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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before


I'm actually surprised with the number of posters that haven't tried hook grip.

For those wondering how long it'll take you to get accustomed to it, it'll take about two or more weeks depending on your pulling frequency.


I'm actually surprised with the number of posters that haven't tried hook grip.

For those wondering how long it'll take you to get accustomed to it, it'll take about two or more weeks depending on your pulling frequency.

I'm surprised I haven't and I'm excited to try it tomorrow.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Huh. I weigh a pound less than I did last week. Yet my lifts are all going up...

That's the important thing, right?




On a scale of 1-10 how well does EMS work for getting ripped

Seems like a decent workout for $75
A question for all folks who have been doing fitness for a while: Is too much sports actually a thing?

For the last couple of years I've usually been doing a 8 week training / 1 week break regiment and it's worked fine for me. I've been doing this because normally I'd start to feel some joint pains after 8 weeks of intense training, which is why I had to do a one week rest.

Now, around 3 months back I've changed up my training schedule a little bit and started to do 4 gym training days in a row, followed by 3 days "rest" during which I would go running for 30-60 minutes at least 2 times. This worked really well for me since progress has been amazing and I had almost no problem with injuries. I've been doing this regiment now for around 15 weeks without break.

Looking back now I should have noticed earlier that over time I needed less and less sleep. But anyway, shit hit the fan last weekend when I started to need almost no sleep at all. Most of the time I would be wide awake despite sleeping only a few minutes or not at all. Last Tuesday I came back from work sleepy as fuck, got to bed and only slept around 10 minutes before I was fully awake and ready for a training session again. WTF?

After 4 more or less sleepless nights I dropped everything. Both training and all supplementation. It seems to be getting better now since I do get sleepy in the evening and 5-6 hours sleep at night, however I've took some medication the last 2 nights so I'm not 100% sure.

Any other of you sport fanatics got this problem over the years? Or do I have to search the problem somewhere else? I've read some articles on the net that claimed that after a certain time of constant training the level of your adrenaline and cortisol would not drop and therefore don't let your body calm down - which it did kinda feel like this week.
Rarely post in here -

So uh, lumbar flexion while deadlifting? I can get way more hamstring involvement with lumbar flexion at the start versus keeping in extension. Two of the trainers at my gym (they are very strong dudes; both deadlift >340 kg) promote it and say it's completely fine safety-wise. What should I believe?


Going to USA, more specifically to Long Island, New York area for 3 weeks. How common are pay per visit gyms or are most gyms for members only? I don't want to be 3 weeks with out lifting but don't want to pay exorbitant amounts of money for a gym membership.


Going to USA, more specifically to Long Island, New York area for 3 weeks. How common are pay per visit gyms or are most gyms for members only? I don't want to be 3 weeks with out lifting but don't want to pay exorbitant amounts of money for a gym membership.

Gyms around here that are pay per visit are pretty expensive, to be honest.

What area, more specifically? If I know the area I could tell you a few spots to call.
So according to my scale which displays both weight and fat % - I should look exactly like did one year ago.

Scale :|

Scale, pls.

Also, I am up 2 last week and now down 6 from there this week. Wtf? That would make 20 lbs in 10 weeks if it's right.

I'm doing this wrong or my scale is stupid today.



On a scale of 1-10 how well does EMS work for getting ripped

Seems like a decent workout for $75
This is how I train!


My scale says this:

Weight: 78.5kg
BMI: 25.9
Fat: 23.7%

Both weight and BMI have gone down since a week ago, but fat have went up from 22.1%. I am 1.74cm tall. Can I use these to somehow calculate how many calories, carbohydrates and such I should intake from my food every day?


Awesome! Unfortunately that's about an hour from me so I'm not too sure about what gyms are good.

I texted one of my buddies that uses golds but he isn't sure if they do dailies. Give them a call though, good gym.

Thank a bunch! I'll go check that place out next week then.


Thank a bunch! I'll go check that place out next week then.

If you're there for three weeks, you're best off getting a full month membership. There's some deals on Groupon, but you may be able to get a deal (and walk away with out signing a contract or "commitment") if you tell the sales staff your situation.


My scale says this:

Weight: 78.5kg
BMI: 25.9
Fat: 23.7%

Both weight and BMI have gone down since a week ago, but fat have went up from 22.1%. I am 1.74cm tall. Can I use these to somehow calculate how many calories, carbohydrates and such I should intake from my food every day?

You can't. It's all trial and error because each individual is different. You eat some amount of calories for a few weeks and adjust the calories based on the weight change and your goals. For example, if you ate 2400 calories on average for three week, you didn't gain weight, and you're trying to bulk: then you increase the calories to maybe 2500 for the next few weeks, repeat.


