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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before

ACE 1991

Was on vacation doing tons of hiking out West for a week. Took a red eye flight yesterday and had my first lifting session in a bit over a week on two hours of sleep, holy fuckin' balls was I weak. All the hiking was great for my cut though, should be down to 165 by the end of May ;)


Will eating a cheat meal immediately after a workout hurt your gains?

I'm unconvinced that meal timing really matters. Not sure everyone will share the same sentiment, but I would stay more focused on your daily calorie and protein goals overall.

I would say no. Have at it.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Will eating a cheat meal immediately after a workout hurt your gains?
I doubt meal timing has anything but a fractional effect on your body, but why would a cheat meal hurt your gains, assuming by gains you mean building muscle. More food = more building material for muscle.
In the past couple weeks or so I have been burning cals at a higher rate than I have in the past year. Made a slight change to my workout and things have been flying. I thought my fitbit was broken for the first couple days.Started adding more cals in snacks to supplemet. I'm below my goal weight and working towards getting stronger and adding more definition. 5'4.5, 125-ish lbs, size 2/4 waist and just starting to get a baby Adonis belt and some ab definition. If I want to keep moving in the direction I am going in, more defined and stronger, would something with a higher level of sugar hurt as a snack? I fell in love with the oatmega lemon chia crisp bar, but part of me worries I am going to throw off the plan with the sugar.


As long as you hit your calories and proteins, does it matter that much how your carbs and fats are distributed? I mean sure if you go 60% carbs and 0% fat I realize that might be a problem, but what about if you go 40%/20% one day when your goal is 30/30? What are the implications? Alterantively, I'd love to read a credible guide on these things if someone can recommend one.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Not counting the calories tonight



Yes! As always, putting everyone's cheat meal to shame. Also, that is a slightly disturbing amount of hot dogs.

10 out of 10.


irresponsible vagina leak
Age: 28
Height: 5;11
Goal: 230-240
Current Training Schedule: Nothing set but the plan is doing about 1 hour and half per day which will be divided by cardio and then other workouts like push ups, sit ups, etc. I do accept suggestions on how I should divide the time for the routines and what routines to do.
Current Training Equipment Available: Water bottle, Threadmill, 5 pound dumbbells, stationary bike. jump rope, exercise mat.
Comments: No money for the gym so workout will have to be stuff I can do at home until I get a job. The food is shared with the family so I need to be picking stuff out from what they bring so it might be difficult at times but usually there is enough things I can probably work with. I want to lose weight but also build muscle since Im somewhat afraid of ending with loose skin and no muscle definition and also I like having a thick frame so I want to lose weight but not be skinny. I've been looking online for what might work for me but I feel clueless cause I mostly find stuff to lose weight or just build muscle and not to sure on how to proceed on it since they have some information that clash with each other.

Im looking for a proper routine that I can follow at home and maybe a diet that can be played with instead of just eating the same thing over and over with no differences which is usually what always stops me from continuing the diet cause I always grow tired of eating the same thing over and over. Weight has always been a thing Ive been struggling and been going up and down with the balance always going more to the up side as time goes and I want to find a lifestyle that is doable without feeling like torture. Afterall from what I gather this will turn into a routine if I wanna keep my body around the desired weight instead of yoyoing the weight and dropping the routines.

Hope you guys can help me out cause Im not really sure where to start.
Age: 28
Height: 5;11
Goal: 230-240
Current Training Schedule: Nothing set but the plan is doing about 1 hour and half per day which will be divided by cardio and then other workouts like push ups, sit ups, etc. I do accept suggestions on how I should divide the time for the routines and what routines to do.
Current Training Equipment Available: Water bottle, Threadmill, 5 pound dumbbells, stationary bike. jump rope, exercise mat.
Comments: No money for the gym so workout will have to be stuff I can do at home until I get a job. The food is shared with the family so I need to be picking stuff out from what they bring so it might be difficult at times but usually there is enough things I can probably work with. I want to lose weight but also build muscle since Im somewhat afraid of ending with loose skin and no muscle definition and also I like having a thick frame so I want to lose weight but not be skinny. I've been looking online for what might work for me but I feel clueless cause I mostly find stuff to lose weight or just build muscle and not to sure on how to proceed on it since they have some information that clash with each other.

