mile straight and I guess I'm improving since I started at run 1 walk 2 laps about a month ago.

Running was my #1 goal last year. I started off by barely being able to run a half mile. I ran 6 races including a half marathon by the end of the year. I went through many challenging injuries.

Running absolutely will challenge you constantly. Your body will adapt and have issues often. You just need to not panic and go with the flow knowing you will overcome them with time. More importantly, don't run too much, especially if you are in pain. Take time to heal and try cycling or something low impact if needed several times a week.

As for lower leg tightness, i get this if I'm running at a faster than usual pace without having stretched my lower legs first. Try sitting on the floor with your legs folded underneath you (butt pressing on your calves), toes pointed behind you, for at least 30-60 seconds to stretch your shins. It always helps me with shin tightness.

Running really takes patience!


Am I really getting 2.176 calories from this single piece of bread?

I actually think I'm getting too much fat from this, and that it's not that healthy. Maybe I should change the salami, with something else.

It's really not complicated. You either weigh your food and enter it in X gram increments, or instead of picking the 100g / 100ml serving size, you pick the serving size that suits you better. In this case the two easy ones there would be 1 slice of bread, and one slice of salami. The other bits you'd need to guesstimate or measure.


I really don't understand how to calculate how much I take in. :(

The nutritional data is for 100g of an ingredient you chose so you're supposed to weigh each individual ingredient and do some math.

This is how it looks like right now for you:

What you want to do is divide the weight by the serving size (100g). So lets say your piece of bread is 30g.
30g /(100g/serving) = 0.30 serving.

To which you fill the box like this:

You repeat for every single ingredient.

EDIT: General idea is you divide the amount you're using with the serving size weight.


I really don't understand how to calculate how much I take in. :(

If your food scale can be reset, keep resetting the amount before you put each ingredient on.

So, put bread on, reset, spread mayo, reset, meat, reset, etc.

This way you know how much your adding and don't have to weigh the stuff on the side
You don't always need a weight, a lot of items have per slice, per cup, per item values. But yes, most of the time you'll want a weight.

Food related, ate 4,000kcal yesterday. Still lost weight. Bollocks. =/


Leg day made today a great day after work being a stress fest. Went in posse off, came out feeling phenomenal.

After not leg pressing past 445 (intentionally) for a month I smashed 520 with 5 solid reps. Squat squeaked up another 5 pounds too.

Well, I'm posting my final update before I leave for basic training tomorrow. I already said goodbye to my friends in the past few days, so I found it prudent to pop back in this thread and thank a few of you who have played a not insignificant role in my progress these past couple months. I did start to plateau fairly recently, but where I finished is far better than where I started:

November 6th --> Now
Squat: 45 lbs --> 240
Bench Press: 45 lbs --> 120 (not happy about this one)
Deadlift: 95 lbs --> 215
OHP: 45 lbs --> 85
Barbell Row: 60 lbs --> 115

One of the things I realized recently is how dedicated many of you are to health and fitness. In all honesty, this is the most helpful and encouraging forum I've been on. For the most part, nearly everyone who was posting in this thread last July is still here putting in work. It's that dedication which has helped me move forward. Even if I was having a crappy day at work, I still forced myself under the bar. I'm not a beast by any means, but I have gotten more than a few comments about the muscle mass I've put on. As petty as it sounds, it feels nice to finally have people notice the work I've done.

BumRush and Psychotext, thanks for helping a total noob make sense of routines. If I remember correctly, my first routine was a hot mess of various machine based exercises. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I was quickly informed there was a better way of getting where I wanted to be.

Brolic, keep posting those incredible videos and good luck with your next competition, whenever that may be. Your vids remind me there's still a long way to go before I truly push the limits of what I can do.

That being said, I really need to go pack my bag. Keep it going fellas, and I'll be back in 10 weeks. :)
Take care dude!
In the UK they're really good, you get per 100g and per serving size (and net carbs, suck it yanks!).


(They're not all that good tbh)

This off a cereal box:

meh. we need the room to talk about the product's backstory and list ingredients in english and spanish. we got not time for the important stuff!


I were just in the store, and a diet weight costs $60. Kind of expensive.

If you wanna make weight loss easy mode, absolutely.

I want to gain 1.5kg and then keep it at that while I am running and strength training.

The nutritional data is for 100g of an ingredient you chose so you're supposed to weigh each individual ingredient and do some math.

This is how it looks like right now for you:

What you want to do is divide the weight by the serving size (100g). So lets say your piece of bread is 30g.
30g /(100g/serving) = 0.30 serving.

To which you fill the box like this:

You repeat for every single ingredient.

EDIT: General idea is you divide the amount you're using with the serving size weight.
I'm gonna have to look into this later today.


I found a food weight in the store but it couldn't weight in grams, so he told me to go look for a "diet weight" which can weight down to such small sizes. Now I'm searching on "diet weight" and Amazon finds nothing. Maybe this one (Amazon) can do it?

Sounds like one of those stupid things that tries to calculate calories rather than a simple scale.


Job done (amongst hundreds of others).

What about the one I linked to above? Because then I can order it from the UK site.


I were just in the store, and a diet weight costs $60. Kind of expensive.

I want to gain 1.5kg and then keep it at that while I am running and strength training.

I'm gonna have to look into this later today.

Same goes for gaining. you might be consistently under eating.


Seems fine. There's a ton on Amazon UK, even at £10 you can get a bunch.

