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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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My lower back is always tight and a little sore the next day, but it doesn't feel like I've injured anything. Stretches help me.
Yup, I always have soreness after deadlift day. It's the one lift that I never seem to stop getting DOMS from.

Unrelated, good workout. I was quite determined to hit my targets to prove to myself that I hadn't burned a bunch of muscle on my epic fasted cycle. Really wasn't sure about the form for that DB overhead press though. It's a new one on me.

Edit - Oh, and just for the fuck of it, I supersetted pretty much everything with neutral grip pull-ups. :D


OHP is becoming my nemesis. Last 3 workouts I've said I'm gonna get 3x8 and fail on rep 6 of the last set. My left arm is letting me down as I get the weight up with my right but the left is struggling.

Oh, and my weight is back up today. Gonna stop weighing myself every day as it might drive me insane.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Soreness after deadlift day too. I have constant low back ache, but it's more pronounced after I do deadlifts.

After a week or so you'll start to not get it. Engage your core more on the lift too and that will help.


OHP is becoming my nemesis. Last 3 workouts I've said I'm gonna get 3x8 and fail on rep 6 of the last set. My left arm is letting me down as I get the weight up with my right but the left is struggling.

Oh, and my weight is back up today. Gonna stop weighing myself every day as it might drive me insane.

Single arm DB press with your left.
How'd you like them psycho?

Was pretty unsure about form. Felt like I probably could have used a chunk more weight, but I wasn't really sure of the path of the weights (they ended up touching at the top on some reps), nor was I particularly comfortable getting the weights to the starting position (due to shoulder issues).

I tried this version too, which seemed to make more sense, but I don't know if it's as good:

Any tips for abs training? Also hello fitness Gaf!

Yeah, compound lifts. My abs have never looked better since I basically stopped doing ab work. ;)

If you don't respond that well to that, ab roller, dragon flags, russian twists, planks, wood cutters, windscreen wipers, boat pose, hanging leg raise... and many more!
Yeah, compound lifts. My abs have never looked better since I basically stopped doing ab work. ;)

If you don't respond that well to that, ab roller, dragon flags, russian twists, planks, wood cutters, windscreen wipers, boat pose, hanging leg raise... and many more!

I'll give this is a shot, it's the only workout drill that I'm super lazy with.


Ohp with 160x3 super easy today. This is going to be a great 1s week.

Nice and here I "was" proud of hitting 125 for...I think 3 reps(maybe was 2?) last Friday on my last 5th set and 205 this morning on bench on 5th set. I am slowly working on getting my numbers up weighing at 172.
The palms in one felt more stable, form wise. Palms forward seemed to put stress across my collar bones, and I'm not sure if that's good (in terms of building stability), or bad (in terms of doing damage to my already screwed collar bones).




Nice and here I "was" proud of hitting 125 for...I think 3 reps(maybe was 2?) last Friday on my last 5th set and 205 this morning on bench on 5th set. I am slowly working on getting my numbers up weighing at 172.

Those are good numbers. Takes time man. It's been 4 years of lifting for me, even with the first year being a crappy way to spend my time in the gym, it's all a long process.


Sorry if it's been discussed before, and it probably has, but does anyone have a diet plan that I might be able to follow while working out? I'm looking towards getting started again after a long break, and one thing that always held me back before was not knowing what to eat each day to actually fuel my gains properly.

I have some tolerance for eating similar things often, but not to the extent of say eating two dozen eggs each day.

I don't really have the budget to go crazy either, so I'm hoping I can avoid things like expensive foods and buying protein powder.

Beans, Chicken, Eggs, fish, and Peanut Butter are things that seem like they might work well in a budget for me. Ground chicken is actually cheaper than beef in my area, and is almost pure protein.

The problem starts to arise in figuring out how much to eat of what, and how to prepare it/mix with other ingredients without throwing off the healthiness and muscle-building goal and just getting fat. Some of the old gains I made seemed dirty as I got a bigger gut, and I hope to avoid that.


Friends I made a mistake.

I did 30 min of treadmill running and squat, bench and row.

And I thought I should do this yoga class. Its only 45 minutes so it won't be too long....

It was 95 minutes and the room was set at 101° F.

Almost passed out


Essentially, we're turning you into Hugh Laurie. We're going to make you so American that people will forget you had an extensive career in the UK and only remember you as House.


