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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before

Dang, so I have been on a cut and I have been counting my calories and logging everything using this method. After about a month, it's telling me that my maintenance calories is 2400. For reference, I am 122 lbs, 5'6", 30 year old male, 12% body fat (guestimate with calipers and looking at myself visually - I have tensed abs). The program I'm following is Allpro beginner's routine, full body workout three times a week. I don't have a car and I do walk/take public transit everywhere with my bike as a supplement. I guess those little things add up.

I'm kinda dreading trying to eat 3200+ calories on my training days once my cut is over since I'm also doing IF and have been only been eating 1750 calories on average each day (2000 on training days, 1500 on rest days). Went from 127 down to 122.5 in five weeks and my body fat went from 17% down to my current 12%. I'll probably slowly add 300 calories a day over a few weeks and see how my body responds. Those potential 3000+ calories days tho. That's a lot of food...
Dang, so I have been on a cut and I have been counting my calories and logging everything using this method. After about a month, it's telling me that my maintenance calories is 2400. For reference, I am 122 lbs, 5'6", 30 year old male, 12% body fat (guestimate with calipers and looking at myself visually - I have tensed abs). The program I'm following is Allpro beginner's routine, full body workout three times a week. I don't have a car and I do walk/take public transit everywhere with my bike as a supplement. I guess those little things add up.

I'm kinda dreading trying to eat 3200+ calories on my training days once my cut is over since I'm also doing IF and have been only been eating 1750 calories on average each day (2000 on training days, 1500 on rest days). Went from 127 down to 122.5 in four to five weeks and my body fat went from 17% down to my current 12%. I'll probably slowly add 300 calories a day over a few weeks and see how my body responds. Those potential 3000+ calories days tho. That's a lot of food...
You are making me cry :'(


Brian Burke punched my mom



My coach stopped me from doing ATG squats with my old stance and depth after I started having problems behind my knee and calves. My hamstrings kept smashing into my calves. Was squatting high volume, 3x a week for several months straight.

Now things are getting better after the slightly wider stance and cutting depth a bit on top of taking a day off.
This is going to be tougher than I expected.

All part of the game. First you learn to resist it on the internet, then you resist it in real life!

I'm kinda dreading trying to eat 3200+ calories on my training days once my cut is over since I'm also doing IF

Some days recently on IF I was eating 4,000+, and honestly, it was SHIT. I really can't recommend IF when you're bulking, unless you're able to bulk on hardly any calories.
Hello FitnessGAF, I've made a thread in the OT about my desire to lose weight http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1211671

I hope nobody minds but i'd like to start posting my progress as frequently as possible, as it would be good for me to make it public and keep myself accountable.

Welcome, I'm pretty sure everyone would love to see you posting often.

Let me give my advice as someone who's gone from 300 to 240 since October. Everyone is going to say something a bit different, but this is how I see it. The most important thing you can do is track all of your calories. I saw you downloaded myfitnesspal, use it, everyday for every thing you eat or drink. For me, this was mandatory in order to stay on track and fix my fucked up appetite. It will get fixed by the way, you'll get hungry at first but it'll pass after a few months.

On the topic of gym and cardio, it's important and beneficial, but not necessary for weightloss. I lost just as much weight in November when I didn't hit the gym once as I have the rest of the time I've been losing. And don't kill yourself with running while you're still heavy. There's no reason to go through the pain, do different cardio and return to it when you've lost a good amount.

This is going to be tougher than I expected.

Lol, hearing from everyone bulking can be rough sometimes.


This is going to be tougher than I expected.

Lol that's just MTP. He eats a shit ton :)

Cutting weight doesn't have to be terrible! For example, today I ate

- 5 eggs
- 5 egg whites

- 164g of mahi mahi
- 100g of rice

- 164g of mahi mahi
- 150g of rice
- 120g of almond crusted haddock

- rocky road quest bar
- oatmeal chocolate chip quest bar
- an apple
- an Oreo
- a scoop of peanut butter quest whey mixed with jelly.


Gold Member
Hello FitnessGAF, I've made a thread in the OT about my desire to lose weight http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1211671

I hope nobody minds but i'd like to start posting my progress as frequently as possible, as it would be good for me to make it public and keep myself accountable.

Glad to see you post over here. A few tips.

1) Post your progress/status here regularly. People can help and support you, but only if you reach out. Plus it keeps you honest and engaged.

2) If you slip up, own it, post it here, and get yourself righted again.

3) Your diet should be focused on: water, fish, chicken, fruits, vegetables. Learn to read labels; fewer ingredients is good, ingredients that sounds like high school chemistry is bad.

4) Get active, but start with what you can handle. Walk, then run--literally and metaphorically.

Good luck. People here want you to succeed.