You're overthinking it though, you need a kitchen scale, end of. Nothing to do with dieting etc.

I'm just gonna buy this one then.

The weight will be here on Feb 13-16.

Same goes for gaining. you might be consistently under eating.

I have a strong hunch that I am under eating.


So I do need a food weight? I could go look for one today.

Technically its the only way to get accurate calorie numbers is to weigh food. Some people plan their meals out by putting a plate on the scale and filling it with certain items and then zeroing out the scale and then adding the next item.

I'm sure there are both people on this board and people with medical training and certification that would be better to talk with but you need to figure out what works for you.

Some people will say that you should drink milk but you already said that that was an issue for you so you try and find something else. You could make shakes with almond milk for example if you wanted to drink some healthy calories. Plus I'm assuming you are from Denmark and I have no idea what food is available or even what type of food you personally like.

Maybe eating 3 times a day works or is convenient for you and maybe 6 times a day is.

I know with regards to my weight loss journey things really didn't kick into high gear until:

  • I consulted a nutritionist and on her recommendation used MyFitnesspal
  • Bought a gym membership and started by just walking on the treadmill.
  • Bought a fitbit and started walking or running a minimum of 10,000-11,000 steps a day
  • Lifted weights using starting strength (using the barbell, which was tough because I kinda had to teach myself using videos and written resources since the "trainers" at my gym kept giving me different advice on what a squat looks like.

But maybe you just like doing Yoga or maybe for food you are Vegan so it takes a little planning.


Hey Gaf, has your running ever gotten worse?

It feels like last week and today my running has just gotten worse for some reason. Like I get some form of shin splint or feel more tense in my lower legs. My time has gotten slower and I feel more winded for some reason. And this is after I made some progress with my run. Two weeks ago I was feeling awesome about running but last week and today just sucked.

I can't figure out why because I haven't changed anything in my running technique.

I run 1 lap and then walk 1.5 laps until I get 12 running laps. I'm trying to be able to run a mile straight and I guess I'm improving since I started at run 1 walk 2 laps about a month ago.

How often are you running? You may be pushing yourself too soon, too often.

Shin splints are usually caused by your shoes, especially since you're on a track so incline isn't a factor.


I was diagnosed.

Muscle strain. Nothing huge thankfully.

No lifting for a week or so. Got some anti-inflammatory meds. Tylenol has been working fine so no prescription level pain killers.

I might schedule a massage.


Is it just me, or does anyone else want to bang their head against a wall every time they read a nutrition-related thread in the regular Off-Topic section of GAF?
I was diagnosed.

Muscle strain. Nothing huge thankfully.

No lifting for a week or so. Got some anti-inflammatory meds. Tylenol has been working fine so no prescription level pain killers.

I might schedule a massage.
Good to hear its nothing major!

Is it just me, or does anyone else want to bang their head against a wall every time they read a nutrition-related thread in the regular Off-Topic section of GAF?
I keep an ice pick handy i jam into my ear to relieve the pressure on my brain. Does the same shit to me "fuck indie" threads and posts do on Gaming side.


I was diagnosed.

Muscle strain. Nothing huge thankfully.

No lifting for a week or so. Got some anti-inflammatory meds. Tylenol has been working fine so no prescription level pain killers.

I might schedule a massage.
good to hear its not crazy bad.

Is it just me, or does anyone else want to bang their head against a wall every time they read a nutrition-related thread in the regular Off-Topic section of GAF?

Honestly that's every nutrition thing online. Everyone has a diet or a plan that will suck the fat or add the muscle to your body.

Doesn't help that everyone is looking for the instant pill from Dr Oz that will make you look and feel great without any life changes. I mean those things could work and in some cases they have worked on lab mice but even then you are better off losing weight with exercise and some dieting.

Dieting is fucking tough and it takes a lot of self control.

Shit if I wasn't tracking my calories I'd be eating stupid amounts of food.

It wasn't too long ago that I could eat 2 Bacon, Porkroll, egg, and cheese sandwiches and a bagel with half a pound of lox with lettuce and tomato with a liter of milk just for breakfast.

Pro tip if you want to lose weight don't work in a bagel shop

but now I feel better and I'm eating cleaner and if I want to eat something along those lines I just have to eat a smaller portion or eat smaller the rest of the day.

Shit like I was in a convenience store and they had something like a 2 pack of 24 Reeces peanut butter cups on sale for like $2 USD.



Is it just me, or does anyone else want to bang their head against a wall every time they read a nutrition-related thread in the regular Off-Topic section of GAF?

Well, nutrition is incredibly complex honestly and nutritional research is very contradictory.

It's hard to get good studies since confounding factors like genetics, lifestyle, and medical histories aren't taken into account.

Moreover, most of these studies are based on survey data and people are notoriously poor at providing accurate survey results.

Luckily, there are some things that we already know that are basically scientifically confirmed:

  • Too much refined sugar without adequate activity is incredibly harmful.
  • Trans fat are really bad for you and should be avoided.
  • Excessive caloric surpluses without corresponding activity will lead to weight gain in most people.
  • Protein has the highest satiety factor. Protein is also essential for building muscle, but not as much as supplement companies believe. Because of this calories are not equal. Eating 1000 calories of beef and 1000 calories of Wonder Bread and you will notice this.
  • Fiber is essential and under consumed in the Western diet.
  • Fruits and vegetables are beneficial due to fiber, antioxidants, minerals, vitamin and nutrients they contain.
Everything else hasn't really been proven conclusively.
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