Sexy man-god. HNNNNGH
Yeah sure but kruse is up there as well
This has been his ONLY good season. Suddenly worth breaking the bank over. Not for me.I can't...
I can't...
I can't...
I can't...
I can't...
I can't...
I can't...
I can't...
Kruse isn't that bad looking compare to other bayern players. Majority of bayern players look like they came out of Mordor. Ugly Orcs.
its fascinating how this fps bullshit has made people forget how crap that game actually is and people are actually excited about paying 60$ for it
brilliant marketing move
'I hear your team missed four penalties?'
I don't understand Schalke's stance for selling this month. They're still in the CL; are a win or two out of qualifying for next years CL; and have him under contract with a huge buy-out. What do they gain?
But if Draxler is on to Arse (which I'll believe when I see his itinerary) does that mean there could be any movement at all on Holtby? Seems that story has gone cold over the last week or so.
Does the "Draxler to be converted into a striker" theory come from anything more than fact he's taller than the modern-day playmaker? Granted, his scoring record last season was quite good when he played CAM.
In 2 matches this season, Gladbach gifted Bayern THREE penalties by using their hands/arms.
Bayern learned something from Juve I guess.
This has been his ONLY good season. Suddenly worth breaking the bank over. Not for me.
The way he gets talked about on here you'd think he was banging them in his entire career.
It's kind of sad to hear Jupp talking about this Bayern team. It feels like his heart is style with them and I'm not even sure he likes the changes Pep implemented...
Suarez was shit for his first two seasons in England, Bale's only been good for the last season
come on be nice, Bayern beating Gladbach helps Dortmund big time.
All done, eh? Nice. Now for Moyes to forget to register him in time.Forget that, Scum.
It's all about Mata.
This has been his ONLY good season. Suddenly worth breaking the bank over. Not for me.
The way he gets talked about on here you'd think he was banging them in his entire career.
How are Arsenal looking regarding the home grown players?
Could you post what he said? In a very detailed manner.
Big time? They are just one point ahead, I couldn't care less if they lost or won.
suarez scored league 11 goals in his first full season at Liverpool. that's literally the same number Giroud scored in his first season at Arsenal. says it all, really.
bale only played like ronaldo-lite towards the second half of last season.
200mSo Draxler is 20 with one league goal to his name and is valued at 30plus million.
Then, how much is Berardi who is 19 with 11 goals worth???
Das ist schwer, gerecht werden kann ich ihm nicht aber ich versuche mal:
"Ist das ein besonderes Spiel für Sie?" (so oder so ähnlich war die Einstiegsfrage)
-"Ja, das ist unten sind immer noch meine Jungs, natürlich bin ich Gladbacher, aber das ist irgendwie immer noch meine Mannschaft, außer Thiago und Götze waren die alle letzte Saison schon da."
-"Natürlich gibt es unterschiedliche Spielstile, ich wurde durch Gladbach geprägt, Barcelona hat durch Cruyff einen holländischen Stil und auch ich habe mich über die Jahre weiterentwickelt. Das Bayern da unten ist schon zur Hälfte Pep's Barcelona, da muss man am Ende der Saison sehen ob es funktioniert."
und bei Götze's Tor:
"Solche Situationen haben wir letztes Jahr (schon) trainiert, dass hat der Thomas natürlich gut gemacht."
Then, how much is Berardi who is 19 with 11 goals worth???
So Draxler is 20 with one league goal to his name and is valued at 30plus million.
Then, how much is Berardi who is 19 with 11 goals worth???
plsSo Draxler is 20 with one league goal to his name and is valued at 30plus million.
Then, how much is Berardi who is 19 with 11 goals worth???
Das ist schwer, gerecht werden kann ich ihm nicht aber ich versuche es trotzdem:
"Ist das ein besonderes Spiel für Sie?" (so oder so ähnlich war die Einstiegsfrage)
-"Ja, das da unten sind immer noch meine Jungs, natürlich bin ich Gladbacher, aber das ist irgendwie immer noch meine Mannschaft, außer Thiago und Götze waren die alle letzte Saison schon da."
-"Natürlich gibt es unterschiedliche Spielstile, ich wurde durch Gladbach geprägt, Barcelona hat durch Cruyff einen holländischen Stil und auch ich habe mich über die Jahre weiterentwickelt. Das Bayern da unten ist schon zur Hälfte Pep's Barcelona, da muss man am Ende der Saison sehen ob es funktioniert."
und bei Götze's Tor:
"Solche Situationen haben wir letztes Jahr (schon) trainiert, dass hat der Thomas natürlich gut gemacht."
Nothing, he's already a Juventus player.
but he's Italian so no one gives a shit innit
Welcome back, cunt.
This is sadly so true.
those are breakout seasons, that doesnt even they were shit before that
bale has been fantastic since 2010. playing left back and left wing, last year they let him play a more free role. he was on radars far before last year
Looooool"4M. Or half of Marrone's contract, if you will."