Last training session until Saturday. Did conventional deads with 425 for a 3x3 and then an amrap of 5. I wanted 6 but I suck at doing reps with conventional. I can only really get tight at the top of the lift before grabbing the bar so once I let out my first breath my reps become ugly. I'm gonna try completely resetting when I have to breath out in the future.


Last training session until Saturday. Did conventional deads with 425 for a 3x3 and then an amrap of 5. I wanted 6 but I suck at doing reps with conventional. I can only really get tight at the top of the lift before grabbing the bar so once I let out my first breath my reps become ugly. I'm gonna try completely resetting when I have to breath out in the future.

Yeah, why wouldn't you just reset?
Dang, so I have been on a cut and I have been counting my calories and logging everything using this method. After about a month, it's telling me that my maintenance calories is 2400. For reference, I am 122 lbs, 5'6", 30 year old male, 12% body fat (guestimate with calipers and looking at myself visually - I have tensed abs). The program I'm following is Allpro beginner's routine, full body workout three times a week. I don't have a car and I do walk/take public transit everywhere with my bike as a supplement. I guess those little things add up.

I'm kinda dreading trying to eat 3200+ calories on my training days once my cut is over since I'm also doing IF and have been only been eating 1750 calories on average each day (2000 on training days, 1500 on rest days). Went from 127 down to 122.5 in five weeks and my body fat went from 17% down to my current 12%. I'll probably slowly add 300 calories a day over a few weeks and see how my body responds. Those potential 3000+ calories days tho. That's a lot of food...
liquid calories are your friend


My hands usually need a minute after I let go of the bar because they feel so raw. I'd probably have to keep the chalk close to rechalk my hands quickly before going in again.

Oh okay. At that point, AMRAP sets would become a bunch of 1s with a 30 second rest. I got you.


Paid $8 for wifi on this eternal flight across the country just to say hi. #FitGAFlove

Also, I think I'm following suit and switching to a2g squats. I know I've avoided it because my squats are weak and I hate to drop weight, but I think it'll be worth it in the long run.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I've been addicted to BodybuildingRev's "Strength Wars" series on YouTube.

They usually have a really cool assortment of exercises and some badass athletes. The latest video above has the competitors do the following for time:

Pull-ups @ 70lbs for 20 reps
Dips @ 105lbs for 20 reps
Deadlift @ 396lbs for 20 reps

What I like is that the judges are pretty strict about form and will not count reps if they aren't the full range of motion.


That's about how deep I usually go. I feel like it's harder to cut my depth higher than that because then I'm not fully utilizing the stretch reflex I can get by hitting below parallel.



Paid $8 for wifi on this eternal flight across the country just to say hi. #FitGAFlove

Also, I think I'm following suit and switching to a2g squats. I know I've avoided it because my squats are weak and I hate to drop weight, but I think it'll be worth it in the long run.

Yes! You won't regret it.

I can't do as much weight and they're way harder but my lower back feels so much better and the quad pump is fantastic.


Isn't breaking parallel the only way? how else would you squat?

SPeaking of which, i'm actually having a week off, i go away for 4 days tomorrow and my hips are aching like mad, which i think is from squats
I do ass to grass front squats. I was starting from essentially zero anyway, so I figured I might as well do the entire range of motion.
I see Goron2000's thread has become carb obsessed. It really is the new hotness.

/munches block of sugar

This image isn't bad though:


(I probably wouldn't obsess the fat levels of the meat / dairy stuff, but it's nice to see some variety in the suggested foods for once)

Edit - Good to see some broscience dying hard:

Also don't eat anything after 8pm.
I put chicken on hold and have been eating fish everyday
I'm not the biggest on fish but when I do have dishes like Mahi Mahi I eat that shit like I'm in prison - guard my plate from others and shovel that shit in before people realize I just had the goods XD
Just looking at my bulk pics. There's an angle there that I looked at and thought... you know, that looks pretty good. If nothing else, there's a psychological progress there which I can hopefully maintain.

Still think I'll need to do something about the loose skin before I can be truly happy with any pictures from the front though (going abs, abs, trainwreck isn't a good look).


I go as deep as I can. I'm sure if it's ATG, but it's trickier to hit ATG when you go with low bar.


Ass to grass everytime. Anything else feels awkward to me.

I spent a lot of time trying to find my 1 rep max for Front Squats today since I was maxing out on both Squat variants I do. Still haven't found it yet. Up to 155 for 3, after doing 150 for 3, 145 for 3, 140 for 3, and for 135 for 3. Which were all new maxes when I did that respective set. thinking I will find it next time I go to max out Squats, guess we shall see though.

Up to 245 x 1 on Back Squats from 235 x 1 last week. Definite 1 rep max, form was cracking and it was hard to push the weight up
Can you give me a tldr on this? I already have an inkling of it but I'm still a newbie builder.

