Hey FitGaf! Anyone on Keto Diet? Seems too good to be true, as its literally my favorite foods to eat, mostly my favorite way to prepare them, just cut out carbs and get plenty of leafy greens? Ummm...yes please! first week, and not sure it's working yet, but I do feel lighter, gonna stick it out.
I'm on like day 3 of it, and still figuring out what isn't good to get into the state etc...like some Keto dieters say just don't go over 20g of carbs and you're fine. Some say do even less than that. Some say a small amount of tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers, etc...are ok, some say stick strictly to your leafy greens like broccoli spinach, kale, brussel sprouts etc..and get good fats.
I'm not partially keen on eating a lot of cheese, I've read enough documentaries to know our meat isn't in the best of ways and try to get grass fed and organic when I can, theres a limit to this as you really don't know exactly where your meat comes from and have to trust people and companies to an extent.
But overall yeah, I really like what I'm reading about it. I'm about 167 pounds around 5'7, so I have some weight to drop. Goals are to just look clean and ripped, get strong, like genuinely strong. I want to be able to do a handstand pushup, run 5-6 miles without dying, (currently max is 4 and I have to push through exhaustion) get waaaay more flexible and learn the russian twist.
Glad I found this thread, any and all help is greatly appreciated.
Also, for Keto heads, are Shirataki noodles ok on it?