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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Junior Member
It's not really the sort of thing that gets done in the UK. You tend to see doctors when you're obviously ill rather than for getting general health tests.

I'm sure that sort of thing exists, but I'd have no idea where to look for it.

...and to be honest, I'm sure it's got as much to do with being busy as fuck and being together 18 years as anything else. :p

Who has time for sex with all this lifting?

My libido has plummeted too but I attributed this to my dieting and low caloric intake..


You guys have any thoughts on Slim Fast as a meal substitute? I have a tub of the French Vanilla, thinking about substituting a meal or two a day with a shake and some peanut butter.
You guys have any thoughts on Slim Fast as a meal substitute? I have a tub of the French Vanilla, thinking about substituting a meal or two a day with a shake and some peanut butter.
My only thoughts on supplements like this are macros. Proper food is always preferable, though.

Just let it happen.

I can't believe in my 15 years of lifting/exercising I've neglected the stair master.

A couple of weeks ago I was in my gym and saw some chick busting out a 90 minute session on it and it motivated me.

Started with 20 mins and now doing 30 and it's getting easier, slowly but surely. I'm using level/speed 7 for the first 8 mins and 10 for the last 2, then back to 7 for the next 8, then 10, etc.

I lift legs but this feels different and also feels great for my lower back.

I don't know that I'll ever do 90 minutes on the shit or if that's even healthy but definitely have some goals set, and this is replacing the elliptical in my cardio sessions.


Diet has a lot to do with sex drive. Low fat diets crush sex drive. On keto I've never had an issue and it's been well over a year. Even right now on PSMF, along with 24 hour fasting, I'm still firing on all cylinders.

Could just be genetics, but I turn 38 this year, so doubt my test levels are very high.
So, update / training log time! 3 weeks on Starting Strength so far.

Starting Weight / Current Weight
Squat: 105lb / 195 lb
Overhead Press: 45lb / 75lb
Bench: 80lb / 115lb
Deadlift: 165lb / 240lb

Bodyweight: 232lb / 231.9lb (5'11")

I likely started lighter than I needed to on all of the lifts, but having just come off of a back injury I wanted to take things slow and take my time learning the mechanics of the lifts. I also started my nutrition with 2860 calories at 255/280/80, which was pointed out to probably be too high. And it looks like it was because gained weight for the first 2 weeks up to about 236 before slowly coming back down as I lowered my macros. I just lowered them again a couple days ago and I'm now eating 2225 calories at 220/190/65. I need to start measuring my waist, since I assume I've lost a little fat since starting, but I haven't done that yet.

Progress has been pretty smooth so far, but again I started a bit low. I just exhausted my 10lb jumps on squats as of my last workout. I think I am still leaving a bit on the table for the bench. The overhead press gives me the must trouble by far, and I think I might stall on 5lb increases very soon, so that's worrying. I've read other places that the best way to increase your OHP is to get your bench up. I'm still making 10lb jumps on the bench so hopefully that helps. I am supposed to have started power cleans already but keep putting it off because I love deadlifts so much. But, I'll likely start incorporating them anyway next week. I'd also like to incorporate HIIT one day a week starting next week as well, to help accelerate fat loss.


Nice progress, digita1alchemy. Keep it up! OHP is a trouble area for a lot of folks. For most, it just requires repetition (OHP, tricep work, shoulder accessories and yes, bench).


Diet has a lot to do with sex drive. Low fat diets crush sex drive. On keto I've never had an issue and it's been well over a year. Even right now on PSMF, along with 24 hour fasting, I'm still firing on all cylinders.

Could just be genetics, but I turn 38 this year, so doubt my test levels are very high.

It's not just test though. Cortisol and other stress hormones also play a part, especially on a diet.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Between all the pump and yoga pants you guys don't leave the gym all revved up?

Definitely not. My dick is the LAST place on my body getting blood when I have a pump going. Hell, I deal with shrinkage at the gym. Zero interest.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Between all the pump and yoga pants you guys don't leave the gym all revved up?

I try no to think about sex or look at women at the gym. Even my gf texting me sexual things while lifting is a huge distraction but... before lifting it has it's benefits..

This past summer I hooked up with a hot milf just outside the city near one of the 24/7 gyms I frequent. I picked her up and she was wearing some trench style coat with sexy lingerie one piece and no underwear. Parked in a dark unlit cul de sac with a burnt out street light and no houses around. We went at it for a while. I went to the gym after and my adrenaline was through the roof. I hit a 385 5x10 beltless high bar squat that evening, which was a PR at the time.


