Randolph Freelander
All 3 squat racks were taken this morning because I was running late...
My gym has one.
Real talk: I'm having the craziest internal debate about buying a squat rack and putting it in my living room.
All 3 squat racks were taken this morning because I was running late...
My gym has one.![]()
Real talk: I'm having the craziest internal debate about buying a squat rack and putting it in my living room.
My gym has one.![]()
Real talk: I'm having the craziest internal debate about buying a squat rack and putting it in my living room.
transform your living room into a gym room.![]()
transform your living room into a gym room.![]()
Current Training Schedule: 3 hours Evening 7 Days of the week. Usually about 1 hr 45 mins Heavy cardio then around 1 hr 30 minutes of weight training.
I can talk myself into it and out of it 3 times in under 15 seconds. :/
My townhouse has a spare room upstairs, but a lot of good that does me since I wouldn't think about putting heavy gym equipment in it. My downstairs is on top of a concrete slab, so it would work there, just not sure I want to do that to my floors. (I'd totally do it if the spare room was down there.)
The other outside shot is that I have an unusable single car garage (too narrow, can barely open a door all the way, and it's a tight squeeze just getting through the garage door). I could put equipment there, but I feel like it would be too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. Space heater? Fan?
Yeah... speaking as someone that works out seven days a week (very carefully); you need to drop your volume as there's no way your body can recover from that effectively in your 30s (without drugs at least).
I do weights and cardio on different days as you're largely stressing different systems, but even then it's easy to go too far. I'm going to guess that your weights are reasonably high intensity too... rather than working at low sets / reps with heavier weights. Can't tell without you posting details though.
I appreciate that there's a psychological aspect to this for you, but you can definitely achieve more by doing less.
My gym has one.![]()
Real talk: I'm having the craziest internal debate about buying a squat rack and putting it in my living room.
Hello Fitness gaf.
I read through the OP and the last few pages and you all are awesome and it's kinda intimidating to post.
I'm trying to filter the OP for what I need so not really looking for a routine or anything as much as food advice I suppose?
Height:5 9
Goal:150 with definitiom
Current Training Schedule: 3 hours Evening 7 Days of the week. Usually about 1 hr 45 mins Heavy cardio then around 1 hr 30 minutes of weight training.
Current Training Equipment Available:Gym. Not fancy, but has the basics.
Comments:I have issues with body image and weight so I keep up a pretty heavy work out time.
Typically eat only once a day(OP seemed like it's a bad thing so I'm looking into food tables to graft a daily diet) so the food seems to be a killer for me as well as maybe a tad cardio heavy.
Sorry if I seen scatter shot most of my work outs/weight-loss has been self created and I go by feel.
I haven't been here for a while damn.
I've been tempted to do it before, but I'd be super tempted to deadlift in it as well and I don't really feel like I want to drop weights on the floor in my house lol.
There's nothing wrong with eating once a day. I've done it while dieting. The problem comes after dieting to be honest. Jamming all your food in once a day creates a bit of a psychological situation where you have no limit at any meal once you come off a diet and start eating more. I recommend tracking your calories and splitting them into 2 meals. Whether you do 25%/75% or 70/30% or whatever isn't really an issue, it becomes more personal preference.
But I think the real issue is: you're not tracking (or at least tracking with progression in mind). "Going by feel" is one of the worst things you can do for weight loss because emotions are probably what gets you to where you were when you started. That goes for diet and exercise. I'd recommend reading through this:
It was written in 2011 and is still the best training related article I've read up till now. Plan your diet, plan your training. Leave emotions out of it, save for the mornings that you look in the mirror and dislike your body.
Fantastic job man
Insane lift by the way Brolic. Inspiring.
Daaaamn, Brolic. That deadlift was amazing. Didn't even look tough for you, either.
Congratulations man, that's impressive as fuck.
Holy shit, dude! Grats! Amazing work!
Fucking beast.
Please post your pic of you before you were lifting. The change is incredible.
Hmm interesting.
I think I may have some aspects of that.
Need to likely get a more personal trainer to get up to some of the baser levels they mention.
I do the Squats and dead lifts but not at the levels needed.
Hard to break up my food.
I generally eat two lean hamburger patties lettuce wrapped, Apple, carrots and a a small salad randomly.
I'll look into it though.
I have.It doesn't add up... training that much and eating that little would lead to massive fatigue over time. I may be wrong, but it sounded like the poster had been doing this routine / diet plan a while.
That's it.
I have.
In fact it's nearing 7 months since I restarted.
I've seen my doctor and they ran me through tests over and over cause they thought I had kidney failure(I think?) Because I went from over 300 lbs to be like this.
