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Five MMOs better than World of Warcraft


PKs made mining actually fun. You didn't know when you were gonna get shivved. I remember click dragging soo much ore and it being so tense when I attempted to smelt lol. You made the best of buddies when you actually found decent people. I remember our guild keep being the ultimate place to spar with trapped bears and the like. Good fucking times. Chaos vs order was an amazing time as well.

I let my brother play once and he got my black dye tub scammed from me. The game was poopy by then though so it wasn't that big of a deal. I remember going into it and seeing that there was a noob island in place; which totally went against the whole essence of that game. If eve is as ruthless as that game, I may have to check it out in the future after I'm done with lotro.


there is joy in sucking dick
TheDuce22 said:
PKs usually had the best gear so they were probably the most hunted players out there. Anyone good enough would attack them on sight. That held them in check somewhat. I dont see how it could stop you from progressing though. There were so many areas completely out of the way where you could mine or chop wood or whatever. Plus you could always hit the recall spell as soon as you see a pk, or train in hiding. The fact is they kept people on their toes and added a level of danger/excitement not present in current mmos. Of course that type of thing wouldnt even be possible in current mmos since they are all item based grind fests. No developer will make it possible to lose a weapon you spent 6 hours doing some raid to get.

I had no uber equipment but I was just starting off. Losing my simple Sword or armor I had forged would be a pain for me since I would have to spend time to acquire them again. Also, when I tried to visit the Bank, PKers would literally camp or run up and kill all the newbies trying to stash their stuff.


BlueTsunami said:
I had no uber equipment but I was just starting off. Losing my simple Sword or armor I had forged would be a pain for me since I would have to spend time to acquire them again. Also, when I tried to visit the Bank, PKers would literally camp or run up and kill all the newbies trying to stash their stuff.

first off its hard to establish oneself in an already established shard.. second.. you played in the wrong shard.. the first year of uo was the best year ever..even with all the bugs and crashes.. the game was always an adrenalin rush and it was so frustrating at times..but so awesome and great at other times...

like this one time.. i was in on one at the bank in one of the more secluded towns.. and this guy casts a gate travel spell.. and of course.. when someone does that... you just rush in after he goes in it.. so he gated to his clan mansion thingie.. and then told me to go away.. so i was like "ok whatever" and used my fake cast recall then hide macro and waited till for alil.. he then opened the door and i rushed in and killed him and started looting his clan mansion while he went off with his "oOooOOoOo" needless to say there was so much crap there..and so many chests and shit that i spent to much time.. and his clan members arrived and killed me...and unlucky for me.. thier clan was on one of those misc islands with no healers and no way out..lol fun times


Part of the beauty of UO (and EVE) lies in the fact that all the time you pour into your character shows through two things that PKs can never strictly take away from you in large quantities (unless you're stupid): Skill points and Money.

The items which inhabit your character at any given time should always be a FRACTION of your total wealth. It would be retarded to wear anything you couldn't afford to lose. Moreover, there is much less emphasis on the items themselves, but rather the combination of players with different skill sets all working in perfect harmony. Any benefit you got from having "good" items was slight, at best. Quite frankly, once you made it past "noob" status, loosing items in the field from PvP and having to restock regs and equipment was nothing more than a mere nuisance.

It functions in largely the same manner in EVE. Though you aren't restricted to a set number of skill points, the ship you are piloting determines which of those skill points you will put to use.


JoeMartin said:
It functions in largely the same manner in EVE. Though you aren't restricted to a set number of skill points, the ship you are piloting determines which of those skill points you will put to use.



only fly what you can afford to lose,

the one and only lesson in eve you need to learn,

unfortunately, something so simple, so easy to understand will be your undoing everytime you make a terrible mistake,

edit: ok, you know people are talking about eve too much on here when the banner add is offering isk farmer services,
FLEABttn said:
People are copying WoW because WoW is where the big money is at. But your complaint is still silly. Did EQ prevent DAoC from being made? Did EQ prevent EvE from being made? No. Is WoW preventing World of Darkness from being made? No. So...

DAoC is an EQ clone with fancier PvP, but that's not really the point. There are plenty of low-budget MMOs that aren't EQ clones, but no big-budget games on the level of FFXI, EQ (for its time), Vanguard, WoW, EQ2, etc. for the very reasons I have already stated. The people with that kind of money only make EQ clones. That's important because to achieve mainstream success, you need to be competitive in sterms of visual quality, stability, polish, content, etc. EVE could never have been made as anything other than a space game, because they didn't have the budget for lots of detailed environments like in other MMOs. And the space setting isn't mainstream. For the record, I don't even like EVE. Even though I like one fundamental aspect of the game, I don't like what's built on top of it.

Starcraft is still played by millions and its graphics are ugly and primitive compared to C&C3, but guess which one will have made more money, and guess which one will have more players in 5 years (not C&C3).

OK, go up to the average game buyer in North America, show them the two games, and see which one they are willing to spend $50 on. EQ's success came despite its gameplay design, not because of it, and equating the quality of Starcraft's design to EQ's is almost criminal.

How is "the underlying concept of a dynamic player-driven ecosystem is far more mainstream than the static, mechanical, number-centric shooting gallery" if no game that features a dynamic player driven economy has captured the market quite like the games featuring the static market you oh so hate?

Economy and ecosystem are 2 different things, but I assume you meant ecosystem. Games with dynamic ecosystems have captured the market: Sims, SimCity, and Animal Crossing are prime examples, and Spore will be another when it is released. The reason an MMO of that sort has not been as successful is for the reasons I have already brought up: there hasn't been one that was well-designed with a competitive budget.

