So...since March I've sucked at checking in here like I said I was going to. But I have continued lurking and watching everyone else's progress has definitely helped keep me motivated. It's a new month though, so I might as well post a progress report while I am thinking about it.
To summarize, I started doing Starting Strength back at the beginning of March. I didn't miss any workouts until mid-April when we went on a week-long vacation with no access to any strength equipment. I had so much fun that when we got back I had an awful time getting back into any semblance of a routine. It was late April before I got back on the wagon, but by then I had to dial back the weights a little. Since then I have missed a few workouts here and there, but have been mostly consistent.
3x5 Progress
Squat: 105lb -> 245 lb
Overhead Press: 45lb -> 90lb
Bench: 80lb -> 125lb
Deadlift: 165lb -> 275lb
5'11", 33 Years Old
Bodyweight: 232lb -> 240lb @ 30% bodyfat (a guess)
No idea what my 1RMs are, because I train in my garage by myself with some tiny ass squat stands, iron plates, and a cheap bench and don't want to push my luck.
I am extremely happy with my progress so far. My only hangup is my weight, since like everyone else I want to lose fat. I started out eating way too much and worked my way down to where I have been for awhile, which is 2400 calories a day @ 240/195/75 (P/C/F). My weight has stabilized at that intake and I even started to lose some weight, slowly, for a time. Then I went on vacation and wrecked everything during my 3 weeks away from the program and came back 5 lbs heavier. I am afraid to eat any less because the weights are getting pretty hard now, and I have even considered adding some carbs based on how gassed I've been during some workouts. But anyway, my primary goal is still to gain strength, and what I'm planning on doing is running linear progression until I stall out, then I'll cut and see where I'm at strength-wise after that.
I also recently bought a Prowler for HIIT. I'm starting out doing 7 rounds at 20s on / 140s off, once a week. Want to work up to twice a week, but holy hell once is enough right now, that thing murders me.