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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before


Out of curiosity, is there an app that measures how many calories you burn per day, based on whether you're walking, running, jumping, etc?

I'm wondering if the tech is there yet, where your phone can actually give an approximate number through physical feedback.

Failing that, any devices that actually do this?
Out of curiosity, is there an app that measures how many calories you burn per day, based on whether you're walking, running, jumping, etc?

I'm wondering if the tech is there yet, where your phone can actually give an approximate number through physical feedback.

Failing that, any devices that actually do this?

Apparently, there are wearables for that. And they're not good.


This references a study from Stanford

They looked at two metrics: heart rate and calories burned. For heart rate, the fitness trackers were compared to findings from an electro-cardiogram, or EKG. It turned out the devices were "surprisingly accurate", says Ashley. "Most devices most of the time were 'off' by only about 5 percent."

However, when it came to measuring how many calories a person burned, the findings were way off, says Ashley, showing a degree of inaccuracy that ranged from 20 percent to 93 percent, meaning 93 percent of the time the worst-performing device was wrong. Researchers compared the findings of the wrist devices to a sophisticated system of calculating metabolism which measures oxygen and carbon dioxide in people's breath.

Also, it might also be that you're actually better off not knowing, if losing weight is your intent (a different study, also from linked article):

Church points to a study last year which found participants in a weight-loss program who also wore fitness trackers actually lost less weight than participants who didn't wear the trackers. "It's an instance of no information is probably better than having bad information," he says.


Apparently, there are wearables for that. And they're not good.


This references a study from Stanford

Also, it might also be that you're actually better off not knowing, if losing weight is your intent (a different study, also from linked article):

Too bad. A device like that could come in handy in determining which exercises prove more effective (or which ones aren't).
carrying a lot of water


full body pic
I usually would only do 3 sets of squats, and would use lower weight to warm up with. Instead i just went with 5 sets of 5 with heavy weight (for me) and it made a huge difference, i was drained.
gaf need some advice.

Turned 30 recently and want to get in shape basically. I'm 5 foot 8 and slim. however i've somehow managed to put on a stone and half in the space of a year mainly because of my job.
I've ended up with putting weight on my face and getting a gut. Dunno if the gut is because of my age or just getting fat lol. I;ve been on some anti-depressants, so unsure if that affects weight? They're for headaches not actual depression.

I've got 6 weeks off and a spare room in my house i'll use to workout in. I currently have dumbbells and a chin up bar. In the process of getting a gym mat and a bench for a barbell.

I know it isn't possible to change your body in 6 weeks unless you're huge jackman but I want to aim for be on track for getting an athletic body type. Willing to workout 5 days a week. Changing diet too.

I've got/getting a barbel, dumbells and a bench. What excises should I do to be on the right track to get an athletic body within 6 weeks.
I know it isn't possible to change your body in 6 weeks unless you're huge jackman but I want to aim for be on track for getting an athletic body type. Willing to workout 5 days a week. Changing diet too.
It's possible. But since you're slim and you want to gain muscle, I don't really know how long it'll take to get the results you want.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
gaf need some advice.

Turned 30 recently and want to get in shape basically. I'm 5 foot 8 and slim. however i've somehow managed to put on a stone and half in the space of a year mainly because of my job.
I've ended up with putting weight on my face and getting a gut. Dunno if the gut is because of my age or just getting fat lol. I;ve been on some anti-depressants, so unsure if that affects weight? They're for headaches not actual depression.

I've got 6 weeks off and a spare room in my house i'll use to workout in. I currently have dumbbells and a chin up bar. In the process of getting a gym mat and a bench for a barbell.

I know it isn't possible to change your body in 6 weeks unless you're huge jackman but I want to aim for be on track for getting an athletic body type. Willing to workout 5 days a week. Changing diet too.

I've got/getting a barbel, dumbells and a bench. What excises should I do to be on the right track to get an athletic body within 6 weeks.

Sure it is, you just aren't going to make a bunch of serious gains unless you're using steroids.

You can easily lose plenty of fat, gain some muscle and/or definition in 6 weeks.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
tell me how then sir.