There's not much really to say. People are becoming obsessed about low carb in the same way they did about low fat. It's the silver bullet for all weight loss apparently... doesn't matter what else you've tried, low carb will fix all that ails you.
There's not much really to say. People are becoming obsessed about low carb in the same way they did about low fat. It's the silver bullet for all weight loss apparently... doesn't matter what else you've tried, low carb will fix all that ails you.

That's my brother. RIP is poor soul. he's all about the quick weight loss. RIP x2. i can't help him


For me, low carb helps because I'm a LOT less hungry focusing on proteins. Eggs, lean meats, cheeses and vegetables allow me to easily hit calorie goals when I'm cutting, without feeling hungry all the time.

Bread / sugar just leaves me starving again an hour later.
The point is more the zealoted attitude about it rather than anything else.

As discussed endlessly, what might worth for some wont work for others, what some find easy, some find incredibly difficult. One fits all is incredibly stupid when it comes to humans (not to mention most people don't seem to realise there's more than one type of carb). Hell, if it was all so easy we'd all be low carb with 24 hour fasts right? Fuck, I'd be so ripped I could grate cheese on my chest striations.

I guess I'm mostly amused because I'm old enough to remember the last time this happened. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Edit - Something else. I'm reading that thread and people are suggesting zero to bodybuilder strict (hell, some of the suggestions in there make mdsfx's cutting look like MTPs bulk) . No wonder so many people give up thinking it's all too hard.
i mixed this coconut oil in my drink and blended it up. this is the coconut oil that solidifies when it's at a certain temp. now my drink is sorta thick and weird.

also morning poo is annoying. i don't have time for that when i wake up. can't i just pee only.


The point is more the zealoted attitude about it rather than anything else.

As discussed endlessly, what might worth for some wont work for others, what some find easy, some find incredibly difficult. One fits all is incredibly stupid when it comes to humans (not to mention most people don't seem to realise there's more than one type of carb). Hell, if it was all so easy we'd all be low carb with 24 hour fasts right? Fuck, I'd be so ripped I could grate cheese on my chest striations.

I guess I'm mostly amused because I'm old enough to remember the last time this happened. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Oh yeah, I'm not disagreeing with you. Just saying WHY low carb is effective for me personally.

The thing is...there IS a silver bullet to losing weight, it just involves effort (eating at a consistent caloric deficit with the right macro split AND getting your ass in a gym). Some people want something easier than that I guess.
Some people want something easier than that I guess.

Exactly this.

Fuck it, I'm off to start my juice fast.

Edit - Unrelated... anyone here particularly worry about their sodium intake? To the best of my knowledge, my blood pressure is on the low side (definitely not high), so I've always wondered if I actually need to be particularly concerned by it. I think the only things I eat that have a significant amount are salted popcorn (you can take that out of my cold hypertensive hands), pizza and sometimes a pre-made pasta sauce.

Edit 2 - Oh god, it's another one of those subjects where no-one seems to have a fucking clue. Doing some reading on it and there's plenty of evidence on both sides. YAY SCIENCE!

Plus this fun nugget: "low-salt diets could have side effects: when salt intake is cut, the body responds by releasing renin and aldosterone, an enzyme and a hormone, respectively, that increase blood pressure".


Heh and there I was thinking excess salt caused high blood pressure thus the need for diuretics to flush it out through...


I watch my salt regularly, psycho. Never use it as seasoning and avoid foods high in it. Definitely helped lower my BP.
I think I'll carry on being mostly unconcerned.

If I had high blood pressure I might feel differently, but having spent the last hour or so reading about it I'm far less inclined to think it's as big a thing as has been made out to be over the years.


I'm trying a new gym that's closer to my new apartment. Feels like I'm cheating on my current gym every time I go lol.


I tried benching 185 for the fuck of it today. Still not ready for that stage yet. I could barely do 3 reps. It was actually like 195 because it was the thick bar but it still sucks. I feel like I've been stuck on 155 to 165 for too long.


I've recently been experiencing pain in my right ring finger when doing pulling exercises. It feels like it's in the joint of the finger. I'm typically fine throughout my day, but it has made rows, and definitely any heavy amount on deadlifts, impossible.

I'm going to give it time to heal, but has anyone experienced this before? Is there something I'm doing wrong that could be the cause? The pain started after a deadlift exercise.
My left pinky (tip) is currently broken, and I'm not getting it splinted because it'll mean no lifting / cycling. Could be something similar, or a dislocation.


My left pinky (tip) is currently broken, and I'm not getting it splinted because it'll mean no lifting / cycling. Could be something similar, or a dislocation.
Did you see a clinician? Get that looked at before you lose circulation /sensation to the pinky. No one likes an amputation :p
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