Im looking for a proper routine that I can follow at home and maybe a diet that can be played with instead of just eating the same thing over and over with no differences which is usually what always stops me from continuing the diet cause I always grow tired of eating the same thing over and over. Weight has always been a thing Ive been struggling and been going up and down with the balance always going more to the up side as time goes and I want to find a lifestyle that is doable without feeling like torture. Afterall from what I gather this will turn into a routine if I wanna keep my body around the desired weight instead of yoyoing the weight and dropping the routines.

Hope you guys can help me out cause Im not really sure where to start.

Download my fitnesspal, it will tell how how much you should be eating based on your stats, track everything that you're eating. Pay particular attention to your protein because if you dont eat enough you wont be able to build muscle, also try to hit your fiber goals and stay under your Sugar/Sodium goals. That formula worked out pretty well for me.

Diet is by far more important than the gym for weight loss, you can workout harder than an olmpian but if your diet is bad then its not going to matter. Have 1, maybe 2 cheat meals per week max. You need to change the way you look at food, look at them as Calories (Protein, fat, and carbs). This is a science, if you eat less calories than your body is consuming then you will lose fat. Do not get discouraged if the process is slow, i had some weeks where i didnt lose any weight, i had some weeks where i actually gained a little, but overtime i consistently lost weight because i was consistently hitting my calorie goals.

As far as gaining muscle, there's tons of workouts you can do without equipment, youtube will have thousands and thousands of videos showing you how. Weight Lifting will have multiple benefits for you, as you mentioned it will help keep you from being skinny, but also keep in mind the more muscle you have, the more calories your body will naturally burn to maintain itself.

If you want an idea of what you should be eating, heres what i usually buy at the grocery store

-Low fat yogurt
-Egg whites
-Almond Milk/1% milk/Coconut milk/Soy Milk/ etc (Whichever one you prefer)
-Fruit (apples, oranges, berries,etc)
-Bags of mixed vegetables that you can steam in the microwave
-Protein bars/whey protein
-Pre workout
-Tomato Sauce
-Peanut butter

As far as supplements, the only things i take are a multivitamin, a pre workout, and a post workout protein shake.

There's alot of healthy stuff you can make that doesnt taste bad, i eat 5 times a day and the only meal that boring to me is my dinner. Again, there are thousands of healthy recipes you can look at on youtube. If you want a few of my favorite meals just let me know.


the piano man
I need a bit of guidance on the topic of Aminoacids.

.- are they worth it as a supplement?

.- is there a difference between powder vs tablets/caps? (I can't swallow so no way I take tablets)


There's alot of healthy stuff you can make that doesnt taste bad, i eat 5 times a day and the only meal that boring to me is my dinner. Again, there are thousands of healthy recipes you can look at on youtube. If you want a few of my favorite meals just let me know.

Got any low carb/high protein super easy to make lunches?

Also - what's the cinnamon for?
Got any low carb/high protein super easy to make lunches?

Also - what's the cinnamon for?

I put cinnamon on my oat pancakes (They're made out of oats, eggs, low fat yogurt, and berries, blended together).

The only low carb meal i eat is my dinner, which is just grilled chicken and vegetables (Broccoli, green beans, peas, carrots, etc). You can just throw them all in a pot and cook them. I eat alot of carbs so i dont look for alot of low carb meals.


So if I understand snippets I've read here and there, Planet Fitness doesn't have the equipment for the exercises in the OP? It's the only place close by that's 24hrs which is a big deal for me.


there is joy in sucking dick
So if I understand snippets I've read here and there, Planet Fitness doesn't have the equipment for the exercises in the OP? It's the only place close by that's 24hrs which is a big deal for me.

If I remember correctly they typically do not have barbells which is the main item needed to do basic compound weightlifting movements.

At Planet Fitness you'll be greeted with smith machines and dumbells. And all the cardio machines youncould ever dream of.

Mr. X

I fell off the wagon for couple months, life got the better of me but now I'm getting back but I've come to the realization I might be doing too much too frequently and not letting my body rest/recover, especially as the weights get heavier. Weights have stuck at same weight or do same weight and can't do the full reps. Kind of put me in a rut, felt stagnant and want to review and revise my routine.

My goal is still an athletic build like Bruce Lee/Boxers.