I'm definitely no one's personal trainer, I'm just saying you can get some visible results in 6 weeks, especially if you're starting from a place of not already being in a plateau in terms of gains/weight loss.
So are splits effective? I don't even know where my tricep is. And I don't want to work on my legs since I run every day I'm not on the gym anyway.

Also, what can I do for my abs? There are these two machine things, one you step on, and one you sit on, then you can spin left and right but it seems they're not doing anything.

I'm just glad I know I'm progressing with my strength as I can do pull-ups now whereas before I couldn't. Also added 10 kilos to most of my weight routines.


So are splits effective? I don't even know where my tricep is. And I don't want to work on my legs since I run every day I'm not on the gym anyway.

Also, what can I do for my abs? There are these two machine things, one you step on, and one you sit on, then you can spin left and right but it seems they're not doing anything.

I'm just glad I know I'm progressing with my strength as I can do pull-ups now whereas before I couldn't. Also added 10 kilos to most of my weight routines.

Tricep is the back side of your arm.

Conistency and effort trump how you organize your training, body part splits work because you can smash volume on body part and recovery os generally really good. Its not optimal but it works.

AB pushouts, and hanging leg raises (hanging from a pullup bar)
Tricep is the back side of your arm.

Conistency and effort trump how you organize your training, body part splits work because you can smash volume on body part and recovery os generally really good. Its not optimal but it works.

AB pushouts, and hanging leg raises (hanging from a pullup bar)
Thanks! I'll try the hanging leg raises but I've only seen a single video of an ab pushout, I'm not sure if that's correct? Here it is:

Etiquette question. I'm doing Wendler's 5/3/1 with the BBB assistance program. So each of the four days in in the gym, I'm doing mainly one lift for 45-60 minutes. I generally lift after the rush, and our gym is well stocked ( 4 benches, 3 deadlift stations w/ rubber, etc. and probably 6 places to squat), so I don't usually think about how much time I'm spending in one place. That being said, am I a giant asshole for taking up a bench/ squat rack/ whatever for 45 minutes or more? If ever anyone asked to work in I would let them, but there's basically always another spot to do the same lift.


Etiquette question. I'm doing Wendler's 5/3/1 with the BBB assistance program. So each of the four days in in the gym, I'm doing mainly one lift for 45-60 minutes. I generally lift after the rush, and our gym is well stocked ( 4 benches, 3 deadlift stations w/ rubber, etc. and probably 6 places to squat), so I don't usually think about how much time I'm spending in one place. That being said, am I a giant asshole for taking up a bench/ squat rack/ whatever for 45 minutes or more? If ever anyone asked to work in I would let them, but there's basically always another spot to do the same lift.

Take as long as you need.


Etiquette question. I'm doing Wendler's 5/3/1 with the BBB assistance program. So each of the four days in in the gym, I'm doing mainly one lift for 45-60 minutes. I generally lift after the rush, and our gym is well stocked ( 4 benches, 3 deadlift stations w/ rubber, etc. and probably 6 places to squat), so I don't usually think about how much time I'm spending in one place. That being said, am I a giant asshole for taking up a bench/ squat rack/ whatever for 45 minutes or more? If ever anyone asked to work in I would let them, but there's basically always another spot to do the same lift.

Use the gym membership that you have paid for however you like.

And if there is always a station open, I can't imagine anyone (other than maaaaaybe the gym's staff) even noticing at all. You could do cartwheels naked in the middle of the gym, and no one will care. Unless you are doing something that will effect the quality or safety of someone else's work, don't think too hard about how it makes others feel.
I usually would only do 3 sets of squats, and would use lower weight to warm up with. Instead i just went with 5 sets of 5 with heavy weight (for me) and it made a huge difference, i was drained.

48 hour update, my legs are destroyed. I'm like Rick James after Eddie/Charlie Murphy dead legged the shit out of him.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
thats my deadlift lmao good job!



thx bb

Got damn!!

Made 405 look so easy, you were practically taking a nap on the bench.

Damn Brolic!! Nice!

Damn, Brolic, that's nuts. So much control over the entire range of motion.

Thanks guys, looking forward to that national meet this October.
Take as long as you need.