You can't. It's all trial and error because each individual is different. You eat some amount of calories for a few weeks and adjust the calories based on the weight change and your goals. For example, if you ate 2400 calories on average for three week, you didn't gain weight, and you're trying to bulk: then you increase the calories to maybe 2500 for the next few weeks, repeat.

I see. That makes sense. I just got home with a new pair of Nike Metcon 2 shoes I'll use for weightlifting! Can't wait to try them out with deadlifting and squats.

I see. That makes sense. I just got home with a new pair of Nike Metcon 2 shoes I'll use for weightlifting! Can't wait to try them out with deadlifting and squats.

Congrats, enjoy the new kicks! I'm currently using my pair right now working out in a hotel gym (just improvising with body weight workouts).

(Edit: Oops, meant 'improvising, not 'improving' lol =)


If you're there for three weeks, you're best off getting a full month membership. There's some deals on Groupon, but you may be able to get a deal (and walk away with out signing a contract or "commitment") if you tell the sales staff your situation.
I might be going to Maine at some point but that's definitely an option as well!
What is GAFs opinion on taking a rest day? Is it important or is it fine to workout every day?
I rest every Saturday.

Then about every 9-12 weeks I'll take a full week off. I'll still hit the bag and continue my martial arts training but I won't touch the iron.


I hope the 8.5lbs of ribs I am cooking right now gets me thru Monday :D

Two Words

Okay I've recently been completely unable to do a single rep of dumbbell shoulder presses at a weight I'd expect to be a good work out of at least 3x8 lately (22.5 lb per dumbbell). I have always done my shoulder presses in the second half of my push day. This means I do all of my benching and flies first and then my shoulder presses. But now I suddenly can't do shoulder presses. I'm wondering if the incline bench press is at too high of an angle and is recruiting my shoulders too much. What do you think?



Picked up a power rack on the cheap, only $330. I wanted to get something a bit nicer, but we just went through a string of purchases when moving. Got a set of bumpers and a barbell as well. Just need to get a bench, some change plates, and a mirror, and I'll be back in business!

Picked up a power rack on the cheap, only $330. I wanted to get something a bit nicer, but we just went through a string of purchases when moving. Got a set of bumpers and a barbell as well. Just need to get a bench, some change plates, and a mirror, and I'll be back in business!

That's literally the same one I have! It does the job but it doesn't have a lot of extra options.
Okay I've recently been completely unable to do a single rep of dumbbell shoulder presses at a weight I'd expect to be a good work out of at least 3x8 lately (22.5 lb per dumbbell). I have always done my shoulder presses in the second half of my push day. This means I do all of my benching and flies first and then my shoulder presses. But now I suddenly can't do shoulder presses. I'm wondering if the incline bench press is at too high of an angle and is recruiting my shoulders too much. What do you think?
That looks about 30 degrees which seems optimal. Make sure you pin your shoulders back and down. Incline bemch will hit the anterior delts more than flat, so keep that in mind.

Any day I do OHP I will so them first or immediately following my 1st compound which is rare since shoulders get their own day for me.

If you are shooting for strength gains I would switch to barbell OHP vs dumbbell. DBs usually expose more weaknesses so try building more of a foundation with the BB.

Picked up a power rack on the cheap, only $330. I wanted to get something a bit nicer, but we just went through a string of purchases when moving. Got a set of bumpers and a barbell as well. Just need to get a bench, some change plates, and a mirror, and I'll be back in business!
Nice dude. Wish I can fit a rack in my basement :(
What is GAFs opinion on taking a rest day? Is it important or is it fine to workout every day?

It depends on the amount of exercise your body is accustomed to versus the amount you're pushing yourself.

Balance is important. For me, I do 1 rest day per week, with 4 gym days at about 1.25-1.5 hours each and about 1.5-2 hours of cardio one day plus an "outdoor fun" day. For a guy getting near 40 it pushes the ragged edge sometimes of what my body can take.

I've been known to be a slob for a few days at a time here and there but it never lasts long.

The important thing is to know what the limits are for your body exercise wise in a week, and then give yourself just enough time to (not quite) properly recover. That way you are always moving forward without overdoing it.
I do like underhanded tricep pushdowns and db skull crushers.

For a different, slightly awkward close grip bench, go underhand there, too. Strip the weight until you get used to the wrist position. I don't do those often but I find them to be a good finisher in supersets.

Cool, and thanks Laguna.

Man, I'm mirin hard for Zac Efron. Here's his workout:


Kinda impressed for someone that did a PPL only three days a week? How? PPL allows for more frequency, which people usually workout 6 days a week:


Nelo Ice

What do you guys do for cardio?. I have about 3 rest days a week on 5/3/1 but have been thinking doing cardio on wed since otherwise my only cardio is really tire flips and prowler pushes when that area of the gym isn't heavily occupied. Thinking about maybe doing HIIT but I've never done it before.
What do you guys do for cardio?. I have about 3 rest days a week on 5/3/1 but have been thinking doing cardio on wed since otherwise my only cardio is really tire flips and prowler pushes when that area of the gym isn't heavily occupied. Thinking about maybe doing HIIT but I've never done it before.

what is your goal and where are you at right now?

