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Football Thread 13/14 |OT14| Juan Flew Into The Slug's Nest

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@LaurenMoyesxx: Why are all you boys asking me to make porn films?! You see my Dad getting fucked on live TV every week, is that not enough 😭😂✋


Parody account I think, but still.
The good: Rami. Really good defending in the second half, saved a few chances and our asses. Glad he's starting to play nicely. And he also scored.

The bad: Montolivo and Kakà. They're so fucking tired, they just can't do it anymore.

The Bonera: what. The. Fuck. Unbelievably bad player, I hope to see him gone next June.


Just watched Gone Baby Gone, and thought it was incredible. I'm such an Affleck fan boy, can't believe it took me so long to get round to watching it.
Also, Pazzini had a hard time today, mostly because Glik was everywhere, but also because a lot of our crosses were awful. Seedorf should work on this, Pazzo isn't Balotelli and tonight proved it once again, we weren't ready for a game without Mario.


il capo silenzioso
New thread! Smells good mmm
Fuck Juve


You ain't capable of fucking us BABY

are you ready for tomorrow?

Just watched Gone Baby Gone, and thought it was incredible. I'm such an Affleck fan boy, can't believe it took me so long to get round to watching it.

I watched it waaay back and I remember liking it too!

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Just watched Gone Baby Gone, and thought it was incredible. I'm such an Affleck fan boy, can't believe it took me so long to get round to watching it.

The Town, while not quite as good, is also spectacular, very much recommended if you like GBG


Wilbury that drink looked horrendous. Why do you bow to such social pressures.

Just seen the Milan score. Not even surprised.

Everyone else got voted, I had to. Tasted so fucking gross, I almost got sick into the cup loooool


David William Moyes / mɔɪz


Lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a purpose.


"This perforated condom is a bit like David William Moyes"


insufficient, not enough, deficient, poor, paltry, meagre, niggardly; skimpy, sketchy, incomplete, restricted, limited; incompetent, incapable, unsatisfactory, not good enough, no good, found wanting, not up to scratch, lacking, leaving much to be desired, unfit, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficient, unskilful, inexpert, inept, amateurish, substandard, poor, bad, hopeless, useless, inferior, impotent, powerless;

informal: measly, pathetic, piddling, not up to snuff, lousy;

rare: exiguous

So if one were to give Moyes more time would a different result occur? Maybe 1 year? Maybe 12?

I understand the concept of giving a new manager time even when things are going wrong.

But that's for when a manager shows an aptitude or signs that he can make a team successful, but perhaps he's not quite getting the consistency or results just yet (e.g. see Rodgers last year).

However Moyes is running this team precisely how everyone who had watched his Everton side play expected (except with an even shittier defensive record).

Moreover, we are most certainly playing consistently. We have played about as well as we did today in most games this season, winning some, drawing some and losing others, but the performances regardless of result have been uniformly underwhelming (bar the odd outlier like some of our CL performances). The same limitations, lack of movement, lack of creativity, lack of organisation, lack of effort and lack of basic desire.

These are his problems to fix and there has been no sign of improvement since the season started, not even a small glimmer. We have been consistently poor. He knows our deficiencies and has had two transfer windows to fix them. Nothing. He overspent on a player from his old club (who is now also massively under-performing) and then he bought Mata and played him as an orthodox right winger, first at the expense of Rooney, then at the expense of Danny Welbeck. Incredible management skills.

He has been completely unable to inspire this set of players to anywhere near their former performance level from just 7-8 months ago. Yet he tells us we're playing well and that we're just being unlucky. I don't know if it's worse if he believes it or he's openly lying to us.

Don't get me wrong, this is a shitty set of players but they should still be playing better than we've been seeing this season.

Moyes is not tactically adept, he does not have any overarching football philosophy other than a general conservatism, he does not know how to beat teams on a weekly basis, nor has he done anything of significance before coming to our club (so we can put to bed any comparisons or analogies to us giving SAF time to bed in at the club amidst bad results). He is so obviously woefully under-qualified.