I had to stop due to surgeries but started back up last year and dropped back down to this from 220 to my current weight recently and my doc says that I am in very dangerous levels because my body can't keep it up long term.
Granted I do tire out but I'm able to push through mostly due to my intense fear of becoming 300lbs again.
Hard to show with out a picture progression.
Like the rest of my day is all about sparkling waters, rockstar zero Cal energy drinks and squeeze flavorings with zero cals. I don't eat until after my work our ateam night.
I'll agree with psycho that doing this kind of plan for that long is nothing short of a miracle. Definitely risking major burnout there. But roughly 6.4lbs/month weight loss is pretty good (although when you consider the workout effort is pretty extensive...).
Is it possible to keep a food log? I typically do it through MyFitnessPal, but whatever works. Without info, it's tough to say whether you're over/undereating, or whether some more dietary fat would benefit your efforts, etc. It's tough to give any sort of real advice or food suggestions without the data.
That's awesome. Must feel good to be getting back to normal. Recovering from injuries is so frustrating. Just have to go with the flow when that happens....
So fingers crossed for 2017. Even if I can only get back to what I was doing, to be honest I'll be happy that it's a step in the right direction.
Meet done.
1st place 242 Pure division. 2nd place overall unequipped powerlifting by .2 of a point.
Bench press, Deadlift and Unequipped total state records. Videos tonight.
Lifts 445lb squat, misgrooved 475 and almost face planted. 375lb bench 625lb dead.
Thanks buddy.
lmao look at this fucking nerd
i love it
LTTP as I haven't checked this thread in a minute but congratulations dude! Really proud of you and hope you are as well!!!
Thanks bud, and i am. But there's still a lot of work to do. Goal is 1700 total.
Lol for real. That little dude could run like the wind though.
Goddess above. My pal fit says I'm way below what I should be. I tried to add a green salad and some hardboiled eggs.
Feel royally stuffed...gunna need to move some of that like a poster suggested.
It says I need 2k more cals as well with my work out.....no way unless I eat like a snickers or something. I don't got room for two thousand more a day.
Oh thank goddess.Don't take fitness advice from those apps, they're terrible. Use them exclusively for tracking food. If you eat packaged foods, scan the barcode with the app too. Stuff like that.
Seriously, don't even track your exercise with it. It's the worst.
Lol for real. That little dude could run like the wind though.
Oh thank goddess.
It said I only invested 1000 cals a day
So how far/fast can you run now?
Great, now I've got the Forest Gump scene in my head with your face on Forest.
Thanks a lot, how am I supposed to fall asleep now?
I've been seeing people posting numbers on the big three lifts, and something seems odd.
Some of you guys are waaaay ahead of me in squats and deadlift, yet have much lower bench than I do.
My current PRs:
Squat 255x5
Bench 200x5
Deadlift 300x5
Am I the weird one benching more than I should be by comparison?
Yeah. Did some extra research seemed right. Just not use to seeing numbers stare back at me.Based on what you said your diet was, it's almost certainly right on that.
My left hip has snap/rubberbanding (I forget the medical term) on the outside when I go down on squats. What helped me was to narrow my stance, knees forward. I basically aim for my nipples with my knees and go low, keeping my knees following the path my feet point. That stopped my issue.
I just really adjust my toes out more than usual and it alleviate my hip issue. But that may not be for everyone.
You're right and I won't argue that.Honestly, I'm surprised your body is capable of even existing on that intake / output. You're going to fuck yourself up pretty badly if you continue with it. As much as this thread can be of assistance with some aspects, I really think you need to speak to someone about the mental aspect of this.
For a start, as a woman your diet REALLY needs some fat for hormonal reasons... but I get the feeling that you're terrified of it.
Honestly, I'm surprised your body is capable of even existing on that intake / output. You're going to fuck yourself up pretty badly if you continue with it. As much as this thread can be of assistance with some aspects, I really think you need to speak to someone about the mental aspect of this.
For a start, as a woman your diet REALLY needs some fat for hormonal reasons... but I get the feeling that you're terrified of it.
I've actually been messing with the App all morning and last evening.Quoting this for relevance. 1000ish calories isn't a terrible level of intake for a diet...on a regular inactive couch potato kind of day. But it's super low considering the amount of activity you have, plus the level of macro/micronutrition becomes a risk at that level. That's why tracking your intake precisely is extra important, and adjusting based on the data. Then you want to look at this part:
And see what you're lacking. Then you can probably get some very useful suggestions regarding food.
Is that alot?Holy high protein, Batman. And all those calories and only 50g fat?
I was looking at the goals. 240, in my opinion, is very high. That's when I start having problems, but it's all based on the individual.Is that alot?
Protien easily was my highest as of yesterday between the additions and my meat products.
And don't sweat it, Mike...