Current routine
Day 1 Pull
  • Deadlift 5x5
  • Chin Up 5x5
  • Pull Up 5x5
  • Barbell Bent Over Row 5x5
  • Cable Rows 5x5
  • Back Extensions 3x10
  • Dumbell Curls 3x10
  • Incline Dumbell Curl 3x10
  • Barbell Spider Curl 3x10
  • Dumbell Reverse Flys 3x10
  • Dumbell Lat Raise 3x10
  • Day 2 Abs/Cardio
  • Hanging Leg Raises 3x10
  • Dragon Flags 3x10
  • Spider Crawl 3x30
  • Frog Sit Ups 3x20
  • Leg Pull In 3x20
  • Jump Rope 6 repsx5min, 1 min rest
  • Interval Sprint 45/15 for 10 min

Day 3 Push
  • Standing OH press 5x5
  • Bench Press 5x5
  • Dumbell Bench Press 5x5
  • Dumbell Incline Bench Press 5x5
  • Tricep Dips 3x10
  • Cable Tricep Pulldowns3x10
  • Overhead Tricep Extension 3x10
  • Cable Crossover High 3x10
  • Crossover Mid 3x10
  • Crossover Low 3x10
  • Dumbell Front Raise 3x10

Day 4 Abs/Cardio

Day 5 Legs
  • Squat 5x5
  • Dumbell Lunges 3x10 each leg
  • Seated Calf Raise 3x10
  • Leg Curls 3x10
  • Leg Extensions 3x10
  • Plate Shrugs 3x10

Day 6 Abs/Cardio

I need assistance in cutting out the redundant stuff and making my routine more efficient. Trying to work smarter and maximize.

Where I'm at:
Don't need to do Cardio/Abs 3x a week.
Remove some exercises, do more weight in the ones that stay.
Keep the compound lifts in: Squats, Bench Press, Deadlifts
But should I keep them 3 separate days?

I like going or trying to go every morning but it might not be a good idea with regards to recovery and getting the most out of the next days workout. Would be better to go every other day? Might need to see once I cut out excess exercises.

My current leg day is how I think I should make my push/pull days. It's 45 minutes about, others are over an hour which is probably too long. Legs I was thinking I should cut out lunges and maybe add deadlifts in there somewhere 1x5.


Haha... bollocks.

Had a really pathetic mountain biking crash on a nothing bit of terrain and dislocated my shoulder.

Ugh. That sucks man. Hope you heal up.

I picture you putting it back in place by intentionally botching a backflip and colliding with a tree mid-air... "That's better..."
I kinda did so I could continue riding (I know how to do it properly as it's happened before). The next day I did another 65 miles off road. Descending was hell though, I couldn't put any meaningful weight on that side which meant I had to be properly cagey over the rocks and drops.


there is joy in sucking dick
Did Z-presses today as an accessory to my OHP. That shit torched my shoulders at 50% of my maximal weight. Awesome restrictive movement. It really forces you to try and stay tight, otherwise youd be collapsing forward or falling backwards.



That's a lot of volume, It kinda works since its once a week but you might make better progress if you cutback. Also rotate rep/sets/%. An easy example would be one week 5 x 5 the next week 3 x 3. Repeat ad infinium.

Instead of just doing more of the same Deadlifts, if you want to do more add a variable to make your lift better in some quantifiable fashion. Such as a pause mid lift, or no grip compensation (if you use something like chalk, straps, or mixed grip). Doing these things allow you develop other qualities of the lift and limit the weight you can use while still increasing frequency to drive your efficiency at the lift from practicing more often, without burning out. I am doing this soon with both Deadlifts and Squats. Adding Pause Deadlifts after my Squats, and Tempo Squats after my Deadlifts.

You should keep some of the cardio ab work but cut back. Maybe 1 day a week of cardio+abs for maintenance. Pick your favorites and stick to those or rotate the work based on what you want to do on that day as long you get work done.

Something I would recommend, especially if you cut back on the cardio+abs days is lifting 4 times a week instead of 3. The 2nd lift of your Push day is getting stunted by the work done before it. If you don't want to do that then every 4 weeks or so you can rotate which one goes first. This changes it from a PPL routine and makes it closer to an upper/lower but oh well

2 ways to set this up would be

Sun: Off
Mon: Lift
Tues: Lift
Wed: Off or Cardio
Thurs: Lift
Fri: Off or Cardio
Sat: Lift


Sun: Off
Mon: Lift
Tues: Lift
Wed: Off or Cardio +Abs
Thurs: Lift
Fri: Lift
Sat: Off

Now as for exercise selection and session set up I would do something like this.
SS = Superset

4 days lifting, 1 Day Cardio + Abs

Day 1:
(SS 1) Overhead Press 5 x 5 , 3 x 3
(SS 1) DB Curl Variation 5 x 10 - 15
(SS 1) Standing DB Reverse Fly 5 x 10 - 15

(SS 2) Dumbbell Row 4 x 10 - 15
(SS 2) Dumbbell Incline 3 x 10 -15

(SS 3) Overhead Tricep Ext. 3 x 10 - 15
(SS 3) Lateral Delt Raises 3 x 10 - 15

Finish with an Ab/Oblique Variation of your choice.