Look at every other big team on the planet. They have either proven managers (Ancelotti, Mourinho, Pep, Wenger, Pelligrini) or those with exciting potential (Klopp, Blanc, Rodgers, Simeone). We have someone that was good at keeping Everton in the top half of the league on a tight budget. That's his sole fucking achievement in football. And we replaced the most successful manager of all time with him. And in turn he replaced all of our top class coaches with ex United players whose credentials as coaches are non-existent, or with ex-Everton coaches who are quite clearly fucking mediocre.

And here we are about to be 9 points off 4th place in February. We're quite likely not going to even make the Europa League. But 'keep the faith' say some fans. Faith in what? This is exactly what Moyes provides. This is absolutely his level. It doesn't get better than this with him in charge. And soon due to our sharp decline any remaining talented players will start to leave and good players will be turning down moves to us more frequently, and then you can fucking bet things will get worse. I don't think the club should let this linger. Things need to change quickly before we become the next Liverpool or Milan, and that could happen far quicker than most think.

So no, I think we could give Moyes two whole decades and we'd still be awful because he simply isn't very good at being a manager of a successful attacking football team in the Premier League. We have 11 years and 6 months worth of clear, verifiable evidence of this already. As I've said before, our club is fucked for as long as he and his shit-bird staff are in charge. And Neville take that fucking headset off you look like a clueless enough prick as it is.

This isn't a rant simply born of losing a match against Stoke. My argument is that this all relates to the wider trends demonstrating his lack of suitability for the job. I never wanted him as manager after SAF retired and I know most of the United fans I spoke to didn't either. He was demonstrably not good enough for the club before joining and that view has only been reinforced since.

I'm already looking forward to him not being our manager any more.

To summarise, having faith is fine but blind faith in the face of an overwhelming sum of evidence is mostly fucking cretinous.

Oh, and it's great to be back.

P.S. I can't believe Illaramendi cost more than Neymar.

Don't know if I entirely agree, but a very good post.

Dallas Buyers club was much better than I thought it would be. Don't think Jared Leto was all that though, impressive physical performance but comes across as fake. McConaughey was much better.


If you have any advice I take it :) I have a meeting with my teacher on thursday to show her my plan. If certain stuff does not fit into my field of study I'm sure she can tell me in the end. But I gladly accept some more advice.
Well if you are just worried about how to use someone's else work then it's just like we said. Put the authors words in your own words and don't go too deep into the contents of that source (you don't want the reader to suddenly start focusing on the content of an entirely other paper) but refer to the source for further reading. This is unless that content is extremely important and worth to re-mention in your own report (and even then you need to make sure you aren't just copying the text). Again remember that you need to have the content there for a reason and not just to increase the amount of text you have.

I took a small example from a typical report in a scientific field:

Cube maps are more flexible than other hardware-accelerated
approaches for texturing based on direction vectors such as
sphere maps and dual-paraboloid maps [12]. While sphere
maps are view dependent, cube maps are.....

This is a paragraph written in a section named Cube Map Texturing. As you can see the author/authors writes about something relevant to their topic (cube maps being more effective in comparison to other texturing approaches) and cite their statement to show that they just didn't pull it out of nowhere but that it's something that has been concluded from previous researching.

So in your case you may want to write, for example in your introduction, something like.

Advertisement in China has long been..... . In recent years this kind of advertisement in China has increased x % due to the Law Of Blablurn [x]

So what's going on here? Well first you write about your own topic, then you mention some relevant (assuming the increasement in advertisement would be relevant here) research that is directly related to your topic.

Anyway I suck at explaining lol. I'd still suggest you to take a look at previous thesis work in your uni and major. Ask your supervisor(?) if recent thesis work from students in your program is available for reading somewhere.


Bla why wouldn't you talk about Bayern in your tesis? pls help me understand

just tell the revision board: I don't know what team do you support but I'm sure they suck

Explain them why Bayern are the only way

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
When you feel like you've been through for the tenth time but the guy behind you decides to do a Mata, and take 5 more touches and maybe turn around, you just lose hope.

But thats my signature move :(
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