Nelo Ice

what is your goal and where are you at right now?

I'm cutting atm and I'm down about 8 lbs since last month. Curious to see if it's worth adding 1 more day since I've asked before and seems I shouldn't but seeing recent responses has me wondering if I should squeeze in 1 day of cardio.
I'm cutting atm and I'm down about 8 lbs since last month. Curious to see if it's worth adding 1 more day since I've asked before and seems I shouldn't but seeing recent responses has me wondering if I should squeeze in 1 day of cardio.

If you keep dropping every week then you are fine. I would say to include it if you need it, for example ran into a plateau and you can't drop more weight weekly. I am also cutting and I do HIIT cardio after my lifting each time which is 3 times a week. Everyone is different so see what works for you.The type of HIIT I do is a short 4 min full body style where I do something for 20 sec at maximum and then rest for 10 sec,repeat until 4 min is up. It seems like things are working fine for you so it's up to you. Consider other things too like maybe you want to eat a little more so you include HIIT to make up for it and allow yourself to eat more,etc

Nelo Ice

If you keep dropping every week then you are fine. I would say to include it if you need it, for example ran into a plateau and you can't drop more weight weekly. I am also cutting and I do HIIT cardio after my lifting each time which is 3 times a week. Everyone is different so see what works for you.The type of HIIT I do is a short 4 min full body style where I do something for 20 sec at maximum and then rest for 10 sec,repeat until 4 min is up. It seems like things are working fine for you so it's up to you. Consider other things too like maybe you want to eat a little more so you include HIIT to make up for it and allow yourself to eat more,etc

Thanks for the advice. Think I'll consider adding a quick HIIT session after a lifting day next week and see how that goes. Otherwise I like doing like 2-3 sets of tire flips and or prowler pushes after a lifting day.
Yeah, about cutting. How many pounds does it take to lose to notice a difference? I'm 6'1 185, and I wouldn't mind cutting down to 5 pounds, but not sure if that's enough to notice a big difference?

I've had enough of my compound only routine. Been doing it since last August, and didn't notice any good results. Funny enough, I've gained about 15 pounds since then, and have been training hard to the point where UA's dry fit doesn't keep me dry at all with all the sweating I do in the gym.

Does that mean I'll stop doing compound lifts? Hell no. I'll go heavy on compound lifts and isolation go for hypertrophy. I'm hitting the gym four days a week, two of those days are squats. I'll either do:

M: Chest and back
W: Squats and shoulders
F: Arms
Sa: Squats


M: Chest and biceps
W:Legs and shoulders
F:Back and tris
Sa: Squats


M: Chest, shoulders, tris
W: Squats
F: Back and bis
Sa: Squats

I'll make sure I up the volume since I'll be hitting each muscle group once a week.

Two Words

That looks about 30 degrees which seems optimal. Make sure you pin your shoulders back and down. Incline bemch will hit the anterior delts more than flat, so keep that in mind.

Any day I do OHP I will so them first or immediately following my 1st compound which is rare since shoulders get their own day for me.

If you are shooting for strength gains I would switch to barbell OHP vs dumbbell. DBs usually expose more weaknesses so try building more of a foundation with the BB.

Nice dude. Wish I can fit a rack in my basement :(

Wouldn't exposing more weakness be a good thing? Are you saying that lifting dumbbells will require me to lift less weight? I don't mind that so much as long as I'm building strength from it. I tend to avoid the barbell because there is only one station for OHP with a cage and I don't like fighting for it. If I were to move my shoulder workouts to a different day, I'm not really sure when that would best be done.
Wouldn't exposing more weakness be a good thing? Are you saying that lifting dumbbells will require me to lift less weight? I don't mind that so much as long as I'm building strength from it. I tend to avoid the barbell because there is only one station for OHP with a cage and I don't like fighting for it. If I were to move my shoulder workouts to a different day, I'm not really sure when that would best be done.
Exposing is fine. It will let you know which side could be holding you back and what you need to work on.

If you are shooting for strength gains, definitely stick to barbell over dumbbell. You will still gain strength using DBs but not to the same extent as a BB. That's why most compounds are done first and done with a barbell. Squat, bench, OHP, dead, etc.

Also, if you paid for the gym you won't be fighting for anything. Ask to work in. You'll be fine.

Also, what program are you running? I wouldn't suggest swapping anything on any starter programs. Just follow them, they are built to work and they do.
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