OK, I'm skipping cheat day this week. I'm just too sedentary and my weight is not dropping. I'm going to have earn my next cheat day.
Oh god, I had like three cheat meals last week, got extra sleep, and killed it at the gym. Fast forward to today (usually I do back on Monday, but schedule is all out of whack this week), and I'm still managing to pull more. Workout today (I'm doing a reverse pyramid thing):

Two sets of 135 x12
One set of 390 X 2 (went for 3 but no dice)
One set of 350 x 3

Seated Cable Rows:
One set of 130 x 12
Three sets of 170 x 12 (last set i did 14)

OHP/Band stretches
Two sets of 65 x 12
One set of 135 x 4
One set of 120 x 4
Band stretches YWTL between sets of three each

Disclaimer: My right shoulder has pain whenever I OHP/Bench, so I'm gonna try to add more stuff like band stretches and delt stuff to try to fix it

Lat Pulldown:
One set of 110 x 12
Three sets of 150 x 10 (x 12 on the last set)

Standing Bicep Cable Curl:
80 lbs x 30
80 lbs x 22
80 lbs x 25

Barbell Shrug (Trap Bar)
Four sets of 240 x 20

Tomorrow is chest day, and I'm seriously considering skipping flat bench. I do incline with no pain at all, and have been making steady (if slow) gains, but flat bench is stagnant and it hurt last time.


This past summer I hooked up with a hot milf just outside the city near one of the 24/7 gyms I frequent. I picked her up and she was wearing some trench style coat with sexy lingerie one piece and no underwear. Parked in a dark unlit cul de sac with a burnt out street light and no houses around. We went at it for a while. I went to the gym after and my adrenaline was through the roof. I hit a 385 5x10 beltless high bar squat that evening, which was a PR at the time.

Probably the post of |OT8|


Why not keep the cheat day but drop your calories a bit on the other days?

Eh, I'm already at 1650 @ 185 lbs which sucks. I just want to lose another 10-15 lbs (I hope) so I figure it's better to just focus on the job and not worry about getting treats. I've still got my daily M&Ms :)


Eh, I'm already at 1650 @ 185 lbs which sucks. I just want to lose another 10-15 lbs (I hope) so I figure it's better to just focus on the job and not worry about getting treats. I've still got my daily M&Ms :)
Sorry if i missed it, but are you doing cardio? It's much easier for me to eat 500 calories more per day and have to do 500 calories with of cardio.I know it balances out but it gets you two things:

1. You get to eat more
2. Cardio is good for you
3. Arguably better body composition


Sorry if i missed it, but are you doing cardio? It's much easier for me to eat 500 calories more per day and have to do 500 calories with of cardio.I know it balances out but it gets you two things:

1. You get to eat more
2. Cardio is good for you
3. Arguably better body composition

Some - more than I was now that the weather has gotten nicer. I hate cardio :(

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
OK, I'm skipping cheat day this week. I'm just too sedentary and my weight is not dropping. I'm going to have earn my next cheat day.

I don't think that's a healthy way to approach a cheat day... It's not supposed to be a reward for making progress, but more something to keep you sane or to look forward to while you grind away on chicken, broccoli and rice throughout the week. That's how I understood it at least. Personally, I don't do diets that make me miserable so any kind of "cheating" for me these days just amounts to having beer with friends on the odd weekend.


I don't think that's a healthy way to approach a cheat day... It's not supposed to be a reward for making progress, but more something to keep you sane or to look forward to while you grind away on chicken, broccoli and rice throughout the week. That's how I understood it at least. Personally, I don't do diets that make me miserable so any kind of "cheating" for me these days just amounts to having beer with friends on the odd weekend.

That is exactly right. Except the beer part. Absolutelydisgusting.png.


I don't think that's a healthy way to approach a cheat day... It's not supposed to be a reward for making progress, but more something to keep you sane or to look forward to while you grind away on chicken, broccoli and rice throughout the week. That's how I understood it at least. Personally, I don't do diets that make me miserable so any kind of "cheating" for me these days just amounts to having beer with friends on the odd weekend.