Day 2:

Deadlifts 3 x 5, 3 x 3

Chinup 5 x 5, 1 x AMRAP

(SS 2 ) Back Ext 3 x 10 -15
(SS 2) Bicep Variation 3 x 10 - 15
(SS 3) Ab/Oblique Variation

Day 3:

(SS 1) Bench 5 x 5, 3 x 3
(SS 1) DB Curl Variation 5 x 10 - 15
(SS 1) Standing DB Reverse Fly 5 x 10 - 15

Barbell Row 4 x 10 -15

DB Flat Bench 3 x 10 -15

Tricep Pushdown 3 x 10 - 15

Finish with Ab/Oblique variation of choice.

Day 4:
Back Squat 3 x 5, 3 x 3

(SS 1) Pause Deadlift 6 x 2, 3 x 5
(SS 1) Ab/Oblique Variation

(SS 2) Leg Curl 3 x 10 -15
(SS 2) Calf Raises 3 x 15 - 20

DB Lunges 3 x 10 -15

Day 5:
3 total Ab/Oblique variation


3 days lifting, 1 day Cardio

Day 1:

Deadlifts 3 x 5, 3 x 3

Chinup 5 x 5, 1 x AMRAP

(SS 2) Back Ext 3 x 10 -15
(SS 2) Bicep Variation 3 x 10 - 15
(SS 3) Ab/Oblique Variation

Day 2A: Run 3 Consecutive Weeks then run 2B
(SS 1) Overhead Press 5 x 5 , 3 x 3
(SS 1) DB Curl Variation 5 x 10 - 15
(SS 1) Standing DB Reverse Fly 5 x 10 - 15

(SS 2) DB Row 4 x 10 -15
(SS 2) Pause Bench 3 x 5, 2 x 5, 1 x 5
(SS 2) Ab/Oblique Variation

Flat DB Bench 3 x 10 - 15, 3 x 5 - 10

Tricep Pushdown 3 x 10 -15 & 1 x Burnout


Day 2B:
(SS 1) Bench Press 5 x 5 , 3 x 3
(SS 1) DB Curl Variation 5 x 10 - 15
(SS 1) Standing DB Reverse Fly 5 x 10 - 15

Barbell Row 4 x 10 - 15

(SS 2) OHP 3 x AMRAP @ 65 %, 3 x AMRAP @ 70%, 3 x AMRAP @ 75%
(SS 2) Ab/Oblique Variation

Incline DB Bench 3 x 10 -15, 3 x 5 - 10

Overhead Tricep Ext 3 x 10 - 15 & 1 x Burnout

Day 3:
Back Squat 3 x 5, 3 x 3

Pullups 1 x AMRAP, 5 x 5

(SS 1) Pause Deadlift 6 x 2, 3 x 5
(SS 1) Ab/Oblique Variation

(SS 2) Leg Curl 3 x 10 -15
(SS 2) Calf Raises 3 x 15 - 20

DB Lunges 3 x 10 -15

Day 4:
4 total Ab/Oblique variation

If you need anything explained, just ask.


Fitgaf, why can't I force myself to work out at home? I haven't been able to make it to a gym in a week and thought I could do some simple body weight stuff at home. Man, it's so difficult to motivate myself whereas when I go to a gym I'm fired up and ready to get some work done.
Going back to traditional deadlift because the sumo stance has torn my groin/hip abductor to shreds.

Did Z-presses today as an accessory to my OHP. That shit torched my shoulders at 50% of my maximal weight. Awesome restrictive movement. It really forces you to try and stay tight, otherwise youd be collapsing forward or falling backwards.