But seriously, how many Americans do you know that regularly eat 'raspberry conserve' with their PB?
What are we looking at in terms of healthy weight loss? Attempting to go from 207 down to 175 and after the first week I've lost 6lbs and want to make sure its on a healthy path down. Exercising x5 a week and eating around 1600 calories/day.

Edit: Anyone done any of these obstacles races? Thinking of doing Rugged Maniac in Sept just as a fitness check and a fun event to end the summer.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Friends I made a mistake.

I did 30 min of treadmill running and squat, bench and row.

And I thought I should do this yoga class. Its only 45 minutes so it won't be too long....

It was 95 minutes and the room was set at 101° F.

Almost passed out

Who in their right mind would set it that high? Was it a yoga studio / sauna?


Who in their right mind would set it that high? Was it a yoga studio / sauna?

yoga studio built into gym.

I've wrestled in hotter environments before but not after cario and lifting.
It was a good workout but man was I not ready for how long it would be..

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
What are we looking at in terms of healthy weight loss? Attempting to go from 207 down to 175 and after the first week I've lost 6lbs and want to make sure its on a healthy path down. Exercising x5 a week and eating around 1600 calories/day.

That looks about fine to me, but if you do any significant cardio it may be too much too fast. The first six pounds disappearing like nothing is just that. Keep at it and the weight loss will slow down.


Thou art not worthy of Cooter.

Understatement brah. Back on PSMF already tho. Although I have a double date Friday for Korean BBQ, then a family gathering Saturday, then next Saturday another family gathering at a hookah lounge. I miss the olden days when I'd ignore the world and just cut/lift.


Nearly fucked myself up pretty bad today. Been doing 5 sets of 10 for most lifts on weight days, but today I figured I'd try 5 sets of 5 and increase the weight. I was doing dumbell shoulder presses/overhead presses sitting on a bench with the back up, with two 40's. I should have thought better of it and just done the shoulder press machine as soon as I felt myself struggling to get them up to my shoulders, but the first set went fairly smoothly. Second set the weight slips when it's fully above my head and lands on my leg. I can tell it's gonna be sore for a few days, but thankfully it landed on my thigh and not like my knee or toe. Been fucking me up all day wondering how bad it could have been if it came down on my head. Lesson learned.

Side note: is it odd or bad that my bench and squat are about the same? Haven't tested what my max is for either, but doing 5 sets of 10 for each I've been doing 140. It's been years since I've lifted regularly and my form is probably bad on one or both, but I feel like them being the same means I'm probably not pushing it as much as I could be for one of them.
Essentially, we're turning you into Hugh Laurie. We're going to make you so American that people will forget you had an extensive career in the UK and only remember you as House.

Fitness |OT9| Psycho Peanut Butter Gainz


But seriously, how many Americans do you know that regularly eat 'raspberry conserve' with their PB?

You've got to build up a solid base of peanut butter in your muscles first. It takes a few years.

This place amuses me. :D

...and it's clearly the higher class Raspberry Conserve that makes the peanut butter palatable. None of your jelly madness here.

Hot Yoga. Apparentlynits a thing. There is place next door to my gym that does it.

I've really never understood it. It seriously limits how much effort you end up being able to put in, and most of the weight lost you'll put right back on again as soon as you take a drink.

I wonder if it was invented because some horny yoga instructor really liked sweaty female bodies.


I think it's also used to sweat out the harmful toxins. Whether or not its effective, I don't know, but some wives-of-friends swear by it.


so in order to get a 6 pack am i going to have to give up having 2 cheat days? it's seeming that way. i eat really healthy sunday to thursday, but friday and saturday i eat takeaways and drink like a fish


so in order to get a 6 pack am i going to have to give up having 2 cheat days? it's seeming that way. i eat really healthy sunday to thursday, but friday and saturday i eat takeaways and drink like a fish

Booze is one of the worst things for your abs. Calories, carbs, sugar, etc, which - if done in excess 2 days per week - will make it difficult to get to the sub-10 body fat percentages.

With that being said, if you do not want to give up those 2 days, cut even harder on the other days...get even more strict. No sugars, processed carbs, etc...reduced caloric intake.

It'll go amazingly with my juice fast!
What a bunch of bollocks.

Unrelated... !!!


I agree.

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