x2Danny Rose is hospital.
I tried Peace Walker when it came out since the game was so hyped then. Felt it was pretty solid. Never played tried the other MGS games for PSP though (Acid 1 & 2, Portable Ops)I'm the same. My backlog is loaded with cheap games I've purchased for $10-12 off Gamefly over the years and just never played. I want to, but time and new gen shit and PS+. It's tough.
I really need to finish Peace Walker so I can knock out Phantom Pain before V launches. PW just hasn't grabbed me like the other MGS games typically do. Mobile design is hurting it I think for a couch game.
Apotheon on PS+ this month looks like something I would be into. Might start that soon.
Bricking it
bellerinarin tooArsenal News ‏@__arsenal_news_ now
Koscielny has scored more goals than Balotelli
Little Shef has scored against us. Only two points above Yeovil as things stand.