I had pretty similar experience a couple of days ago. I do high-rep accessory work 3-4 days before/after my OHP so I'm interested to see whether there is any immediate impact.


has anybody worried about loss of flexibility and range of movement as they bulk up? feels like muscles get in the way of things.
i know that doing shoulder circles aren't' what they're used, as compared to when i was kid doing them in gym class exercises. they're a lot more crooked now.
i feel like i need to add in a routine of stretches to keep things up. or i'd take up yoga when i need to get more serious. i don't have any particular goals now, but if i get into rock climbing, it'd come in handy for contorturous moves.


has anybody worried about loss of flexibility and range of movement as they bulk up? feels like muscles get in the way of things.
i know that doing shoulder circles aren't' what they're used, as compared to when i was kid doing them in gym class exercises. they're a lot more crooked now.
i feel like i need to add in a routine of stretches to keep things up. or i'd take up yoga when i need to get more serious. i don't have any particular goals now, but if i get into rock climbing, it'd come in handy for contorturous moves.
Look up Jujimufu.
Does anyone here use preworkout drinks? are they even worth it?

I do, if you're having trouble getting in the mood to workout i'd highly recommend getting them. I get the C4 fruit punch from Amazon, it tastes good and it comes out to about 1 dollar per scoop.

It makes your head tingle, and the tingle wont go away until you start working out.


I'm convinced my new coach wants me dead. Fencing coach, mind. I've been injured for a while so while I've been fencing, I was mega out of shape. Like 172cm/85kg kind of out of shape. I just couldn't exercise for like over a year so it was terrible. Been okay'd to work out for the last 3 months or so but I was waiting this semester to be done since I figured I didn't want to be dying while finals were going on.


Coach now has me on keto, a grand total of 700 calories a day plus exercise twice a day(not including fencing). On one hand, I felt like I was dying for the first two weeks. Now I feel fucking amazing though. It's like, my body is finally starting to move like I remember it moving. Also starting to actually fit into shirts that I haven't been able to wear for a while, which is a nice feeling.

Still feel like I'm dying, but it's the good kind of workout dying, so I'm happy about that.

Need to do something about leg workouts though. Feel like I'm not doing nearly enough for that in comparison to the rest of the body.


If I remember correctly they typically do not have barbells which is the main item needed to do basic compound weightlifting movements.

At Planet Fitness you'll be greeted with smith machines and dumbells. And all the cardio machines youncould ever dream of.

Thank you for the input! I went ahead and checked out my local one to discover they only have fixed barbells. Unfortunately I didnt have a lot of options of other gyms so I went ahead and signed up.

So today I started doing the beginner workout in the OP as opposed to just cardio rather than going to a gym. I'm completely unfamiliar with weights so today was pretty exciting to finally take a shot at it after all the reading and video watching. I do have a few questions concerning the workout though:

I tried out the smith machines, and I think I was putting way too little weight on the barbells than I was supposed to? I felt nowhere near tired after doing 3 reps of 5 at 20lbs for Squats, Bench, or 1x5 Deadlift. I had to increase the reps to 3x10 or so. I know the OP says to increase weights after a completed set but the wording is slightly confusing if it's on the next day or the next rep.

The second is unfortunately, I hear that the smith machines aren't the best as BlueTsunami may have implied above. Especially since I'm a tall guy at 6'2, I've read and heard they're prone to hurting me since they make me stand perfectly straight or summit of the sort? Trying to do a Deadlift using them was extremely awkward. Does Fitness GAF have any potential advice? Should I genuinely just look elsewhere even if it's inconvenient?
don't do squats and deadlifts with the smith machine. you're better off using dumbbells. look up the variations on those exercises with dumbbells - like goblet squats and straight leg deadlifts. This will work for a little bit as you gain strength, but you're going to hit a wall for how much you can do, so it would be advantageous in the long run to look for another gym.


don't do squats and deadlifts with the smith machine. you're better off using dumbbells. look up the variations on those exercises with dumbbells - like goblet squats and straight leg deadlifts. This will work for a little bit as you gain strength, but you're going to hit a wall for how much you can do, so it would be advantageous in the long run to look for another gym.

I have trouble with weighed squats due to some back and balance issues (also APT). I'm working on my core, glutes and hamstrings to rectify some of these problems (with ok success so far) as well as utiliting the balance boards to work on my overall stability.

In the meantime I took the advice some have told me to do squats with landmines. I am in love with this variation and is one I will be doing for a while until I am confident enough to put weight on my back. Simply put, it basically seems to force your body into a perfect squatting form as you don't overly slouch.
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