To clarify my position, I frankly don't care what kind of MMO you like, because that's your call and I see more people playing any MMO period as furthering the genre, but when you try and tell me that a niche market MMO is objectively better than the market leader (which has 100x the players what the niche had at its height), and that the people who play the current market leader simply don't know any better, you're going to get called out.

I don't think I said anywhere that any MMO was a better game than WoW. The problem I have with WoW is that its success discourages improvement in the fundamental design approach of these games. Twenty years from now, it will be in the same category as games like Super Mario Bros. and King's Quest: successful in their day but with design that's been rendered obsolete by forward-thinking designers who were able to separate the wheat from the chaff. You don't see adventure games and side-scrolling platformers in the mainsteam nowadays, and 20 years from now, stat-nerd grindfests with tedious game mechanics that act as a substitute for genuine accomplishment will be a niche genre.


i've played FFXI for bout 2 years+, the good thing about it was the community (when it was still new), i really liked my linkshell and we've went through alot of stuff, it was a great experience. The game is so damn hard it requires you to stick with other people, once you have a static party or a group of people willing to grind with you it's very fun to switch around classes/roles regularly, this makes grinding a lil fun (now with all the bonuses it makes it even more easier). Once my linkshell broke up, most went to PSU, WoW, others just burnt out, i also left the game. ahh good times.


Open Source said:
and 20 years from now, stat-nerd grindfests with tedious game mechanics that act as a substitute for genuine accomplishment will be a niche genre.

in the US perhaps,

its important to know where the stream is when talking about mainstream,

bliz/ccp make most of their income in foreign currency,


Open Source said:
There are plenty of low-budget MMOs that aren't EQ clones, but no big-budget games on the level of FFXI, EQ (for its time), Vanguard, WoW, EQ2, etc. for the very reasons I have already stated. The people with that kind of money only make EQ clones. That's important because to achieve mainstream success, you need to be competitive in sterms of visual quality, stability, polish, content, etc.

Star Wars Galaxies?


there is joy in sucking dick
deadatom said:
first off its hard to establish oneself in an already established shard.. second.. you played in the wrong shard.. the first year of uo was the best year ever..even with all the bugs and crashes.. the game was always an adrenalin rush and it was so frustrating at times..but so awesome and great at other times...

like this one time.. i was in on one at the bank in one of the more secluded towns.. and this guy casts a gate travel spell.. and of course.. when someone does that... you just rush in after he goes in it.. so he gated to his clan mansion thingie.. and then told me to go away.. so i was like "ok whatever" and used my fake cast recall then hide macro and waited till for alil.. he then opened the door and i rushed in and killed him and started looting his clan mansion while he went off with his "oOooOOoOo" needless to say there was so much crap there..and so many chests and shit that i spent to much time.. and his clan members arrived and killed me...and unlucky for me.. thier clan was on one of those misc islands with no healers and no way out..lol fun times

I was mining at first and I did like the constant fear for my life but it was so freakin frustrating. I gave up on it after that but maybe down the line I'll look into a friendlier shard (where PKing is still done but people aren't immense dicks about it).

My whole beef is that those no counteracting force that work against PKers (well, in the shard I was playing). So you essentially have people who just PK and others who just do their own thing.


BlueTsunami said:
I was mining at first and I did like the constant fear for my life but it was so freakin frustrating. I gave up on it after that but maybe down the line I'll look into a friendlier shard (where PKing is still done but people aren't immense dicks about it).

My whole beef is that those no counteracting force that work against PKers (well, in the shard I was playing). So you essentially have people who just PK and others who just do their own thing.

There is a counteracting force: The absolute need for miners.

Raw materials don't come from anywhere else but players gathering them (yes yes, I know, some monsters drop resources, but not anywhere near the mass quantities required to fuel an equipment driven economy). If you really believe that resource gathering is impossible, where do you think the PKs are getting all of their equipment from?


BlueTsunami said:
I was mining at first and I did like the constant fear for my life but it was so freakin frustrating. I gave up on it after that but maybe down the line I'll look into a friendlier shard (where PKing is still done but people aren't immense dicks about it).

BTW, there are plenty of places in Minoc where you can mine within protection of the town guards.
Won said:
Star Wars Galaxies?

Open Source said:
you need to be competitive in terms of visual quality, stability, polish, content, etc.

You need money, you need time, you need the right designer, and you need good management. SOE had money and time with SWG, as did EA with Sims Online, but they failed in the other areas. Raph Koster was not the right designer because he could not comprehend that people didn't want to play UO with a Star Wars skin and that typing /dance and then going afk for 15 minutes wasn't a fun game mechanic. And then there was the whole thing with releasing the game months before it was done. Will Wright was not the right designer for Sims Online because he did not understand that a large part of the original Sims game's appeal was observing and influencing the behavior of a stable of largely AI-controlled characters, not sitting there doing nothing while your one character's typing skill slowly went up.




Sol.. said:
lol raids are timesinks?

Raid encounters are typically condensed content affairs with more reward yields than any other content in the game. If anything makes it suck time it's your group (speaking generally, not you in particular). People take too long to assemble. But when you get a coordinated group it's like magic and no event in your typical MMO can ever top that experience.

True and false.

Raiding on WOW was some of my best memories about the game, 40 guys yammering on a vent server is great.

We were the leading horde guild at the time so were usually the first to tackle the new bosses, this was a HUGE timesink, first in learning strategies but before hand getting the resources needed (potions or whatever).

Now that I have kids, I need a game where I can just play 2 hours a night when everyone is sleeping and show some progression for it.

My raiding days are done : (


My vote is eq2. It's too bad more people don't give it a chance. There's just so much you can do. Give it a shot, you might dig it.
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