That is how I use them, but the amount I have been eating has apparently been counterproductive so I am going to move to at least every other week instead of once a week. I actually like the food I do eat, I just like food a lot.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
That is how I use them, but the amount I have been eating has apparently been counterproductive so I am going to move to at least every other week instead of once a week. I actually like the food I do eat, I just like food a lot.

Maybe a cheat meal (dinner) instead of a whole day of going balls out?


Finally did 8/8/8/8x 120kg/265lbs squats today. It was actually my 2015 goal but I got injured in December and stopped doing squats for almost 3 months.

Please stay healthy.


Where's Cooter been!?

p.s. how many people here do a shoulder only day? I messed around with NOT doing it for a while and - now that I'm back doing it again - I'm not sure I'll ever go back.
Edging closer and closer to my long(ish) term deadlift target. If all goes well (it never does), then I should have it within the next few months.

I can tastes it preciousssss...
how many people here do a shoulder only day? I messed around with NOT doing it for a while and - now that I'm back doing it again - I'm not sure I'll ever go back.

I do only days for everything except i toss in an extra front squat and calves on a 2nd day and abs 2x per week - otherwise, from Sunday thru Friday:


Just me.
fitness gaf, u helped me out last time so im hoping u can do it again.

ive been going gym 3 days a week for the last 6/8 weeks. i have been loosely following the starting strength program, typically on a gym day i will do bench,squat,shoulder press, lat pulldown and lunges. for the first 5 weeks or so i done 5 reps of everything, but now i try to do 8.

i have seen big strength gains but ive not really added any muscle. i currently take usn fuel mass and i think its working good, i have added weight but mostly in the stomach i feel.

my question is, where the hell do i go from here? should i start to do split routines (back/arms, chest/tri/ legs) or do i just stick to this and the muscle will come eventually?

last time i went gym few years ago i went on a big dirty bulk and managed to build quite a bit of muscle but also a ton of fat so i want to avoid that this time.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I don't get it, HateGames. How about you try Starting Strength instead of randomly doing own personal variant of it?


there is joy in sucking dick
fitness gaf, u helped me out last time so im hoping u can do it again.

ive been going gym 3 days a week for the last 6/8 weeks. i have been loosely following the starting strength program, typically on a gym day i will do bench,squat,shoulder press, lat pulldown and lunges. for the first 5 weeks or so i done 5 reps of everything, but now i try to do 8.

i have seen big strength gains but ive not really added any muscle. i currently take usn fuel mass and i think its working good, i have added weight but mostly in the stomach i feel.

my question is, where the hell do i go from here? should i start to do split routines (back/arms, chest/tri/ legs) or do i just stick to this and the muscle will come eventually?

last time i went gym few years ago i went on a big dirty bulk and managed to build quite a bit of muscle but also a ton of fat so i want to avoid that this time.

What's your bodyfat % if you can't really see stristions, newly acquired muscle mass won't be as apparent. Even then 6/8 weeks isn't all that long.

Also, if you've gotten stronger, you're on the right track, calorically.
What's your bodyfat % if you can't really see stristions, newly acquired muscle mass won't be as apparent. Even then 6/8 weeks isn't all that long.

Also, if you've gotten stronger, you're on the right track, calorically.

if i had to guess my body fat is probably 20% atleast. im around 6 foot and i weigh around 76kg/168lbs. when i rejoined gym i could only bench around 50kg (including the bar weight) but now i can do 75kg for 8 reps.

i can see some muscle definition in my arms/quad but not too much. main problem is my waist, used to be around 32 inches and it was pretty flat now im around 34/35 inch so it feels like ive stayed skinny but just gained a belly because my arms are little over 14 inches.


there is joy in sucking dick
if i had to guess my body fat is probably 20% atleast. im around 6 foot and i weigh around 76kg/168lbs. when i rejoined gym i could only bench around 50kg (including the bar weight) but now i can do 75kg for 8 reps.

i can see some muscle definition in my arms/quad but not too much. main problem is my waist, used to be around 32 inches and it was pretty flat now im around 34/35 inch so it feels like ive stayed skinny but just gained a belly because my arms are little over 14 inches.

I believe at that level bodyfat it's going to be hard to gauge, visually, acquired muscle mass. But don't let that discourage you. Acquired strength can be a good indicator. Youll just have to decide, at a certain point, whether you want to keep getting stronger or to cut back, calorically, and bring that bodyfat down.

Is it strength or an ideal (lower bodyfat) body image you're going for? It's very hard to straddle both effectively.
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