Thanks, I wouldn't even have thought twice about it but yesterday I was squatting and a couple of guys did their squats nearby, left the area, then came back like thirty minutes later and I was still in the same spot. Got my wheels turning. Glad to here I'm not being that guy every day
gaf need some advice.

Turned 30 recently and want to get in shape basically. I'm 5 foot 8 and slim. however i've somehow managed to put on a stone and half in the space of a year mainly because of my job.
I've ended up with putting weight on my face and getting a gut. Dunno if the gut is because of my age or just getting fat lol. I;ve been on some anti-depressants, so unsure if that affects weight? They're for headaches not actual depression.

I've got 6 weeks off and a spare room in my house i'll use to workout in. I currently have dumbbells and a chin up bar. In the process of getting a gym mat and a bench for a barbell.

I know it isn't possible to change your body in 6 weeks unless you're huge jackman but I want to aim for be on track for getting an athletic body type. Willing to workout 5 days a week. Changing diet too.

I've got/getting a barbel, dumbells and a bench. What excises should I do to be on the right track to get an athletic body within 6 weeks.

This is about my first time in this thread so my advice may not be the best buuut, I'm 31, same height as you and weight. In April I split from my SO so I lost interest in the things I did before like playing video games. That turned into a lot of free time after work. I downloaded this app 'ThenX' for calisthenics workout. If you just do the full body beginner workout every day or just 3 times a week plus throw in the weight you have. You'll feel different real quick. The first 2-3 weeks I focused on my weight loss. I literally just drank tons of water, ate chicken and salads and that's about it.
Also went for a run (2miles) 3 times a week. I've since reduced the running to once a week and just been doing the work outs with weights at home .
Your skin on your body will feel totally different, in a way so much better. I'm in the process of gaining mass now so I'm trying to learn more on the diet part. You can do it burger. Just watch the app videos and repeat (I still can't do handstand on the wall so you can skip that)


Worked on my Front Rack position really hard the last 2 nights, Probably gonna be sore from all the self myofascial release.

Did some Power Snatches for the first time in about 8 months. Need to work on a lot of things, but it was fun to do them again.

You know your quads are weak when you can bench more than you can front squat...

Is your weakness in the front Squat really your Quads though? Could be something else


^ I think it is. I've noticed my hips shooting up out of the hole (good morning style) on back squats, even on high bar. The issue is also my abs, I think, and I've been working them really hard lately. Hopefully this helps and I can finally tune down my technique... after 2 years lol

A good weight lifting trainer should be able to spot your muscle imbalances from a simple air squat with your arms in the air. Maybe pull someone in that gym that you trust (or someone that gets paid to be there) for a quick 30 second assessment of your squat.

Normally, your internal assessment are accurate, but it's always good to get an outside eye on something like that so you spend your training time doing things that will help you get to where you want to be faster.


I want to start getting serious about losing some weight: I've let myself go a bit, partly because of my continued back problems. Ironically, that's also my main motivator, in the hopes that losing some fat will also alleviate me of my daily pain.

Main thing I want to do is determine how many calories I should be losing per day, as well as how many I should intake without exceding the limit (i.e. smaller portions, skipping certain snacks, etc). Is there a way to find out the approximate amount based on my height and weight? I also ordered a weight scale from Amazon, as it was recommended I weigh myself 2-3 times a week.

I also would like to know the best fat burning excercises. I'm a bit limited in what I can do considering the pain in my back and sides, but I also don't want to waste time on things that aren't efficient enough. I get tired (and lazy) after work, so I would like a combination of a 30 minute or so regimen followed by little things I can do throughout the day (like squats or push-ups, and so on).
Hey Fitness-GAF. New to the thread. Just started going back to the gym last week.

Can you guys do me a favor and look over my plan and let me know what changes you would make?


Age 32 & 148 lbs / 61.37 kg
5'7.5" / 67.5" / 171.45cm

Used to train MMA five days a week but crushed the cartilage on the left side of my ribcage and then the right about 3 months after the left healed. I'm about eight months out from those injuries. My X-ray showed they're both healed but I get bad nerve shocks when I roll so I'm hitting the gym instead because those don't happen when I lift. Haven't lifted weights seriously since high school, haven't done much physical activity in about a year outside of hiking.


Gain muscle and tone core. I want to go from 148 to 175 lbs / 79.37 kg in a maximum of one year and look better in general.

Flatter abs. I went back to America recently for a month and ate the worst food imaginable. Age and stupidity caught up to me and now I got a bit of a belly which looks ridiculous because I'm pretty thin otherwise. Also have a little excessive APT (working on it with foam roller and stretches).


Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlifts - 1 set of 5
Pull-Ups - 2 sets of 5
Alternate walking / jogging aiming for 4 km / 2.5 miles in 30~35 mins

Alternate walking / jogging aiming for 8 km / 5 miles in 60~70 mins
Ab work

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Overhead Press - 3 sets of 5
Power Cleans - 5 sets of 3
Alternate walking / jogging aiming for 4 km / 2.5 miles in 30~35 mins

Alternate walking / jogging aiming for 8 km / 5 miles in 60~70 mins
Ab work

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlift - 1 set of 5
Bent Over Rows - 3 set of 5
Alternate walking / jogging aiming for 4 km / 2.5 miles in 30~35 mins

Saturday / Sunday full recovery days


Minimum intake is currently 18-24 eggs, 1 quart of 2% milk and 1 gallon of water a day.

In addition to that I'm eating lots of veggies/fruit.

Example of a daily intake:

Breakfast: 6 scrambled eggs with 5 cloves of garlic, half a head of broccoli, sea salt and black pepper

Snacks: large raw carrot, banana, hard-boiled eggs, boiled sweet potato

Lunch: same as breakfast

Snacks: raw bell pepper and an apple, fistful of almonds, banana, hard-boiled eggs,boiled sweet potato

Dinner: same as lunch or substitute eggs with chicken breasts, pork cutlets or tofu patties

Desert: Cream cheese or boiled sweet potato, edamame

I eat this every day unless I got out for dinner in which case it's usually still a decent serving of protein but not as healthy.

I could use your advice on where to go from here.

Currently I'm doing well with all of the exercises except for the bench press and the pull ups. I'm really struggling to complete my desired amount of reps / weight with those. I know my technique is right but it's just really damn hard to finish the third set and I'm not even lifting that much (134 lbs / 60.5 kgs including bar).

Thanks in advance for the help.
I think your running will probably interfere with your goal of gaining weight. I lost a ton of weight running 5 km five days a week. What I'm doing now is I alternate between running and the gym, 3 days each, and I've gained some muscle now. Someone can prove me wrong though.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So after about a month or so after the new doctor prescribed me a new recovery regimen, she told me I can start going back to my regular workout routine, albeit starting off with low weights. Today was the first time in about two months that I attempted a bench press again. Last time I tried it, I had trouble doing five reps with just the bar (there were times where it was better, but it seemed to be a one-off thing where I went back to having difficulty the next time around.. Today I decided I was going to start with the bar, but increase my reps, and I was able to do 3 sets of 15 reps with no pain whatsoever! :eek:

That's a good sign, right?
I think your running will probably interfere with your goal of gaining weight. I lost a ton of weight running 5 km five days a week. What I'm doing now is I alternate between running and the gym, 3 days each, and I've gained some muscle now. Someone can prove me wrong though.

I think for me the tone of my body is more important overall.

Alternating and working 6 days a week might be a good idea. I have a beach near me so I could just run there Saturdays.

What do you guys think will be better? Running a little 2 days a week and twice as much 3 more, or just running really hard and short 3 days a week (hill sprints/beach jogging)?
just read taht our Gold's Gym access will go 24/7. how many Gold's do this? i guess they must be feeling the heat from La Fitness and Planet Fitness. not surprise they build this one out in the country lol


Gold Member
How many times a week do you guys do deadlifts?

I think the standard coaching advice is that you should do them 1X per week unless you're a genetic freak.

(I'm 41 now, and I've actually been pulling twice a week as part of my 'lift more seriously this summer' program. I've probably put 150 pounds or so on my deadlift max this summer doing this, but I'm paying for right now in back pain too.)
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